
Sunday, June 14, 2009

Major Food Groups

These vacations kill me. Beer, wine, red meat. Every thing in excess with the exception of sleep. That has been quite limited. Needless to say, running has also been quite limited. Don't get me wrong, I've thought about it a fair amount. Like when I'm in the car eating a Cinnamon roll, I might see a runner on the path and think "good for them." Yesterday we were in downtown D.C. all day at the White House and Smithsonian. I was impressed by all of the runners. I really did wish I had my shoes/clothes with me, cause running on the mall and by all of the monuments looked like one of the best runs anyone could do anywhere. But, alas, I had my kids in tow, and there were artifacts so see, metros to ride and souvenirs to be purchased. I have given in to the fact that I will not be on any training schedule this week. Wednesday, however, I will be back in action and I'm thinking all of these carbs (beer) and protein (meat) will serve me well.


  1. Sounds like you are having a great time...enjoy!

  2.'s allowed :)

  3. It's cool to let running take a back burner like that to enjoy a different part of life.

  4. kick back, relax, and try not to think about it! youll be right back on track when you get home- its nice and good to take a break! enjoy :)

  5. Nothing wrong with a little vacation! Enjoy the rest of your trip.

  6. Just enjoy your vacation! A break makes returning to a training schedule almost refreshing... almost. ;-) Glad you're having a nice time. Drink some beer and wine for me!

  7. We have guests in town this weekend, and went to the park... to walk. Oh, how it made me crazy. I go crazy seeing runners and I want to run. Hee hee. At least we can both have fun! I hope to visit DC someday!

  8. Sometimes that what vacations are for, enjoy!

  9. Yep, it's allowed once in a while - enjoy the rest of your vay-cay!

  10. Walking counts as cross-training, right? Enjoy the rest of your trip!

  11. Enjoy it. You're in vacation. That's what their for. All the running and training and eating right will wait for you back at home. Have fun!

  12. glad you are enjoying your vacation! thats what they are for :) you will be back at it in no time!

  13. I'm always jealous of the runners when I head into DC for touristy stuff on a gorgeous weekend day. While I love relaxing around the city and taking in the sights - I always have a little urge to just tie on my shoes and go.

    :) Sounds like you are having a good time though!

  14. I know its hard to incorporate running while on vacation. Just think that being a tourist is part of cross training: Walking. Eating. Pushing elevator button. Lifting suitcases. Enjoy your vacation!
