
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Race Day Outfit

It’s true I’m not much of a fashionista or clothes whore. I spend a lot of time in PJs and workout clothes that need to be washed. I dress sort of nicely when I have to go on a home visit for work. Or if we’re going somewhere social where I might be seen by living things other than the dog. Other than that, I pride myself on looking like crap most of the time.


However, every once in awhile there is an occasion that warrants special clothing. A wedding. A funeral. A prom. Prostituting.

You know where I’m going with this.

I’ve got my Boston Marathon outfit picked out. At least version #1. This could change depending on weather, personal taste, etc. I am reserving that right to deviate at the last minute. I plan on having throw away clothes until it warms up. Then I will unveil the threads.

Athleta Printed Muscle Up Tank:


Athleta Swagger Skort:


Like it? If I can’t run fast at least I can run pretty. Lord knows I’m going to be out there long enough. Hopefully I will not shart in this most lovely of skorts. No guarantees.

One of these days I am going to do one of those nude runs like the Bare Burros 5K. Then I won’t have to worry about an outfit. This is Southern California’s only naked run. The course follows remote dirt roads and trails through the hilly terrain of California's badlands, with the start and finish within the family nudist park.  This is a clothing optional event, although very few of the runners are clothed.

Okay, maybe not. That’s sounding just a bit weird, even for me. Would you ever do a race naked?

Got anything fun picked out for your next race?

Off to sleep. Got my big 15 miler in the morning. Wish me luck. I can’t believe I’m finally back to running that far!!!!


PS: My dear  friend Clair is a contestant to be a new Yoga Journal model. Take a look at her blog HERE and vote for her if you feel so inclined. She is an awesomely inspirational person who is getting her yoga teaching certification. I know you’ll love her as much as I do.


  1. i can only imagine the amount of chafing at that nude run....hope they pack their body glide. that skirt is so purdy.....good luck tomorrow!

  2. you go girl! rock that 15 miler!!!

  3. I've been coveting that skirt for a while now, maybe I can get one for Christmas. There's no way I'd let this 50+ body be seen naked in public, just no way. Might be fun to watch the guys though!

    Good luck for tomorrow.

  4. We've had a slow, cold start to spring here in New England.

    You may need lots more layers!

    Good luck!

  5. That skirt is fabulous. I hear it's cold in Boston, though.

    I always race in something cute. With matching socks. Last time, a tiara joined the party.

  6. I will admit, the thought of a nude run is fun-and I am not modest so it wouldn’t bother me. It would however bother my girls. I cannot imagine running without a sports bra. OUCH. next race day outfit is planned-I tested out a lululemon run skirt tonight and will wear it with my TNT singlet at big sur in 3 weeks!

  7. I love that color blue. Very cute!

  8. Love the skirt and the color!! You will definately look fab!

    I don't think I could run sans clothes cause my boobies would bounce and I would probably be in pain. Would it be wierd if I wore just a sports bra?

  9. OK... crazy weird, but I had an e-mail string with my San Diego running buddy just this week, and we picked that exact same skirt... she picked that shirt, as well, but we didn't settle yet on the shirt... pretty sure we'll be getting those skirts (was hoping Athleta maybe someday considered a sale or coupon code). So with that said, obviously, I love the outfit.

  10. No one wants to see me run naked.

    And that skirt rocks!! You will look very pretty. I'll keep my fingers crossed on the no-sharting.

  11. Yeah, no naked races for me. I am 3" though, from the ground up.

  12. I think it's funny that they have race tshirts for a nude race!

  13. I am a Yoga Journal subscriber so I will most definitely vote. :)
    I've been MIA from the blogging world. I've traded running for nightly happy hours until I start training for Chicago. It's all about balance, right?

    I have soooooo much catching up to do on your blog (and everyone else's). woo hoo! 15 miles! Get it girl!

  14. 15 miles?! This is great've come so far. When I first started blogging in October I didn't know exactly what had happened to you but I knew you were not running, you were injured, and that apparently you were known for shitting on the side of the road. I had some catching up to do! And now, look at you! 15 miles and setting out your outfit for Boston.

  15. nice outfit! I like the skort, wish I was not so tall and I could wear one of those. If I can my size they are always too short..

    voted for your friend!
    all the best for your 15!

  16. I have been working on my Boston outfit...I plan to wear my fave capris (unless it's super cold), plus I have a selection of bright blue Lucy tops, depending on weather. Hoping that a long-sleeved shirt will work, but also have a sleeveless top and matching jacket in case it is hot or cold. The blue is to match my blue bib ( 3, corral 3). Good luck with your long run!

  17. So cute! That's my favorite color for running clothes.

  18. You are going to look super cute. Don't forget to pose for every course photographer you see. At the very least you are going to get some AWESOME race pics!

  19. You'll be fine weather wise in that outfit.(which I now covet) I ran in something similar yesterday, weather in the low 50's & bereezy but the sun is strong here in the Northeast now. Go get'em Girl. I am half thinking of driving over just to cheer you on!!

  20. Love the outfit. Especially since it's my favorite color.

  21. Love the Boston outfit. Where are you going to put the SUAR sticker though?

  22. LOVE the outfit! You will look great and you will perform great!

  23. Lesley - just to let you know - alot of Old Navy, Gap coupons might work for Athleta. Give it a try.

  24. I love the outfit. So cute. And I would NEVER run a race naked. Nobody needs to see that :)

  25. cute skirt! i need to pick out my marathon outfit soon...5 wks to go :)

  26. Love that outfit and it will be so easy to pick you out of the crowd and everyone will think you look pretty. WIN!

  27. P.S. Some friends of mine back in Florida run a nudist camps' 5k, the wife wears a zip front sports bra for the majority of the race and before the finish she unzips and runs free! (They're both naked as all can be from the waist down though... well minus the shoes.) :)

  28. Beth, love your Boston outfit, so cute! (As an Athleta athlete, maybe they could offer a discount to your followers...just a thought.)

    And the weather's looking good for your 15 today! Enjoy my friend. Think of where you will be when you hit 15 miles the next time... over half way along your Boston journey!

  29. You will be looking very good... as long as you don't shart, as you mentioned ;-)

    My next race is the Bay to Breakers in San Francisco which is notorious for outrageous costumes. And the naked brigade. I'll probably just wear my usual ratty tank top and 20-year old Sporthill pants.

    You are going to do great! When do you leave for Boston?

  30. nude run is terrifying, i mean, how much ride glide can one person wear!? i love the outfit, btw!

  31. Totally love the outfit. I got their catalog for the first time last week and LOVE almost everything in it!

    No naked runs, but I have been to the nude beach. I keep my clothes on (well bottoms at least), but it is great people watching. Not sure about the bouncin' and swingin' that running would produce. I'm guessing the race would fly by because my mind would definitely be distracted.

  32. Great choice on the outfit! I hope th e15 went well.

  33. love the outfit, especially the colors!

  34. I run naked with emotions all the time. Is this what you mean?

    Of course, my sarcasm swings back and forth like a summer sausage the entire time. Annoying.

  35. I think naked running would hurt. Boys and girls have stuff at the mercy of gravity. Plus, where would all the bugs go? Love the outfit the color is divine. So very cool.

  36. Love the outfit. I'd never run naked, I need pockets for tissues and gels.

    As for my Boston outfit, I'm waiting to see what the weather looks like but it's going to be tough if it's warm since I haven't run in anything but long tights since last November.

  37. You are bulit like the Athleta models and will so purdy in that outfit! I love the color!! I would shart myself if I had the chance to run Beantown!!

  38. I really want to run a race in a "That's what she said" shirt so when people yell "You're almost there, just push through!", I can just point at my shirt.

  39. Definitely no nude running for me - unless it's from the shower to the bedroom. I didn't even know that races like that existed. Is it an American thing?

  40. Oh my! I don't mean to sound odd or prude: But does'nt running in the nude hurt, just a little? Ar'nt pieces parts just a fly'in in directions they should'nt?! I know I will never run in the nude, I cant even run two strides without my good 'ol bullet proof running bra! Lord only knows where my ta ta's would end up , down, left, right, tucked in my armpits?

  41. Oh ya, Love the outfit you picked out for the AWESOME race you are going to run!!

  42. I ran a 5k naked a few months ago. I was on the treadmill in my garage, but it was a Virtual 5k. Does that count?

  43. good luck with the 15! i don't know if i'd ever do a nude run. i like picking out race outfits too much...although i still haven't picked mine out for boston...

  44. Yep, I'd totally do one naked. In fact, I'd probably admit that it is on my bucket list.

    I just need to do it soon while everything is still in the right place (and I won't trip, if you catch my drift)

  45. Solid looking outfit. You will look great out there rocking those colors.

    Running naked? Maybe, but where do I put my GUs?

  46. I bought this same skirt and it is great to run in and so cute!

  47. You will definitely be cute for the sharting allowed!

    And no - I don't think I will ever be running a nude race. I feel as though too many things will be flouncing around!

  48. InkNBurn.... I could see you rocking some of their sleeves.
