
Monday, January 4, 2010

What I Won't Do This Year & Some Commandments

The whole blog world is talking 2010 resolutions and goals. This makes me think I should have these things. But what if you're the type who wants no self improvement, is completely content with every aspect of everything at every moment? If you know this person, let's beat them up, cause it's certainly not me.

Here are things I'm not going to do:
  1. Get injured. Seriously. If I get injured again and can't run I'm going to make all of your lives miserable.

  2. Drink as much wine. I don't think I have a problem (burp), but I wonder how much better I might feel and how much stronger my running might be if I cut back

  3. Cuss at my children. Because it's just not nice (Joie, that one's for you)

  4. Lose weight. I know. I must be in the minority on this one. I'm happy where I'm at.

  5. Exercise more. Again, minority. I think I'm okay in this area. Let's face it, like you all, I ran so much I hurt myself. No problem with exercising here.

  6. Hang out with people who bring me down. 'Nuf said.

  7. Get fixated on stupid stuff that doesn't matter. That is, not sweating the small stuff

  8. Let fear get in the way. I decided this one awhile ago when I thought I was being too controlled by my fears. They were getting in the way of my living. I stopped being afraid and started taking leaps.

  9. Miss a chance to hang out with and enjoy someone I love.

  10. Compare myself to anyone else

My 16 week training for the Colorado Marathon starts a week from today. I'm up to six pain-free miles, so I think I'm ready to start a structured plan. To avoid shooting myself in the head yesterday while on the elliptical I listened to a podcast by Endurance Planet. Ever hear of Ultra marathoner Marshall Ulrich and his "Ten Commandments of Endurance"? They apply to each and every one of us who runs. I think I love this man and his wisdom:

10. Expect a journey and a battle--

"Life is not always simple. Don't think that it's just going to be smooth and not a rocky road. Accept that in your mind and then you can deal with things."

9. Focus on the present and set intermediate goals----

"Don't get too far ahead of yourself. Just stay in the present. If you've got some sort of problem…just deal with that. Take a deep breath and solve that one problem and then you can go on to others."

8. Don't dwell on the negative--

"I think it helps to step outside of ourselves and not live in our own space or our own head too much. Look at what's happening out there and focus on even problems of the world or other people. It kind of takes that focus from ourselves."

7. Transcend the physical--

"If you've got an injury, say you've twisted an ankle and you want to keep going--providing you're not doing damage to yourself--take that focus off that ankle. You can keep going as long as you don't get locked into thinking about it continuously. You can transcend that physical aspect."

6. Accept your fate---

"Just accept it for what it is and take it one step at a time."

5. Have confidence that you will succeed---

Recall experiences, "where you've had success in the past. It will give you confidence to go beyond what you normally thought you could."

4. Know that there will be an end---

"There will be an end and we can go on to more fertile soil."

3. Suffering is okay---

"That's the human condition. We're all going to suffer on one level or another."

2. Be kind to yourself---

"If you're running and you need to walk a little bit. That's okay. Know that you have weaknesses just like anybody else."

1. Quitting is not an option---

"Everybody is going to think about quitting. I think about quitting. But you can't let it overwhelm you. You can't let it stop you from your success. And if you frame it in that way--that quitting is not an option--I think that's the best thing to do."

And I leave you with this video of me and the fam in the Colorado mountains today as we rode tubes down a ridiculously steep hill. Just because it makes me smile (if the video keeps pausing, hit pause and wait for it to load completely before watching):


  1. Looks like you had some fun sledding - as always the fun part is going down . . . then you need to climb back up. Repeat!!!! I remember spending many days on the sledding hills with my sons.

    Love both of your lists. Many of them are sooooooo true for me also. The two that hit me most - although it was a tough choice . . .
    ** Hang out with people who bring me down and
    ** Don't dwell on the Negative.

  2. I whole heartedly agree with your #1 thing to not do this year--I won't even say the word anymore. I'll have to work on #6 and #8 from Mr. Ulrich's commandments.

  3. I really like #7 in your first list. As an elementary school teacher, it's easy for me to get fixated on small stuff that doesn't matter. It kind of goes with #8 of Marshall Ulrich's commandments. All good things for me to think about, especially since my #1 goal this year is to live a healthier lifestyle -- including having less stress! (Although I mean to drink *more* wine, rather than less...)

    Your lists provide an alternative to the usual "2010 New Year's Resolutions" list, so thanks for that. Your blog makes me laugh a lot, so thanks for that as well!

  4. Love the list... of what not to do in 2010 : ) Snow Tubing looks like it was a blast!

  5. I love the one about not comparing yourself to anyone else.

  6. Great commandments for life!

    and...did you get a new video camera for Christmas?? :-)

  7. Great post to start the new year. I love the thought about what you are not going to do. Reverse resolutions :)

    Happy New Year & Happy running!

  8. That looks like SO MUCH FUN!!! I particularly like Ulrich's #2, being kind to yourself. As a mom, I am never kind. Mommy guilt can really sting and burn sometimes.

    I will join you on drinking less wine or did you say "not as much wine" . . . guessing that is the same thing. 1 bottle vs 2 bottles. :-)

    6 miles woot woot!

  9. Beth, I love you - this post was so good on so many levels. Totally made me laugh and sit here thoughtfully as well. I needed this post this morning more than you know. Thanks.

  10. Love the tube ride!
    I too am not much of a resolution maker. If I can run well, eat well and keep fear out of the mix I'm happy.

  11. A list of what not to do... hmmmm - love it. You've really rallied me to slow down and invite peace. Happy New Year. So now if you stop hanging with me I'll know I've been bringing your ass down for years. I sure hope not! Love ya.

  12. I LOVE you're not-to-do goals! And congrats on 6 miles pain free-wahoo!

  13. So glad to hear that you're running pain free and I LOVE your list, those are all great things to reflect on. As for the tubing, that is the main reason I can't wait to move to Colorado, I love, love, love tubing. So fun!

  14. I really love the want not to do list - perfect!

  15. Awesome list! I love the ten endurance commandments- thanks for sharing!

  16. I like those commandments...good shtuff...and certainly applicable. Thanks for sharing!

  17. I like the concept of what you're NOT going to do. Maybe I need a list like that and I can add..."go to work."

  18. That is a way awesome hill! We go tubing too! The kids love it.

    I love your "won't do" list. That is priceless. I am on board for the "no negative people."

  19. Guess you won't be visiting my pessimistic whinefest blog any more.

    Ulrich's a great runner, but I wonder if he'd say quitting isn't an option if he'd had the day I did at the Superior 100 Mile: broken bones and delirium.

  20. Love the different take on what you won't do! Cheers to 2010... er wait, you're trying to cut back... :)

    LOL at the video! thanks for sharing!

  21. Great post! Who says we need to reinvent the wheel just because numbers change on the calendar. I'm a big proponent of continuity and self-improvement.

    Best of luck from Texas,

    Adrienne L.

  22. I have to tell you...I tried to go to YOGA tonight after missing it from being in school and they fired my instructor! But unlike you with a new teacher, they cancelled the class...I'm so upset! boo!

  23. I LOVE the idea!! Things I will NOT do this year? Now you've got my wheels turning!!!

  24. i love love your list of donts for the new year! like so much so that i think i may book mark this post...actually, i am. haha that video of your family is sooo cute! you guys looks so close- and did anyone ever tell you that you sound like sarah jessica parker? cause you do. and thats a good thing haha you have a pretty voice! well i hope you keep up with the yoga so you can stay injury free for marathon of luck!

  25. Love your spin on what you won't do while more are thinking about what they will do!! Love your list -- especially #1! I'm with ya! Awesome that you're marathon training!! YAY! Happy New Year!

  26. GREAT post and love your take on the whole resolution thing :) you are going to have a great 2010!!

  27. What a great approach. Good luck this year with your "won'ts".

  28. I love the things you won't to do list. I think I just might have to copy (most of) it! Good luck this year! I know it will be great!!

  29. Love the lists! Hope 2010 is what you want and more!

  30. Your plunge sounded a bit colder than mine - brrrr!!!

    Love your list. #2 won't be a problem at all for me. I'd have to work seriously hard at #3 & #10 though.

  31. I love your list of everything your not going to do! sometimes what you arent going to do tops what you plan on doing! way to be creative!! :)

  32. I liked your twist on your resolutions! Looks like fun sledding!

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