
Friday, July 9, 2010

Subway Winners and Scape Sunscreen Giveaway!

I know. I know. It’s been giveaway central around here. It’s fun to give away things that I don’t have to buy. Better yet that these are goods that I can confirm are beneficial for us runners and couch potatoes alike.

The three winners of the Subway $10 gift cards are:

  1. Emz from If I Can’t Convince You Maybe I’ll Confuse You. I love this girl. All heart and soul. She is a crazy speedy runner going for her 3:23 marathon PR. She is ab central. She has legs up to her eyebrows. She could use a good meal (just kidding, but you are one slim chick).
  2. Kim from To Dream the Kimpossible Dream. This lady has lost 106 pounds since March 2009. I know. Talk about determination and motivation. Kim you look incredible. If you haven’t yet visited her webpage, do so. She has this really cool slideshow that takes you through her weight loss milestones.
  3. P from the Adventures of an Average Athlete.  P is a mom, wife and very strong runner and cyclist. She struggles with stomach issues like me, so we are soul sisters. Only her stomach issues involve vomiting profusely during marathons. Remind me to not run downwind from P.

Congrats ladies. Email your home addresses to and I will visit you late in the night with a machete have the cards sent out to you!!

Remember that SCAPE sunscreen review I did a couple weeks back? I loved RunnuRMark’s comment: “What? The cheap bastards didn't give you a second set to give away? Boo.”

Well, Scape has come through! Not only did they send me a bunch of their lip balm since that was my fave, but they gave me a pack of good stuff to giveaway:

P1060971 4 oz bottle 30+ SPF Sun block,  50+ SPF face stick, 50+ SPF lip balm – a $30 value!

To enter:

  • Leave a comment telling me why you MUST HAVE this stuff. Do you sweat a lot and it runs into your eyes? Perhaps you have a bald head. Maybe you, like me, have herpes simplex and need lip protection. Or possibly you are just cheap and like free things +1 entry
  • Leave a comment with a story about the worst sunburn you ever had. Feel free to include peeling, blistering and crying + 1 entry
  • Become a follower if you’re not already. Or if you are let me know +1 entry
  • Talk about this giveaway on  your blog and leave a comment telling me +1 entry
  • Become a friend of Scape on FB  and leave a comment telling me +1 entry

Make sure each comment is separate so you get credit!

Giveaway will end July 16. Good luck.

Fine print: Scape gave me the products for this giveaway free of charge.


  1. I must have it! I stopped wearing sunscreen on my face because it is ALWAYS dripping into and stinging my eyes. So now I have a hot raccoon tan from the shades. Hook me up!

  2. I sent a friend request to Scape. They don't seem to have a fan page?

  3. i'd love to try this sunscreen because i like to try new products, and i have yet to find a good sunscreen that doesn't get in my eyes when i run and sweat. :)

  4. I'm tempted to just say I'm cheap and like free things (which is true), but I really do need a better sunscreen that won't rub off I'm soon as I start sweating.

  5. I must have it because, well, I'm a redhead. Need I say more?

  6. oops i meant to say: worst sunburn i've ever had? well.... i don't tend to burn, i just get really tan without trying. but i don't want to get skin cancer so i use sunscreen. end of story :)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. My worst sunburn ever was the result of too many hours at Cedar Point and those hours spent wearing a halter top. My boobage was burned to a crisp, and it was so painful that I couldn't wear a bra for weeks. On top of that, the burn peeled and then peeled again. I looked like red, cracked rock.

  10. i friended scape on facebook...

  11. Must have reason? Well, I must have because I live at the beach. And I run on the beach. Which means I not only sweat on the beach but I get whacked in the face by saltwater. Saltwater+sweat+sunscreen=red, blurry eyes that you can barely see out of. Also, I just can't seem to find a sunscreen that will let me run, jump into the ocean and surf. So, yeah. I must have this sunscreen! Oh, and I suffer from herpes simplex too. Too much sun, or citrus juice, and this girls' lips are scary *shudder*

  12. I must have it. I have had melanoma - twice!

  13. "Or possibly you are just cheap and like free things" haha, you got me. I do need to start wearing sunblock on my runs/rides though. I don't b/c I forget.

  14. Worst sunburn ever was when I was 13. BFF and I went to the sound (kinda like a ginormous lake with both fresh and saltwater) and used *gasp* baby oil. I was so burned that Momma had to pour vinegar on me. She went through 5 gallons of vinegar. I stunk for a week. And hurt so much that I had to take ibuprofen for the pain. Doing anything was painful, even just laying down. And clothes? torture.

  15. I like free, I guess I need the protection....but I really like free things too!!!

  16. I linked up your giveaway on the sidebar of my blog.

  17. I'm a stalker. I mean I'm a follower.

  18. I friended Scape. I wonder if they'll accept me as a friend. Hmmm, great, now I'm worried if a stupid big corporation will like me. *Sigh*

  19. Worst sunburn ever? I've got two: first, on a family vacation to the Cayman Islands, I got burnt so bad on my back that it blistered. So nasty, but at least it was on my back so I couldn't see it! Second time was in Spain with my mom after high school. I was 60 pounds heavier back then and VERY self-conscious about my big belly. When we went to the beach, I laid on my stomach ALL day (8 hours at the beach)! The backs of my legs were so burnt I couldn't sleep for two nights. There were definitely tears of pain and sleep deprivation!

  20. I would love to find some sunscreen that didn't make my face BURN. No, not sun burn. It actually feels like it's on fire when I use sunscreen. The only stuff I can use is my Oil of Olay moisturizer and that's only SPF 15.

  21. I got the very worst sunburn on a cruise. We were docked at Aruba, and went out to the beach, and silly me thought I should add some excellerator to my skin, and after an hour of laying out, we went back to the ship. That night and next morning I was SOOOO swollen and sunburnt. My eyes were swollen shut, and my mom had to bring me to see the ship doctor, and they told me I had sun poisoning...They were going to charge me like $100 for some tylenol, so I just sucked it up and went back to my room and layed with ice packs on my eyes to try to get the swelling to go down. Needless to say, I was in bed for one whole day. It was horrible!!!

  22. As for my worst sunburn ever, it's a tie between the time I practically cooked my nose in San Diego (who knew it got sunny there after the morning fog burned off??) and the weird burn/heat rash I got on my stomach in college when I used tanning oil when laying out in the quad.

  23. I MUST HAVE this stuff because I am too lazy to get up before the sun to run!

  24. Oh yeah, I also follow you via Google Reader...and possibly blogger. They're all owned by the same people anyway :-)

  25. I just became a follower.... Officially.

  26. I friended scapelabs on facebook.

  27. Really, you want me to make 5 comments. Can't I just do 5 things on 1 comment? OK here you go...

    I MUST HAVE this stuff because I sweat like a freaking pig and sunscreen runs into my eyes and leaves awful white streaks all over my face, neck and arms. I swear it looks like I have white track marks all up and down my arms. You don't know how much I sweat. If it's greater than 50 degrees outside, I'm a sweaty mess. In fact, it's 97 degrees here today, and YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHAT I'M WEARING! I MUST HAVE THIS STUFF!

  28. When I was a kid living in SoCal, sunburns were an all summer event. But this one time (not at band camp) my family took a trip to lovely Cancun, Mexico. I put sunscreen on my chest, but did it very haphazardly. By the time the afternoon rolled around, roughly 1/3 of my chest was bright red and covered with tiny clear pussy blisters that would pop if I looked at them wrong. By the end of the week, I could peel off those streaky patches in single strips that could then be used for paper mache (sp?)! Scape suncsreen could have saved my life!

  29. I'm a fan of Scape on Facebook! +4 please. Maybe I'll post on the blog later for the pentafecta!

  30. August 13th 2007 - my future mother-in-law's surprise 50th birthday party. We had been tanking all day in Nebraska (6 people in each cattle tank with lawn chairs and a cooler of beer floating down a shallow river) and I had been burned to a crisp. I couldn't even put my clothes on it hurt so bad. I ended up driving my MIL's car home by myself while everyone else loaded up the tanks and took the other vehicles back. I get to the house first, hit the garage door opener and slowly it opens...

    Revealing all of my MIL's family and friends who were there for a surprise birthday party. I hadn't met any of them yet....

    So there I am, alone. In HER car. Looking like a lobster in my little brown bikini. I get out and everyone stares at me like "who the hell is that?!"

    I've never been so humiliated. My husband had to bribe me to come back to the party once he discovered me hiding in the bathroom trying to cover up the redness from both the burn and the humiliation.

  31. Oh and I peeled, and blistered and cried. That counts right??

  32. I MUST have this stuff because I am a total sweater. Gross, right? I never used to be, but now I am drenched in sweat after a run. Plus, I am a FULL ON white girl that has to use sunscreen ALL the time.

  33. The worst sun burn I have EVER had was of course while I was on vacation in Hawaii. What a way to kill the vacation buzz. It involved some MAJOR blistering and peeling. Not fun at all.

  34. my sunscreen sweats off much too quickly, I could use some potent stuff. :)

  35. one summer I detassled corn and wore cut off shirts (to avoid the dreaded "farmer's tan") and shorts sans sun screen. I was one major sunburn for about a month. :'( Stupid kid.

  36. Why must I have this stuff?? Apparently my wife has devolved into her adolescence and is currently all about Twilight. I'm hoping that if I slather on enough sunblock I can get myself adequately pale, walk around looking sullen and emo, stop washing my hair and mold it into large and off-center styles, and take on enough of a vamipirish affectation that she'll start paying attention to me again.

  37. My worst sunburn was the result of 10 hours of (fruitless) offshore marlin fishing in blazing sun with no sunblock. My lower lip blistered and peeled in a way that I hope to never revisit.

  38. I'm already a follower, but a leader to some, and an outlaw in Peru.

  39. Became a friend of Scape on Facebook. Hoping perhaps we might someday become more than friends. Taking it slowly for now .... I've been burned before. That pun was so bad it actually hurt me to type it.

  40. I must say that I AM cheap, but I also HAVE TO have that stuff...I have the "fortunate"-ness of having Rosacea, and running in the sun not only flares it up, but makes me look like a bright red beet if I don't have sunscreen AND a visor..that's as good an excuse as any! Who wants to actually resemble a beet?

  41. You know a good sunburn story has to involve being a silly teenager...I wore baby oil to "tan"...needless to 2nd degree burns cracked, peeled, and otherwise was a crazy painful time in my youth...the joys of adolescence...

  42. Omg I sweat soooooooo much. I don't think any sunscreen has been able to match my sweat level and protect me!

  43. the worst sunburn i ever had was last summer when i thought that sitting out by water but under a tree would protect me. ummmmm yeah. not so much. i looked like a lobster

  44. and i'm a fb friend

  45. I need this! I sweat so much on my head....runs down my face.....ick.
    I also would love to try it on my kiddo who hates sunscreen on her face b/c it stings her eyes!

  46. posted your giveaway on my bloggity blog

  47. Come on, I obviously deserve this because I'm the one that called them cheap bastards. Duh. Plus I'm getting a pretty funky runner's tan that isn't going to look so great at the upcoming triathlons I'm planning on. Oh, and I guess I'll need some good sunscreen for those!

  48. i am a lip stuff addict !!! addict i tell you. i have tried their lipstuff and it ROCKS. it has a nice lemony essence but no bad taste that will run around your face while exercising.

    i need it b/c otherwise i get burnt lips and they kill and then if i don't have the stuff, i get that whitestuff in the corners of my mouth and that is just ugly.

  49. the worst sunburn I've ever had.....hands down - my vacation to the bahamas. I was really good the whole time with using sunscreen, then the last day I decided to hold off and get a 'good tan' before we headed home. OH my. So awful. I was miserable! Never, never again!

  50. And here's my worst burn story. Last year I got my tri bike and I was all excited to start doing some real rides. One sunny weekend afternoon, I set out for a nice 33 miler. I wasn't used to the aero position of the bike and didn't realize that the budget cycling shirts I just purchased were a bit (uh, like 8 inches) too short for riding in such a low position. Toward the end of the ride I could feel the exposed area on my lower back burning - never a good sign. It was pretty bad. Even a year later, I still had a dark semicircular area on my lower back. Probably some lovely tumors to follow.

  51. I simply MUST have it because 1) yes I am cheap 2) hubbs lost his job so we're broke 3) I sweat like a faucet - have you NOT seen my photos?!?! 4) I need to show my kids Mommy wears sunscreen too 5) I need to keep my lips nice and soft so hubbs will actually kiss me once I am not sweaty anymore 6) That's a lot time in the sun.

  52. I don't have a terrible sunburn story. (At least I'm honest and didn't just make one up! that should get me a point) I do have a posion ivy story, that's the same right?
    I am highly allergic to posion ivy. I just get within an acre and whamo! You'd think that I had a corn field emergency and wiped with the stuff because it was every where. I mean EVERYWHERE. So there I stood on the front porch in the tiniest biniki painted pink everywhere you could see and a few places you couldn't. Covered with blistered rashes weeping from where I had scratched. I spent the weekend that way before getting to the doctor for some serious meds!!

  53. pretty sure i didnt wear sunscreen growing up since I remember spending a lot of time pulling the peeling skin off my back, yuck!

  54. The worst sunburn ever I got on my nose after climbing Mt Shasta. I guess the sun reflecting off the snow onto my nose made it worse (I did have sunscreen on, but not enough....). My nose looked awful - blistered, ozing, peeling - yuck. And there is no way to hide your nose - unless you go w/ a cousin IT hairstyle. People couldn't even look at my face cause it was too awful.

  55. I need this sunscreen because I'm training for triathlons and am outside for LONG periods of time on a daily basis and I don't want to get the "weathered" look that a lot of triathletes have!

  56. I need this sunscreen because I have incredibly sensitive eyes, and any time sunscreen runs into my eyes, they burn and burn for hours. And then I whine about it.

  57. The worst sunburn I ever got was when I was 10ish and went to the lake with a friend and her family. I swear I applied and reapplied sunscreen, but I still got roasted. The only shirt I had to change into after we left the lake was red and white striped, and they all made fun of me because the red was the same color as my sunburn. Meanies.

  58. I NEEEEEEEEEEEEED this! My Aveeno stuff sweats off in a matter of seconds!

  59. I need the Scape because my husband just asked me if I have lip liner on. No, I don't, my lips are chapped in such a way that it just looks like it (and it looks awful).

  60. If you have any more questions about SCAPE Athlete Sunblock or Dr.Nic Martens go to

  61. I NEED THIS!! I had skin cancer removed off my shoulder last Oct. Need a sunblock that won't rub and run off!!

  62. Worst sunburn I ever had was being stupid at Lake Powell. When it finally healed, it peeled off my legs in sheets! SICKENING!!!

  63. I'm now a friend of Scape on Facebook!

  64. Must have more sun protection in this heat wave...I need scape because I love free stuff...especially stuff I need :)

  65. I have had far too much sun so far in my life and I really don't want to pay the consequences with wrinkles in the future. Or more wrinkles, I should say!

  66. I must have the sunscreen because in addition to running in the sun I am also training for the MS 150 bike ride - so I am out in the sun for LONG periods of time . . . plus I am on our boat and jet skis. ;-) I NEED sunscreen - plus I am old enough to be telling the truth when I say that I would lay out in the sun all summer long with baby oil covering my body.

  67. My worst sunburn story occured when I was in high school and my boyfriend was a golfer. At the high school sectionals I walked with him and had a tank top on. Needless to say - there was no sunscreen at that time - simply sun tan lotion - but heck I didn't even use that - I just let my shoulders burn to a crisp. I had huge blisters - it was horrible.

  68. I am already a follower and fan. ;-)

  69. I have added your giveaway to my blog

  70. I live too close to the equator not to use sunscreen - IN THE WINTER. Down here we tan in the winter and hide from teh sun in the summer. The whole famdamily could use this as there is no way we could hope to buy it here (doesn't exist).

    Did I mention the summer sun?

  71. Oh shit, I so need to catch up on blog reading (I FREAKING missed your Silver Maple giveaway!!!!).

    I need this because I just like getting free shit. No other reason then that. I already wear sunblock every day, but I need more....and this sounds like a good deal!

    Hope you are having fun on your RV trip. Can't wait to hear how it goes. OMG.

    (Let me know about skirt chaser too)

  72. Have you seen me sweat? It's disgusting. Eyes burn, then they're blurry, then I wipe them, and then I literally go blind while I try to blink out the combination of salt, sweat, and tears from them.

    IE it's not pretty.

    So pick me, pick me!

  73. Worst sunburn was when I was 18 and at the back was so burned that my friends drew smiley faces in only helped for, like, 3 minutes. I bathed in ice and then put combinations of aloe and Noxema every 5 minutes. It was horrid. I think I peeled for about 4 weeks.

  74. Already a follower!

  75. I friended them on FB!

  76. I must have this for my daughter who is going to travel softball nationals and SCAPE is the only sunblock that has kept her from getting fried on the field and doesn't irritate her skin.

    someone else may want your freebie but she NEEDS it. :-)

    Thank you!

  77. Linked you on my blog roll...well you've been there, but I added you to the giveaway list!

  78. Worst sunburn...hard to choose, but I'm giong to guess it may be the time I went to visit my grandparents in florida for spring break...and fell asleep on the beach on my stomach...for like 6 hours. By the time we got home from the beach, I was lobster red and starting to blister! My grandma made me soak in a vinegar bath for the rest of the week...and it was the longest car ride home of my life (we live in Michigan so I had to sit on my very burnt legs for 22 hours!!) Sigh!

  79. I really need this stuff because 1) I'm a sweat hog and 2) I have yet to find something that doesn't run into my eyes/mouth...and it may help with my diva glasses tan line:)

  80. I already have SCAPE, but I LOVE it. I'm running out, so need more!

  81. Worst sunburn ever--sr. in high school. All my friends went to Florida together and my parents wouldn't let me go. Instead we went to Acapulco as a family. My friends had a head start on me with the sun, so I was determined to get color FAST. Laid out all day long that first day, no sunscreen. Blisters so bad my eyes swelled shut. Itching so bad I had to get a shot in the ass from a Mexican doctor--of what, I have no idea. It was ugly!

  82. i need scape b/c i'm a fair skinner sweaty freak! i burn a LOT and this summer want to avoid any further sun damage!!! i also just got some injuries (cuts and scrapes) that i want to make sure to have really good coverage for during sun exposure so that they don't scar!!!

  83. Thanks for the opportunity! I really need to buy new sunscreen, especially face sunscreen and I would love not to have to go out and buy them!

  84. My worst sunburn was when I was a teenager and I was out at a friend's cabin for a weekend. I had small blistering on my lips even! That's when I learned to use SPF lip balm :)

  85. I would love to win this because I am a total sunscreen whore! I used to be a total tanning whore but then my husband got melanoma and that kind of changed my mind about it. I would love to try Scrape because I'm always looking for great sunscreen that works and doesn't sweat off.

  86. My worst sunburn was when I was 17, I was in Costa Rica with a friend of mine and we had this genius idea to "tan" with tanning OIL while we were on a boat in the middle of the ocean. Well, I got pretty burned all over but I completely neglected to put anything on the tops of my feet and they were hanging over the the front of the boat almost the whole time. The reflection of the sun off the water and onto my poor feet gave me third degree burns. I couldn't wear shoes (or a bra) for the rest of my trip. I actually have a pretty funny picture from that trip of me standing in a restaurant and it looks like I'm in pain just standing there.

  87. And I'm a friend of Scrape on facebook!

  88. I work as an outdoor lifeguard. I seriously need this stuff because I get so tired of having to reapply every 90 minutes-because of all the sweating. No matter how tan I get I still burn like crazy.

  89. My worst sunburn ever happened when I was at horseback riding camp for two weeks.

    I was 12 and decided to not use sunscreen the very first day. My right hand, which held the reigns, was constantly in direct contact with the sun. I burned the very first day and decided that sunscreen wasn't necessary-I was a dumb 12 year old.

    I burned my arm the exact same way for 14 days. It ended up being a 3rd degree burn, and I still have a mark from it on my arm today. The skin on that part of my arm is also still really sensitive.

    The camp counselors were in their late teens and decided that it looked 'okay' and didn't make me wear sunscreen or go to the doctor-my mom was livid when she picked me up. : )

  90. I need this stuff because I live in Hell, uh, I mean Florida and it's brutally hot and brutally sunny and brutally sweaty here. And if that wasn't bad enough, I seem to have developed some sort of 'sun allergy' at the advanced age of forty-four. I would describe what it does to my face, but I don't want to make anyone ill. :)

  91. Worst sunburn ever: roped into a stupid car show when I was three months pregnant. March. Overcast. No worries, right? Wrong. Was only my arms that got it, but it was absolutely the worst sunburn ever (and I have lived in Florida my whole life). Blistered from mid-bicep to wrists. Couldn't lower my arms for a week because if I did it felt as if the skin would split. Lovely, huh? Lesson learned. Overcast means nothing!

  92. I've friended Scape on Facebook.

  93. Not only am I cheap, but I'm broke, which is why I want to win.

  94. I live in the Middle East and can't deal with the crazy sun here! If I can't change the heat, I may as well work on the weird tan lines.

  95. I once fell asleep at Myrtle Beach and woke up 5 hours later looking like a lobster. Peeled in places....

  96. I feel like such a freaking rockstar right now!!! A shout out & winning in the same post?!?! What the..... My day [ok year] has been made.

    You were already my favorite but sheeesh. I am happy. Happy. Happy. Thank you!!!

  97. I am gonna be honest, I LOVE FREE STUFF!! But I do sweat a lot and it runs in my eyes and my lips are always chapped

  98. Worst sunburn a couple of years ago at a water park!

  99. i hate sunscreen dripping in my eyes....pick me pick me!

  100. My family of runners lives in Florida. We need sunscreen every month of the year. And I'm getting some laser hair removal, which means ultra sun protection. And my husband has a bald head. And my girls need it on the back of their necks when they wear ponytails.
    I remind my girls that wearing sunscreen not only fights sunburn, but fights wrinkles, age spots and cancer too!

  101. I love SCAPE and is the best stuff I've ever used. I must have more!

  102. I already follow you and already follow SCAPE on FB.

  103. The worst sunburn I ever had was from sitting two hours in the sun at my daughter's high school graduation in 2002. I was so sunburned that people thought I got one of those fake tans!

  104. I will mention the give away in my next blog post on 7/12/2010.

  105. Why must I have it? I burn easily and will be spending hours in the sun doing mileage for my next half marathon. I am totally afraid of skin cancer after spending way too much time in the sun as a kid. Too many moles now due to it. Already had some removed. Terrified they will turn cancerous. I need this sunscreen to help me feel confident out in the sun while training. Also, I cannot get Scape here in Canada unless I find and order it online!

    I am a fan of scape labs on facebook, and a fan of your facebook shut up and run. I had way too many sunburns to count as a kid, days outside for track meets, full on blister red shoulders and back. Nasty peeling. You name it, I had it. I will also be blogging about this tomorrow 7/12/2010! In the meantime I must get to bed as it is after midnight!

  106. I could use some good sunblock, the one I use now ends up creating a film on my face and 10 minutes into my ride I end up wiping it all off...

  107. No sunburns's the Apache Indian in me :-)
    I get a little red but it subsides in a day with a little aloe vera and lotion.

  108. I already follow your blog :-D
    Maybe one day I might actually win something...

  109. I desperately need this because I'm tired of sunscreen burning my eyes!

  110. I linked to this giveaway on my blog.

  111. I linked to this giveaway in my most recent blog post.

  112. I need this becasue I love free stuff.

  113. And I follow this blog, so give me another chance to win please!

  114. I am a total sunscreen nazi these days and am always on the look out for something better than what I use. I've been getting really strange tanning mottling and suspect it is my current sunscreen. Would love to try something new!

    p.s. You should DEFINITELY do the Goofy challenge. LOTS of fun!!

  115. When I was younger I went to the pool on a TOTALLY overcast and gloomy day. I didn't put any sunscreen on. That night I looked like I was wearing a white bikini I was SO pink everywhere else. Yes, a lot of peeling followed a couple of weeks later.

  116. And I sent them a friend request on facebook.

  117. I am in need of some sunscreen that will not run into my eyes. Lately, the weather here has been crazy hot and I sweat just walking out the door.

  118. My worst sunburn happened last weekend. It was really hot here and we had a UV index of 11 ( extremely high) I was cooling off in the pool with some friends and even with sunscreen on, I BURNT !! I was my own furnance for about 3 days, and now I am a shedding like a snake... eeewwwwwwwwwwww.

  119. I need it because I burn easily and I live in Florida. And I sweat a log!

  120. worst sunburn was when I covered my entire body with sunblock but forgot my feet. They got seriously burnt on top...couldn't wear shoes for almost a month and had to go to the doctor. It was terrible!!!

    Come check me out too on'm having a giveaway for clif shot bloks!

  121. Yikes, I think the previous poster might need it most of all, after sweating a fucking LOG!

    I need it 'cause the damn stuff always runs in my eyes, and my mama taught me that eye rubbing will leave me with unsightly bags.

  122. Worst sunburn? Either sitting on a sailboat mostly unmoving for 6 hours, and ending up with a terrible burn -- but only on the right side of my body. Like neopolitan ice cream. Or, falling asleep on the beach with first boyfriend for a loong time, ending up driving to montreal the next day NAKED 'cause clothes just hurt too much . . . and I was seventeen.

    I'll go with the naked.

  123. I need it so my other stuff doesn't get in my eyes when I sweat.

  124. I put all my entries into one comment, I hope I'll get credit for them all! The blog was delayed, but now posted on my blog as of 2 minutes ago. By my count I should get all 5 entries! Help out a Canadian =)

  125. I hope today counts, but I just wanted to say I need this because I do a Wild West stunt show in Virginia City NV, where I am extremely active. I have pounds upon pounds of clothing in this crippling heat... I already blast through Gatorade but I have nothing to protect my skin all day.

    Its already killer hot this morning... off to work I go.

  126. The worst sunburn I have ever had was when I thought it was okay to go out and get some sun when the doctor had me taking a steroid for a viral infection. My advice: don't sunbathe when taking a steroid...couldn't walk...couldn't talk...felt like I couldn't breathe!

  127. Have to have it because I'm scared to death of skin cancer.

  128. Posted your giveaway on my blog...

  129. I've tried to friend Scape on Facebook...can't find it...not for lack of trying...
