
Monday, August 15, 2011

The Fit and Healthy Moms

Remember a couple of months ago when I groveled and you voted for me?


I almost look constipated, but I’m not

Thanks to you, I was voted one of the “Top Health and Fitness and Mom Blogs of 2011” on the Circle of Moms website. I didn’t even have to pay anyone money under the table or streak through the streets of Denver for your votes.

While I am proud to say I snagged the #1 spot (not due to me being super cool, but due to you guys voting and putting me there), there are also 24 of your other favorite healthy, hot mama bloggers listed: Amanda from Runninghood, Taking it On, Marcia from The Studly Runner, EMZ, MCM Mama, Racing with Babes, Candice from I Have Run, Lesley from Racing It Off and so many more gems!

Circle of Moms is  the largest and fastest-growing online community for moms, connecting over 6 million moms worldwide to share advice and support essential to the journey of motherhood.

If you haven’t checked out this resource, you should. I wish it had been around when I had a child on the teat 24/7 and thought I would pull my hair out. There is nothing more essential than moms having support while experiencing this thing called parenting.

Now, go take a look at the top 25 and what we have to say about how we balance health and motherhood. We also offer up great fitness tips for busy moms!

What’s your best tip for staying fit while being a mom and doing everything else you do? You’ll have to look at the website to see mine.



  1. LOL... no one knows that's my real name! shhhhhh... those thugs are now on to me :P

  2. Awesome. The hits keep coming for you.

    I don't think I qualify to give mother posts but I am called a M'fer quite a bit so I'm wondering if I actually do qualify.

  3. Well deserved top spot. ;-). Looking forward to finding a few new blogs via the list!

  4. What the world needs is, with tips on how to hide in plain site when the kids are throwing food at each other in restaurants and 10 sure-fire ways to insure your daughter becomes a football fan.

  5. Damn Beth, that's awesome! You were even listed number 1, which obviously means the best.

  6. Patrick: dying laughing. that is genuis. don't forget suggesting twinkies with ketchup for dinner when mom is out with the girls.

  7. Congratulations!

    My number one tip for exercise with small children (I have 4 of 'em): Do what you can, when you can. If you are playing on the floor with a baby, do 5 push-ups. If your 8-year-old goes out for cross-country, learn to run with him.

    My rule is that whatever I do has to be less than 20 minutes because my kids can entertain themselve for 18.5...

  8. congrats, you deserve that - you work so hard and have an unbelievable amount of fun and dedication while doing so, not only to the training, but your friends and family too!

  9. Well now that I'm an "old mother runner" I guess my advise is to tell you all that YOU WILL SURVIVE! And you will forget most of the awful days.....

  10. p-funk quit your complaining and do it. circle of dad's. I'm waiting to vote.

  11. woohoo congrats!!! i voted many many times for you because you are da BOMB!!!! i earned major cool points being anywhere near you on that list #9!

  12. Yipppeee!!!!!! My tip.. you can do it! The time is there. I had to get up at 5am when I had 5 kids 7 and under and my husband was deployed. I still made time to get some kind of exercise in.

  13. Congrats! My tip for working out with kids? Early mornings. I get up before 5:30 so I can workout before getting the kids up and fed. Another good tip- spend the money on a good jogging stroller and take them with you when they are little.

  14. Congratulations! You seriously rocked the voting in that crazy event!

    Yep, Patrick- Circle of Dads- great idea!

  15. Congrats!!! For me there are days that both my boys beg me not to run because it takes up "their" time with me. Plus they say that I get stinky from it. Then I remind them that they are stinky alllll the time and that because Mom runs it will add many years to my life and that it also helps me to be an active Mom who likes to run/play with her kids rather than sitting on the sidelines and only watching them play.

  16. I salute to all the women who gives important to Women's Health
