
Thursday, November 8, 2012

They Need to Change the Name

What a day it was yesterday. I distracted myself from the fact I was not running (trying to be a SASA and take a few days off to let my hamstring settle the freak down) and took Sam to the DMV to get his driver’s permit. How I ever became someone old enough to have a son who is driving I’ll never know. I mean, I still feel like I’m in the fifth grade and apparently I act like it too (yes, farting is an extra curricular activity).

We drove to a town 30 minutes away (Loveland, CO) because we heard lines would be shorter.


WTF Loveland?

We were there not quite two hours. Being in the DMV can be depressing and lame, but if you are texting each other across the room and enjoying a good TWSS moment (when the finger print lady said “Just rub it real hard with your finger”), then it is not too bad.


What did we do without cell phones? Probably read literature and wrote love letters and were one step closer to discovering the key to world peace. Oh well.

Sam left with permit in hand and I told him “no” he could not drive home because I am mean and a control freak.

We are running a family Turkey Trot 10K on Saturday. I actually won a free entry to the race (thanks Live Well Longmont!), which is great because I am very cheap and like free things. It is supposed to be colder than a witch’s right breast. The temperature will be –29 degrees (okay, 30 degrees) and there will be blizzard conditions (well, possibly light snow). I’m going to have to read my own tips for how to shut up and run in the cold. This will mean sleeping in my running clothes and putting a sassy sticky note on my alarm clock:


I just heard that for Black Friday sales, Wal-Mart is opening at 8:00 p.m. on Thanksgiving night. Seriously? Why don't we just change the name to Black Thursday Night or Black Thanksgiving Right After Dinner? I just hope if I go, I don’t see (or smell) this:

Are you running a Turkey Trot this month? Can you believe this is my first Turkey Trot ever? Hope I don’t get the trots.

Do you shop on Black Friday? No. I think I did once, but honestly the crowds, getting beat up over an Elmo doll and getting up early just isn't my style. I’d rather pay a bit more money and shop under better conditions.

At what age did you get your learner’s permit and license? I didn’t get my license until I was 17 because when I was 16 we didn’t even live in the US. Seems I am late on everything (hello – no period until I was 16!!)

Now go get yourself a cool ring or two. The are selling like hotcakes, so don’t delay.



  1. The DMV. The letters make me shudder, but I think I told you on FB--I truly had the miracle experience there last week!

    We are Turkey Trotting as a family on Thanksgiving. NO to black Friday! Never, ever do it!

    And I hear life changes very much for the better when you have a child who can help with some driving--congrats!

  2. I am going to Washington for Thanksgiving and we're doing a turkey trot there! Pretty excited - although my sister told me that it "might be hilly." Sheesh, you think? In the shadow of Mount Rainier, it might be hilly? FUN!

    No Black Friday. Never have seen a deal good enough. I think it is ridiculous what time they open the stores. Thanksgiving is for relaxation!

  3. The reason you have a child old enough to drive - "his by his first wife." My mother used to use that line, just never following through with the sentence that she is the first wife.
    Controllers end up letting their spouses teach the kids to drive. "Mom, can you stop using the fake brake?'
    No turkey trot for me - 35 people for dinner - really can't abandon my husband for the morning as it will stress him out. Besides, the one in my town is hilly!

    1. Ha ha! "his by his first wife"
      I do have an 18yo step-son, my husband's son "from a previous relationship"; I just don't mention that I'm actually older than my husband's ex.

  4. Running with the hubsters in a turkey trot too! 8k. It will be somewhere around freezing and chance of snow. hmmm permit at 15, license at 16. Such a great feeling!

  5. Omg walmart is opening on Thanksgiving?!!! I can't stand that place and never shop in one. THey make me crazy.

  6. Dressing up as a giant Turkey leg for my first Turkey Trot - I mean, that's the only way to run it, right?

  7. I thought the photo was on your son's license at first, now that would be awesome! My family is doing the Broomfield Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving

  8. I am doing my first Turkey Trot this year too! I'm really excited. I never go shopping on Black Friday but I have gone shopping the day after Christmas!

  9. I'm running my first turkey trot this year. NOT shopping on Black Thursday or Friday. We always avoid the chaos (the Walmart pepper spray gal happened about 10 miles from us last year) and go somewhere outdoors. Planning on hiking in Yosemite this year. I'll earn that second piece of pumpkin pie.

  10. I once got to the Longmont DMV an hour before it opened, and still hada 45 minute wait once they did open. The longest I've waited at the Loveland DMV is 2 hours... and that was at 2:30 in the afternoon. Not quite so terrible.

  11. I'm doing the Redline Racing Turkey Day 10K in Broomfield. I love Redline races, they put on a good show! At last year's race a woman dressed up and somehow attached turkey lunchmeat to her outfit. About mile 2 they all started to fall off so the pavement was littered with lunchmeat that at first glance looked like skin. SO GROSS!!
    My 12 y.o. thinks its "fun" to shop on Black Friday but I refuse to go before 10 a.m. By then all of the crowds are gone.
    Got my learner's permit at 15 and got my license on my 16th birthday! My mom took me out of school to get it. That's about the only "cool" thing she's ever done.

  12. As a mother of three drivers I've got a few hints that got me through the whole learning ordeal.
    1. Valium - not for the learner but for you.
    2. Tears - in front of your spouse. It will guilt him into doing most of the training.
    3. Driving lessons - that way the marriage and the family can remain intact.
    Once you get to the stage when you can sit relaxed in the seat without looking you've got a pole up your - well, you know where I mean - then they're probably ready to take their test.

    Good luck.

  13. Turkey Trot 5k... AND 10k. Back to back races at 9:15 and 10 AM. We call it the "light meat/dark meat challenge."

  14. We have a 5-mile Thanksgiving day race here that is something like 108 years old. Love it. For the first time since I started running I don't have a marathon the Saturday after, so I can totally speed through it this time! Except for the Captain Slow part. Anyway. It was a nice thought.

    I always make sure I don't need ANYTHING, no TP, no shampoo, no batteries, on Black Friday. I loathe the idea. Crowds and spending money both chill my heart, so the combination is a nightmare to me. Yes, I'm 68 years old.

  15. Haha that shirt is awful. Hysterical!

    I am running my first turkey trot too, hopefully it will make me feel better about stuffing my face later in the day.

  16. I did the Turkey Trot here last year and it was fun. Cold is better than wind, right? I think you'll go fast--it's nice and flat. Have a great time!

  17. I'm running a 4 mile Turkey Leg Thanksgiving morning.

    I did the Black Friday thing once and almost got beat up by some crazy lady because we started a line infront of the OTHER door (duh people). Never again will I do that for a carebear and a bike, but hubby loves it.

    We never got a permit. Just took the class in school, passed the tests, then on your 16th birthday you went to the DMV to get your license. Easy peasy!

  18. Turkey trotting on Thanksgiving morn with AnneMarie from GFTW :) Excited to see her pregnant cuteness! I HATE Black Friday. I avoid shopping on that day. Permit? I was 17 or so. Didn't get my license until I was 18. We had really good public transportation and lived in the middle of everything so a car wasn't all that important.

    Go, Sam!

  19. I'm doing a small hometown Gobble Hobble 5K and Kids Fun Run the Saturday before Thanksgiving. I'm making dinner but not until late this year, so I'm thinking about doing another 5K Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning.

    I *LOVE* Black Friday shopping. I normally loathe crowded stores, crowds, and stores, but I love the idea of staying up all night shopping. I think Walmart did that last year, too. They were open 8-12 on Thanksgiving and then closed until 5am on Friday morning.

    When I was growing up in PA, you got your driver's permit at 15 years, 9 months and your license at 16. I got my permit the second I could, and then my license a little after turning 16.

  20. No.
    The next business day after it was legal. Can you say "Driving Lessons"? Cheap at twice the price and there is usually an insurance discount. To say nothing of saving the wear and tear on the parent's nerves. If that's still too much $, what you do is swap kids with another parent in your situation. Takes a lot of family issues stress out of it.

    Walmart. Why did it have to be Walmart. Those people of Walmart photos will be the death of me. I would very much like to believe that it's a one night halloween thing, or a contest. The part of me that believes in the betterment of mankind and all that, desperately wants to believe it. Unfortunately, experience tells me it's a daily reality. And you guys wonder why I don't shop there.

    1. I LOVE the idea of swapping kids. That is genius.

  21. Never ran a turkey trot. Now I have to find out if there's one nearby. Sounds like fun (mostly)!

    I always shop on the Saturday after Thanksgiving - most of the same deals, WAY less people, AND it's a family tradition dating back to before I was born (I'm 40) and they used to have to take the train into the Big City.

  22. Yes, running a Turkey Trot in my hometown of Michigan. Never run one before because the only one around here is on the Saturday after and I had an EMT class all day. Looking forward to running with some friends!

    JUST SAY NO to Black Thursday/Friday. There isnt enough alcohol in the state to get me through that.

    I think I was 15...yes, 15 and license at 16.

    Ordered my rings...cant wait to get them!!!

  23. I just started running last year and ran 2 different Turkey Trot and loved them both. There was also a "run your turkey off" 4k the day after :) This year I will be away visiting my inlaws and the first thing I did was find a turkey trot in Tampa!

    I do 99.9% of all shopping online all year 'round I hate crowds!

    I got my permit at 17 but didn't get my license until 19 after I got back from college.

  24. My son and I did a Black Friday several years ago. Macy's had a $10 off coupon in a local newspaper the week before, and there was no minimum purchase or limit on number of coupons that could be used. Everyone and their brother went around buying up all the newspapers they could find and showed up with fists full of the coupons on Black Friday. After the initial stampede when the doors opened (during which my son and I nearly peed ourselves laughing at the insanity--people were screaming instructions to family members on their cellphones while elbowing their way up the escalators), we made our way to the bedding department. By the time we got there (mind you, not even 10 minutes after the doors opened), everything was pulled off the shelves onto the floor, and people were elbowing past everyone grabbing whatever they could.

    After scoring a couple of finds, we made our way to the checkout. The line must have been a mile long, literally. And was not moving. Why, you might ask? Because the first few people had fists-full of those $10 coupons, and were dividing up their orders into $10 increments so they could get all their stuff FOR FREE!!--cashier would ring up a few items, customer would add a washcloth or some other item to see how close they could get to $10. Neither cashiers nor managers saw anything wrong with this. We realized that there were people who were grabbing stuff just for the sake of getting them free--someone actually had a couple of spatulas that they ripped off of the wall, hanging-hook and all. WTF??

    Needless to say, that was our last Black Friday adventure. But we still to this day laugh our asses off talking about the craziness.

  25. This Thanksgiving will be my third annual running of the Pie Run! Five miles, and the winners get pies (I have never won and don't plan on it). The non-winners, get those horrifying Table Talk Pies that are pure fat and taste like crunchy lard (I will not be taking one).

    As to Black Friday/Black Thursday night, no thank you. i hate shopping midweek when I know the stores will be slow, I'm not entering a retail venue after November 15th.

  26. No Turkey Trot this year. The four of us are doing the Living History Farms 7mi race the 17th,instead. Should be a fun, chilly time.

  27. A definite no to shopping on Black Friday. This year, I plan on starting my shopping on November 16th and being mostly done by November 21st. Should be easy since I told everyone I'm being cheap this year to pay for my wedding.

    I got my license when I was 16, but not until four months before my 17th birthday. I was scared of driving, but once I got my license, I realized I just didn't like anyone watching me while I drove. I'm still that way.

    Whether I do a Turkey Trot this year is still in the air. I should probably make a decision soon, though, to make sure I get my shirt on time! Last year was my first and it was a hard course, but the weather was gorgeous!

  28. This is a first time in 3 years I won't be doing the Longmont Turkey Trot. I'm being a weenie because it's going to be cold. But I'm also going to use not wanting my baby to get cold in the stroller because we don't have a sitter to watch her so we can both run. My husband will be out there though!

    I would rather take my own eye out with a spoon than shop on Black Friday. No thank you.

  29. What is it with the long wait at DMV? You'd think they'd either hire more people or something to make it go faster. Ours you wait in line to get a number. Then you have to wait again until they call your number.

    I'm debating between doing a turkey trot or doing this "no guilt Thanksgiving" at the gym. Apparently that burns 1000 calories but I' thinking after that I'll only be good for glasses of whiskey for the rest of the day.

  30. I have been participating in the local "Run to Feed the Hungry" on Thanksgiving morning. They have around 25,000 runners and walkers doing the 5k or 10k race, with proceeds going to the Sacramento Food Bank. What an awesome way to work up an appetite and help the community.

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