
Monday, July 13, 2009

"See Mommy Run" Killer?

I have a blind running date at 6:30 a.m. tomorrow and I just hope she isn't the Craig's List killer's imitator. I'm a trusting soul so it really didn't occur to me that it might be slightly stupid to meet a stranger, by myself, at a park at 6:30 in the morning. What would have been stupid is if I agreed to meet her at 9:00 p.m in a dark alley. That's just dumb. But 6:30 a.m. at the swings?

I mean, she said on-line she was trying to get back into shape post-baby. She said she just wanted to do a 3.5 mile loop. She said she was training for a half marathon. She did not say she was bringing a machete, plastic bag and duct tape. So I think I'm okay. But come to think of it, that erotic masseuse who posted her services on Craig's List probably thought she was okay too.

To answer your question, I did not post myself on Craig's List looking for running friends. I'm not that desperate. I did, however, post on a site called trying to start up a running group here in Longmont.

See Mommy Run is such an innocuous/corny sounding site that it just has to be legit. After all, it's not or

My first long term relationship ever started on a blind date when I was eighteen. One of my best friends I met on a blind date after I moved to a new town and posted a sign in the library to meet other moms.

Tomorrow could be the day I meet another best friend or lesbian lover (calm down, just kidding about that part Jamoosh).

Am I nuts? Would you do a running blind date? Comment away, my blog friends.


  1. I had a somewhat running blind date...i had seen the girl at local races and never met her, but she found me through the "" and suggested we run together. So I guess I knew she wasn't a serial killer. Or if she was she was also a dang good runner, haha! is a great site! Good luck on your "date"

  2. I never thought about a running blind date. I did run from a blind date once... LOL! :) By the way, I read your blog and you inspire me. I gave you an award...checkout my blog. -cw

  3. Haha, maybe someone can come with you? Just to be sure :) At least it's light out at 6:30 am, everything feels safer in the light.

  4. My first comment is apparently "" is available as a personalized URL - so please don't hesitate to snag that puppy. I opted not to check ""

    The only concern is that I did not get enough information to understand if "post-baby" actually meant "her baby" or has some other cryptic meaning. I mean, hand that rocks the cradle right?

  5. Hah! I'm sure that you'll be just fine. Go have fun!!


  6. I think you'll be good to go. You can never have enough running friends. And yes, I do a running blind date...

    Just discovered your blog – it's good stuff! Keep it up.

  7. Whew - as long as it's not Craig's list!

    I hope you have a great blind date :)

  8. You amaze me. Changing the world, one run at a time. We should all be so open to new experiences. Can't wait to hear about it. Have fun. You could always have her eat your dust or fart on her if things get squirrely.

  9. Thanks for sharing the link! Super cute!!!

  10. I had a running blind date that was MUCH sketchier and I didn't even think about the danger factor until after the fact. In college, I met a guy on facebook without a profile picture (but who listed running as one of his interests!) and arranged for us to meet and then ride (in his car!) to a secluded state park to run 13 miles by ourselves. Idiotic, in retrospect. But it was a great workout! I tend to trust runners more than non-running strangers.

    So, I think you'll be fine at the park.

  11. I'd probably be too chicken, but all the power to you! Have fun!

    Also, re: your comment... if McMillan gave you a 3:50:xx, that IS good enough for a BQ becuase you get the 59 seconds of "grace".

  12. You'll have to come back and report ASAP so we know that you made it home safely, and aren't bound and gagged in the trunk of some thugs car.

    It's 10:00! Where are you??

  13. Oooo you must be on west coast time. OK, I won't call the police just yet.

  14. I would totally meet another runner for a blind date! In fact, I was thinking of starting something similar. I hope you had fun!

  15. I've had running blind dates before and they are terrifying!

    You obviously have not checked out my other website, "" Moms need a lot of support.

  16. I think that is so cool that you are having a running blind date. I hope it went well!

  17. Your posts always make me chuckle. Good luck! =) I hope it went well! Post again to let us know you're alive!

  18. I would do a running blind date but I know my friends and family would tell me I'm crazy. Just be safe, carry mace!!

    Oh, and the race I'm doing is 20in24 in Philly.

  19. As long as you are sure of everything that you do then do so. Have fun but remember that things are always having limitations that we ourselves are the one who are making. So be wise enough to make those limitations that in the end, you are happy and the other party is also happy. Happiness here is not the usual feeling of being happy but the feeling of being fulfilled indeed. ; )
