
Monday, March 14, 2011

Input Needed

Somehow I’ve been talked into doing a running clinic one week from tonight at a local health club. 

My audience will be comprised of about 25 “fitness runners” and/or those looking to compete in organized races. I will be discussing:

  • Injury prevention (I should be a rock star at this one by now)
  • Running gear (thongs and g-strings of course)
  • Nutrition (lots of fiber and Mexican food before races)
  • Stretching (make sure you get the “taint”)
  • Race strategies (don’t train, just wing it)
  • Pooping in bushes

I really wish you could all be there for my dog and pony show.

I’ve got a pretty decent outline for the event, but want to tap into your knowledge. Each and every one of you – please take a minute to answer:

  1. If you were attending a running clinic, what would you most want to learn about?
  2. As a runner, what is your best tip?

You guys are a wealth of information!! I can read until I’m blue in the face, but real life experience is where it’s at. I can only draw on my personal adventures, which include crapping in trees and farting my way around local running trails. I’d love to hear what you have to say.

Thanks in advance,



  1. Ok I am fairly new runner
    1 year of racing. 16 races. 1 half marathon
    I would want to learn about fueling DURING a race, half marathon and full.
    How to fuel for long runs.
    How to run a good race not just fast, one where you don't hit the freaking wall at mile 10.
    Learn more about pace: for long runs, tempo, intervals.

  2. Truthfully, I would absolutely appreciate the poop talk. It was something that mortified me when I started running, but I feel better knowing it's a common problem among runners.

    I also think it's worth talking about good pain and bad pain and learning how to tell the difference. Some pain you can and should run through. Other pain, not so much (not that I need to tell you that.)

    My best tip? I'm no expert, but it would be something corny like believing in yourself and your ability to do it. It is amazing what you can do when you take away the limits.

  3. How to design and stick to a training plan!

  4. 1. If I were attending a clinic I would ask.. how do I get faster?
    2. If I were giving a tip.. take rest days! (hard to remember sometimes starting out, or still)

  5. Oh another thing sorry
    Cross training
    I would want to hear about that also
    Man too bad you are so far
    This would be good for me!

  6. Hey Beth,
    Your clinic will be a blast! I think the most important tip is to avoid the "more is better" logic when it comes to running. I think that overtraining (which often leads to injury) keeps about 25% of runners sidelined on race day.

  7. I think it helps me to know that running is hard. It's uncomfortable. That doesn't mean I have to stop.

  8. Tip: I am new and old but
    1 start slow and run YOUR race not the one of the 19 yrs old gal next to you
    2 rest day one per week minimum even if you feel good.

    Did I used my max posts for one day? !
    I wish someone at my gym would give a clinic like that...l

  9. 1. the most effective speedwork sessions. or how to go really intense with pace AND miles and stay uninjured (because i've been struggling with this..oh every training cycle)

    2. listen to your body. it's a tip i've yet to master and seems so cliche but whenever i do i feel great.

  10. aint your hiney
    and aint your vaginy
    just your taint.

    I like to know where to start. Doesn't matter really where but just a place. like with barefoot running I started by focusing on a midfoot landing and then worked up from there. Its not the only place but it was a place.
    As soon as I have a beginning I have no problem going.
    I agree with the more is not always better.

    You will do awesome!! I sent off a package to you today :)

  11. What a cool thing to do!!

    1. My answer is actually two things (sorry!!) - fueling and WHEN to fuel and WHAT to fuel with, as well as speedwork and designing an effective plan with speedwork.

    2. run YOUR race - there will always be someone faster, slower, fitter, fatter, better and worse than you. But you only race against yourself. (Oh, and the BQ time, of course.)

  12. 1. I would want to know how to get faster and how to prevent injuries.

    2. My tip would be to join a running group or find a running partner. The camaradarie can be so important for some beginning runners when the going gets a little tough. It's nice to have friends who can relate :D

  13. Some information on running form would have been VERY helpful to me when I started running - still helpful to keep in mind.
    One tip I would give - others have mentioned a number of times - don't be afraid to take some time off if you're not well!
    Thanks for your blog - you're hilarious.

  14. The toughest part for me is keeping ahead of the negative thoughts until the endorphins kick in - oh, and being slow. But - as Caroline said - it's MY race and not someone else's.

    I'm a new-ish runner (6 months yesterday!), and some of the most useful blog posts I've read have been about gear (including dressing appropriately for the weather ) and getting past all the 'junk' in your head to just RUN.

  15. I totally agree with Caroline, poop talk would be good because I remember the first time it happened to me, I thought I was dying. It's nice to know what is normal:)
    I would really love to know the breakdowns of a training plan, the different runs, best cross training options, etc.
    My best piece of advice: You can do anything for 30 seconds. Usually if you push through those 30 seconds, it's enough to get a grip and get back on track!
    Good luck!

  16. I like that good pain/bad pain comment.

  17. Chafe prevention and a good forefoot strike.

  18. Poop talk for sure! Lots of runners don't know this is a normal thing. Maybe ever talk about runners your know or famous runners that have shat their pants while running.

    I'd also like to learn more about fueling while training. particularly on long run days.

    Running form is a good one too.

  19. I usually don't go to general clinics, I like to know about the course more than anything. When I do go I like to hear about latest gear or I just read how dangerous it is to take NSAID while running! My greatest tip I was ever given and always give is not to mix types of drinks. Stick to water and gu packets or do gatorade alone w/o water. The mix can cause GI issues

  20. The most important thing about running is consistency. Running sucks for the first few months. Then you get faster and you push too hard. Then you get injured and take a break. If you can run smart and consistent and avoid major injuries, you are going to get fast quickly.

  21. 1) I love anecdotes, and really enjoy learning about others' experiences (the main reason I read blogs), and especially appreciate when others share experiences that not everyone is willing to talk about - like running-related GI issues.

    2) My best tip for new runners is not to panic if you miss a few runs - and instead to just pick up where you left off (or, you know, build back up to it depending on how much time off you've taken) without beating yourself up about it.

  22. Best running tip I ever got: Don't use the seat covers if you go to the bathroom during a race. It may seem like a really good idea with race bathrooms mostly being port-a-potties and all, but the tissue paper sticks to your sweaty butt and then you just dribble whatever nastiness is on the seat cover down your legs when you stand up.

    How's that for poop talk?! :)


  23. I'd like to know how to beat the mental roadbloks! Sometimes that seems harder then the actual running, I want to learn how not to psych myself out.
    My biggest tip would be to to enjoy the bragging rights!

  24. I'd want to know about resources for runners....useful sites, things to read, good book recommendations. I'm all about information!

  25. I'd like to learn more about nutrition...fueling for training and during hints on how to actually race (i.e. race strategy)....good luck on the clinic!

  26. If I were to attend a running clinic, I would want to know tips/tricks for making it past the 'wall'! What to do to prevent, or make it easier once you hit the wall.

    Tip: Make sure the shoes you are running in are the right type for you. Go to your local specialty running store and they should be able to help you. Make sure to bring your old running shoes with you so they can look at the wear pattern.

    Great blog! :)

  27. 1. Start strong or slowly build your pace?
    2. Don't over-hydrate before a race (I stopped to pee during my first and only 10K).

  28. Assuming that a person has been running for a while, and wants to get better. At some point during a run your body will want to stop or back off. The runner's brain can tell the body to keep going, and it will. For a while. Eventually, of course, if you keep doing this your body will make you stop, and you'll be injured so you'll stay stopped for a while.

    During most runs the runner will get odd little pains that come and go, and that's all ok. But how does a runner learn, preferably without injuring themselves, when it's safe to push a bit more, and when to back off? How do we distinguish between the pain of your body trying hard to make you stop, and the pain of an actual injury? In other words, what does, say, a hip that is 10 steps short of fracturing feel like?

    All that assumes that you are not being chased by a bear and can choose to slow down or stop anytime.

    Something about our body will limit how fast we can run. Usually it's the cardio system, in that the heart and lungs can't supply oxygenated blood to the muscles fast enough. Sometimes the legs are tired or sore, or just not working very well, so it feels like you're churning along working your ass off, but your heart and lungs are still having a drink in the beach chair. Are there training techniques to cope with these conditions and still get a balanced workout? Again, please, without injuring yourself?

    As you might have gathered, I'm focussed on not damaging myself. That's because I'm an old geezer that doesn't have the time to sit around waiting for my aged body to heal. Which it probably would do very badly anyways, at this stage in life.

  29. 1) "Natural Running"
    2) Buy a clip-on metronome to help develop a quick cadence and mitigate over-striding.

  30. 1. If you were attending a running clinic, what would you most want to learn about?

    How to get faster. Is a running coach worth it for a casual runner?

    2. As a runner, what is your best tip?

    Stop comparing yourself to anyone else. There will always be someone who, without training, will be able to run faster and/or further than you. Genetics play a big role in your abilities. Don't get mad at yourself or someone else because you're not running 15 miles every morning. You are the only person you should be comparing yourself to.

  31. 1. I would attend any running clinic. As a relatively new running addict, anything regarding running is interesting to me. Sorry. No help there.

    2. After completing my first half marathon, I suffered a really sucky IT Band issue that I have since gotten sorted. My best tip: it does not matter if you have never stretched (just not wise) or have never experienced even a twinge of pain. STRETCH. And when you think you're done stretching, stretch some more. Get a foam roller. Make it your best friend.

    Love you Beth. You rock.

  32. I'd like to hear how to set a race goal - I find a lot of training plans tell you to run "at race pace" "slower than race pace" etc but how the heck to you PICK race pace?! I tend to underestimate my pace and I'd like a better way to predict this.
    My best running tip...drink club soda to settle your stomach after a long run in the heat. It's awesome.

  33. I feel like there is so much talk about training, injuries, nutrition, etc but very little about RACING and strategy and taking things to the next level. THAT is what I would want. Can you post your notes after the talk? Or better, video??

  34. i want to know how i can get faster!

    my best tip is be mature and pace yourself properly during a race. you loose if you go out too fast.

    have fun!!!

  35. Hey there;-)
    sounds like a cool gig!!

    I actually had a run client ask me what I thought about your athleta water xtraining post! :-)...So...I think a lot of people are very curious about this...and you've got real life experience to share.

    now...go kill em' w/your charm;-)

  36. I shot my first snot rocket yesterday. And then I shot like 6 more, just because. What was I so scared of this whole time? DO NOT FEAR THE SNOT ROCKET!

  37. I would want to learn how to design a training plan. That's the one that took me the longest to figure out...and I'm still working on that one.

    My best tip is to utilize the running community. It's a wealth of support and knowledge.

    Oh, and good shoes are very important for injury prevention and peace of mind.

  38. Re#2: Honor Where You Are.
    (climbing onto soapbox) I talk to sooo many runners who think they are crap because they can't run a pace that they think they *ought* to be able to. I'm in favor of setting goals and using those goals to improve, but some people seem to want to use those goals to continually beat themselves up for falling short. Instead, I think people should be encouraged to Honor Where They Are. Whatever pace and whatever time represents your best effort, THAT is something that should be honored and celebrated. A race only allows for one "winner" (the person who comes in first) but everyone who lines up can win on any given day, if we can only honor that this effort was the best we had to give on that particular day. Sometimes the person who comes in dead last can be the biggest winner of all... it takes of lot of courage. None of us are really racing each other, we are all racing ourselves. (stepping off soapbox)

  39. Hi there

    I don't want to be told I can't do anything, so I love running races, don't tell me I shouldn't run a race every week, tell me I should aim to race only a couple of races a year and use the others as training.
    Live your own dreams not some-one elses.
    don't aim to far in advance. (look at yourself) Boston goal, aim 1 start running, aim 2 8miles run, so always look to what you know you can do.

    Good luck

  40. I think throwing in information about appropriate goal setting for experience level. Too many overuse injuries in new runners that can turn people off from the sport.

  41. I would want to know things I can do that might help prevent bonking at Mile 18/19 of a marathon. I would also want to know about the different gels and sports drinks out there what the difference is between them etc. So essentially, anything about hydration and fuel during an endurance event.

  42. What I'd want to learn:
    * How and when to refuel and hydrate during longer races.
    * Checklist of things needed for race day.

    * Be sure to have rest days in your training - running more doesn't make you a better runner!

  43. Best Tip: you are only running against yourself. There is always someone better, faster, skinnier, prettier, and uglier than you. And if it were easy, EVERYONE would do it!

  44. As a fairly new runner I would like to know how to push past the wall!! My longest run has been 12miles and by mile 9 I just wanted to lay down and quit right there.

    Tip: Stay focused and stick to YOUR training plan and pace! It is ok that there is always gonna be somebody who can run longer and faster!

    Good luck Beth! I can't wait to hear how it went! Your a hoot and you'll be totally awesome ;)

  45. For me, I'd want to hear about how to fuel before and during a race so that I can avoid stomach issues. Actually, I still haven't figured it out.

    Best tip? Replace sodium and electrolytes DURING a race.

  46. If I were at a running clinic - I'd probably fall asleep. Sorry. Just not my thing.
    BUT - the biggest tip I would like to share is that running is personal - training plans are great, but if your body is different, or your goals are different, you can always do whatever is best for you. No plan needed.
    Or, maybe I just don't like being told what to do.

  47. 1 - how, SPECIFICALLY, to get faster, for example, how to lay out a training plan to go from running 11:20 minute miles to 9 minute miles - over what period of time, what workouts, how much mileage, etc. And if anyone has this type of info to share, please do so!

    2 - if something hurts, pay attention! Remember you're in it for the long haul - not just this race, not just this year. Be proactive. Take the time to rest, ice, get your gait and shoes checked, see a chiro or sports doc etc. rather than just assuming "I'm building mileage and running faster so something will always hurt" - I'm still paying the price for that mistake years later.

  48. I've been a newbie run instructor and one of the best talks I gave was on race day prep:
    -race kit pickup
    -race day 'rules' i.e. NO music allowed
    -course management - where the route is, how to get through the water stops, if you are going to take walk breaks..MOVE OVER TO THE SIDE AND NOT COME TO A DEAD STOP....

    A motivation talk is always a good one...

  49. 1. feedback on my form
    2. do crosstraining!

  50. 1. How to deal with mental battles that happen during races and training.

    2. Talk about glide... learned that lesson the hard way. YOWZERS!

  51. I am fixated on not bonking so I want to know what to eat before and during.

    My best tip as a runner is to smile each and every step of the race/run. It makes it easier and your other choices are to hate it and end up hating the activity.

    Plus I also want to know how to pee during the run without stopping (I can do it if you want tips) and how to blow the guy/gal behind you away with your loaded secret weapon.

  52. To be realistic about your outcome. What you put in will be what you get out of it (race wise). When I trained for my first half I realized that my training was a true reflection on finish time. Prepare wisely!

  53. Don't forget to start by saying "Do as I say, not as I do."

  54. Proper nutrition. Me personally I am a firm believer in learning how not to land heel first. I'd love to be able to teach people that.

    Be yourself, tell your story, you will be AWESOME!

  55. I'd want to talk fueling strategies, especially before and during a marathon. My races often derail after my stomach gets angry, in that ingesting liquid but none of it actually moving out of the stomach sort of way.

    Regarding a tip, I'd say listen to your body!

  56. To learn - balancing cross training and running so you don't burn out.
    How to fuel and hydrate while running - I'm surprised every race at the dehydrated people.
    And planning a training program to improve your race pace.

    Tips - Garmin watch!
    Good running music to keep me moving.
    Wear a sports bra ladies!
    Find a training partner

  57. 1.) I would most want to learn about food and h2o. What my options are for fueling, when do i need to fuel, ect. Also, the digestive issues would be good to talk about too.
    2.) My best tip - Try really hard not to compare yourself to other runners, only yourself. You can only do what you can do.

  58. (1) Determining a decent pace for myself is still a mystery to me. I think a lot of new runners are looking for that.
    (2) The advice I would give is to take it sloooooowwwllly! I pushed myself just a little too hard the first time I tried running and sure enough, tweaked my knee. This time around I'm paying more attention to what my body has to say as opposed to my ego.

    Good luck! If they don't love you there's something horribly wrong with them.

  59. Ummmm I have done some "interesting stuff" in my life but never learned the art of "stretching the taint"... I would attend just to learn this nugget of wealth!

    I have no idea what I would want to learn. Most people that are going to those clinics know absolutely nothing about running anyways... so I would just say, "Make sure you tie your shoes and don't spit into the wind."

    The best tip given to me, "Accelerate up the hills, and accelerate again down the hills". The way I see it, all you flipping do is accelerate if you follow that advice ;) OR, "when you pass someone, pass with confidence, beat them mentally when you pass them. Make them think that there is no way they can hang with you" Although that would be stupid to tell these people because they are probably friendly happy people that aren't competitive at all.

  60. If it were me, I would want to hear about the science behind running slow to run fast.

    And I'd like to learn what the best combination of weekly workouts is... speed, long distance, cross training... how much of each and how often?

    And could you please post visual aids for these taint stretches?

  61. 1) How to vary training so body doesn't just adapt to same run.
    2)Do all you can to prevent chafing

  62. Running form, some places I read say lean slightly forward, some say strong core, some say let your feet lightly hit your butt, while others say raise your knees up.... so confusing!
    Best tip ever: If your body says WHOA, you do exactly that, stop.
    No injury this time for me!!!

  63. I would be most interested in learning what foods work best before runs. How much time to allow after eating before running? I learned the hard way that I need to be very aware of what I eat the day before a long run. A few tips of how to discreetly poo when in the middle of nowhere. Sooner or later it happens to all of us. :-)

    My best tip? Take an ice bath after long training runs. The couple minutes of pain and crying are well worth it.

  64. Since I'm part of an ongoing clinic, I've heard it all! Most popular topics are nutrition (pre/during/post run) and injury prevention!

    best advice - recovery runs/rest days are just as important as key workouts!

  65. I like to tell beginning runners to find other people to run with. Training is always easier and more fun when you're not doing it alone.

  66. I'd want to be told about; 1. Fueling during a race, including electrolytes, 2. Speed work outs, 3. Hill repeats, 4. the importance of REST!!!! 5. proper running form.
    Thanks for all the laughs. I know you'll be brilliant.

  67. Your agenda and side notes are spot on! Additionally I would like to know about the affects of the first beer at the finish line.

  68. I would definitely tell them about speed workouts if they want to get faster

  69. I would want to hear about any new trends in running related products.

    My #1 tip is use lots of lube! No joke. If ya don't you will be sorry! ;)

  70. 1. Getting faster and good workouts to accomplish that
    2. Signs of injury and overtraining
    3. Tapering and explanation (ie it's not supposed to feel good, and you should expect to freak out)

    MY BEST TIP: break up your race/run into small sections and only focus on the next mile/aid station. DO NOT TRY TO GUESSTIMATE HOW MUCH LONGER TIL YOU FINISH!

  71. I would want to know some reasoning behind why we usually can run faster in a race than in training AND it seems easier.

    As for my tip: Just enjoy it. If you push too hard, running won't be fun and you won't stick with it. Enjoy training and enjoy racing.

  72. Best tip: on a cold day, start by running into the wind. If you start with the wind, when you get to the turnaround, all the sweat freezes instantly.

  73. i would want to learn about the diff btw intervals, tempo etc. runs and what they do for you, i would want input on chi running and does it help ?

    best tip....foam roller and interval work - it will make you faster

  74. Boy, would I love to see your clinic ! Why dont you tape it for us and post it on your Page. If I was there I would want to have you give some tips on how to run your first race. Diet, what do you eat before a run and after. I love when you talk about letting your body rest and heal. When you are a new runner you think there is no time to rest or be sick. They are in for a real treat getting to listen to all the info you have learned during all you miles of hard work!

  75. 1-As a beginner I would have loved some chaffing and poo advice.
    2-Lube up your toes for big long runs...even if you never get blisters.

  76. I just wrote this post last week:

    This is everything I'd want to be told if I were a newbie!

  77. 1. how fast should you run your long runs.

    2. TIP - if it hurts on both sides it's training. if it hurts on one side your injured.

  78. 1. I have avoided clinics because I feel like they're often geared to beginners (and yes, I am a know-it-all), but I think information on effective core workouts and stretching is always helpful. Core is SO important to injury prevention! There's so much information out there but I find that most people don't know what is good info and what is bs.

    2. Tip: Kara Goucher says that she runs alone on her easy days because no one wants to run that slow, and she runs alone in her workouts because no one can keep up. Basically, don't race your long runs/easy days!

  79. you are going to be awesome!!!

    I would want to hear about training cycles/balancing easy/hard workouts. and the best tip I've ever gotten is the "start slow finish fast" tip. it works for me!

  80. Very cool - a clinic! I would most like to hear about nutrition. My best tip would be that you can only run as fast (in a race) as you trained for. So don't expect to pull out 8-minute miles if you've always trained at 10-minute miles. I'm talking 1/2 marathons here... maybe pulling off a faster pace is easier accomplished in a shorter race.

  81. Cool!

    I would want to know different real life, workable strategies for modifying a training plan (eg, for a 1/2 or full marathon), especially near the end, when you've missed a long run. How to mitigate? How to get over the mental defeat? What workouts to do instead?

    (Is it obvious yet that I missed my long run last week and my half is NEXT weekend?!)

  82. I would love to learn how to add speed work to a training schedule... how much, how often... the basics.

    Best advice: LISTEN to your body- (and not to wimp out because you are tired and feel like stopping) when you are HURTING. Know when to back down a little and when to rest.

    I would LOVE to hear your clinic... holy cow those people are going to leave laughing from your honesty and empowered by your knowledge! Knock em dead!!

  83. You have a ton of great advice already! I would say that some really helpful and useful information would be to do some "what to do's" and what "not to do's" leading up to and during races. A lot of it is trial and error, and I have friends who call me with long lists of questions for their first races (fueling, pacing, etc.)

    Good luck! You will be great! :)

  84. That is so cool that you are hosting a running clinic - I would totally come if I was near you - I'm sure it will be great!

    1. As a Pace Coach, the most common thing I get asked about is nutrition - what to eat before, during, and after various races/distances.

    2. My best tip is (not really a tip) reminding people to have FUN while they are running and do it because it makes them happy. I like telling people about and hearing about inspirational stories. It seems like everyone who runs has a story - something that brought them to running in the first place. I never walk away disappointed after talking to a runner!

    Good luck - you will have to let us know how it goes!

  85. I would still call myself new(ish) to runnng. I've run since high school, but didn't get serious about distance until Jan 2010. I've done 2 half marathons and more 5 & 10k races than I can count.

    I would still be very intimidated about joining a group because I wouldn't want to slow anyone down. I do quite a bit of research on my own so there would be very little I'd seek to know (intellectually) from a group session, but I am always up for learning new things as I come across them.

    The only thing that would draw me to a group is the possibility of adding speed work without getting discouraged.

    A lot of times I take it easy because I'm concerned that if I get discouraged, I'll stop. But if I had a teacher/coach that could show me that "yes, you can run faster. Yes you can run farther" without completely tearing me down physically, I'd be all over that.

  86. Body glide is a necessity. Poop before your race.

  87. OK! One more thing: As a beginner, I would like some sort of assessment on what my pace should be. Then I'd like to know the best way to shave time off that pace.

    Best Tips: Running is a great way to maintain your weight, but not the best way to lose weight. Then start in on nutrition.

    Learn to recognize over training.

    Discouragement comes with the territory. Don't compare yourself to other runners.... Even. There's always someone who will be faster with what seems to be like less effort and there will always be someone who is slower. Thinking you;re better will just make you feel stupid when that 73-yr-old Vet blows passed you right at the Finish Line.

    Not every run is a great one. Just keep strapping on the Asics cuz the next one will be better.

    #1 Best Tip: Even a bad workout is better than no workout.

  88. How to control pre-race anxiety would be helpful. I always get caught up in that.

  89. I would most want to hear about how to build and customize training plans.

    My best piece of advice for new runners is to stick with it long enough to really give running a chance, increase total running time/miles slowly, and HAVE FUN.

  90. Shoot... I was hoping to be the 100th commenter :(

    Advice/tips for beginners:

    1. start a blog
    2. get into the appropriate footwear for the way your body works
    3. if you are a woman, invest in the proper support garment(s), no matter how large OR small 'they' are. Recognize that 'they' should move absolutely minimally... and some of us need at least two support garments to achieve this. This is a MUST.
    4. just get out there! put on the shoes and the support garment(s) and go! Doesn't matter if you got your make up on. Doesn't matter if you can't find your watch. Doesn't matter if your iPod is lost or out of juice. Doesn't matter if your black tech tee is dirty or your favorite shorts are still in the wash... put something on and get your ass out the door.

    Advice/tips for non-beginners:

    1. why haven't you started that blog yet?
    3. LEARN WHAT IT MEANS to listen to your body!
    4. taking days off is a part of the training plan... just as speedwork and long runs are. You have GOT to allow the body time to regenerate after you tear it down.
    5. speedwork and hill work are what will make you faster.
    6. cross-training and stretching really WILL help you run faster, recover faster, get stronger, and be less inclined to get injured.

    Oooops...I need to shut up now :P

    I normally wouldn't attend a clinic because I really know everything already... well, that I NEED to know or want to know. LOL. But I would LOVE to see you in action giving the clinic!

  91. I would want to learn what a sensible running schedule is like. ie adding weekly mileage. Types of runs etc.

    As a wanna be bad ass runner My biggest tip is: Don't gun it!!

  92. I would want to Learn: varying speed work practices so as to get faster, but not injured :)

    I would say my best "tip" is to find a buddy or a group - they make all the motivational difference in the world! Of course, I'd probably have to throw in a few nutritional tips, for good measure ;) Don't screw with electrolytes if you're a heavy sweater and/or on Long(er) hot(ter) runs - it will drain you quickly and if you HAVE them at the right times, you'll find energized all the way through the run.

  93. I'm a somewhat newish runner and there are so many things I didn't know! Things I would be interested in (looking back):
    1. Race techiques and running tangents
    2. Speed - How can you increase it?
    3. Gear - What's "must have" and what's just fun to look at
    4. Fueling & Nutrition - Specifically to eat before a race (and how NOT to eat)

    My best tip - Enjoy running for yourself - you're not competing with anyone else!

  94. I am still a new-ish runner and I would love someone to explain to me the different types of training runs. with the tempo run, the track repeats, and the fartleks (I can fart, sure!)...I wish I knew more than to just get out there and run 8 miles and call it a "long run". My best tip so far would be about eating before a run: figure out what works best for your stomach and DON'T EVER DEVIATE. Stick with what works and don't try anything new (like a margarita and chips & queso) right before a 20 mile long run. Don't ask me how I know that.

  95. I would stress how much time and patience running takes. Everyone wants to start out fast and strong immediately.

    It takes so much time and effort! I am still jealous of all the fast runners out there. For me it would be helpful to know I am not alone and to know there is hope my running will improve (speed, endurance) some day!

  96. Wow Beth, you have received a TON of great info here, not sure there is anything new to add, but for good measure, here is some more.

    First, I guess the level of experience of these 'recreational runners' might dictate the details, they may even direct the clinic in a different direction with their Q&A.

    But as a newish runner as well, I was/am somewhat overwhelmed with info out there. I wanted to do 'it' the right way and now understand there are tons of 'right ways'. This runs the gamut from what shoes to wear, to what clothes are 'need to have' and which are 'nice to have', to what are GOOD fuel choices and what are NOT (a good poop segue!), to when to fuel and how to train for your goals. etc.

    The answer to these and plenty more are very personal. So while sharing info is GREAT, learning what is right form them is BEST.

    I am learning consistency and patience are two good items to always keep in mind.

    Enjoy the clinic!

    (P.S. If you need a helper, please holler my way.)

  97. I would want to learn WHY I am supposed to run so slow sometimes. It is so hard to run slow on long runs, and I know there must be a benefit, but I don't get it.

    The best advice I received and used for my first marathon was the very simple idea to not stop running. I know it seems simplistic and not-at-all motivating, but I like rules. That was mine- slow down, whatever, but do not stop running.

    I really really wish that I could see your clinic. It will be entertaining and informative.

  98. I would want to know how bone tired you'll be after a 20 miler, how bad you'll smell, how your stomach can get really messed up during that 20 miler, how to use glide to avoid chafe, especially where your legs rub or bra wraps your chest. Look drivers in the eye before you cross in front of them and how freaking great you feel when you are done.

  99. 1 - I would just enjoy anecdotes about training and racing and draw interesting conclusions from them

    2- the importance of positive mantras when running and the fact that "don't stop" will be remembered by your brain as "stop". You should use positive mantras like "you are strong", "keep going", etc instead of reverse sentences. Works wonders! :)

  100. 1. How to build speed
    2. How to blame farts on your running partner

    Best advice I can give (and I continually forget this) - stress + rest = growth. Stress + stress = injury. Those rest days are important!

  101. Poop...seriously.. what do you do if you have to go? Go? Wait? Compromise your time?

    Mentality...what do you need mentally to make it through a marathon?

    Visualization techniques... do they really work?

    Gels, chews, hydration... is there a strategy in taking them?

    Form... the golden rules of form and how they can prevent injury.

    Advice: Positive, negative splits are all individual. Sometimes what works for one runner, doesn't work for another. Play around with it.

  102. 1 - Where to go in your town for massage, chiropractic, pilates, yoga, etc. and how important those practices can be for preventing/treating injury. People who are good at what they do and work with the runner (not just the problem). It takes a team to keep some of us going! :)

    2 - If you're new, join a running group. Groups are incredible sources of support and inspiration. There is always someone that can relate to what you're going through or trying to accomplish. Plus, group runs are the most fun and safe way to do longer runs!

  103. Recovery after a long run...nutrition, resting, ice baths...

  104. Listening to your body - how to do that - how to know when enough is enough!

  105. Pictures of good form-have people stand up and try i-how hips should be and the importance of a strong butt to maintain hip balance.

    Two tampons are sometimes a good idea-just don't forget

    To the men: Farmer John noseblows can land on the person behind them. duh

  106. I will run my first half-marathon April 30 and my two biggest training concerns are....
    #1-I am trying to stick to my training plan, however, last weekend, I ran a 5 mile St Pat's race on Saturday, and Sunday my long run was supposed to be 7 miles. I know I need the 7 mile run, but it wasn't going to happen that soon after the 5-mile race. How do I make this run up? I am also signed up for a marathon relay(my leg is 7.25) the same weekend that my long run is supposed to be 12 miles.
    #2-I have no idea how to figure out mid-run fuel...pretzels, gatorade, water, gels, jelly in the hell do I decide when and what???

  107. Wow...not sure there's anything to add here in terms of running topics, but I'm in the world of education, so I have a few other thoughts on working with a crowd (not sure you want this at all??)???

    It might not be bad to start the clinic by asking everyone to write one thing that they want to learn about on a big piece of paper (or sticky notes if you want anonymity) as they enter the room (or as a beginning activity). Then share with all by reading over the ideas very quickly. This gives you a sense of what the unique group of individuals needs, it will tell you a little about their experience level, and it will give you some indication of whether you need work with something on the fly. I'd also 2nd Shirley's idea of getting them active and matter what the topic (i.e., instead of telling them about proper nutrition, first have them discuss in pairs what they know, and then have a few "shout outs", and then add your own expertise). It gives the audience a sense of ownership and might bring forward a few personal stories from the audience. This "get them involved" approach takes longer, but it's almost always worth the effort and time.

    Love your blog, Beth. Not sure I get through many of your entries without laughing out loud (or just bring out the emotions, I guess!). THANKS!

  108. I would totally want to hear about how to take that emergency potty break. Especially on training runs when you're on a busy street or in a neighborhood... where do you go, what do you do? Do you carry an emergency stash of wet wipes or just wear depends? I've had one run right after I started trying to run that I didn't make it back home for. I've been terrified of repeating that.

  109. First, you're nuts to ask us crazy runners for input, but since you did, here's mine.

    If I were attending a running clinic, I'd want to hear some true experience stories, the good, the bad and mostly, the ugly. I'm a new runner with almost a year under my belt and I find out new stuff daily. Sometimes, that stuff scares the poo out of me.

    My best tip as a runner? Don't train for your half marathon only on the treadmill while running at an incline without any cross-training. You will get hurt. Mix up your training, even if you dread the bike and hate dong strenth training. Oh and yoga is the best way to recover from ITBS!

    Run on.

  110. I thought about that more during my run today. side pain, I would want to hear about that also.
    when I started that was a real problem. did not know how to not have it, how to get rid of it and sometimes it made me stop completly.

    I did not all 110 comments above maybe this was already mentionned.
