
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Foot in Crotch

Running tip: Feeling tired on lots of your runs these days? You might be eating too few calories, not getting enough sleep, or overtraining. Rebecca Scritchfield (Sports Nutritionist) says your low energy may be related to lack of iron. People who experience fatigue, weakness, pale skin, headache, and irritability may have low iron levels. Others may have severe iron depletion called anemia or "tired blood." If your fatigue persists, get it checked out.

Ever have crap runs? Not in the turd sense, but in the actual running sense. You start the run and wish it were over. The miles trudge along. You consider just stopping, but that's for wimps, so you carry on. You know you will love the run when it is over. I rarely have runs like this, but I did today. And here is where I ran, so what was my problem?

At mile 4, I got the worst ever cramps. Those of you in Longmont at McIntosh Lake could have found me curled in a ball on the path. It wasn't pretty. I made it the six miles without a mess and promptly carreid on with my day. Damn time of the month that men don't get.

Many of you asked if the ice bath helped with my recovery from the 18 mile run. I have no idea, because I only made it in there about five minutes (talk about wimps). I'm not sure that was enough time to do what it's supposed to do. Thank you for all of your input as to why I was doing it wrong: I seriously never thought of adjusting to the water before putting the ice in. Maybe that just speaks to my all or nothing personality. If (and that's a big eff'ing if) I ever do that again, I'll start by gradually getting in, letting my body adjust to the cold water, then dumping in the ice. You have to admit, it wouldn't have made for a very exciting video if I did it the right way. I did it all for you and your enjoyment!

I will say, that what helped the most with the recovery was doing some hot yoga. Going in I was hurting a bit. Just tight. After 90 minutes in 105 degree heat and some really intense stretches - (this one in particular called the head to knee pose) - my legs got a new lease on life.
Yes, that is me. I have become Asian and now wear blue underwear to yoga.

I love how the posture names are so literal (as in "head to knee"). I know they are translated from Sanskrit, but it the simplicity of the names in their unembroidered exactness (how you like that word choice? Mensa, here I come) crack me up. Or sometimes they are named after animals or farts (i.e., "wind relieving pose," my personal favorite).

Here I am again, only this time I have changed my underwear and my ethnicity.

If I were a yoga-pose-namer, I would call this one-foot-in-crotch-with-head-cut off -pose instead of Tree pose (do not look at my form. It is not good).

This one would be called I-have-to-pee-so-bad instead of Eagle pose. I also look nothing like an eagle with the exception of my pink and gray shirt, which I’m pretty sure eagles wear.

This one would be trying to create the letter T with your body or “Mrs. T” pose instead of Balancing Stick Pose (seriously, have you ever seen a stick that looks like this?)

And yes, before you ask, I LOVE to do yoga in my jeans. It allows for so much flexibility and I find that the denim breathes really well in the heat.

So, what was YOUR workout today?

PS: I usually don't link to giveways (so I have a better chance of winning), but this one by Anne Marie is awesome - some great Athleta running stuff. Check it out HERE.

Drinking: Nothing - headed for some tea


  1. I look forward to your posts because you make me laugh so much. Love your yoga poses and the new names. Now, I have to contain my gigglings when I do those poses.

  2. Today I did 3 miles on the treadmill...not quite a tempo run, but faster than my usual very slow pace. Then I did some arm weights.

    I have had runs like that too...I think we all have. The good thing is that they are usually few and far between.

  3. Come to think of it, last time I saw an eagle, it WAS wearing a pink and gray shirt.

  4. There is nothing like jeans in yoga class, gotta love the constricted movements as denim rides up your crotch!

    So I am behind in bloggy land and just read your long run ice bath! You are too funny. This is what I usually do: run the water until it covers my entire quads. Pour in ice. Sit and stare at it for about 10 minutes and can muster up the courage to get in. Put in feet and yell out some woops and finally sit my butt down. Make sure I have my laptop sitting on the edge or my cell phone to text everyone who by now are so sick of me ice-texting, and then I get out after 20 minutes. Run a hot bath after that and sit and relish in the 20 minutes you did wonders on your leggies!!

    You're awesome, Beth!!!! Nice job on the great run, dump and all, and gutting it out!! I have one more weekend long run on the 27, if you wanna try to run somewhere for parts together (very last long run on the 1st of April).

  5. I have stumbled upon your blog after reading other running blogs and you have cracked me up. I love your honesty. The ice bath is something I have yet to try, and so is an 18-mile run. I just recently ran my first half marathon, last Saturday, so 13.1 is the furthest I've gone.

    I did try yoga a couple of years back but found that I'm just not that flexible. My cross-training is spin classes. I substitute teach at my local Y when needed.

    Thanks for the giggles this evening.

  6. Runs like that makes the next one even harder since I worry it will be the same shit-ness! But it usually isn't!
    Today's workout? 8 hour ACLS (advanced CPR) class for work followed by kettlebell snatches w/16kg bell. I can just imagine what your post would be like if you did kettlebells. They add a whole "new" dimension to exercise humor!! Really, what else has a move called "snatch"???

  7. I had a crap run today too.....grrr but I thought of you along the way I had to pee so bad it freaking hurt and hurt bad.. you instantly popped into my head.. I could here you saying just find a tree you will feel much better..un-fortunately I live in the suburbs and run in neighborhoods I was in major pain when I got home! I am now feel sorry for your emergency poops and will no longer find them as funny as I once did! ok well that might not be entirely true...

  8. girl i am in stitches over here! hahaha.

    well i had a pretty good run today: intervals. there's something satisfying about running fast. the downside is that i'm going to have a crap run tmrw haha

  9. hey goofball! i love when you post pictures of you doing yoga. makes my day. you are hilarious and i hate when i get the cramp runs! boooooooo

  10. I will never be able to do those poses with a straight face again.

  11. oh yeah, good to know about adding the ice after you get in but the beeping video was pretty good!

  12. i love the way you change the way you look in several pictures. the poses are fantastic...and the names are too! thanks for the laughs...i needed this.

  13. Either you are the second coming (doubtful) or you have yet to learn you shouldn't run on water.

  14. Oh THAT's what it's called - the eagle pose. I do it all the time at work & just never knew there was a name for it. Have you tried hopping to the bathroom in that pose?

    Tough, I tell you ;)

  15. You totally crack me up. I have been doing Yoga with P90X... it is growing on me.

  16. Nice post, you totally made me smile... again! Love your new ever-changing multicultural ethnic looks, just brill' darlin'!

  17. So far my workout was getting out of bed and unattaching a 21 pound monster baby from my chest ;)

    You are the model of grace!

    I do yoga on the wii and it tells me I'm a master, so there!

  18. You crack me up! It does look pretty beautiful where you are....

  19. I can SO relate to the "curled-in-a-ball-on-the-path" pose. It has happened to me. Darned that "little monthly friend"!

    Like the poses. Why is that girls leg bending the wrong way? My arms do that. Weird.

  20. Ugh, cramps.... no fair. If that view couldn't distract, I don't think anything would.

    Thanks for the yoga demonstration. FYI, you are more flexible than me.

  21. yes! I get in the bath and THEN fill it up while holding a HOT cup of tea to keep "the girls" warm. Also you SHOULD visit Ouray and if you're ever in Crested Butte in July/August I'll take you to see those Mule's Ears.

  22. My favorite yoga pose is "lion pose," as it's the only one that let's you stick out your tongue.

    Today's workout: 12 miles in 105 min. with 12x 1/2 mile hill

  23. So, your yoga poses look good to me, but what is up with Lady #1's high water bloomers (or whatever they are). Was she ok with showing her legs, but not her belly? Solution: underwear that go to your belly button.

  24. you absolutely crack me up! I have JUST started doing yoga b/c I am ssooo unflexible, and I am hoping it will help with my running!

  25. I love your I have to pee pose! If I ever become a yoga teacher (may happen!), I am so going to call it that

  26. I have crap runs all the time, especially after 15+ mile training runs (or doing PMS week, a dependable time to feel terrible). Though I will never do the ice bath - just don't have it in me - I hadn't thought of Bikram yoga. Heat is more my style, so I will have to give it a shot when my tired and knotted muscles need some stretching.

  27. we all need a crap run from time to time...makes the good run all that much better.

    love the poses!

  28. I will never be able to do those poses again without giggling. So much for getting in tune with my yoga - LOL.

    Wish I was as flexible as you!

    Oh and yes, I've had those kinds of runs, A LOT! Not from "that time of month" but just from other factors. Glad you survived.

  29. Well, I have had both kinds of crappy runs. Yet, I think I have had more of the ones needing a good bush, rock or gas station to put it all to rest.

    I am not sure since I have only done these twice - but do you really need to immerse yourself completely in ice? I know it is called an ice bath. Yet, due to the lack of abundant ice I usually sit in the tub and put ice on, under or over the stiff or sore areas. Maybe too much of mental pix for the world so I will end it on this one. I think you get the idea though? Do you literally need to lay down or sit in bath or sea of ice to get the job done?

  30. First farting and now a crap run, thanks for your posts. It's bloody nice to know I'm not the only one sometimes!

  31. I love how you can morph from Asian back to blondie, just like that!

  32. I had a swim like that this AM. I got thru my warm up...and pushed off for the main set...and I jsut bonked..was just

  33. When I first read the title I was a bit nervous. I wa wondering what had grown in your crotch a foot long.

    That pic of your run location is awesome. I have some beautiful scenery in Florida, but would love to run the route you took this picture on. WOW!

  34. What helps me stay 10-15 min in the icebath is having socks on. My feet hurt too much without socks. Also, don't put too much ice in, bc you'll still get the effects with less ice. You have like -2 body fat (compliment) so less insulation than most of us when it comes to cold water.
    FYI, cramps, yes, that was me on the run. I rarely get cramps with my periods, but when I do, they kill! It's like a flashback of giving birth!

  35. I've had both types of "crap" runs :-)

  36. I was allll about the crap run on Sunday. Hopefully I won't see another one of those for a while.

    I'm sure I could benefit from a little yoga myself. Perhaps I'll start with the wind relieving pose...

  37. My workout was a slow 3 miles with my fast husband in gorgeous Florida weather, and you can read about it here:

  38. Ha the yoga poses! I actually went to an awesome yoga class on Tuesday. It was a great workout and completely relaxing...just what I needed!

  39. hey;-)
    first, sweet yoga poses. I'm a total yoga poser, meaning it's VERY obvious I don't do the moves, but attempt to look like I do!
    thanks for the athleta giveaway shout out too;-) and i really do think you'd look HAWT in the outfit, not to mention you'd feel sporty fast!

  40. oh, and seriously is your house always that clean? dang...

  41. Great pose pictures! You still look better than I do trying to do those poses and I'm usually not wearing jeans when I attempt!

  42. A crap run in such a beautiful setting is just unfair! Made me laugh again :)

  43. I need to start up yoga again. I stopped because the gym changed instructors and the new chick was psycho and not in a good way. Maybe they've changed again. I can but hope.

  44. Your the second person this week to rave about hot yoga (not bikram, but actuall yoga in a hot room right?). I'm thinking I should try it.

  45. I had a run last night that I was only a mile into that I just wanted to stop. My whole body hurts, but like you said, stopping is for pussies (or maybe I said that).

    GREAT job on your 18 miler on your last post. That's awesome girl! We may just make it to that marathon yet!

  46. Your yoga names cracked me up! Now I'm going to be fighting the giggles everytime I do "Foot in Crotch." That's not going to help my balance much!

  47. You are too funny, and the new names cracked me up! They are much better named by you!! :) By the way, glad you liked the swim workout! :)

  48. Great blog! Thanks for making me laugh!

  49. you looked very nice in your yoga poses and you even look nice as an asian

  50. I am going to be completely honest with you, I am a 19 year old with severe flat feet myself. I have tried everything and found that custom orthotics work. I understand that I am not a doctor, so you should still consult a podiatrist about any issue.
