
Friday, March 11, 2011

Longest 8 Miler Ever

Remember when I wrote that the sport’s physiologist said I should incorporate long walks into my marathon training in addition to my three weekly runs and every conceivable form of cross training?

Apparently, this is how some Japanese and Koreans train for marathons. With lots of walking. That way, you are on your feet for hours at a time, but don’t have the impact. Makes a lot of sense. Good for a gal like me who can’t take much impact right now.

I had high hopes, but I almost stopped a gun shop and shot myself in the head I was so bored. I don’t know which is worse. Running in the water or walking for eight miles on land. I am not a walker, never have been. I don’t even like walking to the mailbox or into the mall from my car. Sometimes the toilet is too far so I wear Depends.

Yesterday I had the best of conditions beautiful weather, all the time in the world. I strapped on my fuel belt with some sports beans and 20 oz. of water. I grabbed my phone, my shuffle, and a few bucks and I was off. Yes, I am wearing my new Pearl Izumi shoes. LOVE them. Review coming soon.


I ran into Ken doing his 800s. Good thing neither of us have a life .


Early on (as in first .5 mile) I was having a blast be-boppin’ along thinking, this is great! Nice day, time to think about my life, good chance to catch up with some friends by cell phone. No luck. No one was home and no one called me back. So if you could please leave your phone number so I can call you next time I am out on one of these adventures I’d appreciate it.

Mile one I got stopped by a train. Should have jumped on and caught a ride home:


Mile two, I swear I didn’t do this:


Mile three I passed my favorite brewery and came very close to calling it a day and going in for a cold one:


Mile four there was a lovely trailer park. Hopefully no dead bodies buried anywhere and no tornadoes in the forecast:


I told you it was a nice day. Long’s Peak in the distance.


Eight miles. Average pace around 14 minute/mile. Shoot me now. It’s hard to walk faster than that. You try it smarty pants. Time = 1:50. That is a long stinking way to walk. Right now I never want to do that again. Maybe as the memory fades I’ll go back out.

So, the other day when I said I “go commando” while running, Marjorie asked why it’s called commando. Fortunately, I always have the Urban Dictionary handy, and this is what it says:

“It is called 'going commando' because of an old practice in the army, where, so you didn't shit your underwear in battle, you didn't wear any - and therefore could boast that you didn't shit your pants.”

So, now I know why I don’t wear any underwear while running. So I never have to say I crapped my pants. Genius! 

Heading back to the brewery,



  1. Do I ever understand. A couple years back I broke my collar bone in a 5k race, but had qualified for a great starting slot at the Peachtree Road Race 10k just a couple weeks later. I decided I would walk it with my arm in the sling. A 10k is a long way to walk and I was bored out of my mind. Funny how walking a 10k can seem longer than running a marathon!

  2. I had to walk the last two weeks of my pregnancy, and I agree- so boring!

    Next time, stop at the Brewery, have a few and continue your walk. It will make your walk a lot better!

  3. That's hard-core. Every time I see people WALKING a marathon they amaze me. I just can't fathom being out there for 6 or 7 hours. I definitely try to drown myself at a water stop by mile 18.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. wow... 8 miles walking? awesome!

    side note- please say a prayer for us in Hawaii. The tsunami waves have just started hitting the islands. the reef is now exposed.

    follow on twitter #hitsunami

    Sorry to hi-jack! but I got goosebumps and we're getting pretty freaked out as I type. Thanks!

  6. I walked a full marathon once (this was for breast cancer and no running allowed!) in 5:47:50 Average pace? 13:16/mile.

    So, it can be done. But you have to make up your mind that walking is what you're doing and train that way.

    I can imagine if you hate walking, even a couple miles would suck.

  7. It was beautiful in Colorado yesterday. Supposed to be even better today. Think I'm going to skip out early for a run/walk/dog playing. Glad to see you're having fun getting ready for Boston. You're going to do fa-bo at it! Duh, winning!

  8. This is funny!! I so hear you on the walking-SO boring. When I was recovering I would walk this stupid 4 mile loop 3-4 times a day. It took forever and it was so nice that I always had an extra 5 hours in the day to complete it....Nice work:)

    I'm jealous of your shorts. Piles of snow and -20 last week. My hubby SWEARS by his Pearl Izumi Shoes. I'm going to try a trail model here!

    Have a great weekend. Enjoy the brewery;)

  9. I'm a fast walker (and talker), so walking has never bothered me too too much as long as I have my tunes or a partner I can bore with my nonstop chatter, but I agree that walking 8 miles would be hard (I think the furthest I have ever just walked is 5 miles). I think that's why I started running, just so I could get through it a bit faster. (funny how I am a really fast walker, but not so fast runner). <3 <3

  10. I'm impressed, I like to walk but not that far unless I'm shopping!

  11. That is impressive walking for that long. I would have skipped a little just to break things up.

    Was that grizzly bear shit?

  12. YAY OH YAY miles!!!!!!!!!! Who gives a crap how long it took, I'm soo excited!!!

  13. I can only go for walks with other people. You could not pay me to walk that far by myself. I think I would have similar feelings.

  14. I don't think I would have made it past mile three (brewery!

  15. Maybe put some beer in your hydration pack, hit the trails, and mix in some running. Jeff skips?

  16. First off, I don't believe you. That looked like your shit.

    Second, I would have at least gotten a beer to go :)

    Third, I buy this technique. Granted you are probably insane now from doing it, I ran all my workouts at my pace. Finished all my long runs like 45 min or an hour ahead of my wife. I ran the TNT marathon with her. I hurt for over a week. All I could think was that number one it wasn't "my pace" and number two, I have never run for 4.5hrs before. Good training.

    I suspect you might be sore from that today?

  17. There's definitely something to be said for being on your feet for that long. Even though it's beyond boring, your feet will appreciate it as the pounding is the hardest thing to get used to after all of that pool running.

    If you do it again, Matty O's suggestion of the beer to go sounds perfect! Nothing better than exercising and then drinking outside on a beautiful day.

  18. I used to think I liked walking until I started running... now it is painfully boring. But it's awesome you got eight miles done! You'll be running those miles in no time because you keep doing what you need to do to get better, instead of giving in to gun shops and breweries. :)

  19. bahahah. thanks for the definition of going commando!

    and i'll totally give you my number so i can hear one of your adventaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaars

  20. That is a really fast walk! Maybe a destination walk (like, to a brewery a little bit farther away?) or walk with friends, Ken or kids would help? Or hoofing it on a hike through the woods instead of on regular roads? I think walking is a great training addition though!

  21. Well that definition of "going commando" doesn't make sense. Because you'd still be crapping your pants, just not your underwear. lol

  22. Beth, I really enjoy walking. But I never ever go on that bike path unless I am going to get some Lefthand and some Oscar Blues. You really need to make it more interesting. For example, since I have a vague idea you are in the same area I am (since I have my lunch on that bike path 3 out of 5 days a week), go out to Heil Valley Ranch. It is like, a MILE outside of Longmont, has several trails and big loops, and you don't get bored because you have to really pay attention that you don't get run over by a bicycle. (go up Lefthand canyon about, oh, a minute, and turn right. You're there. I'ts another canyon name. You're in the right place if you see cows and an old broken down refrigerator).

    There are also a ton of trails that are REALLY CLOSE up by Lyons. Go get you a map of Boulder County open space/trails. MUCH nicer that walking in town, and more hilly, so they are a better workout.

    It also helps to walk WITH someone, so you can talk while you go. My family and I use to do "6 mile Mondays" every week in the summer, where we walk down to a pub (about 3 miles away), have a beer or two, and walk back. It doesn't seem that far when there is someone to talk to.

  23. How did you get that poop to be in the shape of "the running man"?

  24. Leauxra-great tips! I know of all of those trails, just don't always have time to drive to Heil (about 15 minutes) or Lyons. I'm hoping to only do this once a week for the next five week. Guess I can suck it up but might have to head to McIntosh or elsewhere for better scenery!!!

  25. I would try walking to a destination if I were you to make it less boring. Then at least you feel like there is a point!

  26. Ya walking is no fun! I started to do the walk/run method for training for my first marathon and the walking part went out the window. I got to bored and just started to run all the "walking" parts , and now I only run. "Sorry", to all the walkers out there but for me,I gotta run!

  27. I love walking. Since we've always had dogs, some that couldn't run with me, we've had to walk them. Guess you get used to it.
    I just like being out there running or walking. But the "high" only comes after running unfortunately.

  28. In the summer/fall I love to go for walks, Spike and I will go for walks for hours but if you told me I HAD to go for walks I'd probably feel the same way. Good job getting it done and if anything you can just make this a photo adventure to share with us to help ease the boredom that will surely set in.

  29. Just remember that you're able to run now. You don't have to watch everyone else. It'll get better!

  30. By the way my husband says "Thank you"! He has been telling me for a long time to do core work, and needless to say I have not listened to him. He is a Chiropractor and helps many of his patients by teaching them "core" work. It just took hearing it from someone else to get my butt in gear. Thank you from me also,I'm looking forward to getting in even better shape.

  31. Good job on sticking with it even though it wasn't your fave.

    Thanks for the commando definition, made my day!

  32. Intrigued. Would, like, an 8 mile HIKE be okay, or is it strictly, boring walking?

    I've got an ankle situation going on, and a half on May 1 I'm training for... Hmmm..

  33. I admire you for holding out past mile 3.
    Personally I love a good long walk and now that you said it qualifies as training I have a reason to do it!

    (Ha. I kill me.)

  34. I can't imagine it would be fun without a good audiobook, or friend to talk to. I have walked that far on a routine basis with both & looked forward to it!

  35. I hope no one saw you taking a photo of dookie....

    I totally would have returned to that brewery for a recovery drink!

  36. ahh, at least you are running. Thats a good thing! Thanks for humoring me this Friday!

  37. Why, I wonder, is walking so much worse than running? Never tried it, and now I hope never to have to!

  38. I’m training for some Ultras and my coach has me incorporating a bunch of walking in with my long run days. The logic makes perfect sense but it really messes with your ego when you upload your Garmin and your average pace was 12:30 per mile.

    Thanks for the picture of poop. I was just thinking that it’s been too long since I’ve seen a good poop photo.

    All the best,


  39. I just WALKED the Goofy Challenge at Disney World (my 4th full marathon and 5th half marathon-all walking)....and my full marathon took an agonizing 6:55. But it was worth it.

  40. I love walking! But when I'm going out for long walks I definitely have an ipod with some podcasts lined up...or I call my parents or get a friend to come with me. That's what I love about living in a city (and not having a car), walking become the only/best/cheapest mode of transportation. I'm so excited to see that I can call it "training" now too!

  41. yuk, this is pretty impressive. walking is boring to me too!

  42. It appears that you ended back near that bar. Coincidence?

  43. Does that say LeftHand??? Mmmmm yes big fan. Can I come visit? Thanks.

  44. 14 min/mile is a pretty solid walking pace. I'm pretty happy if I can maintain 15.

  45. Don't they make that awesome milk stout at Left Hand brewery? That shit rocks. Since this is my first time commenting, I should tell you that I'll be on Commonwealth Ave in Newton, where I live, waiting for you to come through on Marathon Monday!

  46. That is an amazing pace for walking! You were busting butt (I hope not literally). But yeah, totally agree, boring, but necessary. Hopefully once you're back, you'll never have to do that again. On the other hand, at least you can take good photos while walking!

  47. It's a good thing you look at the ground when you're walking! One of my more embarrassing moments was showing the bottom of my shoe to someone for some reason and finding I had stepped in poo.

    Mind you, I recently added "peeing while running" to my list of talents and, I'll tell you, that saves time and warms you up!

  48. Wow....that is a long walk. I will email you my phone number and feel free to call at anytime.

  49. OK, so, Heil Ranch is apparently on fire right now, so that one might be out for a little while.

    I love hiking in the winter, but you have to stay low in the foothills unless you want to wade through waist deep snow... Hmmm. I wonder if cross country skiing is good for the hips...? And you could always go snowshoeing, which is an event in itself.

    Guess its time for me to head to the hills again this weekend, I suddenly really want some snow. Plus, my office is filled with smoke.

  50. that is a long way to walk but hey you did it - that takes some mental strength which will serve you well VERY SOON!!!!

  51. I'd rather walk for 2 hours than run for 15 minutes. One day I might be more like you.. I hope.

  52. I love long walk with other people, people the conversations tend to get really weird. A long solo walk? UG.

  53. Well done..your endurance is amazing!
    That urban dictionary is dangerous...Seems though that "commando" was pretty safe..

  54. That is a great walking pace! In Ultras you are to train doing long walks and hikes to increase your walking pace because everyone but the Ultra running god/goddess walk at one point or another and if you can walk fast it helps keep your average pace up.

    The memories will fade and you'll be back for more!

  55. Do you have trails/hills/mountains near you? I think it would be much easier to pass 2 hours on foot light-hiking some trails. 8 miles on the road would be killer in terms of boredom.

    I like walking a lot (not now that I'm in an aircast,ha), but I've always been a destination walker. I'd walk to a grocery store that was 2-3 miles away and then get a few things, maybe stop and have a coffee, then walk back. Walking/hiking on trails with my dog is always fun, and time passes quickly (though you won't cover as many miles in 2 hours!)

    14 mins/mile is a blistering pace to keep up for 8 miles straight IMO.

  56. Shit! Now that you've divulged my top-super-secret real name I'll need to go undercover for a year or so, create a new identity, hire a new family to go along with it, and explain to the guys at the Witness Protection Program HQ how this happened... they will not be pleased.

    Couldn't you have linked my name to one of my more interesting posts? One that might make people interested in looking at my blog a second time... like the post with the picture of me with Fidel Castro? lol or my useful french lesson?

    And I happen to know from personal experience that not wearing underwear does not prevent the shit from getting on your pants should you have an 'accident'.

    BAhhahahahhaha! the train! the train! (you have to say it like Tattoo from Fantasy Island) We have a train situation where we live... cuts us off from the outside world... long cargo trains taking imported cars from the docks to their destinations. LOooooooonnnnngggg trains.

    good for you for doing the walk! I'll email you my number. Being a stay at home mom, I have tons of free time to chat on the phone. If you don't mind my talking between mouthfuls of bonbons ;-)

  57. Can you read while you walk? Reading sustains me through most long cardio workouts...

  58. Long's looks awesome!
    I love when you have great weather because we get it the next day. It is all about me.

  59. When on long walks (like 6-8hours) I pretend I am a shepherd and I have sheep! Seriously I do, then i find I crave Mediterranean food. Weird huh?
    Try walking in the hills. Serious incline takes all the boredom out of it, as it hurts!

  60. my brothers girlfriend and her friend did nothing but walking to train for a half marathon. they had intentions of walking the whole thing but got bored half way through and ended up running the rest. boy were they sore but they would walk 10-12 miles each week.. i was impressed but secretly knew walking that far during a race would be hard when everyone else around youw as running!

  61. Wow...kuddos to you! It takes a lot of patience and will to be able to walk for 1 hr. and 50min! You are awesome!!

  62. Left Hand makes fabulous beers. Which is your favorite?

    I'm currently training for a walking marathon in May, but my right knee continues to give me grief. I've been taking a few rest days just to give it a break. Yes, walking can be boring, but I think it allows you to take in the scenery even more than running does.

  63. Patience is a virtue young lady. Sheeesh. Kids these days.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. I'm not a walker either. Even walking through a parking lot of a mall, I get the urge to run. HUGE KUDOS for sticking it out!

  66. Commando totally doesn't work unless you also go without PANTS! I will be totally impressed if you do so. I will also make snide comments about those "pantsless runners" in that "weirdo mountain state" but, rest assured, I will still be impressed!

  67. Well, I guess you gotta do what you gotta do. I would have been bored out of my skin too, but at least you got it done. I'm impressed!

  68. Ugh. I'm with ya. I really hate walking! I always hear "Run Forrest! Run!" when I'm walking. Blech.
    New definition of commando for me...i heard it first on Friends when Joey put on every article of Chandler's clothing BUT went commando.
    Oh, and whenever I see 'walking half- or even full marathoners' at a race I am dumb-founded! Why would you stretch it out like that? Doesn't it take long enough already? Geez...

  69. Hours on the road...yay! and really tough. I have tons of respect for walkers.

  70. That's so funny - I just asked my boyfriend why it's called commando the other day!

  71. Beth, you are building awesome endurance, even though I can only imagine how freaking boring this is, waking for hours. Have you tried listening to podcasts? I listen to them during my easy runs and I could keep going since the talks are so interesting.

  72. I'm happy to know that trailer parks are not exclusive to the Southeast.
