
Friday, January 27, 2012

New Item to Try

I made my way through Costco today sampling the bratwurst, the oatmeal, the pizza and the Fage yogurt. At no other time in my life do I mix the most random and god-awful foods like I do when I go to Costco. I wouldn’t even dream of it or my colon would combust all over the place (like it doesn’t already).

This is Esther giving out small penises. I passed on those not wanting to eat penises in public.

So, by the time I got home at 2:00 p.m. I needed a small, healthy lunch to balance out the disgusting sample consumption. I’m not going to lie – I have a tough time with lunch. I work from home, so I always eat-in. I’m forever trying to find the “right” lunch food – satisfying yet not to heavy.

Today I found the perfect score at Costco. This is a new item. So new that the cashier had to stop for about five minutes to study the package -  kind of like my role model Kristin Wiig does on the SNL Target skit. I wanted to scream at her that this was not show and tell, but I have impulse control.

Try not to get a boner like the cashier when I show you this. Here is the new item:


If you are all about New York Strip you are rolling your eyes. But, for those of us who can’t stomach a lot of meat or rich food, we have to find our options.

You take a chance when you buy something like this. Yes, I am risk taker. The last time I bought vegetable soufflés at Costco they were so hideous I actually returned them. You can return anything at Costco including stained sheets and soiled underwear. Not sure about used condoms though.

This risk totally panned out. One of my favorite lunches is to take a veggie or bean burger and put it on a spinach salad. I add in other veggies, maybe some cheese and top it with Annie’s Goddess dressing, my favorite.

Today I just did the spinach, spinach/chickpea patty and dressing because I just needed a little something.



Yes, it is spinach on spinach. Kind of weird – like putting ketchup on a tomato. But, I am a lover of spinach. Raw, in spinach pies, creamed up in a casserole, sautéed with a touch of garlic and parmesan cheese. It is a total staple in my life. In fact I never eat lettuce. Only spinach. I figure if you’re doing leaves, why not do the one that carries the most nutritional punch? Kale is good too. Basically the darker the green, the more nutritional value it will have.

Let me tell you about these patties. The inside mixture is spinach and seasonings like garlic, cumin and coriander, giving it a taste somewhat like falafel. The outside of the patty is a chick pea crust. Very tasty indeed. Perfect for a quick and healthy lunch. Low in fat and calories, 5 g of protein, 350 mg of sodium. For a pre-packaged item, that’s not too bad. It would also be really good wrapped up with avocado and hummus in a tortilla.


Price is $9.99 for 12 tasty patties.

On my next run I’m going to bring one of these instead of a gel. Just kidding.

On a different note, Laura at Running 4 the Reason is holding an auction to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society with Team in Training (TIT). She is running the Rock ‘n Roll San Diego Marathon in June. Laura’s got tons of cool items she is auctioning including headphones, a Polar watch, compression gear and jewelry. Best of all is a prize pack that includes an SUAR tech shirt. Hop on over to Laura’s blog and do some bidding! It’s for a great cause.

What’s your favorite quick and healthy lunch? I need ideas.

What’s the most pathetic thing you’ve ever returned? I once returned a coffee maker. The box had dog crap on it because I had thrown it away, then changed my mind about keeping it. I’m going to hell.



  1. Love it.
    Live Costco.
    Love ester.
    Love peni....

  2. Ok. Yes I live at Costco but meant l O v e

  3. I could use Costco as my sole grocery provider if I had to. I am there at least once a week stocking up on my produce. Have you tried the White Linen marinara sauce? I could eat the stuff with a spoon, it is so fresh and the ingredient list is short and clean. Mmmm...

  4. Costco has been my employer for 19 years :) I love trying the new stuff we get in! And yes, I worked returns for 13 of those years, we do return ANYTHING! I should have wrote a book :) have to get me some of those!
    Ps I don't eat those mini penises either! Lol

  5. I have a confession to make: I have never actually been inside a costco. I don't know why, I find the place intimidating. And I have an aversion to any place that charges me to shop.

    But every time you write about Costco, it sounds like an adventure waiting to happen. And those little chickpea thingys look awesome.

  6. I'm so excited to see your review because I bought these at Costco today, too! I grabbed a big tub of their tabouli salad to go with the Mediterranean theme, so hopefully that will be equally tasty. The most pathetic thing I've returned was today (also at Costco), which was a *giant* tin of Walker's shortbread that has been sitting on our downstairs bar since we received it for Christmas. My husband and I have both started peeling off the seal numerous times, only to grab a hold of our willpower and tape it back up. Of course the Costco lady gave me the hairy eyebrow and asked if the cookies had been opened, to which I indignantly replied "Of course not...I haven't touched them!" Pathetic.

  7. Love your spinach on spinach idea, and chickpeas have got to be my favorite bean.

    I think Kristen Wiig was also the one who did the Activia sketch on SNL. Brilliant.

    For lunches I usually have some variation of a tuna/spinach/avocado salad. Or an Amy's Indian Mattar Tofu thing.

    My favorite carb source is jasmine rice. A rice cooker may sound silly because you can make it on the stove top, but believe me, rice cookers make the most perfect rice ever. It's so easy, and the best thing about it is you'll never over or undercook the rice.

  8. I think the nearest Costco is close to 3 hours away. We do have a Sams about 40 min away. Needless to say, I don't get to do the free sample thing often. Interesting patties for today. This week, I made a great soup (Sante Fe Corn Tortilla Soup) and ate it for more than one lunch. Lunch is usually some kind of leftovers as I also work at home and that is just what is easiest.

  9. I never eat a big lunch. I usually have a green smoothie at 10 and greek yogurt with granola at 1. Sometimes I make chicken salad or tuna salad and put it in wraps.

  10. Oooh! These are right up my alley! I have to try them. Wow, I didn't know anyone ate suggested serving sizes in real life. I'd be starving. I eat like 3x time that at any given meal. Good job, Beth. I should probably try eating a little less from time to time.

  11. I have picked those up and put them down like 6 times. Now I will get them! Thanks for the ingo

  12. Those patties look good. We eat a lot of spinach salads & I got bored. Had to mix it up with some romaine.

  13. Thank you so much for the support, Beth, I really appreciate it!

  14. If you like Veggie Patch stuff, you might also try Morning Star (similar taste/texture, slightly different options).

    I also work from home, so lunch varies -- it can be something like pretzels and yoghurt and some kind of fruit -- but when I feel like actual cooking my favourite (easy!) thing to do is a really basic tofu stir-fry: cubed tofu, chopped up bell pepper and broccoli, a bit of oil, maybe some sesame seeds or spices. A side of edamame and my stomach is very happy indeed.

  15. had to quit the membership...too expensive. Grow my own-kale and spinach that is.

  16. The most pathetic thing I ever returned - a litter maid cat box. It was supposed to be an automatic cleaning cat toilet that was going to make my life insanely easier. At $129 back in 2002, it was a lot of money! Needless to say, it didn't pull its weight around the house. So I cleaned it up, and took it back to Walmart and told them it didn't work. (That way they wouldn't put it back on the shelf!) Since it was an open item, all I could do was exchange it. So I exchanged it for the new unopened version, drove across town to the other walmart, and returned it there for a full refund.

    So… yeah. I'm going to hell too. Do not pass go, do not collect $200!

  17. If you love spinach, you should try this recipe...My kids and I loved it

  18. Honestly my easy snacks are nuts, apples or a banana :)

  19. I have been into the chili lime chicken burgers from trader joes on a sandwich thin + salad. They are cheap and only 150 cals to like 15g protein.

  20. While they look good, the way I came to lose over 65 pounds was to calculate the fat content. Perhaps I'm wrong( but don't think I am) is not to look at the grams of fat but the calories from fat. Take 50/120= about 40% fat so far from healthy. Not many fat grams does not equal low in fat. My wife says I take the fun out of eating-sorry if I did that here.

  21. You could not pay me enough to eat any of the guck samples handed out at Costco. The crowds of people bellying up (literally) to get their snouts into the electric fry pan get in the way of my in and out mission.

    Costco is always an adventure. Finding the things you want that they keep moving around. Trying to avoid the things that are a good deal but you don't really need.

    I'm sorry, but those chick pea patties fall into the "don't really need" category. In fact, they also fall into the "I threw up in my mouth a little bit" category.

    My quick and healthy lunch? You know already, PB & H sandwich. Plus low fat milk and a banana after.

  22. Detroit runner: have you seen me? Definitely not trying to lose weight. For me there is a lot more that goes into healtful eating than how many calories come from fat. But that is probably becasue I am not focussed on weight loss. This one is a good and relatively healthful option for me.

    1. Yup completely agree... you do not need to lose weight. You're in awesome shape. I wish I was in as good of shape. Just saying not low in fat.

  23. Interesting looking patties. I might have to try some. I'm always looking for something new.

    Regarding something simple for lunch, I had a craving for cottage cheese today so bought some (low fat) and ate it along with a salad. It did the trick to help fill me up for longer and up the protein. No one else in my house eats it so I usually don't think about picking any up.

  24. I used to Costco a lot when all the older kids were living with us. But now I don't. I get annoyed at all the slow, impatient people getting in my impatient way. And the parking always blows big time. But when in the right mood...Costco is a ton of fun. I run and ride right past our local Costco...when I run and ride...which seems like it never happens anymore :(

  25. Those look mighty tasty to me! I have been making my own burrito bowls of late--black beans, brown rice, avocado, lettuce, some salsa, and some cheese. Quick and easy!

  26. I've been making my own hummus lately (roasted red pepper) and using Hungry Girl flatbreads for turkey sandwiches. My 2-year-old eats the hummus with a spoon, it's that good! That's my typical lunch.

    @Detroit runner. My husband takes the fun out of eating, too. ;) He doesn't understand that it's almost impossible to eat low-carb, low-fat, low sugar etc if you don't like veggies. {SIGH}

  27. I have had your blog on a sticky note in my middle school guidance office for a REALLY long time. I can't even remember who told me about it. Anyway, it's Saturday morning and I finally sat down at home to look it up, and I am hooked! I've just spend 35 minutes reading random blogs on your site. Keep up the good entertainment for all of us runner wanna bees!

  28. I really could use some ideas for healthy lunch myself.

  29. Oh Ester! :)

    These look good! I love the Annie's dressing too!

  30. We make a dish consisting of those patties, spaghetti squash, spaghetti sauce and parmesan cheese. Makes a great tasting vegan substitute for Chicken Parmesan.

  31. These look awesome! We usually put morningstar farms chicken patties on big salads, these look even better. Hoping my Costco has them when I go tomorrow!

  32. I have a spinach salad every day for lunch topped with either brown rice and a veggie burger or half a baked sweet potato and veggie protein. Lunch for me never changes unless we're on the road.

    Most pathetic thing I've ever returned were a half eaten box of "Ho-Ho's".

  33. I once read a book without bending the binding, then returned it.

    Although I never bend bindings on paperback books (my version of OCD), I'm such a book lover than I also never return them. But, I didn't like the book, so I figured I should return it and buy one I actually wanted to add to my collection. I think this is considered a bookworm's sin...

  34. Those look good. I will be making them at home since I have all the ingredients and I'm working on a $50/week budget. Seems simple enough to me.

    Easy go to lunch: PB&J with banana in the middle. Easy Peasy.

  35. If you looking for a yummy vegatarian thing to eat you should try SoYeat Vegetarian Soy Bites. My sister is vegatarian so I try things all the time with her. So far this is the best vegatarian food I've tried so far.

  36. These are VERY good!!!! I highly recommend them!!!

  37. Sorry folks Veggie Patch does not exist any more. I'm desperately searching for an alternative to those great patties.
