
Monday, March 7, 2011

Six Weeks

Six weeks. It will go fast.

I couldn’t be more excited. And, less prepared.  Who cares?

We take ourselves way too seriously anyway.

The goal is very pure and simple. Cross the finish line of the Boston Marathon before the sweepers start prodding my ass with their brooms and waving me off the course. I believe I have six hours, 15 minutes.

I lay in bed last night having woken from a dream about running in Boston. It was a good and positive dream where I was smiling with each step. As I often do, I thought about how my body felt at that moment laying in bed and it felt good. Whole. Nothing hurt. I thought back to the few weeks post injury and how my hip would throb band my leg muscles would twitch uncontrollably. Truth be told, mine was a tired and worn out body begging for a rest.

I’ve said it before and I'll  say it again, if we don’t take care of ourselves willingly, then our bodies will force it upon us in the form of injury, illness, fatigue, irritability, you name it.

I’ve got a plan for the next six weeks.


That’s it, you ask? Yes, that’s it. Not overly impressive, but safe. Very safe. Yes, it’s true I might be crying in pain and fatigue by mile 16, but so be it. Certainly, I could crap myself but that goes without saying.

At this point in marathon training I’m usually stressed. Will I meet my time goal? Will I bonk? It’s all ego driven crap, really. This time, I’ve accepted limitations. When I run, I visualize being on the course, having the experience I’ve been waiting for. It’s not about time and pace because it can’t be this go round.

42 days,



  1. You have so much to be proud of this training cycle. SO much.

    And most of that is where you are mentally right now.

    You are going to have SUCH a great Boston experience!!

  2. Safe is good.
    Smiling w/each step in Boston will be even better!

  3. I have a friend who grew up in Boston. She loves the Boston Marathon so much but wants to ENJOY herself. I'm not kidding when I say she stops and visits with people along the way. So, every year she busts her butt to qualify and then goes to Boston and does not race, but fully participates and enjoys every mile. I think that might be just the ticket for you this year.

  4. i think the plan looks great!!! at least you know you'll enjoy every step of the course and be able to take it all in and enjoy it. can't wait to meet you!

  5. Your plan is impressive to me because it's smart. You'll have a blast out there no matter what your finish time is. Soak it up and enjoy it: I know you will. : )

  6. Your determination is inspiring. Lots of times, we fail to prepare ourselves mentally and overdo the physical. I happen to think that our brains are capable of much more than our bodies, so you're set there. I've been following your fight for several months, and I'm another fan pulling for your success.
    Where the mind takes us, the body follows.
    I believe that for me, and I believe it for you.

  7. Running Boston is really a celebration; you should enjoy it. I'm pumped to hear about it when you done.

  8. Totally doable.
    What I like is that it makes running about the moment instead of about the race - I'm kinda big on that right now.
    It's gonna be so awesome.

  9. I have the same 6 weeks (I actually prefer 42 days) to go, but my plan does look different. I'm amazed by your will power and wish you all the best for your preparation.

    Boston will be my 20th marathon and I'll be approx 42.2 yrs old...

    Are you planning a pre-race meet-up in Hopkinton?

  10. Thank you for sharing your journey with us...I'm very excited for your race! :)

    And I have to say, major props for the 3 hours on a butt is numb just thinking about that!

  11. You've got this in the bag. If you've got 6 hrs and 15 minutes, you can walk the last half of it if you have to and finish under cutoff. You're gonna be fine!!!

  12. Great plan + great attitude = great race.

    No other option I'm willing to acknowledge. Boston will be a physical and mental triumph for you. Hoping for smooth sailing for you over the next 6 weeks.

  13. We are all behind you! You deserve to be there and now you will have an amazing experience. Cyber hugs to you now!!!

  14. You will do great in Boston! I had posted about a hip flexor issue while trying to train for the Disney Princess Half...I finished & felt great after. I couldn't believe you could train for a half marathon without a whole lot of running but you really can! Lots of biking, elliptical and PT visits! I ran through the first 7 or so miles and then took the walk breaks for a minute or so every mile after...Keep listening to your body & you will rock it!!!

  15. I have absolutely no qualifications for telling you this, but that looks like a lot of miles to me! Geez, so many 20's, you might as well hang your social life up, lol.
    I really admire your determination to run this race despite your recovery time.

  16. I have goosebumps for you! So the second half might hurt... hopefully in a FATIGUE kind of way and not an injury kind of way... but you will have OODLES of Boston adrenaline to carry you through!

  17. You are doing the right thing...being realistic and staying within your limits. You know you can go the distance so do you will make it. Just be sure to reel it back and enjoy your time out is Boston after all! :)

  18. 6 weeks?! it's so crazy it's so soon! I am so happy you are making it to the start line. who cares if you have to walk, or stop and stretch, or crawl across that finish line-you'll be there! and it will be so worth it. I promise. Can't wait to meet you at all of the bloggie festivities!

  19. "We take ourselves way too seriously anyway."


    This is so true of runners and triathletes. They don't sell carbon fiber perspective at the bike shop.

  20. Sounds like a very peaceful attitude. I hope you enjoy it.

  21. Hi
    So cool to think it's only 6 weeks away...Perfect perspective and stance to have for the race. Have fun!!

  22. I LOVE YOUR ATTITUDE!!! We do take ourselves way too seriously. I am so happy you have healed and you feel WHOLE!!! You are so right about taking care of our bodies and if we don't then we are forced too!!!

  23. Better to be safe than not to be able to race at all!

  24. i'm kinda in love with your attitude right now, for the record. :)

    6 weeks!

  25. You have such great approach for this race! Good luck with the rest of your training and really ENJOY the Boston :) By run/walking it you will be able to enjoy it more than the people racing!

  26. I can't wait to meet you in Boston so I can give you a hug and cheer you on. You are going to make it happen and we're all so damn proud of you.

  27. 6 weeks. 6 hours. Simple.

    If you come in contact with a sweeper, can you please promise to video the interaction?! I want to see them running for their lives away from you LOL!

    You will be fine. Sounds like things are on the up and up for you. Enjoy the race. Just because you don't finish fast doesn't mean you didn't enjoy the race. All those fast people miss so much anyways, you get to take it all in :)

    Take a camera with you. I did that for the Nike Women's marathon, there is SO MUCH that I forgot even by the end of the race. To date, that was my favorite way to capture the race day events!

  28. Safe is good...I'm impressed...

  29. You can do it! I agree we do take ourselves too seriously. Have fun...and I will try to follow your advice.

  30. You will do GREAT and safe is a really good avenue.

  31. oh I believe you will finish it with flying colors! I am excited for these remaining 6 weeks. You got this Beth!

  32. You're gonna have a great race! We'll all be anxiously awaiting your report!! You should do a giveaway based on who comes closest to your finish time!

  33. 6 weeks until the race and LESS THAN THAT until i meet you :)

    and a-freaking-men about the taking care of ourselves willingly before something knocks us down.

  34. Different kind of plan for a different kind of run and having a different kind of experience. ;-)

    Since you're not out to win it, what say you do it in that green bikini? And you coud bring a bag of fried pork rinds and a Coors Light to help prevent bonking :)

    LOVE your plan. LOVE your attitude. "We take ourselves too seriously" sums it up!

    You WON'T crap yourself :P

  35. This will be your best marathon yet I guarantee. You have put the idea of finishing first and that will allow you to rock and roll it to the point that you cross the finish line better than you thought.

    I am thrilled to have you back.

  36. Whatever happens, you are doing what your body needs. And that, to quote CHarlie Sheen, is WINNING.

  37. So proud of you. And this attitude. And everything you're standing (well, er, running) for. I can't believe it's only 6 weeks away either. We'll blink and next thing we know we'll be standing at the starting line. I wonder if we'll be in the same wave? I hope so. Oh man, 6 weeks.

  38. You will totally cross that finish line before the sweepers even get close to you!!!

    That last bit about willingly taking time off for our bodies to rest is so true. I put my body through a lot last year, and now I'm dealing with sucky ITB issues and have been sick more times than I can count! Lesson learned for sure!

  39. you got the most important part figured out: the GREAT attitude. How can this go bad? It will be fantastic. and it will not take 6h15 I am betting on this. I am with Jason you will do better then you expect. I am happy for you that you are in a "good place" at this point. This is GREAT.

  40. You qualified! Now you just get to enjoy a nice tour of Boston.

  41. I was in the exact same boat last year in Boston from that lung infection I got prior....but I still had a blast and you will too!!

  42. I'm sorry you have to run Boston under these circumstances, but it's great just to be involved, and you know you'll have fun.

  43. Yay for a simple training plan and for knowing that you will have fun no matter what!

  44. I'll let you know in 12 days how miserable running a marathon under-trained and unprepared is. Wait, no I won't. I'll lie and say it was fun bc YOU'RE RUNNING BOSTON! Tell your body to just shut up and enjoy the ride :)

  45. I never post here -- just lurk, but I have to say you are SUCH a inspiration! You are going to ROCK Boston and love every minute of it. This might involve you taking shots of tequila at mile 16, 20 and 24 but you've definitely got this.

    Thank you for sharing your doubts, pain, and humor!

  46. safe is better, especially uf you want to finish!!! you're going to rock it!!

  47. You already won.

    Still waiting on pics.

  48. actually looks like a good training plan to me! So many people just run Boston to have fun, they'll be tons of people around you. hope the next 6 weeks go well. see you then!

  49. This sooo CAN be done! Great attitude (check). Amazing spirit (check). Smart training program (check). A kick ass woman who does not have the word failure in her vocabulary (check). You got this!

  50. I love this post, and am really impressed that you've been able to get beyond the time/pace and see the race for what it really is. And, without the stress that's usually there, there's a good chance you'll enjoy the whole experience more, not to mention run even better than expected!

    I also completely agree about taking care of yourself and your body forcing it on you if you don't. As always, thanks for sharing!

  51. Looks like a plan that will get you to the finish line - way to be patient and realize that is what it's about this year!

  52. I'm so behind. I just finished drooling over your abs in your Costa Rica pics and now finally getting here to comment!

    I can hardly believe it's only 6 weeks away! That just went SO fast-from this standpoint anyway. I think your plan looks great. I also think you might surprise yourself a bit. You've maintained fitness VERY well and a little adrenaline and amazing crowd support might just bring you in before the sweepers! I am just SO SO happy that you are going to be able to run. You are a tough chica! Proud of you and excited FOR you!!!!!

  53. I'm amazed. I'm so totally inspired. Your attitude and perseverance is something we all should take notice of.
    Here I am running through injury and illness, crying about it the entire time. It makes me feel so selfish.

    I'm so thrilled you decided to go to Boston inspite of the set backs. Hope to see you there and, event though I've logged a few more miles than you in my training, I somehow think I STILL will be hard pressed to keep up with you.
    Go Beth!
