
Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Time I Ran in Paris

I closed out a great week of running with a gorgeous trail run this morning. Could someone turn off the sunlight? I’ve got a wine headache.



Confession: I’m not even a runner. I just superimpose myself in various places. You fall for it – every single time! See! Look where I was yesterday!


Picture Rock outside of Lyons, Colorado is one of my favorite trails. Today we ran 10 miles, the first 5 gaining about 1,000 feet. So, it’s a steady climb, but not too steep.



That’s one perky breast!

I’ll admit this to you. This was a total “Shut up and run” kind of morning. I did not feel like running up a big hill when I woke up at 6:00 a.m. We went to a dinner party last night and just thinking about all of the weird foods and libations I consumed made me hang my head in shame. Champagne, Swedish Fish (best appetizer ever), peel and eat shrimp, brie and crackers, steak, corn, white wine, red wine, peanut M&Ms, green beans, white chocolate raspberry cheesecake. Not even to mention I was short on sleep.

You tell ME how you thought my stomach felt this morning. But, once I had a quick interlude with the pit toilet, I was good to go for a few miles.


My watch beeped the turn around point at 5 miles, but Ken’s Garmin hadn’t reached the 5 mile mark yet so he kept going. Do you ever do that? You are running with someone, the same exact distance, yet your GPS reads differently. So, even though you know you've run the same distance, you HAVE to go until your watch beeps and tells you you’ve gone far enough. I hate it when technology bosses me around.


This was really good practice for me to stay at my target heart rate. Climbing, without rest, for an hour can send your heart rate into psycho mode. I was really disciplined about it, and even though I kept telling Ken to go ahead, he stuck with me. 152 bpms average – success!

This is one of the better running weeks I’ve had in a long time. Why, you ask?

  • Easy, quick recovery
  • No aches and pains
  • Higher mileage

Monday: 6 miles @75% max heart rate (some incline)
Tuesday: 5.5 miles @75% max heart rate (flat)
Wednesday: 5.5 miles (tempo). Warm up 1 mile, 3 miles @85% max heart rate, 1.5 mile cool down (flat)
Thursday: Rest
Friday: 5 miles (speed). Warm up 1 mile. 5x800 @95% max heart rate with 200 mile jogs between. Cool down 1 mile. Done on treadmill.
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: 10 mile trail run @75% max heart rate

Total: 32 miles

Unlike my typical training plan where I’m doing lots of swimming and biking, I am now just focusing on running. My plan is to run 5 days per week, do hot yoga one day and rest one day. Putting in lots of miles on my feet at manageable heart rates will do something for me. Maybe it will make me crazy. Maybe I will get faster. Maybe I will flush the monitor down the pit toilet at the end of it all. Except that those toilets don’t flush.

Oh, I forgot to tell you that at the party last night (with people I hardly knew), I tripped on the step and fell flat on my ass, spilling my drink everywhere. I wasn’t hurt which gave Ken the freedom to laugh at me for the rest of the night. And, all of today. And, for the rest of my life.

Funniest thing I saw this weekend (aside from myself falling and laying on the concrete) was a couple in their car. They had bikes in their car and were, I think, driving to the start of the Tour de Cure. They both were wearing their helmets in the car. I don’t know why, but it make me laugh, because why would you do that? Maybe they were just being extra, extra careful they wouldn’t get hurt on the way to their ride. I tried to take a picture, but it didn't really work out.


How far and where was your long run today (or yesterday)? What are you training for?

What’s the funniest thing you saw or heard this weekend?



  1. Sadly, it makes me happy to know that someone else will do a run with a wine headache.

    I only did 3.5 today. I have a lingering, annoying high hamstring tendonitis that is keeping me going slow and short. But, if I do slow and short I can run every other day without it getting too painful.

    Funniest thing I saw or heard this weekend was our small town police blotter. "Sunday, August 5 Neighbor Dispute- A North Main Street resident reported that a neighbor had chased him with a weed wackier. Officers were dispatched…"

  2. I ran a 5K on Friday night and didn't die... it even had a HFH (Huge F***ing Hill) at the beginning that tried to kill me. AND THEN I hiked yesterday and realized my everything hurt. SInce I haven't been running (turned to the bike and the swimming while an ankle re-injury heals), so I am pretty happy that I not only survived, but wasn't limping.

    Funniest thing I saw: a thief squirrel on our hike made off with so many nuts from our lunch that it's cheeks were bigger than it's body.

    (Note to self: do not wear a helmet while driving- someone will see!)

  3. You are so tough for getting in that run after a night of drinking, dining, and no sleep. I also love the photo of you at the Eiffel Tower. My best friend and I have plans to Photoshop ourselves on various vacations that we've never actually taken, and then when we're looking through the photo books when we're in our 90s we won't even remember that we didn't actually take those vacations.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I ran seven today, I'm training for my first half :) I'm a little scared!

  6. No long run for me. I might have a stress fracture in my tibia. MRI is scheduled for tomorrow. Today was the first day in months that I didn't do a long run, it felt weird.

  7. I never ever say this but LOL! I laugh out loud at quite a lot of your posts but this one really tickled me for some reason. Even now I'm still giggling! Heh :) thank you x

  8. heading out for 9 right now...should have done them this am......
    training for my first full in Philly Nov 18

  9. Ran 8.6 yesterday, with one very significant climb (~500 feet over 0.5 miles), which I half jogged, half walked. I'm training for my first full marathon in Sacramento on Dec. 2nd!

  10. I ran 15 yesterday. It was hot, humid and hilly. I felt so slow and leaden. But I was glad I did it, even though I was so sweaty at the end that I looked more like I had been swimming than running! I'm training for my first marathon.

  11. 11.5 miles today. Training for the Odyssey Trail Run @ Douthat State Park on Sept. 8th. So excited but nervous. It's my first Half.

  12. I'm totally impressed with the 200 mile jogs on Friday. That's awesome!

  13. Training for a full marathon in February and an obstacle course mud run in January. Didn't run...or hit the gym...or anything else today. Ahh there's always tomorrow morning! Doing a 10k on Sunday benefiting fallen soldiers and their families from Florida.

  14. I managed 3 PMS-filled miles straight up our hill. I kept reaching down to rip the ankle weights off my legs, but they weren't there.

    My sis and I hosted a tea party last week that sounds a lot like your dinner party binge, except it involved Pimms and Welsh Rarebit. I definitely paid for it the next day.

    Funniest thing of the week is that hat I wore to that party.

  15. Have you come across any research on how much alcohol affects training? I love me a glass or two of red wine, but this week I am abstaining because I have a really heavy training week which sadly involves no running as I have a foot injury, but speed work in the pool, a couple of long bikes and 3 days of strength training. It is ambitious for me and I want to be in top form. Now I have also been known to have a glass of wine the night before a race because I figure that getting to sleep will benefit me more than 4 ounces of alcohol will detract. Any words of wisdom on this? I am all for suffering for my sport, but if I don't have to forgo the wine I will be happy!

  16. You totally got me. All this time I thought you were shutting up and running and you're just shutting up and photoshopping.

  17. I ran 6 miles today. Which is the most I've run since I broke my foot and fended off Lyme disease! So I was happy. Woohoo!

    We were in rural Wisconsin, so there are always things happening that entertain us. Of note, I did see a guy on a recumbent bike, letting his 2 miniature poodles pull him down the street. When I came up behind him, I saw the dogs next to him, but as I passed him, I realized he wasn't peddling.

  18. I did that once...was hanging out in the car still wearing my bike helmet. My friends still laugh at me for that and it happened over 20 years ago! Glad you weren't hurt in your drunken tumble!

  19. I ran 16 miles today after not running too much this week (vacation), so pretty tired. Looking at your run though, I'm not going to complain!

  20. 16+ for me this for the Hartford Marathon in October.

  21. I ran 18 today. I'm training for Chicago and it's only a month and a half away! So crazy. It wasn't as hilly as yours though!

  22. Ran 11.21 this morning and with PF and coming off vacation it was pretty rough! I'm training for my first half marathon in September!

    Funniest thing today was reading this post =)

  23. Ran 2.5 today. 5K this coming Saturday.

  24. It was great to meet you this morning! We ran 18, not training, more just because we could. My mom is visiting so she stayed with the kids (5 and 7yrs). Running together is a rare occurrence these days! Funniest thing was at my daughter's baseball team party and one of her teammates (all boys) said, "I hope she becomes the first major league woman". It was funny and so sweet from a 8 year old boy!

    1. Yes, great to meet you too. I told Ken I couldn't believe you guys were doing 18. So awesome. I thought we were bad asses with 10. Not so much!! Thanks for saying hi and glad you were able to get out without the kids.

  25. What a great trail run! Kudos on keeping the heart rate in check during all that climbing. Really am jealous of the trails you have right outside your door.

    Love the helmet picture. My favorite thing spotted this weekend was one of those bumper stickers with the stick families that said "I don't care about your stick family." Ok, I know I just offended someone, but it was funny!

  26. I love picture rock, but we prefer biking it. When something is easier biking than running, I bike. I'm a wuss. Makes a great loop up to Heil Ranch or the Ranch loop if you include Hall too. I decided to run the Equinox Half Marathon in Fort Collins. It's in 5 weeks. I haven't run more than 6 miles since I ran a full marathon last May. I'm hopeful. See, that's my training and funny thing all in one.

  27. I ran a victorious 3.33 miles on Sunday. First time I haven't had to baby my hip in 2 weeks. I think I smiled the whole time! I also "ran" 6 miles on Saturday, but most of that was walking since I was trying not to aggravate the tendentious in my gluteus medius. Thanks to running, I know more about my anatomy than I ever wanted to know!

    Funniest thing I saw? Two centipedes in the middle of the road during my Saturday run. I made up this whole story about how they were risking death to try and find each other. Well.... it was funny at mile 5!

  28. My run has to wait for this evening, only a short one in all likelihood the way my legs are feeling. We hiked 8 miles on Saturday and I thought (briefly) of trying to run some of it, but it was a little much for me: 4 miles up gaining 3700 feet in elevation. Yeah, serious hills and switchbacks; so beautiful, though.

  29. I ran two 5K runs this weekend on the treadmill, nursing an ankle injury that prevents me from going anywhere alone or far from home in case I actaully do get hurt and need help. Prepping for the Philadelphia Rock 'n Roll half on September 13, where I plan on wearing my SUAR shirt again - Philly needs more SUAR shirts in our races.
    Funniest thing I saw this weekend was on the driving range at a local public course. The markers for 50 yards, 100 and 200 are big plywood signs, but the 150 yard marker was an old refrigerator that someone hand painted and stuck out there to see if people could hit it! It was a great sign to keep things light and have some fun!

  30. Hmmm... Swedish fish... isn't that considered seafood? ;-) I really enjoy reading your blog--I'm so glad I discovered it!

  31. LOL,, it was funny that you fell( glad you didnt get hurt ),, but I laughed my ass off at the couple with their helmets on in the car,, I dont care who you are,, that is funny !!

  32. Wow- I really need to shut up and run more! Had a similar experience over-indulging Saturday night which resulted in a skipped recovery run Sunday morning. Oops.

    Ran 6 on Saturday morning and it was great! Getting ready for Ragnar Napa next month so... yeah... I must shut up and RUN!!!

  33. I accidentally did that once! Nate & I had just finished my very first 20+ mile ride (months ago). I was so excited that I totally forgot to take my helmet off. I was around with it for half an hour and got into our truck to go to the MIL's house. Husband only told me because he was dying laughing! I was...didn't realize it... (Yes. I'm that stunning. I know. It is a gift.)

    Have a great day! :)


  34. That looks like a great trail we will have to run some time! And yes, I have been one of those dorks who drove with her helmet on. I had finished a ride with a friend and we were talking while we were loading our bikes into our cars at the trailhead. I had changed my shoes, taken my Camelbak off, but forgot I still had the helmet on and then just jumped in the car to drive the 5 miles home. While reaching into the car to unload gear after arriving home, I bumped my head (helmet) on the car. Oops.

  35. Mountain run after a wine and dinner party? TOTAL Shut Up And Run material. You rock, Beth. Way to get out and DO IT!

  36. My GPS is ALWAYS behind my friends that I run with. I MUST get my miles right on my watch, why must they always mess up?!? Your run sounds awesome and I would have loved to see those weirdies with their helmets on :D

  37. My "long" run was really a 3 mile run/walk with some 30 sec hill sprints because the hills where I live are monsters. Not at all like your Rockies, but still, monsters. I am a forty-something new runner trying to get through a full 5K running. We had a couple of local 3Ks last week, and I realized I have a real problem keeping my own pace and not getting completely winded at the 1.5 MINUTE mark. Rats! Think I tweaked the shins, better find the ice packs.

  38. I had a boyfriend who wore his helmet whenever he was dressed in Lycra, even in the car, even if we went out for coffee after a ride. I dumped him, obviously!

  39. You know what will also "send your heart rate into psycho mode"? 4+ hrs of climbing;13mi/7800'. I did the Pike's Peak Marathon Sunday. Running back down(2:10)easier on the heart, hard on the legs. Now I'm walking like the new guy in prison. Incredible event. Beautiful. Great aid, nice finishers shirt, pizza at the finish line :-)
    I would maybe give the people in the car the benefit of the doubt that they just really wanted to make sure they didn't forget to put the helmets on later. Maybe.

    1. OMG good for you. I really want to do Pike's one day, am scared to death. Cannot imagine 7,800 feet of climbing.

    2. You totally should do it. You could do the Ascent(just up, but you prob. knew that) if you don't want the pounding of the downhill(that's what I live for, so I wasn't interested in the ascent). Honestly way more than half the people are just hiking fast, and you'll have a ton of people around you can pace off of and motivate yourself with. If you blow up and can't even hike fast any more, then hike slow. Worst case scenario you get to hike up Pike's Peak with a bunch of other people and aid stations. So, you really can't lose :-) That's the beauty(pun intended) of trail running!

  40. Today was a long run. 11 miles followed by a 3.1 mile walk, and I felt GREAT! I'm training for a half marathon in October.

  41. I did 5 miles around Lake Miramar in San Diego on Sunday. It's a cut back week in my training for the Maui Half marathon in less than a month!

    I saw a full on clown while driving to San Diego this weekend and it really gave me a good laugh. Because from behind I was like whoa that lady has some bleached out hair. Turns out it was a yellow wig.
