
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Healthy Eating Giveaway Winner!

It was a terribly hard decision who should win the best healthy eating giveaway. You guys really tore it up. There were so many great comments and stories from childhood. I learned that many of you ate like shit when you were little, mostly because that’s what was modeled for you. Good for you for turning it around! I also learned some great new recipe tips including microwave popcorn, muffins with pureed baby food, and brownies with zucchini.

As a side story, this weekend my son spent the day and night with a friend. It was busy, so they ate Carl’s Jr. for lunch, Dairy Queen for a snack and KFC for dinner. We never, and I mean never, eat fast food. Sam came home and spent a really long time in the bathroom. His little system is more used to turkey lettuce wraps than a double western half pounder. I bet he took seven dumps that day. At least they slid out.

So…the winner of the giveaway…I’d have to give it to Joe from Joe the Runner who said:

Oh where to start. First thanks for giving me the confidence to openly talk about my poopscapades encountered during my marathons. Second, thanks for the laughs - I really enjoy reading your stuff and it seems I am not alone.

I grew up eating at the concession stand at the ballpark, Pizza Inn, or spaghettios. As a result I was a fat kid. The influence is simple - Now that I am the Dad I get to be the boss and my kids will never, ever, eat the way I did growing up. If I am in the kitchen, which is nearly every night cause I love to cook, my daughter is on the counter with me (she's four). She is involved in our healthy cooking and she and I love it! Mom gets a break and we all get a healthy dinner. Ironic part is we made falafel and organic hummus last night.

So my healthy cooking tip for you: Make it fun and you'll stick with it involve your kids so you can pass it on.

I love how he involves his kids in healthy cooking. May they grow up with the ability to make healthy choices for themselves. As for cooking with his four year old daughter on the counter, there is nothing cuter than a dad and his baby girl. Thanks Joe! Email me your address and I’ll send you your goodies!!

More from hot sweaty crack Florida soon!


  1. I would love for you to talk even more about this. I grew up eating horribly. Twinkies were the norm and at least one candy bar a day. Everyone in my family is overweight and in poor health. I WANT to eat better and pass it on to my kids. I didn't think it was possible to NOT eat fast food with your kids. How do you manage and yet get so much done?

  2. That's something I've been trying to do with my lil' kiddos too, who are four. yeah, just tonite they were in aw over watching the pasta water boil and cookin' it up. ah, the simple things;-)

  3. Hey can he come cook at my house!? That's really a great story and it makes me excited to that with my little one when she's older. Right now sitting on the counter involves a big mess! :-)

  4. Congrats to Joe! He's got it right, start with the kids, make it fun and stick with it. Thanks for sharing his story and for your great post ideas!

  5. Even though my kids will eat at McD's and the like, they always say, "This is not healthy food and we don't do this very often." Pretty funny. Kids will parrot what you say and show.

  6. My body rebels sooo much when I eat too much greasy fast food junk!

    Congrats to the winner!

  7. hey where in FL are you?! I need a runner to kick my butt through this 20 miler tomorrow

  8. Awwww that is such a cute image!

  9. I used to sit in the kitchen with my mom and help her prepare dinner - cut up onions, wash the vegetables, peel potatoes, stir the pot a little.
    And on the weekends, I would cook with my grandparents at their house. We made Chinese dumplings from scratch. And now, they have passed, but every time I make Chinese dumplings, I think about them and remember all the wonderful times we had. :)

  10. Holy cow - that's awesome. I will prepare a speech.
    Thanks for being so interactive with your readers. It makes it fun.

  11. Great story. It's so fun to read your stuff. I'm commenting because I wanted to share about a site about skin lightening, that's all!
