
Sunday, July 5, 2009

An Ode to Why I Run

Happy 5th of July!!

I am entering a contest at with hopes of winning an all-expense paid trip to Oregon to participate in The Hood To Coast Relay on one of two Strands Sponsored Relay Teams. A dream come true for me. Being a newer runner, I've never done a relay. I've also never been to Oregon. Word has it that the Hood To Coast Relay is the best relay in the nation. Thanks to the happyrunner for introducing me to this contest! Following is my entry. A poem about why I run. I am no poet, but this little rhyme sequence is from the heart.

An Ode to Why I Run

It’s an interesting question: why I run
Besides the fact it keeps me from weighing a ton
I haven’t always been a runner, no not at all
This madness started for me some time last fall

A card came in the mail from those Team in Training guys
I usually ignore these things, but this one caught my eyes
“Run a marathon!,” it screamed at me
“Do it for charity. Stop being so lazy!”

I went to the meeting: “Maybe I’ll do thirteen point one”
After all, a 10K was the furthest I’d ever run
Four months later, there I stood in the freezing cold
In a corral in Phoenix with a bib, a chip, and Vaseline in every fold

I won’t say it was easy, running all that way
Twenty six point two miles by the end of the day
Black toenails, blisters, an upset G.I. tract
But I had run every step and I was still intact

And surprise of surprises, I didn’t come in last
My time? Well, I wasn’t very fast
I ran it in four oh three, not too bad, I suppose
A good enough pace despite all those farmer’s blows

I raised some good money to pass onto those in need
But my success went beyond this good deed
Let’s face it, this running thing was turning me on
I wanted to keep going and going strong

So why do I run?, you ask like you care
I guess I have just a few things to share

I love how I feel after ten miles
When I have dried salt on my brow and bad hair styles
How the veins on my legs pop out and strain
How I am proud of myself for pushing through pain
How the farm smells, how the wind feels on my face
How I can solve the world’s problems in my head at my own pace
How I feel fit, how I feel strong
How I go further than I ever thought I could have gone
But the main reason I run, without a doubt
Is that running makes me a better person, inside and out

So I keep running, doing lots of races
Trying for new goals and meeting new faces
I’ve got my fingers crossed to visit Boston next spring
But until then I’ll just keep doing my thing.


  1. Love it! Tweeted it! @rafdarrow

  2. This is fantastic! I love it! I hope you win. Even if you don't, would you allow me to republish your article on Runners' Lounge with link and credit back to you. We have a library of posts from runners - the classics- and this is an instant classic.


  3. wahooo great poem! hope you win cause you deserve it!

  4. That was so good!! It actually brought tears to my eyes. Is that weird? Maybe because I could relate to some of those same feelings. I hope you win!

  5. This is awesome! I hope you win.

  6. I LOVE IT!!!!

    I'm so psyched that you entered! I'm sending total positive winning vibes your way!!!

  7. Very cute! Thanks for sharing.

  8. Great poem!!

    I hope you win!!!

  9. ok you are a grand ol lucky Vidazorb winner, post coming this afternoon .. email me your addy and I'll send it out!

    amandacbrooks at yahoo

  10. Wow you are so motivated! Good luck!

    <3 Lindsay

  11. Hah! You're a poet and didn't even know it....I know, I'm so lame. Great poem!

  12. You are so creative! I love it!

  13. I don't know why I read this like a rap. I had the hand gestures and everything, all Jay-Z style.

    I learn something new about you every single day. Had no idea you were the Running Rapper. Just amazing.

    Your life is full of so much randomness and adventure that you HAVE to write a book one day. I'l buy the first copy (but you must sign it!)

  14. I'm coming to this off today's post, love this poem, just great, I had no idea you were so David Gray rhymey! ;)

  15. I loved it! I borrowed a piece, but gave you proper credit.

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