
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Shop ‘til You Drop

I’m not a huge shopper. Let me rephrase that so you don’t think I mean that I’m not a really overweight shopper. I don’t shop much, as in browsing around stores, trying things on, etc. I do enjoy a nice visit to Target, however, because I can always find a light switch bracket or a carrying case for my stamp collection or something else I don’t need.

This week, I deviated. I ordered some cool running stuff from this here computer because going to a store is just too much effort. Yes, I will run 15 miles, but DO NOT ask me to go from the dairy aisle to the electronics section in some big box store. That’s got to be like 47 miles.

I had a gift certificate to the National Running Center from my birthday back on February 22 (mark your calendars). I told you I don’t shop much, even when it’s free money. Have you checked this place out? Lots of good stuff and sales. I got:

Body in Motion booty shorts. This is not a picture of me. If it were me, it wouldn’t look as good and there might be hair seeping out. Plus, I don’t know how to do that half backbend thing the model is doing.


2010 Boston Marathon tech shirt!  I know. I shouldn’t have the shirt before I’ve even run the marathon. Get off my back. Now I just hope I can get in. Registration opens October 18. I’ve already got my hotel room at the Radisson where all the cool people stay:


Frank Shorter handheld water bottle. Kind of gross that Frank used to use it. It was free with any purchase!


Then, I did a total egomaniac splurge. I really wanted to be able to tell the world (not just friends, family, strangers on the street, Facebook, blog world) about my BQ. It is tough to find a piece of clothing screaming the fact that you got a BQ. Maybe because most people don’t find the need to advertise it on their chest. But, you know me. Never afraid to put it out there. This shirt is from  I can’t find a picture on line, and my kids paparazzi are still asleep, so here’s the best I can do today:

P1060969 P1060968

I’m pretty sure Kara Goucher wears one of these.

I have no bra on. It’s early. Don’t get too excited.

I still can’t get over my grizzled neck. Can you?

Bought any new running stuff lately? Do share.


  1. You do make me chuckle :) I hate to buy new running stuff, because I'm still in denial about becoming a "good fitness" person. I went to this bootcamp-in-the-park last year and I hated it because the trainer would yell "good fitness" at all the people who were good - i.e. not me. Now, my fiancé says I am one of those people! So maybe I should treat myself to something other than my "Thriller was a Documentary" t-shirt to work out in?

  2. great purchases. i wish i bought new running stuff recently. i'm thinking i need new shoes so i'm looking forward to that though...

    i love that boston qualifier shirt :)

  3. Nice snags!! Love the BQ shirt... flaunt it if ya got it!

  4. Going to have to check out that site. I live in the middle of nowhere, seriously, closest mall over 1 hour away! So I am an avid online shopper, I just ordered some new running shoes and a couple cheap outfits that were on sale this morning.

  5. I bought a running skirt after seeing your "cheetah" in the marathon post. They are so comfortable. I'll be parading that around with my "You were past by a skirt" shirt on Sunday during the Boilermaker 15K. Hope that skirt (although it's not a cheetah print) makes me run as fast as you (fingers crossed).

  6. What is this "Boston marathon" you speak of?

  7. The really cool people stay at the Marriott Copley in Boston; it's party central...and Ryan Hall stayed there and walked right by me on his way out for a run. I'm certain he was wishing I would pace him for a few miles, but I was saving the legs for the race! Anyway, the hotel is connected to the Expo convention center and it's sooo convenient! And a Whole Foods type store directly across the street.

  8. Yay for new running stuff! I haven't bought anything in awhile, but it would be fun to get something new! :)

  9. LMAO @ "If it were me, it wouldn’t look as good and there might be hair seeping out."

    So maybe for next year's birthday you need a gift certificate for laser?

  10. Excellent post. I have to say, I am like you...not a mall girl, pretty much shop online.

    I hear Frank Shorter has a really nasty, contagious disease, so wash your water bottle before you use it.

  11. running clothes are a sick addiction!!!! I WANT that boston jacket SO bad... one day!! :) love your new goodies!

  12. i love the shirt!! i'm staying at the Westin Copley and we better get in on Oct 18th!

  13. I try to do all my shopping online! I hate having to go to a brick and mortar store. I just generally hate shopping...having to go to a store just to find that they don't carry what I want, then going to another store, blah, blah, blah. Which makes me an Amazon addict! Anyway, cool clothes!

  14. I fully intended to go to the expo for the Gold Coast marathon last weekend and then couldn't be bothered. What is it about shopping that seems just too much work?!!

  15. I just got an email from the Boston Marathon folks saying that registration opens July 14 at 9 a.m.

    I bought so much marathon merchandise this year it was ridiculous. I keep thinking I'll never make it there again, so just in case....I'll buy enough for every runner in Boise.

  16. I'm still searching for the perfect running shorts. I guess I may have to do some liposuction on my thighs to prevent those shorts from riding up.

  17. Love the shirt! Wear it with pride you deserve it! And that neck thing...yea I don't know what happens after you hit "a certian age" but it ain't good. *speaks one who knows*

  18. If and when I qualify for Boston, I might have to tattoo it across my forehead for all to see. And this is coming from someone who has no fondness for tattoos at all.

    LOVE the BQ t-shirt. You earned it girl, wear it proud.

    Now, I just have to throw this in, seeing as as I ADORE shopping. If I had your frame, I'd be happily shopping my days away. You've got the perfect athletic body!! You can get away with wearing everything! (read jealousy here.)

  19. That is awesome! Love the BQ shirt! Someday I hope to wear that!

  20. You always make me laugh!! Love the new shirt - good spluge, you deserve it. My newest running purchase was my first running skirt and I love it!

  21. Those shorts are super cute!!

  22. Love the BQ shirt! I just bought triathlon shorts & top . . . my first triathlon purchase. I'm pretty sure it resembles more of a sausage casing than athletic clothing!

  23. I don't like shopping unless it is for running gear. I just got a camo Running Skirt for fall running.

    Love your Boston shirt. Yes, you should wear it.

  24. OOH! I love your BQ T-shirt... I just put up a post of a "Boston Bound" bondi band I got yesterday! I'm so excited!!!

  25. Just to clarify regarding a comment made above: registration for the Boston Marathon does not open until 10/18. Registration for the half marathon begins on 7/14.

  26. I am digging the BQ t-shirt :).

  27. Running Twin Cities Marathon on October 3rd with high hopes for a BQ myself, and if I make it (correction..WHEN I make it) I will be right there in Boston with you. Got my room too!! That's not's just the power of positive thinking!

  28. LOVE the shirt. LOVE LOVE. can I borrow it in 2015 when I make it?
