
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What Would You Ask Him?

"If you can't run, then walk.  And if you can't walk, then crawl.  Do what you have to do.  Just keep moving forward and never, ever give up." – Dean Karnazes

I’d like to do my interview with Dean Karnazes prior to running with him during the TransRockies Run on August 22. I think this will calm my nerves a bit and give me more insight into knowing what makes that crazy Ultramarathon Man tick. I’ve read lots of interviews that Dean’s given over the years and don’t want to ask he “token” questions (What do you eat on a long run? Ever shit in the woods?), because you can read his books to find those answers. I’d like to come up with some unique stuff. Goodbye status quo!

When I first announced I’d be interviewing Dean, Jamoosh had a great idea – to ask for input from the blog world.

So…I'm putting it out there. If you could ask Dean any question about running, racing, lifestyle, the ultra distance, what would it be? I’ll be compiling a list of the ten or so best questions and will post the interview here with Dean’s answers sometime this month. So, give me your best and your most original. Balls out.


  1. for God's sake don't poo while they are taking pictures!

  2. My Q: how much time do you spend in dedicated mind and thought training? What portion of your year is spent running and what portion is spent thinking about running? How important do you think this relationship is? Can you be a great natural runner without thinking about it and having much desire? Can thought and desire improve you as a runner?

  3. Q: Peanut Butter M&Ms or Reese's Pieces?

  4. I'm still so super-impressed that you're getting to do all this!!! Can I claim you as a kind-of celebrity that I kind-of know? lol
    My questions: What, if anything, would make you stop running/racing? - OR - You have an energy & light in you, do you think this is a result of your running? What personality changes have you noticed in yourself since you've been running?

  5. Ever run next to someone who shits in the woods?

  6. I was just saying this the other day to my running friend during our 18 miler (I was starving) the heck does Dean eat pizza while running??????

  7. How does he get out the door on days that he just doesn't want to even get up out of bed?

  8. I would want to know what makes him keep going, keep moving forward, if/when he hits the proverbial "wall" during his runs.

  9. How far ahead does he plan his training? How often does this include runs he wants to do compared to the ones he is asked or expected to do?

  10. Is it hard to balance running, races and family?

  11. How do you overcome the psychological aspects of being injured?

  12. Do you ever run barefoot?

    Does he encourage or will he crew for his kids if they pursue adventure sports as he has?

    Do you think there is a point where some deterioration occurs due to the body not being able to keep up with the extreme demands?
    When you feel this coming on what are the keys to your rest and recovery.

  13. My question: Who is your running hero or legend you look up too?

  14. Mine: Ask him if he is bothered by those who bash him (i.e., on I have a feeling he takes it all in stride!

  15. What are the top 3 things you think keeps you running the way you do!
    What are the top 3 no-nos!!!

  16. How do you mentally recover from less than stellar runs? (A bad run can zap me of all motivation and make me wanna lay down and cry!)

  17. "Is the sudden popularity of ultramarathons ultimately good or bad for the races?" (Every race you've heard about you can't get into.)

    @Molly: you fold it so the sauce doesn't burn your mouth...

  18. I would ask him if he was locked in a grocery store overnight, which section would he sleep in and why!

  19. Add me to the "oh my I am jealous" category! I am SO excited for you it isn't even FUNNY. I think about you running with him when I am running all the time and how amazing of a chance this will be.

    1. Favorite movie
    2. Does he have any pre-race rituals?
    3. Does his wife still make him take the trash out even after he's run one of his ultra-marathons?
    4. Boxers or Briefs? :-) HA!

  20. Ask him if there's any race too crazy for him to try. Suggest Arrowhead 135 or Barkley.

  21. Dean, if you didn't run, what other sport would you be doing/investing your life in?

  22. --How does he balance family and fun w/ running?

  23. --Who is your running icon?
    --How much time do you devout to training?
    --Are you obsessed with anything else like you are running?
    --How do you judge when a pain or stiffness is a minor ache you can run through or something you need to address more acutely?

  24. That is so awesome!

  25. I JUST finished Ultramarathon Man, and had a hard time putting it down. I was completely in Awe and couldn't begin to comprehend what that crazy has put himself through! Wow.

    Have his kids shown any interest in racing/running/endurance sports as they get older?
    Does he think he can run more than 200 miles (I haven't read the next book(s)?...that may have already been answered)?
    What's the one food (if any) that even He wouldn't eat while running?

  26. 1. What would he do if he couldn't run again ever (due to injury, illness, whatever)?
    2. How does he maintain his relationship with his wife considering how much he's on the road? (and she doesn't run, right?) One of my former bosses was a marathoner and ultramarathoner and his wife was NOT a runner. She supported him nonetheless but was really glad when he gave it up.
