
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Salonpas Giveaway - Take the Pain Away!

Ever heard of Salonpas? Me neither.

They contacted me to take a look at a sample of their stuff and to do a giveaway to ten readers. Basically, they are the makers of the first FDA approved over the counter pain relief patch. The active ingredients in the approximately 3” x 4” patch are menthol and  methyl salicylate (an anti-inflammatory). You put the patch on a sore spot and wear it for 8-12 hours,  and should get some pain relief. The patch will begin working within an hour. Feel free to wear it while naked (they don’t say that, but I do).

Since I don’t have any sore spots right now (lucky me) I wasn’t able to try the patch for myself. If you are a winner, I’d love to hear how it worked for you.

There are two forms of patches: one for general pain relief and one for arthritis relief.

Here’s what is included in the giveaway gift pack:


  • One pain relief patch
  • One arthritis relief patch
  • One Salonpas water bottle (do not put in the dishwasher)
  • One sweat towel
  • One pedometer (who needs a Garmin?)

I have ten of these packs to give away. Who wants one?

To enter (leave a comment for each):

  1. Leave a comment about why you need a pain patch (current pain? preventatively?)
  2. Put this giveaway on your blog, Facebook, etc
  3. Become a f0llower of my blog
  4. Tell me a story about the worst running injury you’ve ever had. Get graphic.

Giveaway ends Friday, August 13. Your lucky day.

Fine print:

  • Salonpas provided this giveaway. I did not pay anything for it.
  • Contest only open to US and Canadian residents
  • The winners will be chosen at random by
  • Check back August 13 to see if you won!
  • If I don’t hear back from the winners within 2 days after posting that they’ve won, I’ll more names


  1. If you're wearing a patch then technically you wouldn't be naked any more,

  2. I have pain in my achilles, I'm not sure if this patch will work but I guess I could try it.

  3. Pain all over. lucky me.
    thanks for the chance

  4. pick me pick me pick me! i follow your blog, comment EVERY post AND love reading your poop stories! i deserve to be a winner!!! LOL

  5. hmm... one of those patches would come in handy right below my knee or on my bad shoulder! :)

  6. Im a follower of your blog! :D Count it a blessing that you didn't have a chance to test the product ;)

  7. ooooh, this is going to be fun. but first, i'm a follower.

  8. secondly, i'm ALWAYS INJURED. 3 injuries in 2 years, including a broken bone and a mystery that defies all doctors.

  9. and thirdly. i got 2 stitches in my CHIN because of running. tripped on a big fat nothing in the middle of the sidewalk, almost caught myself without falling except for the curb that popped up out of nowhere, and whanged my jaw on the little concrete wall next to the sidewalk. yup yup.

  10. Well... it wasn't JUST running but it involved running lol... i was in basketball practice in 5th grade and we were running suicides when the guy beside me decided he hated to always get beat by a girl, so he tripped me into a brick wall while we were running. I broke all 4 of my top front teeth and every tooth in my head shifted, i had to get stitches in my chin and there was blood everywhere! I still cringe thinking about it! :( But like katie said, i'm always injured lol, that was the first of many broken bones: toe, finger, collarbone, foot... all sports related of course lol ;)

  11. Major shin pain on left shin so bad have not really done any running in almost 2 weeks!
    Sad face.

    I have never used a pedometer before but I've always wanted to see how many steps I actually take every day. I bet it's pathetic.
    Salonpas, take me away!

  12. Worst injury was overuse. I was training for a marathon and developed a tight ITB. I was babying my knees like crazy with ice, whirlpool (thank goodness for gym memberships) and trips to my chiro. I finished in 3:23.
    I'm back to training - the first since then - so I'm starting to fret about this happening again. A patch - okay, perhaps a few more than one - would be handy to have around.

  13. Hip pain, especially in the right one when I run too much/distance. Graphic? It hurts and is unbearable, as in 3 days before my first half marathon I couldn't complete my little 3 mile run and almost cried, ouch. Not sure if this would help because placement would be rather odd but if it did I'd love it!

  14. Oh, to answer #1, the old hip flares up sometimes and I think I'll be doing an October marathon so it would be handy.

  15. I would love to try the pain patch on my knee. thank you to terrible form, i tend to get a nice case of ITband syndrome...basically, it feels like a hot knife stabbing me in the knee. awesome,huh?

  16. I've only been running since February, and I'm sure it's not that big of a deal to most, but I currently have an ET toe. You know, ET phone home? Big ugly red finger that glows?? Yea, my toe kind of looks like that right now. i'm considering trying to pop it, but I'm not sure if I can handle watching that much fluid come blasting out my toe. My last nasty blister was accidently popped by my lady when she was giving me a pedi, she jumped off the chair and said, ewww...I totally just popped that! We both about died laughing after the fact!

  17. Linking you to my blog give aways!

  18. My legs can always use pain relief, and my goal half marathon is at the end of August, which shoudl cause some extra oweys!!

  19. I once fell down some stairs and sprained my knee and couldn't run a quite a while. I was very unhappy.

  20. I need this patch to help with my knees. They still hurt.

  21. I hurt my calf and would love to try it

  22. I am new to this, so my injuries are limited. Thank goodness. I hurt my calf in a nonrunning way...lifing weights and doing step aerobics.

  23. My lower back is killing me and my half marathon plan starts Monday...

  24. Worst running injury so far was when I went down during a trail race.... picture is here:

    I know, I was lucky... I got away with a couple of scratches.

  25. My lower back has been killing me this week. I went to my chiropractor yesterday, so hopefully I get some relief soon!

  26. I would see if it works on knee pain.... I have bad knees that hurt a lot.

  27. My junior year of high school, i was racing in the 200m and my hip decided it could all of a sudden pop out of place... When it did that i crashed and burned hard... Knees, elbows, hands, chin all scraped to hell. This happened at the end of the race and i literally fell across the finish line...

  28. It's a Japanese product. Well known in Japan. Does it work? Maybe....
    (But almost surely not for "bad knees that hurt a lot.")

  29. I'd use it on my upper back. It's been hurting me for weeks.

  30. I linked your giveaway on my blog side bar.

  31. EEEEK!!! SalonPas and me are like this (fingers entertwined) fact, we are bonded right now, due to my nagging hip pain. These thing are a miracle! I have used them for my hip flexor strain, runner's knee, neck name it, these things have been there!! I buy boxes at a time, since they are always in demand at the local Wal-Marts. PICK ME!

  32. My freshman year of high school I was racing varsity track and I was a total rookie and going a little too fast over the finish line and wiped out big time. We had a gravel track at the time, so needless to say I had blood everywhere and rocks were stuck in my arms, legs, chins, you name it. I had sticthes (don't remember how many?) put in my chin and the back of my arms from where I "slid into home".

  33. 1. Knee pain, always, always knee pain!

  34. I don't know how spectacular it is being that it's gradual, but patello femoral pain syndrome SUUUCKS! Grinding patella on my femur ... yuck.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  35. I'm already a followers but as far as pain ankle. For the past oh let's see 6 months now it's been killing me. PT, time off, I've tried everything and anything. I'm slowly starting to run again but it still kills from time to time.

    I'm a newbie runner still...just had my two year anniversary in June. But when I was training for my first marathon back in the spring of 2009 I got severe tendonitis in both knees. It was so bad that by the time I finished my race my knees were the size of basketballs. Needless to say I had ice saran wrapped around them as soon as I crossed the finish line. I wanted to stop and be carted to the finish line but knew I'd regret it. So I kept going dropping f-bombs like a trucker for the last 5 miles. Really did help me finish.

  36. preventative pain is definitely why i need this! i have some races coming up and this would be nice to try.

  37. worst running injury: i get really bad blisters. they've been better as i've gotten older, but i still get nasty ones under my 2nd toenails... yuck.

  38. i already follow! and this is something i'd like to try! i'm not one for anything that isn't regulated so you got me w/ the FDA approved. funny...FDA is the exact reason why i'm at work today on my day off. anywho...i'd test this bad boy out on my hips, sciatic and let's not even mention the "A" word...

  39. i know what salon pas is! i didnt know they revamped their look and strayed from the asian packaging...interesting. my mom used to use these patches on her back.

    where would I use them, on my shoulder, the only place that constantly hurts no matter how much I ice and use a heat pad.

  40. Love Salonpas! They are often times in race bag goodies!
    And I'm a follower!

  41. I would love some extra one of these laying around - especially for the pain in my ass, also known as my hubbs :)
    J/K - he's a pain in the ass - but I love him ;)

  42. I need a pain patch, because my knee has been agitated lately. I am currently doing some work at the gym to try to strengthen the muscles that affect the health of the knee...Would love to win!

  43. Oh, please. I'm trying to get an endorsement from Vicodin. If you've read any of my race reports, you know I'd take first place in running in pain - broken bones, dislocations, etc.

  44. I am not currently injured (for once!) but my husband was workin' it too hard in bed last night and threw his back out. I'm kidding. He was improperly lifting crap at work. Men.

  45. Ok, my worst running related injury, gory details and all is located on my blog. it's actually a pretty funny story and there are pictures!

  46. I have some hip pain which makes me feel like an old lady but oh well

  47. Do they make a full body patch?

  48. I've actually been quite fortunate when it comes to running injuries... nothing graphic or nasty. The longest period of time that I couldn't run was 4 weeks, but that was from a cross-country ski accident last year. I sure could have used a patch then!

  49. I've had nagging achilles pain on and off for about a year. It's nothing serious; just a nagging uncomfortable feeling when I run too many hills :) I would love to try these patches to see if they work. My husband would like them for his aching back, too (he's also a runner).

  50. I have my old wonky tendinitis again. Now gimme a patch. LOL!

  51. Aaaaaand worst injury would be my constant need to poo after running the first 3 miles. There I said it. I think this should give two extra votes. Just sayin.

  52. I seem to always have some lower back pain- would LOVE to try these patches!

  53. To date the only "running" injury I have had is falling over the Bright Orange cones at the beginning of a 5k skinning up my knee, fingers and shoulder:( Jumped up and ran the 5k blood dripping and all!!

  54. I'd like how I get people to "contact me". Seriously, you are famous. I want people. I want people to send me crap [sh*t] - stuff.

    You're awesome.

  55. I'm a follower of your abs & poop stories. All day - every day.

  56. I need pain patch because my hubby is making me do weights with him. Says I'm flabby. He's such a "keeper".

  57. My worst running injury is definitely shin splints. I get them SO easily and they make running virtually impossible.

  58. I would use these patches for my back (I have scoliosis and running can definitely make my back sore) and for those pesky shin splints!

  59. I would love one of these - not only do I deal with arthritis in my knees, but I have a LOT of patients who would love to know about this product!

  60. Worst running injury? .. hmm. I am very lucky, I haven't had very many! Worst was probably my first spring run this year - I was jamming out to some tunes and tripped on something, landing completely on my left hip and hand. TORE UP the hand and started bleeding all over...this was only topped by the fact that I was on a main road, so tons of drivers saw me faceplant on the ground. I then bled for the remaining two miles of my run - so any bloodhounds or dogs probably had a field day with the scent!

  61. I need the patch because I've battled a bad back injury for almost a year now. Well, the back injury goes wayyy back, about 10 years, and running has only made it worse. But I'm determined to keep running!

  62. Hmm, my worst injury was last december with my back. Was out for a month and on routine physical therapy. My most gruesome though was after running barefoot on the beach and having blisters on the pads of all my toes for days!! All I had on me was some hand sanitizer and a sewing needle from the hotel front desk. I would squeeze all the puss into one spot and then stick the needle in making the puss squirt 5 or 6 feet in the air!!! SOOOO cool!!! :)

  63. Oh I want it!!! My butt hurts. I've had lower back pain ever since the little one was born. I got rid of it finally with lots of child's pose and now I have freaking sciatica. It's causing me to only be able to run every other day and I've lost blogging motivation because of it. I don't have time to go to the doctor because of a traveling husband and the kiddos (1 & 2). Feel sorry for me yet?!

  64. Oh, and I want the pedometer because I don't HAVE garmin and I want to see how many steps I take chasing after the before mentioned munchins.

    My most memorable running injury was tendentious. I was living in new orleans at the time and I'd run on the levee every morning and go out drinking at night. I was too busy to go to the doctor then too, because of all the drinking and all. Lucky me I saw my doctor out at the bar one night! I ran up to him and put my leg in his lap and his hand on my leg. I made him feel the crunching of my tendons and he diagnosed me right there. My boyfriend at the time got a little pissed...

  65. My shins are hurting right now. I don't know if I am at the shin splints stage or if I am teethering on the shin splint stage. Nonetheless, I want some relief.

  66. I think I'd try out the patch on my shin. The left one likes to be a jerk from time to time.

  67. I need a pain patch for my stupid ITBS.

  68. I'd wear it on my left shoulder - slept wonky a few weeks ago and it's still bothering me. Thanks!

  69. Just became a follower = you are freakin' hilarious!

  70. Worst running injury was my stupidest. Stupid, Stupid, Stupid! A friend did a weight maintenance contest for the holidays, get points for healthy activities, most points wins. One way to get points was exercise, a point for every hour. So smarty pants me decides I want to win and the way to do it is to exercise more than anyone else. Hard because said friend works out more than a body is meant to. So, I know I can't add too much running, I decide to walk extra time on the mill. I do two hours a day, every day for two months. I can't figure out why my foot hurts so much. Stupid, Stupid, Stupid me, I keep walking and running every day. Finally go to my PT who informs me I have stupidly given myself plantaar faciitis and have to stop running for a while. Which incidently ended up being two months without running. I still have it flair up from time to time. LUCKY ME! I don't mind a good accidental injury, but giving yourself an injury for Christmas, brilliant! And yes I did win the contest. Lucky me.

  71. I would like to try out their pain patch because I have a weird pain in my left leg and maybe this will help it out.

  72. Worst running injury, let's see. I was on the high school track team. I did the 800's, 1 mile run and 2 mile run. At practice one afternoon my shoe laces somehow came undone and I didn't see it until I was sliding across concrete on my knees. I limped over to my coach and told him what happened. Do you know that the punk told me to get back out there, with blood streaming down my legs and finish with my practice runs or I wasn't going to run in regions. He was a punk a$$. But I got back out there and finished the practice.

  73. Blogged about your giveaway, check it out at

  74. I'd definitely try the patch on either my IT band or lower back or my right knee...ah so many areas to choose from!

  75. True story: I've been struggling with ITB pain since September of 2009 (when I had to crawl thru part of my first ever marathon). This dang injury has taken 2 marathons away from me, forced me to get a cortisone shot, go through 8 months of PT, and I still can't run pain-free (haha, I'm not bitter, I swear). I qualified for Boston and if this injury isn't healed before I need to start training, I might freak! If these patches provide any bit of relief or heal me, I'd be forever indebted to Salonpas!

  76. I would try this on my knee that still acts up from time to time after knee surgery

  77. Worst for me was after knee surgery, but I've got 3 cool little holes in my knee now. I think that brings the badass factor up at least 3 notches!

  78. I linked to your giveaway in my blog! Thanks for the giveaway! :D

  79. Currently rocking some shin pains. Not cool.

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