
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

H20 Audio Giveaway–Waterproof Ipod Case & Headphones

Remember last week when I drooled over my new waterproof iPod case and headphones?

You’re in luck. Makers of this genius device, H20 Audio, have offered up one of these items for a giveaway. Winner will get the Interval 4G Waterproof Headphone System for iPod Shuffle (4th Gen), waterproof headphones and a set of 5 earplugs (sizes XS-XL) so you can obtain the right fit.


“The Interval is the only waterproof iPod case designed just for swimmers! If you’re an iTunes user, there’s no better way to bring your own personal soundtrack into the pool. The waterproof case for the iPod shuffle 4th generation has integrated Surge 2G headphones and easily attaches to almost any swim goggle. Finally swimmers can have the same advantage of training with music that dry land athletes have enjoyed for years. Train harder, swim longer and have more fun doing it with the Interval 4G.”


You too can now swim on your carpet all while listening to your favorite tunes.


Better yet, you can do laps in the pool and not slit your wrists. Perhaps your swim workout experience, while already uplifting and wonderful, could be enhanced by a bit of music or your favorite podcast.

Maybe you LOVE swimming and don’t need such devices that “water down” the spiritual experience you have in the water. Okay, fine, then don’t enter.

Let me remind you, this thing goes for $99, but could be yours for the price of free!! Also let me remind you that it does not come with the iPod Shuffle. You’ll have to do favors for Apple for that one. Needs to be a 4th generation to fit in the case correctly.

To enter the giveaway simply:

  • Tell me why you want/need this thing + 1 entry
  • Become a follower of this blog + 1 entry
  • Go to the H20 Audio website and tell me what you like +1 entry
  • Write about this giveaway on your blog, FB, Twitter, etc + 1 entry
  • Visit H20 Audio on Facebook and “like” them. Let them know I sent ya! + 1 entry
  • Email a picture of you doing your favorite swim move to + 3 entries

Giveaway will end on Friday, May 6. A winner will be chosen at

Good luck!


Fine print: H20 Audio provided the giveaway item in exchange for the giveaway on this blog.


  1. I'm a follower - I don't actually need this but could regist it at xmas maybe

  2. I have a music swim thing, it's not as nice, it's a h2O one that holds the ipod too. I don't use it though because I would never be able to keep count of my laps! I'm a dork..

  3. I JUST started swimming (literally, yesterday I bought a real bathing suit, swim cap, and goggles during my lunch break.) I tried swimming last Friday and failed miserably. But I am determined to be good at it! I think music will give me my groove.

  4. I would love it because swimming will become a key component to my marathon training this summer for my first marathon in Columbus OH in October. Hopefully our pool will open this month and swimming will be part of my cross training.

  5. I will be taking swimming lessons again (I'm hoping to participate in a sprint triathlon), and these would be great to use when I'm swimming my 'homework' laps!

  6. I really want to add swimming to my exercise routine. Boredom is something that I am worried about. Also, my friend is a swimming coach, but lives far away from me. She could record a workout for me that I could listen to in the pool. Cool!

  7. TCal, I'll be running my first marathon in C-bus in October too!

  8. I NEED this so bad, I get so bored in the pool.

  9. I want it so when I'm floating in the lake with a beer in my hand this summer I can can enjoy some tuneage.

  10. Very cool device, unfortunately I'm not really into swimming but it would be awesome if I am.

  11. I liked them (and you!) on FB and told them you sent me!

  12. I don't swim right now because it bores the crap out of me. If I had tunes, that would changed, like a lot. This would provide tunes. Ergo, I need this to swim.

  13. I tweeted this (@pedalfastergo)!

  14. 1) I have never followed a blog before. You are the first and seriously crack me up. 2) I could really use this IPOD like swim head phone device because I think it will help with just keeping my mind off actually swimming. 3) I start lake swimming soon..if I can stop putting it off for next week. Maybe if I had a device it would be like when I buy myself new running shorts for run motivation. 4) I'm from the midwest and fear sharks...5) I am submitting under anonymous because I don't have an account..

  15. I am running my first marathon in Cleveland with Team in Training on May 15th. After the marathon I will begin training for my first triathalon. I feel like I can run and bike but swimming is the one thing that freaks me out and can use all the help I can get. I just bought a brand new ipod shuffle and would love the H20 Audio to wear while I'm training. With all the gear needed for the tri getting this cool product for free would really help. Thanks for all the laughs. I look forward to your blog every day.

  16. I follow.
    I want it because I need it.

  17. I want this thing because I cannot BEAR to do laps without some sort of distraction!

  18. I need this because I get really bored when I swim! Plus I asked for it as a birthday present this year and totally got stiffed ;)

  19. I'm the above anonymous - not sure why it posted like that. I'm also a blog follower already

  20. hey suar...did something new today-ran a hilly 4 miles with no underwear (usually wear the athletic undies) then I trained my 1st client of the day still not wearing undies. tmi for sure but it was very liberating :)

  21. I just signed up for my first triathlon. It would be great for my training and I already have the shuffle.

  22. I need it so I don't get stupid songs stuck in my head while swimming!

  23. I have been swimming since I was 12. Think about how many laps I have swum sans tunes. It's like torture. Therefore, I NEED this in my life.

  24. I totally want this!

    1. I am a follower.
    2. I need this because swimming is sooooo tedious to me and listening to music would rock my world!
    3. Posted on my FB.
    Thank you!!

  25. I so need this! I need to get back in the pool to train for atleast one sprint tri!

  26. This is the product on their website that would be most useful for me!

  27. 1. I need this because my swim form is easily the worst of anyone including the Over 60 water aerobics crowd who don't even swim laps. Logging more time in the pool is my only hope, SUAR!
    2. I sent you a photo (proof of above claim).
    3. I follow your kick ass blog!
    4. I tweeted the contest.
    5. I LOVE the smoke lens swim goggles on the website. Drool.
    6. I "Liked" h2o audio on facebook and blamed you.
    7. When "fart" pops into my mind for any reason I think of this blog.

  28. We can comment as Anonymous? Sweet.

  29. I need this because I've had a stress fracture in my foot since December that stll hasn't healed...which I think means I need to stop real running and do pool running instead. Thoughts of sheer boredom in the pool have discouraged me thus far. Music while swimming sounds like a bit more fun.

  30. I need it because I need a soundtrack for every activity!! I stay away from lap swimming because I am scared it will bore me.

  31. I want/need this because I recently injured my knee and have to take a break from running. I've never been a swimmer, but I am going to have to start because I still need to get a cardio workout. I need this to help me get started in a sport I'm not yet in love with!

  32. At 44, I am going to go for a PR in the marathon. Because my goal, cross training will be crucial to my training (old bones & muscles need a gentle activity!).

  33. I need this to make the boring laps go by quicker... I just started swimming, and am having a hard time finding the motivation to go swim because it's so darn boring!!!

  34. I need this so I can start some TRI training.....a dream to complete one next year!

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. I want one because swimming 4x1000's in the pool gets monotonous!

    Scratch that - I NEED ONE!!

  37. And I'm a follower...couldn't spell correctly in my first post!

  38. And I checked out their site and love the case that fits a I the only person without an iPhone?

  39. AND....I added your giveaway to my blog sidebar. Come check it out!

  40. I obviously like the music listening in the pool thing, but I really like the running visor - I'm looking to get one for marathon training in the heat of texas this summer. Don't want to get skin cancer at 29!

  41. I have a stress fracture in my ankle. Because of it, I found your blog (about 3 weeks ago) I have since read almost everything you have ever writen!!!!! I have never before read ANY blogs and are so addicted now. I absolutely crack up at your endeavors!! My family already know, when I randomly start laughing at the laptop screen, that I am reading "Shut up and Run". So because of the stress fracture and why I'll be missing the biggest Half Marathon in the country on Sat. May 7th Indianapolis 500 Festival HM, is how I found myself in the pool, having to swim laps and just since yesterday I can add pool swimming, because I was not able to move my foot up and down before. I also do triathlons and ha ha my swimming have improved by a million!! Would SOOOOO LOVE this cover for my shuffle!!!!
    I am followings you, duh. And please continue your awesome blog!! Love it!!!

  42. I can't believe you had to do all those hours of underwater running and swimming without any Music Beth!! I too had to rehab my hip a couple of years ago and I found the H2o Audio products online. I have the iSH2 totally made me learn to love swimming!! The company has exemplar customer service! Love Love Love the products & your blog!!!

  43. I'm a follower! Of your blog. Not in general.

  44. Why I want this....hmmmm well I have been a competitive swimmer for 33 years...that's right 33 years. I have never been much of a gadget girl, more of a purest, but this is a gadget I could enjoy.

  45. One post first marathon conclusion, need more cross training! Used to swim a fair amount in college.... been a long time, but I think I'll be adding some for the next one. (Too early to commit, but the 'never again' is fading and a thought about redemption is invading my thoughts). Don't think I would care about the number of laps, just time in the water doing cross-training. This ipod case would certainly help!.

  46. I like the Surge Waterproof headphones. Regular headphones tend to fall out of my delicate seashell like ears and these look like they would stay put.

  47. I'd like to own this thing because I get wicked bored in the pool and this would help pass the time.

  48. Dear SUAR,
    Thank you for hosting such a fabulous giveaway! Why do I need this? Because I cannot swim faster than the 90 year old man in the lane next to me and I am hoping that a little snazzy music might get me moving a bit faster. I am also currently training for a half-iron distance race in Sept and I see many, many hours in the pool.
    I am so poor from buying a bike and paying for reace entry fees I don't have a cent left for anyting else.
    Thanks! :D

    ps-you look hot swimming on the carpet.

  49. Went to the H20 Audio website... what is with them, they don't have your carpet swimming pic, they need that one! Love the idea of many different ear piece options as most earphones do not fit me well.

  50. I looked at all the options for the nano and shuffle and i'd get the interval 4g :D

  51. will get a pic and email it to you tomorrow :D

  52. I am a follower. Have been for years.

  53. I don't need it, per se, but I sprained my ankle so my workouts have been moved to the pool for a while so this would be awesome!

  54. I follow and I just want it because I am a tech junkie... I do swim though, and tunes would break up the laps for me.

  55. I want this SO bad! I really want to get into multisport racing and would love to have these to motivate me to get into the pool!!

  56. I went to the website when you first posted about these products-I love the idea of the armband. I don't think it would be intrusive and it seems like it would be easier to get to than having the ipod behind your head. But really, I'd take any underwater audio device!

  57. I like the nano armband (and it is on sale!). I also like the carrying case, since I always seem to lose stuff like headphones and it would help me to keep it all together.

  58. I posted on Facebook and tagged you!

  59. I "liked" H2o Audio and tagged you.

  60. This would be really great for me to help get myself back in the pool! I love swimming but sometimes laps get tedious, I'd love being able to listen to music while I swim :)

  61. I NEED this because my hour long conversations with the black line are getting a tad bit tedious and one sided.

  62. I must have music - I can only talk to myself for so long. I'm just not very interesting.

  63. I follow this blog and I love it:)

  64. why I want this is to make swimming laps more enjoyable. I love my music:)

  65. I also like H2O's amphix fit waterproof armband for iphones:)

  66. I need this thing because I too am training for my first half Ironman and swimming is SO boring! I do most of my runs and bikes with friends were I can distract myself with good conversation, but listening to the music would be the closest thing in the pool. I admit, joining a Masters class helps a TON, but I still need it!

  67. Ii like the waterproof cases for the ipods and headphones as well.

  68. I "liked" them on FB

  69. I'm a follower of your blog!

    And I could sure use the waterproof case....Just started getting into triathlon training (first one next month...hopefully!!). Love running and cycling but am an awful swimmer. I can barely make it 50 meters without dying. Plus it is so boring to me and like torture. Stick me on a bike and I am happy, tell me to run for hours and I'm your chick, but stick me in a pool and tell me to do laps and I immediately freak out. This could possibly make swimming more bearable!

    And congrats on the Boston Marathon! You are one tough chick for doing it and water jogging for so many months!!:-)

  70. I love to swim, so to be able to listen to music at the same time would be great. it would make working out in the pool a bit more fun this summer.

    lauren51990 at aol dot com

  71. i also like the Amphibx Waterproof Armband for iPhone, iPod touch and large MP3 players

    lauren51990 at aol dot com

  72. I'm a follower!!

  73. I would love to get this b/c I'm SO bored every time I jump in the pool. Unfortunately there is no pussy posse in my pool to keep me entertained.

  74. And I liked their facebook page :)

  75. Liked h2o on FB

  76. I might prefer swimming on the carpet? Ok, seriously I need major exercise ADD help- this could work!!

  77. I NEED this because I'm stuck in the pool rehabing an ankle injury I didn't get running but alas it means no running. I want to scream at the dumb teeny bopper music the life guards play so this will save my sanity.

  78. I like h20 audio on facebook and told them you sent me!

  79. I pool run for 2 hours and my battery keeps dying in that time on my current one! ARGH, I'm about to go insane! :)

  80. I'm a follower!

  81. After that post reviewing this product, I was inspired to take up carpet swimming. I plan to also begin my stationary bike and treadmill training in the hopes of winning a spot on the Olympic "going nowhere fast" team. I need this apparatus to assist with my plot... er... plan.

  82. FB-liked those dudes and told them you sent me :)

  83. Okay I would love this thing because sometimes I find myself thinking way too much when I swim..then I get bored and then I give up. I am always thinking this would be great if they played music?! I just can't afford it right now so this would be an awesome giveaway to win!

  84. Just posted a killer link on my blog!

  85. I like the armband dealio for my little iPod for when I go running in the pouring down rain... or get tossed into the Bay while running. I also like the waterproof phone case for the same reason!

  86. Do you give people an extra entry if their birthday is on the day of the drawing?

  87. I need this so bad! I just switched gyms and the room with the pool is DEAD SILENT!!! ==SUPER CREEPY. I told you yesterday about how new pools creep me out anyway, and having my own tunes would sure help with that. My old gym (before I moved)had music in the overhead speakers, so it wasn't freaky quiet in there and if I could at least hear sound bits and pieces at each wall since I am incapable of doing a flip turn. I have only 5 or so weeks until my first HIM.

  88. I need this thing because I have to find some new cross-training workouts for the summer and I dread swimming because of the boredom factor. Having my music (and maybe a download of War and Peace) will help fill those looooong minutes in the pool.

  89. Just visited their Web site....were I to win this prize, I'd buy an armband to go with it.

  90. I'm a follower on google. I want this because I want to learn to swim...but I'm scared and new gear helps motivate me. :)

  91. And I need this because I'm joining a pool this summer-it's too hot to do any outdoor activities in sweaty saint louis between June and October.

  92. I really want one of those! I broke my ankle recently and had to resort to swimming and aqua-running to maintain some level of fitness. The boredom of doing laps is a killer- music would help sooo much. I want one!!!

  93. I like the waterproof armband on their website-looks a little less "head-gearish" than the head thing...but I'm not picky! No issues with head gear here.

  94. and I'm obviously blogging about this

  95. I need these b/c I'm training for my first IM and those LOOOONNNGG swims are getting boring!

  96. Like others have mentioned, I like that armband too from their website! :)

  97. I'm a long time runner who got talked into doing tri's and now I've been "TRYING" to swim the last couple of years. Geez, I'm sorry to all the swimmers out there, but it is seriously boring compared to running, so this would honestly make my swim much more tolerable!

  98. I "NEED" this because its my son's 21st birthday, he was in Japan helping to save the world from a nuclear disaster and now I need to give him a bday gift. (he swims and scuba dives, would be a perfect gift)

  99. I'm digging the armband waterproof version as well!

  100. i need this b/c like you said, i could have it for free!

  101. i liked H2O Audio on fb and said ya sent me

  102. i've been to the website and i like the interval running visor...cute! And i'm thinking of sending a swimming pic...mainly b/c yours made me laugh! It looks so real - except for the carpet!

  103. I need this bc I swim a ton in prep for my HIM. That long weekly swim is getting longer and longer...

  104. Love the waterproof armband for I-phones...I have a bad history with water/rain and apple products

  105. i have linked your giveaway to my blog

  106. i need this bc i have tried other products and they haven't worked. :(

  107. i like the cover for the shuffle and i also like the waterproof cover for the iphone! that would come in handy too!

  108. i liked them on fb and told them you sent me! :)

  109. I need this "thing" because I always get the newest tech gadgets for training and my husband gets, nothing. This would be for him - especially since he has just started training for his first triathalon!

  110. I would love this, not b/c I'm a swimmer (I'm not), but b/c I love to go kayaking in the summer and background music would be sooo nice. But I'm not willing to risk getting my phone wet, so I don't take it. :)

  111. I also tweeted, already stalk - I mean follow you, am FB friends with you (does that count as well) and if I can get my husband to let me get a pic of him in a swim pose -well, I should probably get an actual pat on the back as well as the extra entries!

  112. I postd the give away on my FB page

  113. I NEED this for wakeboarding. I would love to be able to listen to some tunes while riding the cable.

  114. To be honest, what I like on the H20 website is their athlete Natalie Coughlin. She's a babe. I'll buy what she is endorsing.

  115. I have been doing the "du" thing the past few years and want to give "tri" a try:) Swimming is hard work. I need some musical motivation to get me in the pool.

  116. I don;t need this very cool gadget but I need you to help a desperate Canadian guy

    from twitter:

    BarefootNeilZ Neil Zeller
    I have sat patiently waiting. I even wrote a funny blog about this person. Someone please Tell SUAR to follow my blog. Enoughs enough.

    so please make his day and go follow him and tell him I sent you!

  117. I need this thing so I actually want to go to the pool swimming for my triathlon training

  118. I want / need the water music because I swim a few times a week for cross training! I'm tired of singing to myself in my head in the pool!

  119. I'm a follower! Loyal follower :)

  120. Funny enough, I would actually buy what you're giving away!

  121. I need this!! oh please!! I am a runner and force myself into the pool 2x a week for mind numbing freestyle! Help!!!

    and I am a follower of your blog


  122. I cannot tell you how excited I was when I saw your giveaway! After you wrote about this thing, I almost bought one. Seriously.

    I've been swimming for 13 years now, and my pool recently put in speakers. SO AWESOME. I had never swam with music before, and it is ROCKIN. BUT they only use them for synchronized swimming practice. Which (minus the rad warm up music) usually means Phantom of the Opera or The Little Mermaid. Forty seven times. POINT: I would love to rock my work outs to some more inspirational "shut up and swim" type music =)

  123. 1. I am a follower!!!
    2. Having spent many years swimming in H.S. my tolerance for lap swimming has been expended. I need something to get me back in the pool! And I can imagine loading a good audiobook and swimming my summer away!
    3. I liked H2O Audio and said you sent me.
    4. I would love a waterproof case for my iPhone, but would tell my husband he would have to get his own!
    5. I posted about the give away on my blog - badgerrunner.
    Now that I have spent my evening getting all excited about being a possible winner of a FANTASTIC and USEFUL prize, I now have to try and get some sleep before my 5:00 am run - not that I am complaining!

  124. I liked the waterproof arm band - but this thing is my favorite =)

  125. I have one of these (the old one, that I can't use anymore since my ipod died and they don't make those shuffles anymore - anyway) and it is TOTALLY AWESOME.

  126. I need this because training for tris in the pool can get a little boring ... I'm NOT one of those zen swimmers!

  127. I grew up swimming and competing. My workout motivation always came from the towering figure at the edge of the pool with a loud whistle and even louder yell. Now that I don't have coach to "motivate" me to swim hard, I could use my musical inspiration to keep me going in the pool.

  128. I am a follower.

  129. I posted a link on my facebook.

  130. I liked H2O.

  131. I need this because I am going to do my first Half Ironman in 2012 with TNT! :-)

  132. I follow your blog! Thanks for always making me laugh... and lately making me cry too- shesh! :-)

  133. Went to the web site- great info! Think they might sell a few more though with your carpet swimming photo!

  134. Bonus entry 1 - i sent a pic!

  135. Bonus entry 2 for sending a pic

  136. Bonus entry 3 - did you hear...i sent a pic! (i think i forgot to say who i was though...i'm in the where's waldo pic!)

  137. I'm a follower and I just learned how to swim w/ my head under water a few months ago so I'd love some music to keep me company@

  138. i would love to try out a tri one day in the future and winning this giveaway would be incentive to commit!!! I just love your blog and look forward to reading every day! I was having trouble posting the other day.. could you please tell your hubby I am so proud of him for his marathon!!!

  139. My gym now has a pool and i want to get back into swimming but it is pretty darn dull after awhile and im sure this will help

  140. I would love this to give as a gift to a friend who swims way more than I do.

  141. I'm a follower!

  142. I need this to drown out the sound of the Jaws theme that creeps into my head and freaks me out when I swim in open water.

  143. I need this because I'd rather eat dirt than go to the pool to swim laps...

  144. I find swimming a tedious task so I would love to have this to help make it a little easier!!

  145. I'm a follower.
    I liked H20 audio on FB.
    I posted a link on my blog.
    I visited the website and I think I'm going to order a waterproof armband.

  146. I would love this! I actually decided to skip my first (and as of now only) triathlon for this year because I don't enjoy doing laps! Having music would definitely get me into the pool about once a week at least!!

  147. I love swimming at Masters with a group, but I hate swimming when I am by myself. Which happens a lot because I have trouble waking up for the 5am practice about once or twice a week. So, I need this badly!
