
Saturday, November 10, 2012

I’ll Stick You With a Pin

I’m glad a wrote a post about how not every race has to be a PR because certainly that was the case this morning.

Our family ran the Longmont Turkey Trot 10K (Emma did the 2 mile. She’s informed me that 6.2 miles makes her mad and she will only do that once a year at the Bolder Boulder).


I don’t know why she looks so annoyed with me. She’s looking at me like I’ve never pinned a race bib on before. She probably thinks I’m going to stick her with the pin, which is exactly something I would do. But, not on purpose unless she was making me mad (Just kidding. Don’t call the authorities).

It was cold this morning, but not bad. About 40 degrees with grey, snowy skies. Warm enough for a running skirt and compression socks. I don’t know about you, but my legs never get cold. It’s only my arms and head. So I dressed warm on top, and skimpy on the bottom. Party on the bottom ya’ll!

So the race. I’m not kidding you – 1 mile in I was sucking wind and didn’t want to run anymore. What? I guess some days are like that. This feeling intensified when Ken passed me. Damn him. He still has the PR for the 10K in the house. He also has the half marathon PR. I should have married someone slower so I could feel better about myself (Just kidding. Don’t call the divorce lawyers).

For the next 5 miles I had to watch Ken about 30 seconds ahead of me. Could.Not.Catch.Him. This older woman and I stayed together and by mile 4 she said, “I think we’re going to finish this thing together.” The first couple of miles were right at 8 min/miles. The third was 7:45. Then I stopped looking because I thought I might be slowing and watching the numbers made me more tired.

I finished in about 50 minutes exactly – 5th out of 29 in age group. My heart rate was really high (about 171 pms average, which is actually about where it should be for a 10K). But there was not a moment when I felt super good. Lately I have been noticing that I just feel out of shape when I run faster and I don't know if I really am or there is something else going on (probably the Ebola virus).

Post race shots at Starbucks. I could not be in the cold one more minute. I was literally shaking.



Sam asked to borrow my Refuel shirt. He wore it under a long sleeved shirt, but for some reason he whipped it out afterwards at Starbucks. My son has no hesitation about putting himself out there and that makes me love him even more. I love, love, love doing races with the whole family. Bonding and bickering at its best!

Now I’m off to Breckenridge for a girls weekend. The snow is falling big time there, so I hope my new car can take the heat (or the ice).

Please tell me you also go through times when you feel out of shape and don’t know why. Suggestions? My guess is this because I haven't done speed work, so when I try to run fast, it’s tough. I know I’m not over trained because I haven’t been running that much.

Does your whole family ever do races together? We do a couple times a year, but we usually never run together during the race. We like each other but not that much (Just kidding. Don’t call a family therapist).



  1. Perfect post for me. I have had such a tough time getting my mojo back after my injuries and bout with Lyme disease this summer. I'm finally back to my base, 24-28 miles/week...sort of. I'll have a fantabulous run--feel great after, and 2 days later, I have trouble knocking out 4 miles without stopping to catch my breath. It has been tough and I"m not sure why. Is it because I'm 50 now? Did all those years of running take a toll? Should I be training differently now that I"m an old lady?

    I'm thinking about getting a heart rate monitor, after reading about you training with one. Any advice would be appreciated. I'm soooooo frustrated.

  2. I have never run a 10K, my first race was a 5K and a friend prompted me to jump up to a half marathon. I don't enjoy 5ks, it seems like it should be easier and I don't seem to be getting any faster at that distance.

    I ran one full marathon and have another one on the calendar for March 2013. I enjoy running 13.1, feels far enough that non runners are impressed (maybe skeptical too) but I can still function afterwards.

    Any chance that SUAR shirts will be offered in larger sizes soon? I really want one but would need a large. Love your blog!

    1. Half's are my favorite distance also. I'm not fast enough to like 5k's. LOL.

  3. Whole family will be running in the Duncan Ridge Trail 30K and 50K. This is the second year for the race and our son ran the 30K last year and loved the race. We just got into trail running this year and my husband signed up for the 30K and talked me into signing up as well after a few training runs with him.
    I am not afraid to run the race but I am afraid of being DAL. Oh well family bonding is worth it!

  4. I'm not going to answer your questions - just tell you I wore the same skirt today at my race. Happy Girls' Weekend.

  5. I have been feeling SUPER slow and weak ever since the Nike Women's Marathon. I know it takes a while to fully recover from a marathon but it's getting old! Your daughter is super cute, even with her very angry face ;) My family has done a couple of 5K's together but nobody wants to go any further. Actually my 9 year old son always asks if he can do Ragnar with me or a half marathon. One day I will try to convince him to train for a half. Have a great girls weekend. BTW, I'm in Utah and woke up to a least a foot of snow. I'm sure it's headed your way.

  6. I really need that skirt. ANd why don't I have a pair of running knee hi's, i mean compression stockings? THat looks like the perfect solution for that 40-50 weather. My knees get hot and I hate that. Yep, can certainly relate to your troubles.

  7. My family NEVER does a race together. I did race twice with my husband before we got married...once in the same race and another time in different races for the same event. It wasn't as fun as I had hoped. My kids have miniscule comfort zones. They don't *do* racing. Bums me out :(

    Another girls' weekend? You are so lucky! Have a great time!

    And I think everyone feels shitty and inexplicably out of shape at some point. It cycles through. You'll feel back on your game super soon :)

  8. I have been feeling this way for about 1-2 months now! I can't get over it and it's really intimidating for me to feel like I suck so badly. I'm out of shape feeling constantly so I am basically just cross training with a little running here and there and then in another month or two I'm going to get back into running full force again. I don't really know what else to do at this point because every run I feel out of shape. Maybe it's because I just did my first marathon 4 weeks ago but I was sick that day and probably only ran half of it.

  9. Totally feel just like that right now. Ugh.

  10. Check out the older woman in the second photo blowing a snot rocket at your back...

    No family runs yet...maybe a sprint tri next summer though....

    No races feeling like that but every now and then I have a run where I am exhausted from the get go and can't wait to get home and nap....

  11. I've gone through ages feeling like I was never improving, and suddenly I seem to have got better and it feels great! Sorry, that's not helping is it?!
    I guess speedwork is your answer - but that's OK you don't need to PR every race! It is far more brilliant that you are out there racing with the whole family. I'm working on getting my son interested but he's going through a really self-conscious stage, probably needs a bit of Sam's influence!

  12. I race with my husband and my 18 year old son and yes I love it too, we have a 4 year old too so moroe often its my husband who sits out races so I can just go with my 18 year old and that's love! I'm really happiest racing with my family. My son and I have taken to obstacle racing and have run a ton of Spartan races and I'll be sad when he feels too cool to run them with me because I love love love it.
    As far as sucking wind....that was me in a 5K today and I'm dreading a half marathon tomorrow after how I felt today.

    1. I'm pretty sure your 18-year old has already passed the "too cool for mom" stage :) Congrats on having raised such a wonderful young man!

  13. Yes, I'm having a bit of a struggle. I can usually throw out 6-8 miles pretty easily but lately have struggled with 4-5 miles. My legs feel heavy, my breathing is labored. I'm just weary. No reason. I think I'm just due and I figure it'll work itself out.

    But I ran five miles this morning in the cold (I'm in Denver) and the snow and it was sooo cold, like to my bones cold, I still ache and it's 6 hours later.

  14. My whole family ran our first race together....a 2 mile race in Sept. My son has been running with me on weekends so I hope to do a race with him again sometime.
    Did you get a donut at Starbucks, Beth? I know you like them after you run....Starbucks has the best donuts. Our whole family agrees on that one!

  15. I enjoyed your race report. I definitely have those races (my last Olympic tri) where I just could not go as fast as I would normally expect based on training. All depends on taper and nutrition and whether or not it's a "goal race" or a smaller one along the way.

    I left a comment on your last post about how the marathon would be a PR for me since it's my first, as long as I finished. I'm happy to report I came in at 4:02:39.5 and I want to shout it from the rooftops! Great race in Santa Barbara today.

  16. That skirt is so awesome!

    As for getting out of slumps... I just forgive myself for my bad runs. Forgive and forget. I don't look back, I just look forward to the next workout. This helps me stay *emotionally* fresh. I dunno if it would work for everyone, but it sure seems to help me.

  17. hahaha....yes, she does look quite annoyed with u!! lol.

    sorry that u felt 'off' during ur race and i know the feeling too, it's like u want to shift into a different gear but the legs just won't turn two cents is agreeing that it's the lack of speedwork. if u haven't been getting the legs used to going below race-pace, then it can sort of feel like u're going all out from the gun. try doing some repeat 200's, hill repeats can do that too...but thankfully speedwork adds up pretty quickly so u'll be feeling more in shape quicker than u'd think! good luck!

  18. My family does a Valentines Day 5K together... it's a lot of fun!

  19. At first I thought Sam must be standing on a box or a stair or something. What are you feeding that boy, and what are you going to do when the growth spurt really kicks in?

    Emma was just focussing. Or she was thinking you were going to pin it on crooked and send her out in the world like that.

    Feeling out of shape. Well, I just think about the times when I really was out of shape, and I feel better about the whole darn thing. I've never raced or trained with another family member. A cousin of mine that has done the Grouse Grind a zillion times wants to run me into the ground when we visit next.

  20. Sometimes it's just hard and we don't know why ;-)
    I love when my family comes out and we all get some sort of distance in together. It's hard with a family of six though. But now that the boys are older I can let them race alone. How old were your kids when you let them race alone?
    The 1st Starbucks pic is a keeper. I thought you had a halo at first glance and the second glance I noticed the nose swiper behind you ;-)

  21. I have days like that. I'm recovering from shin splints and it has been so much more work to run. Today did 8 miles in 20+ mph winds so that was not fun. I'm so looking forward to being bale to run again when it feels effortless and fun.

    My family runs a lot of races together (but not together)and I just love it. Our girls run the shorter distances and my husband & I run the longer races. And, he ALWAYS beats me! I used to be irritated, after all, he was the one who "hated" running so I bought him a Running Sucks shirt. Now every race he beats me. Oh well, whatever keeps him going is fine with me :)

  22. My husband and I are running a turkey trot together but probably not next to each other. He is way to fast for me to keep up with.

    Also, did you notice in the first Starbucks picture the guy behind you looks like he found gold!

  23. How can you have a crappy run in a skirt like that? Where oh where did you get that? Hoping ordering one on-line is an option,as I'm in Michigan! I'm forever having runs that just aren't right from the start. Weirdly enough they usually happen on fully recovered(two days off of running) legs. Could also be due to the fact that I really despise speed work and rarely do any of it. Give me a hill workout any day over speed.

  24. My family is too young to run together per se. I have four under five years old. Sure, I could use the jogging stroller and take some with me on a run here or there, but, no thanks. Running is my time, AWAY from the little people (whom I love very much). I do hope in the future we can do some races together, that would be so awesome. My five year old wants to do a fun run.

  25. We have run a few races together - we will be doing the local Gobble Wobble on Turkey Day!
    I have a good friend who is an amazing runner - she noticed she was "off" in her running - feeling run down, winded, etc. Turns out she was low in iron-- very low. She has made an fantastic comeback.

  26. Love the skirt!!!

    I love the idea of our whole family doing a race! Finally have my younger son semi-interested in running so maybe soon!!

  27. I've never been a big fan of 10Ks. Just long enough I don't feel like I can run fast but not long enough to feel like it was worth the effort unless they have a really good shirt and hot chocolate at the end.

    My whole family does as many races together. I run the marathons, my husband does the half marathon part with his dad and sister and brother and then my kids and my sisters kids do the 1K.

    When we run 5Ks it's me, my sister and husband and my brother, my husbands dad and brother. We have a double stroller for my kids and my sisters kid is in a single jogging stroller. The last half mile we let the kids out (they're ages 4, 2 and 1) and we all run to the finish.

  28. my whole family doesn't exercise...but my brother and I did our first triathlon together this year. We never vocalized a competition with each other until the end and I beat him by 3 minutes. I have a feeling there will be a little more serious training for the next one.

  29. This is great! I am envious of your commitment

  30. And this is why black girls don't run!! LOL. We hate cold weather. I felt cold reading your post. I'm like you with cold weather. My lower half is fine it's my upper half that gets cold. I recently started running with arm sleeves! Love them!!!!! Thank goodness it doesn't get that cold where I live, Northern Cali or else I would be a dreadmill runner come cold weather.

  31. Wish I could get my kids to run with me - one day, I hope! Feelings of being out of shape follow my menstrual cycle - being in tune with myself has helped me stay real about who I really am over the years.

  32. the lady behind you in the 2nd picture is blowing a snot rocket your way I fear....

  33. Last year we did a family race, but not together. My fiance, his son and his two nieces ran a 2k, my fiance's mom and friend walked a 2k and I ran the 8k. It was a great way to get out and enjoy the morning before Thanksgiving dinner.

    I'm trying to decide whether to do the 8k alone again this year or join my two favorite guys for the 2k run. Decisions, decisions!

    Glad you guys had a nice family race!

  34. I had that same thought this weekend during my run, that I felt out of shape. How could that even be? I've consistently ran for quite some time. My first mile is almost always where I want to quit. It usually feels like crap! My kids are little so we haven't ever ran a race together, but there is a kid's run at the next race so my 6 & 4 year old sons will be running as well if everything works out.

    ... always enjoy your posts!

  35. My parents and I finished our TWENTIETH Bolder Boulder last May! Now that I'm married and have a son the group has just gotten bigger.

    I signed my son up for a race recently and he didn't want to do the 1-mile Gobble Wobble...because he's convinced every race is Bolder Boulder long. Apparently 10k is an angry distance for more than one child in the Rocky Mountain region.

  36. My husband and I just ran our first marathon together! He only ran it to keep me company (and I probably would have done the half if not for him!). No kids so that is the family!!

    And I have those days where the easiest pace in the world is even hard. And I'm much, much slower than you. It happens!

  37. I have 2 half marathons with my teenage daughter but she "hates" running and doesn't want to do it anymore (although she did consider doing one next month with her friends. Hmmm...). I hope she'll come around one day. My husband doesn't like running but has agreed to run with me. And now I've decided I don't like running with him but can't tell him. I would love for our son to take up running but don't expect that to happen. I feel out of shape all the time. I'm glad to know I'm not alone on that.

  38. I'm trying to talk my kids into running. They all think I'm crazy :) Almost got the husband on the bandwagon though! Just need to get him some size 15 running shoes...

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