
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Fifth Night

I wish I had something new to tell you all. I’ve got nothing. Sherry, my cousin, is still missing as much as she was missing yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that. There are no new leads.  The search has been suspended, and the case is now in the hands of the FBI. Local authorities felt as though they had gone as far as they could with the information that they had. At least for now.

Don’t stop looking, please don’t stop looking.


Sherry with her daughter, Holly

You think life should stand still with such a tragedy. When the news talks about Beyoncé and Jay-Z, I’m screaming at the TV to tell Sherry’s story instead. But, such is life. It all just keeps moving on because that’s what it does.

I have to remember it’s okay to laugh and to have moments of peace, even in the midst of such despair. Last night, I ate a box chocolates in bed and rolled my eyes at how ridiculous The Bachelor is this season. I laughed my ass off as my friend Clair told me about this crazy chemo cream she puts on her face and how her neighbor asked if she had chicken pox. I loved the Bob vs. Dolvett cat fight in the gym on The Biggest Loser. This morning, I found fellow blogger and runner, Terzah, on my doorstep in the freezing wind and snow. She was stopping by to give me a Starbucks gift card just to let me know she was thinking of me.  I talked to my family and found some peace in the comfort that we can provide to one another.

Yes, the circumstances point to the abduction of Sherry. The abduction of a person who brought only good to this world as a mother, wife, daughter, cousin, niece, sister, teacher and friend. We don’t know why horrific things happen to good people.  But, they do happen.


Taken in 2008 on the ranch where Sherry grew up.

In the midst of the sorrow and grim reality before us, one bright light shines out to me. It is the light of goodness, the light of of peace, the light of hope. It is thousands of people, strangers to Sherry, praying for her safe return. It is the church service held last night in Sidney, Montana, sending out energy to bring her home and comforting those closest to her. It is the millions of tears shed for a mom, teacher, wife and runner who was out doing what she loved to do and never came back. It is every person who has reached out to me, to her family, to help in the search effort. It is the power of the goodness of humanity. And, the light of spirit, God, whatever you call it, moving through us and connecting us.


Sherry's disappearance has shaken me and you to the core. It symbolizes our worst fears. That we will suffer. That we will leave those we love too early. That we will suddenly and inexplicably vanish into thin air. Her story is relatable on so many levels, and I am convinced that is why, even if you did not know her personally, you care deeply about her and her loved ones.

I know for a fact that there is more goodness in this world than evil. What has happened to Sherry is evil. The response nationwide is pure goodness. That comforts me beyond words.


The view from Sherry’s family’s ranch

It’s getting dark again and that makes my heart hurt. As the sun sets on the fifth night that Sherry has been gone, I continue to hope. I have visions of her courageously fighting her way to safety. I will carry this until I have reason not to.

You are my community, my support system, my friends. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind words, prayers and support. You have made me feel less alone. You are the goodness.



  1. Michelle in MichiganJanuary 11, 2012 at 7:35 PM

    Beth, my heart aches for you and your family. I have been in near tears for several days thinking of you. I can't imagine how you must feel but please know there are MANY people out here keeping you in mind in and our hearts.

  2. Best post ever. To see the good amongst the bad--you are strong!

    I'm so sad about this situation but I'm with you--she's fighting out there. Thinking of her and you.

  3. My heart has been breaking for a woman,a family,and a community I don't even know. Continuing to pray here in Texas.

  4. Don't give up hope, keeping all involved in our thoughts and prayers.

  5. Great post! Thinking of you, Beth. Still hoping and praying for the best. Continually praying for Sherry and her whole family.

  6. Beth, I pray that she is found soon. I understand what you mean about the Beyonce baby bs. I feel the same about the cancer that was found in my mom. Love, light and good thoughts-Malisa (the one that ran into you at the zoo last summer).

  7. Every morning when I wake up, I pick up my phone with a mixture of hope and dread, wanting desperately to see that you've gotten some good news. You definitely aren't alone, and I'm sure so many people, like me, are praying with you throughout the day.

  8. You are the good in this world and my heart goes out to you, your family, Sherry's family and Sherry. I hope for good news very soon...continuing to pray...

  9. I echo all of the other commenters. So, so sad but a fantastic post. Thank you for your strength.

  10. “…put your hope in the LORD both now and forevermore.” (Psalm 131:1)

  11. This has weighed on my mind since I heard about. Your perspective is amazing and comforting. My prayers go out to Sherry's family, to yours, and to all those in her community.

  12. Beth-
    I just can't stop thinking about her. I have prayed constantly, so has my sister (also a runner).

    I'll forever change the way I run outside- because of her. I'll pay more attention, be alert, carry pepper spray, and ALWAYS leave a note as to where I'm running and when I'll be back.

    Mostly, I'M PISSED OFF- that evil people take away loved ones, and scare us and change us forever.

    I'm praying for peace for your heart too.....and praying you will come to know God in a deeper and more personal way, and find peace in your heart during this horrible time.

    All my love and thoughts-
    Kelly in Michigan

  13. I have no words other than to say I hope she is found soon. We are hoping here in Maine for a good outcome.

  14. Great post beth! I am so sorry you have to be going through with this. I was driving back to work from my lunch today and I thought of Sherry and my eyes welled up. I will continue to pray for her and her loved ones.

  15. Thank you for this post. Keep up the hope, so many are thinking of you and sending you love and support.

  16. You're right - this has spoken to all our worst fears and it has made me, for sure, pray for her and her family! We all believe and hope until we have no choice not to.

  17. CNN is making me angry since they only had her story on the main page for one day. It should be a headline.

    *Another set of prayers from Texas*

  18. I'd also like to second what Kelly said. This story has made me think about the way I am running too. I will continue to carry my id and find a way to bring my phone with me. I also like the idea of telling my husband the route I plan to take and how long i intend to be gone.

  19. I think often during the day of Sherry and of you and the rest of her family. Hugs

  20. I continue to be heartsick and pray, pray, pray for her to be fighting her way back to safety. I'm sad, scared and angry. How dare someone do this! Like a little kid I just want to scream, "It's not fair." I know life isn't fair but this is beyond words. I think all of us are just profoundly affected by this.

  21. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. My heart is sad for you. I saw the story on GMA and I hope and pray that someone saw something.

  22. I am praying for you and Sherri and the whole family. I can't imagine what this must be like. It is so scary and strikes a chord with all of us runners, especially those of us that are female and run alone at times. I pray for strength in the upcoming days and that you find her!

  23. Beautiful post, Beth. The goodness of humanity does give one pause and hope. Our prayers continue for her and her family and for you and your family.

  24. Hi, Beth...
    Although I've never commented on your blog before, I'm an avid reader and this story about your cousin has touched me deeply. I know no words can ease the pain you're feeling right now, so instead I thought I should write to recommend you a great book:

    It's called "When Bad Things Happen to Good People". It's very tiny and you might read it in a day. I've learned so much from it after my dad passed away and I couldn't find comfort in anything and couldn't quite understand why God would allow such things to happen. It has changed my life and my way of seeing many, many things. Hope it can also bring some comfort to you as it did for me :)

    All the best, still keeping Sherry on my thoughts.

    (here's a helpful review if you wanna check it out :) ).

  25. You are right, this is my worst fear.

    I am so sad for you, and Sherry, and her family.

    Don't give up. Keep the faith.

  26. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family right now. I'm not back at school yet, but as soon as I am, I plan on lighting a candle at the grotto at Notre Dame every night for Sherry. I usually stop there after my run, so lighting a candle for her then will be perfect. Stay strong and keep looking for the goodness in the world.

  27. I am so sad that my heart aches over this story. I check the Montana news stations multiple times a day just hoping that she has been found and you just haven't had time to post it. Sending prayers to you, your family and all of Sherry's loved ones.

  28. Amazing post - sending positive thoughts and vibes from Northern CA, for her and your family.

  29. I have thought of you every day and Sherry every time I go for a run. I had a long discussion with another female runner who runs alone tonight and convinced her to stop until she got a partner. Hang in there. Hugs.

  30. I will continue to pray for Sherry until we have answers. Keep the faith!

  31. Praying so hard for Sherry, her family and all her loved ones. This is such a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing your heart.

  32. Each run this week I have said the following in my head repeatedly "sherry where are you?" "Please don't be afraid, we're coming, we're looking, we're praying and hoping" I just can't get this out of my head, it seems inexplicable and wrong. and yet in the midst of it all Beth, you can still bring a smile to so many with your kind heart. I pray and hope for her and your family each day!

  33. Continuing to hope and pray for Sherry and your family ...

  34. I thought of Sherry this morning as I ran in the pre-dawn hours. Some may think that after hearing her story, it's nothing short of stupidity to continue to run solo in the early morning hours. But you know what? Terribe things happen in broad day light, in the early evenings, in our own homes. Nope, no evil criminal will take away my spirit. I will take pre-cautions, I am vigilantly aware of my surroundings, and do everything I can to prevent myself from becoming a victim. If I stopped doing what I loved, I would already be a victim. I did not mean to turn this into a "me" post, but I am hearing many women say (not here) that they have run their last run in the morning hours. Everyone has to make the choice that is right for them, I just hope there are not too many living in fear.
    My heart continues to break for Sherry and her family/friends. I keep wondering if someone tricked such a sweet person into helping them..the possibilities are endless. I pray that she is somehow, some way at peace. Words cannot express my sorrow for you all.
    Prayers continually coming your way.

  35. I've been thinking about Sherry non-stop since you first posted this story. I don't have words to express the sadness I feel for you, and any words of encouragement/strength seem shallow. The best I can come up with is that Blogland has your back. You've got a tonne of prayers coming from Indiana.

  36. Beth, my heart aches for you and your family. I have been praying for you all and for Sherry's strength. You are so right, bad things happen, but the good out weighs the bad. How noble of you to write such profound words in your grief. It is all I can offer, but a "comment" but please know that this has touched me deeply and I believe that the Light surrounds you all.
    In peace and prayers

  37. My night is coming to a close. And tonight, just like every Monday through Friday night here on base, taps played. It sings my children to sleep each night and it is a reminder to all of us, soldiers and families of soldiers, that God is Nigh. I love that reminder... and I so often need it.

    Day is done, gone the sun,
    From the lake, from the hills, from the sky;
    All is well, safely rest, God is nigh.

    Wherever Sherry is... God is Nigh.

    I will continue to pray for her safe return.

  38. Hello Beth, It looks like you have a strong support
    group following you and I know I am one of them ,
    even tho I don't know you personally ,I do follow your
    blog religiously and now with you having to deal with
    this abduction with a family member, it truly show's
    how much people care for you and are there for you
    to lean on. Take Care.

  39. Still praying. Still can't stand the thought of the beautiful woman being torn from her family. Still envisioning her safe return. Still amazed at all you are and all you give. xoxoxo

  40. It's just so very, very sad. My heart aches! So pointless. Big hugs, Beth!!

  41. I am continuing to send you and your family my thoughts and prayers. Praying for a happy ending...

  42. I've been lifting her, her family and you(rs) up in prayer. That's really the only words I have. This stumps me. I cannot wrap my mind around it. It really just leaves me without words.

  43. We are continuing to pray here. Thank you for the beautiful post...I pray that the goodness and light will reach her, wherever she is. Never give up hope.

  44. Constant thought and prayers to you, her and her community. Hang in there and please continue to keep us posted. Although we are all virtually connected, we are still connected. She is one of us. God's speed.

  45. We are continuing to pray here. Thank you for the beautiful post...I pray that the goodness and light will reach her, wherever she is. Never give up hope.

  46. My heart is still aching for you. Hoping for good news.

  47. I haven't been able to stop thinking about Sherry...and you. I just recently started to read your blog and now I can't stop checking in to see if there is any news. My heart goes out to everyone that has been affected by this. Know that even strangers, new followers of your blog, deeply care and are genuinely concerned. This has affected most of us runners in a way I imagine. I can speak for myself, and others I'm sure, Sherry will be in my mind everytime I set out for a solo run.

  48. There are no words to express what I'm feeling right now, but please know that I've thought of you and Sherry many times over the past few days. I'll keep fighting for her on my end.

  49. I have no words. No uplifting comment. No consoling sentences.

    Just know that every second Sherry is out there my hearts breaks a little bit more for her, for her family, for you. We think the best of people and then something like this happens and we wonder "Who? Why?" I've studied it all and I still don't understand.

    All we can do is hope.

  50. I have friends who I encourage to run with cell phones. But they like to be empty handed. I tell them to wear it on an armband. They say they can "outrun the bad guys".
    This is an opportunity to learn to be safe.
    When Sherry is home and you are hugging her, please remember to tell us right away!

  51. Your cousin has been in my thoughts and prayers. I pray that they find her safe, soon!!! Stay strong!

  52. I have not be able to get Sherry and her family out of my mind. I am continuing to pray for her safe return. Never give up hope!

  53. Always having hope and praying for peace. Godspeed to those who will bring justice.

  54. Praying in Pa for her and your entire family.

  55. Praying in Pa for her and your entire family.

  56. Still praying on good news. Hang in here!!

  57. Just been thinking about her so much and hoping she is staying brave. And though I don't know her, I feel as though she's a fighter. Praying for her safe return.

  58. Beth, I can't stop thinking about this. I've cried for days now. I'm crying now. I pray she is found alive and well...and soon. xoxo

  59. Thinking of you & your family. I keep hoping to hear some update. Keeping you in my thoughts & prayers. Your words are lovely.

  60. I thought of her my entire run yesterday and blogged about it. It brings me to tears, scares the shit out of me, infuriates. It's tragic and frightening. Thank you for the updates, for being willing to share you feelings.

  61. Oh Beth. What can be said? Not fair! Not Fair! It sucks.. big time. That baby needs her momma. Still praying. still praying. still praying. Hope. We cling to hope for Sherry. I"m so sorry.

  62. She has been in my thoughts. Continuing to hope for her safe return. Hugs and love to you and her family!

  63. This breaks my heart Beth. I've been thinking of her and of you daily. I've been thinking of her husband and children. Oh my goodness...please Lord, we want Sherry home.

  64. Strength, hope and prayers continue for you and your family. I can't imagine how you are all feeling. We will never give up hope because good really does beat bad.

  65. This is wonderful perspective Beth. I didn't even know her yet I think of Sherry just before I go to bed each night. I wonder how her husband and kids are managing to get any sleep. I think of her the minute I wake up and I google her name, hoping to see her reunited with her husband in a breaking news update. My earnest prayer is that she is alive and well and working on some way to fight her way out of whatever hell she is in. I pray this for you and for Sherry and everyone who loves and misses her in Sidney. I pray for every detective and every possible clue on the table. I pray for nothing short of a miracle.

  66. I've been watching and waiting for updates too, here in Kentucky, checking Facebook and the news sites for information. I pray for her safe return, and for peace and strength for you and your family.

  67. I've been following the story in the news. She looks like such a beautiful person inside and out...I hope for her safe return.

  68. ...and I should've said if you need a run with someone else at any point, you know where I live! (I'm slower than you, be warned!)

    Still thinking, still race this weekend is for her.

  69. I can't stop thinking about this. Still praying for her safety.

  70. Praying for her safe return. Thank you for posting her pictures.

  71. Dear Beth... this pains me so much. I cannot imagine how hard this must be for you, for her family, for all those whose lives she touched ...and continues to touch. Keeping Sherry in my thoughts and prayers. Your writing tonight is beautiful. When something like this happens, there is not much one can do other than be philosophical. Sending much love your way.

  72. So, I was thinking just in case I was new to the whole praying thing and the fact that I am not 101% religious, I shared this story and asked one of my co-worker/family friend who is a devout Christian to pray for Sherry too.

    Still thinking about y'all.

  73. I had a sense of guilt as I ran today. I tried to channel it into a feeling of hope. I just assume that since you all are related and she is a runner that she is a FIGHTER and is doing everything she can to get back to her family. I, along with all of your other blogging friends are hoping for her safe return.
    Tonight I talked with a woman who recently lost her sister to cancer. Her sister wrote a blog. She was commenting to me that "You wouldn't believe what love and support my sister received from the blogging community." And I told her, "Actually, it doesn't surprise me one bit." Glad that we are all spreading the word and keeping the search for her alive.

  74. Oh god, you are pretty amazing and to be able to put it in words so well. I have wanted to comment but just don't know what to say. I just keep sending all my thoughts and strengths eastward. Thanks for the post. Best to you.

  75. Dear Beth and family,
    I'm still thinking of you all, especially Sherry. Wishing you all a peaceful sleep and positive news for you all tomorrow.
    Hugs - Nix26.2

  76. As I was watching the People's Choice Awards this evening I couldn't help but think of Sherry when Faith Hill sang "Come Home." Come home Sherry....your family needs you. Praying for you all and sending hugs your way Beth!

  77. So sorry Beth that you and your family our dealing with this pain and grief and unknown. What an awful feeling. It is amazing how one can still see the hope and strength and good; it clearly is what keeps humankind going forward. Every run this week, I've thought of you and your cousin Sherry. Even though it seems near impossible to think of a good outcome, I hope that closure will come and that Sherry isn't suffering. All my best

  78. Your entire family and Sherry are in my continued thoughts. This is so terribly sad and scary.

  79. Oh Beth, I love ya. I send out my best thoughts to your whole family and to all of us touched by the horrible feelings this has brought up.

    Wonderful post. Good for you for fighting the good fight and rising above.

  80. Gulp. I am choking back tears. You expressed yourself so beautifully and I truly admire your courage and fortitude.

    Hearing the details is deeply painful for me because I lost a friend who was also a dedicated runner. Sara Kuszak, while vacationing in Puerto Rico, went out for a morning, and the worst happened. If there can be any solace amidst the unspeakable tragedy, it is that the pathetic excuse for a human being who murdered her and her unborn child is rotting in prison until the day he roasts in hell.

    After the initial attack, the guy threw Sara in the trunk of his car, and she was able to make an urgent call for help on her cell phone. The authorities tracked the cell tower usage and were able to apprehend her murderer within hours.

    As a result of this horrific turn of events, I am an outspoken advocate on the need to carry cell phones when we go running alone. They can be a lifeline!

    I hesitated sharing this story earlier because I want to believe that Sherri would somehow come home safe and sound. I will still keep the hope alive.

    With enormous admiration and sincerest support,


  81. i am so sorry. thanks for fighting for hope and for optimism that the world is what we hope it to be. sending so many prayers to you all.

  82. i will keep hoping. i've been sad and crying for 2 days thinking about Sherry. still hoping to see a good outcome.

  83. We are still praying. We do have faith. As runners we are our own family. As women we are our own family.

  84. My heart hurts for you, but I will keep praying for Sherry and for you. They found Elizabeth Smart, and she is living a wonderful life right now. They can find Sherry too...:)


  85. This tragedy still weighs heavy on my mind and in my heart. I continue to hope and pray for any shred of evidence that will lead the authorities to finding her and of course, her safe return. I feel that somehow, she must know that she is in all of our hearts, and this will keep her fighting to find her way home.

  86. Oh Beth...Sherri and your whole family haven't been far from my mind or my prayers the last few days. I'm sitting here with tears running down my face over the awfulness of this all. Our community lost a 5th grade boy to a horrific accident Monday night, and combined with Sherri's disappearance, I just can't bear all this sadness. It's just so damned unfair.

    But please know that I continue to pray for Sherri, and now for Caleb's family. I am praying and begging for there to be a happy ending for Sherri and for comfort and strength for us all.

  87. Beth...I can feel your pain and your sadness in these words. I continue to think of her and of you all the time. I went running today and this was the only thing on my mind. Today it was my 43rd birthday and someone asked what I had wished for and I said Health for my family and that the missing Montana runner-teacher be found today. I don't know her or you even but this was my wish for real. the day is over. did not happend. heres to hoping tomorrow will be different. God Bless.

  88. Beth, I've been thinking about you, Sherry, and your families ever since I read your first post about her going missing a few days ago. As a longtime SUAR reader, I feel connected to you and your family--and now to Sherry. She crosses my mind often, and each time, I send out light and love to her. I hope that wherever she is, she's able to feel the love and positivity that's coming her way from across the globe.

    Wishing you peace and hope,

  89. I keep checking here... hoping, praying, believing that there will be good news. I will keep doing so. I will keep hoping, praying, and believing. Peace be with you and yours.

  90. Beth please know I haven't stopped praying for all of you and for Sherry's safety and return. My heart breaks for all of you.

  91. Beth~ I do not know you personally only from your blogs; I laugh with you and now cry with you. I have been thinking about your cousin since she went missing wondering what was going on, I only know from your blogs since I live in Indiana. My heart aches for you and also shakes me to my core because this can happen to anyone who runs so from now on I'm not running alone. It's so disturbing that a woman cannot go about doing what she loves for fear of abduction! I pray for you and sherry every day . I pray that she is fighting like hell and returns home safe.

  92. Sherry has been on my mind everyday since I read of her disappearance. Prayers are coming from my little corner of the world. Please, please let them find her today. Let her be ok. Sometimes these stories do end well (think Elizabeth Smart, Jaycee Duggard). Keep fighting Sherry.

  93. You have my thoughts and prayers, as do the other family and friends and those who know Sherry, the community of Sidney, MT. You have me, a fellow runner, mother, sister, friend, blogger to lean on, vent to. I can't say what hasn't already been said, and what you so beautifully and passionately communicate with your writing. Keep writing, keep running, keep praying, keep hoping.

  94. Beth, words escape me right now. I wish I could be there to give you a hug, to hug her family and to be some support. You are amazingly strong. I am praying hard.


  95. Crying...still praying there is news. Some news, any news, and most of all, Good news. Hugs, Courtney

  96. My heart aches for you and her family. I never realized how much I can care about someone I have never met before. I am constantly checking your blog, the news (thank goodness for internet) hoping that she has returned home. I will continue praying for her and your family.

  97. This story has touched many people and there are numerous posts on The Loop at Runner's World website reminding people to be safe. The running community is thinking of Sherry and praying for a safe return.

    Be strong and know we are all praying you, the family and Sherry.

  98. I will be posting this to my FB wall as I have many friends in the US and I will be asking them to read and to watch/look for your beloved sister.
    This is horrific. No family should have to deal with this.
    I have friends that are runners, and I pray they run safe.
    My heart aches for you and your family. May she come home safely soon.
    From New Brunswick, Canada.

  99. Thinking and praying for you and your family.

  100. Your post made me cry...for you, for Sherry, for Sherry's family, and for humanity.

  101. I'm so sorry you and your family have this pain. I too know what it is like to not know what happened to a loved one - it is torturous. I pray for your family, that you all find strength to cope through this incredible time of sadness. We will continue to pray for Sherry.

  102. "there is more goodness in this world than evil"

    That is so very true.
    I just wish she, you, and your family didn't have to go through this at all...

  103. Beautiful post! I cried while reading it. I have been praying for Sherry and all of her family and friends. My heart breaks for all of you! Please stay strong! God Bless!

  104. Continuing to pray for Sherry's safe return. Hang in there....

  105. If there is one sliver of good in this, I hope that every one of us becomes a smarter, more alert runner. Not that any of this is Sherri's fault AT ALL. But I know that I have fallen into complacency. I run with my dog and that is enough, right? No. I now carry my phone and have thought through what I would do if confronted with danger. I will not stop running on the paths that I love but I will be smarter about it.

    Jackie in Iowa

  106. This makes my heart ache so bad for you... It truly does. I can't even begin to imagine what you're going through, but I do have to say, I don't think you could possibly have a better perspective about it. I admire your strength and perspective through this, and I'm glad you can at least pull comfort from knowing how many people are pulling for you, your family, and especially Sherry.

    You are in my thoughts and prayers, and I truly hope something good turns up. Stay strong, and know that you're cared about by so many.

  107. I am so sorry.

    This is a beautifully written post

  108. Prayers are coming your and Sherry's way from South Georgia. I hate that you and your family (and hers) are having to go through this and pray for a positive outcome. I have followed and admired you for a long time now, but now more than ever. You are an inspiration, not just for running but also for your view of life. Thanks for all you have given us.

  109. Don't stop looking!! Elizabeth Smart was held captive for 9 months, Jaycee Dugard for 18 years. Both were found alive. And those two girls are just the ones that come quickly to my mind; I am sure there are others. I hope and pray that Sherry's story will be one that ends with her being returned to her family. Don't stop looking!!

  110. I am so sorry. She has been the first thing on my mind every single morning since you first posted. It's just unimaginable.

  111. We are praying in sSouth western PA too. Even in the darkness God is still there. Praying that Sherry will come home.

    It is in the hardest of moment that our character is shown. You are an amazing person. I am so glad that so many have been able to rally to try and help in big or small ways.

  112. Hi Beth,
    Your words are so beautiful, honest and true. I am praying for Sherry and for all of her loved ones, including you.
    Many years ago, when I was in college, a very dear friend of mine went missing for several days. I know how you are feeling. It is horrifying, confusing, scary and tragic. I pray with all of my heart that Sherry is safe and that she returns home soon. I will not stop praying, I will not stop believing in goodness.

  113. I am so sorry that you and your family are living through this horrible situation. I pray that your cousin come home very soon.

  114. Beth, thinking of you and Sherry's family, friends and community. Thanks for keeping us all updated. Love the strength you share and the caring of everyone posting here. May Sherry be found soon.

  115. I don't know what to say other than I'm thinking of her and her family and friends and the entire community (us runners included) and am praying for us all, but especially praying for her safe return.

  116. I am so sorry your family is going through this. I am praying that Sherry will be found safe and soon. My heart goes out to you all.

  117. I just find this whole thing so overwhelming. I think you are right about how this touches us all in a very personal kind of way. It is a terrifying thought. Your post had me in tears and I just continue to pray for her safe and swift return. She has to feel all of the love and courage we are sending her way. I check every morning for good news and I am so worried about a family and woman that I have never met. You and your family are in my heart and in my prayers right now.

  118. I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I don't even know her and it is disturbing me greatly. I hate the evil in this world but I refuse to let it steal my joy. Then evil wins. I am glad to hear you aren't letting it steal your joy either.
    Stay strong. Everyone is praying for you and her and all your families.

  119. Praying for Sherry, praying for you Beth and all of your family! Praying deeply for her children and husband... her students and community. Life is moving on- but we are not going to stop praying and remembering!!! XO

  120. I keep coming back to your blog to read any updates...It's so frustrating wanting to DO something to help but being helpless. I think of Sherry often -- she, you and your families are all in my prayers.

    I was out for a run yesterday and was thinking what if I disappeared and someone found just one shoe? There is no way in hell I'd ever accidentally take off a shoe and leave it in the middle of a run. No effing way.

    After checking your blog, I googled the news stories and saw one reporter mention how Sherry might have fallen down and got confused and wandered away. Yeah right. I don't know why that ticks me off so much, but it does.

    My prayers are with you all! Strength and prayers and light to Sherry!

  121. I have been reading and sharing and praying for Sherry, you and her loved ones. Hoping for good news today.

  122. I think of Sherry, her family and you often during the day and keep praying that she will be found and return home safely. Stay strong, and know that there are thousands who are praying.

  123. From South Carolina, your story has been on my heart and mind and in my prayers since your 1st post. Continuing to pray for peace and answers. Thank you for sharing your strength and inspiring others.

  124. This has left me so shaken...I am not a praying kind of person but I praying for Sherry and her family as well as you and yours....

  125. My heart hurts for you Beth. Praying for Sherry's safety and return. I can't imagine the weight you and your family are carrying right now. Hugging you from afar.

  126. You are so strong, and I can only imagine how hard this is for you. We're all still praying hard!

  127. Very powerful and enlightening post. You are right - there is more good in the world and a terrible horrible event like this manages to bring that to light. Continue to hope, wish, pray and think positively - I will too!

  128. I am gut wrenched by this and so very sorry for your family. I prayed so hard that you will hear something soon because not knowing is sometimes harder to endure. I really hope the FBI can give you better news.

  129. Beth, I wish I had something profound to offer. I have only this: don't stop hoping and don't stop living. It is possible to do both, but it takes tremendous strength - strength I know you have in you. Praying for you, Sherry, and those who are searching.

  130. Great post, It makes you really stop and think. Beth my prayers are with you, Sherry and her whole family. Shes a runner which means she is also a fighter, the strength that she has deep down, I pray will get her home safe.

  131. Beth, I am praying for Sherry's return. My thoughts are with her, you and your family.

  132. Still praying and sending out good vibes for her safe return. May comfort and peace come to you and her family as you work through this time.

  133. Beth, My mind returns to you and your family all throughout the day. A silent prayer in my heart at all times. You are such an amazing light. Here you are, the one facing this horrible thing and yet you post comfort to all of us. You are an example of strength, faith, friendship and hope. All of my love from Utah. Amy

  134. We are praying for her here in PA.

  135. I've been following this story since I heard about it. My heart aches and tears come to my eyes every time I read something about Sherry.

    My thoughts and prayers are with her, you and everyone else who loves her.

  136. Beautiful post Beth. I continue to keep Sherry in my thoughts and prayers.

  137. I will be praying for you and your whole family.

  138. I hope they find her. It just gives me the worst feeling in my stomach to think of someone who could be suffering needlessly.

  139. I stopped reading your blog not long ago (not because of you, because of my own life issues) and happened to pop back on the day you posted about Sherry. She's and her family are in my prayers every single day.

  140. I've been reading and hoping for more updates and was so disheartened to read that they suspended the search. But you are right--there IS so much goodness in this world and there are so many thoughts and prayers being sent Sherry's way. I am hopeful we will have a happy ending.

    Keep your strength and keep finding those small moments of laughter.

  141. This is an incredible post, and I so admire your strength, faith, and spirit. I stand with you, she's out there fighting and we are all thinking of her and her family. I cried last night for her, for her family, and for the reasons you also included in this post today. Goodness >> evil. Thank you for sharing some of your light with me today.

  142. I think about this often and my heart just hurts for all involved. Last night, I went running by myself, and I couldn't help but think about something like that happening. It scares all of us, but I know that I can't let that fear keep me from getting healthy. Prayers are going up for Sherry and all of her family from Mississippi.

  143. Beautiful post, Beth. Stay strong. Big hugs.

  144. Your family has been included in my bed-time prayers Beth. I pray that Sherry may be returned home soon. Don't lose faith, stay strong. luv, Pam

  145. God bless you and your entire family. Your strength is amazing.

  146. Beth, please know that you, your family, and Sherry, are in my thoughts and prayers. Not a day goes by that I don't open my computer hoping your post, or the news, will be rejoicing of her return.

  147. Beth, I just caught up on your posts and I am so sorry for you and your family. Please know that you are in my thoughts and my strength is coming your way. I am only guessing how hard this is to explain to your kids, I hope they are ok.
    Kelly in Calgary

  148. I am praying for you and your family.

  149. Thinking of you and holding Sherry close in my heart.

  150. It's never supposed to be someone you're supposed to be so disconnected from things like this. It is truly unfortunate, but knowing that she has family and friends like you will make her fight her way back. She's out there just waiting for her opportunity to get back to us. If she's a runner, then she knows the dedication it takes to stick with it and reap the benefits in the end. She'll be back...keep the faith!

  151. I am so so so sorry this has happened to you all! It breaks my heart! I continue to send thoughts and prayers! **Hugs**

  152. Sending more prayers your way. Sherry is in my thoughts, as is your entire family.


  154. I haven't commented yet but I have been praying for and thinking of Sherry and her family and friends every time I think of it, which is a lot. You are right, it's shaken me to the core. This post was beautifully written. I will continue to pray and hope, hope, hope for the best.

  155. I am so sorry to hear about your cousin and can't imagine how hard this must be for everyone in your family. I am a new follower but wanted to let you know that there was another person sending positive thoughts your way and hoping for a happy ending.

  156. Praying for her safe return here in NH.

  157. Sending good thoughts your way and, of course, Sherry's.

  158. thinking of you and her family every day.

  159. I missed somehow that this amazing woman is related to you. My heart aches for you and her entire family. I will continue to pray for peace and answers.

  160. Stephanie in SLC, UTJanuary 13, 2012 at 9:09 AM

    I'm so, so sorry for what's happened. I'd never read your blog before someone linked me here. And, I come back checking for some kind of news. I'm praying for everyone involved. And, I'm rethinking my running routes, and my safety... And, I pray for her safe return.

  161. Your words are so, incredibly powerful. Your heart is full - some emotions taking up more space than others - and your hope is refreshing. The community that is missing Sherry, and wondering why these things happen (because they do), needs your spirit & your confidence that she'll fight her way back. Keep that.


  162. I hate this unknown, it brings such fear. I truly hope that she's found safe soon. This could be any one of us or our family. My family is continuing to pray for the best.

  163. Thanks for keeping us updated on this terrible story. And you're right, it awakens in us our worst fears...

    Thanks for sharing what must be so hard to write about...the waiting and not knowing, how hard it is to watch "celebrity" crap but how necessary it is to laugh and to LIVE, for Sherry, while people continue to look for her.

    Hoping for a positive outcome...

  164. Sending you lots of love today. I'm so sorry to hear the news. Prayers and positive thoughts for healing are coming your way...

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