
Friday, December 10, 2010

The Bicep

I am laughing my ass off. I thought I had seen all the photos from my run with Stage One of the TransRockies Run with Dean Karnazes, but somehow I missed this one (found it on-line yesterday while going through photos from the race):


Here’s why I love it. Dean’s bicep.

Forget that I just finished running 4 hours and 35 minutes with one of the worlds’ most recognized runners as my partner (see? we have matching bibs). Forget that this was the hardest run I’ve ever experienced (2,700 feet of elevation gain over 21 miles on trails in 90 degree heat).

That stinking vein could end wars and establish world peace. That vein could cure cancer and pay off the deficit.

Funny thing is, it appears he is looking at his veiny bicep and saying, “Whew! Check out that muscle,” when in reality (because I was there, remember me, I’m in the picture too) he is saying, “Whew! We’re done! Congrats!”

There is also this one, but not nearly as good:


So, sign ups are underway for this year's TransRockies Run (August 2011). Gore-Tex will send anyone who is interested a free DVD from 2010 as long as you have not run the race before . Want one? Click HERE for info. 

This race is not for the faint of heart (6 days, 115 miles over the Colorado Rockies), but it is the experience of a lifetime. Even if you don’t get to run alongside a vein.

Did you see Sarah Palin interviewed by Barbara Walters last night? She told Barbara she was reading a great book about an Ultramarathoner, Dean Karzose (Karzose, Karnazes – close). Made me laugh.

Living in memories ‘til I can run again,



  1. That

    HOLY freaking moley.

    I'm posting my best vein.

    It's a vein off.
    no joke.
    I just don't know if I should go for the forehead one or the arm one. He's goin' down.

  2. I've got killer veins in my upper thigh groin area. Might scar the blog world.

  3. Holy cow on that vein.

    I taped the interview, so I'm chomping at the bit to see this. Our next president.

  4. Dean and Sarah Palin... must be the end times.

  5. only cool people are vascular. im working on it :D got a baby growing on my bicep. can't even be in the same room as Mr.Dean's.

  6. That is a killer event. Good for you, and him (remember he's in the picture too).

  7. Wow that Karzose vein looks like its clear out of his body!

  8. That might be the best picture EVER. That belongs on the fromt of RW!!

  9. That is a really cool picture. I'm a fairly new follower; how did you end up running with Dean as your partner?

  10. That is an AWESOME picture. So jealous you got to run that with him. So cool.

  11. You both have amazing biceps. I can't believe you had Dean as a running partner. That race sounds SO hard....someday I will be as hardcore as you!

  12. You know what's sad - U.S. has only one Sarah Palin in political leadership; Canada has hundreds!

  13. Sigh....what a great vein. I would love to run next to that vein.

    I'm off to enter your's a killer!

  14. Awesome picture with Dean. I would love to meet him.

  15. wow great picture! should be in a magazine!!!

  16. AAAAAKKKK...she who must not be named!!

    Really though..nice pics!

  17. Omggg that vein. Also? That "race" aka, adventure sounds like a dream. I would so love to do that. Now... if only I could scrap up 2k from my measly grad student pay check to pay for the dang thing. Sigh... a runner can dream right?

  18. Holy vein!! That picture is awesome!

  19. i bet phlebotomists love him hahah! your bicep is looking mighty buff too lady. but no vein sadly.

  20. I will take one of those for Christmas please... he will fit nicely under my tree.

  21. Wow! That vein is amazing! He is amazing! I love that jealous you got to run with Dean. I met him at the Kauai marathon last year...

  22. amazing picture!

    I am kicking myself - probably about 8-9 years ago and eons before finding running I worked for a production company and I had lunch with Dean to discuss a development thing/show thing... I still have the copy of the book he gave me and he was lovely.

    Now that I'm a runner, I realize this was practically like meeting Jesus and I'm so annoyed with myself for not savoring that meeting more!

  23. Jen that is crazy!!! At least you got the book.

  24. Just went back and listed to Sarah Palin's interview: Karnos. Yeah, she's reading that one.

  25. 6 days, 115 miles over the Colorado Rockies?! That's craaazy! I can see why it's the hardest run you have ever experienced!
    And- I have to see that Sarah Palin interview. I literally laughed out loud when I read that! hahaha yep, still smiling over that one.

  26. Great picture!

    And I like your sign off today - very cute :)

  27. his vein, your and EMZ's abs, hotlegs runners legs....I am going to build the bionic freaking endurance athlete and post him on EAP....

  28. That is an awesome photo! You're so lucky! Wait no, he's also lucky to have his photo taken with you =)

  29. ahh! i love that pic! the vein even made your christmas card! i bet dean loves his vein too!

  30. That vein will inspire millions! MILLIONS!! Lol. This is amazing! Crackin the freak up!! LOL!

  31. I hate to say it, but that bicep and vein is crazy scary! Uck! But you look hot! Tee hee!
    Have a great weekend!

  32. I stalk Dean and he knows it. It has to do with those biceps and the cute tush.

  33. Missed the vein for you GLOW in that pic! Such an awesome moment caught in that pic.

  34. Oh the exciting life you live..even when you are not running!

  35. Awesome pic ! I met Karno when I finished the North Face Endurance Challenge 50k about 6 weeks ago. We talked for a while and took a few photos. No vein in my photo, though. Guess I'm not as special :)

  36. That first pic is pretty sweet. PS have you seen this running cartoon:

  37. He doesn't even need to flex! That is awesome.

    Wow, Palin. Wow.

  38. Yep, at least I got the book. Sigh. I sooo didn't get running then. I'm an idiot.

  39. The man is just sick (in an impressive way).
