
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My New Favorite Game

Some spouses see a bouquet of flowers or a box of chocolates and think their partner would like it. Others sit down and pen a romantic and lovely poem to their loved one.

My husband? He sends me emails like this:

“This looks like something you would have played when you were little.  Or maybe you should make an SUAR version.”

With the link to this attached:


These emails make my day. My life. They make me feel like I am truly known and seen in my relationship.

The description says: Feed and walk your little pup, if he makes a mess you clean it up. When you squeeze his leash makes a gassy sound that it gets louder and louder until plop. The first to clean up after the dog three times wins.

For ages 4-15

My thoughts:

  • Ages 4-15? Are you shitting me? 4-99 is more like it. You are never too old to find humor and joy in farts and defecation.
  • This game is sweeping the nation in Germany, where it originated. Weird how German loves David Hasselhoff and the Doggie Doo game.
  • What do you clean the poop up with? You hands? A beer stein?
  • Why is the kid on the box holding his nose? Does the poop in the game really smell?
  • It says not for ages under 4 due to choking hazard. Fake poop choking hazard?
  • The reviews of the game were very positive including this one from Grant: Can't believe someone made this game, but it is awesome! I'm a guy, thus I like dogs and farts and this game has both. Great as a novelty gift or as a gift for your kids either way you are going to poop yourself laughing.
  • Those who gave it one star said the poop did not move through the dog’s body as promised.
  • Retails for $21.85 but I’d pay 5000 Deutsche Marks for it.
  • I wonder if I could make an SUAR version? I could be famous in Dusseldorf!

Watch out kids! He’s getting ready to drop a load.


If this wasn’t enough info for you, watch the video HERE.



  1. My husband and I have similar exchanges. This game looks awesome, I'm sending him the link right now. ;-)

  2. OH wow...this one really made me laugh! I hope you get it!

  3. I have it in writing that my husband will play two games of Scrabble with me a year (he played all the time when we were dating!). I bet he'd play this every week! I'm sending him the link!
    Oh the comments you'd get if you had one to give away!!!!

  4. OMG that's so awesome. I so want this game and I would make everyone who came into my house play it lol!

  5. I have the real version of that. Poops everytime I take him for a walk :)

  6. im a little speechless...i love play-doh, so I would have loved this as a kid...I am assuming that is play-doh moving through his system...

  7. What a great game! It teaches kids how to be responsible dog owners and clean up after their pets! A socially conscious game... I love it! :) And who doesn't love a good poop and fart!?

  8. HAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Can't. Stop. Laughing. Need. Oxygen. *falls off chair*

    You can never have too many poop or fart references in your day. lol

  10. Those Germans....they think of everything. First the hamburger and now this....what's next?

  11. BTW - you do realize that you need to contact the creator or distributor and ask for royalties b/c your crowd is going to be buying this game by the truck load.

  12. And at the end of the day don't we all poop and fart? I mean who is offended by this anyway?

  13. I played this just a few weeks ago, so funny it showed up on my new favorite blogger's page! It's green slime that goes through doggy. I think it should be brown and smelly! Still fun, you've got to get your own!

  14. I would buy one just to gift it to the idiot dog owner who hasn't figured out how to pick up their real dogs poop that ends up right off our patio... Maybe the game would teach him something?!

  15. BAHAHAHA! Hysterical. Crying from laughing!

  16. Those silly Germans. The video made my day.

  17. "Ages 4-15? Are you shitting me?" LOL Pun intended? ;-)
