
Friday, March 1, 2013

Amy’s Half Century Marathon Race Report

Today I ran a half marathon (+ 1 mile). There were no timing chips, no volunteers, no porta potties, but there were shirts:


…and,  a make shift aid station :



…and, even swag bags!!! Good thing. I need that deodorant. BAD.


Amy turned 50 today (get it? That’s why the shirt says “Half Century Marathon.” Clever, no?). She wanted to mark this milestone by running a half marathon. She and my friend Michelle have been training for the past couple of months and asked me to join them today. I had 14 miles on my training plan, so it was a perfect match. Amy planted the goodies along the way (Swedish fish, Gatorade, jelly beans, gummy bears, water) and had the shirts made for us.

I got to the start a bit early and ran a warm up mile by myself because I knew at the end of our “race” there was no way I would feel like tacking on another mile. My total for the day = 14.1 miles. I wasn’t feeling super motivated. I think the cold and snow is getting to me. Or, I am a pussy. I just keep remembering that it doesn’t matter how I feel. I just need to DO.

Shut Up and Run!

We started out around 9 a.m. I haven't run with Amy before, so she is a virgin to my farts and my occasional need to pull off into the bushes. For some miraculous reason (or the fact that I took 3 dumps before leaving home) I had no stomach issues whatsoever on this run. I don’t think I even farted once.

Yes, the day was about Amy and the fact she was turning 50, but this day should also be marked as the first day that I ever ran without so much as one arse blast or air biscuit (for more from the fart thesaurus, go HERE). I think it is a good idea when you run with new friends to not scare them off right away. I am proud of myself.

Here are Amy (pink) and Michelle at the “aid station.” They are still feeling all chipper because this was mile 2.5. Amy is ROCKING the 50 year old thing, don’t you think?


I am not going to lie. My energy has been lagging lately – I’ve been hitting all of my speed, tempo and long runs for marathon training, but I am dirt freaking tired. This run had quite a few hills and I pretty much felt like I wanted to be done and laying in a bean bag chair with the remote and Doritos the whole time. But, the time passed quickly running with these girls. I still say the best way to get to know someone is to do a long run with them!

We finished up in about 2 hours (9:21 average), which was slightly faster than my training plan indicated (9:40). I am really trying to keep my long runs SLOW (about a minute slower than marathon pace).


The three dogs ran the whole way with us. Why is it okay for dogs  to take craps on the side of the road, but not humans? I just wish I had the VO2 Max of a dog. They kicked ass.

I like how I am standing like a ballerina. I am so graceful.


Happy 50th Amy!

Ever run a non-formal/non-timed “race” for a special occasion? I’ve done a few charity runs this way.

What’s your favorite aid station food? I was really digging the Swedish Fish and jellybeans

What’s your long run this weekend? I already did mine, but I have a 7 mile run on Sunday w/5 miles @tempo.



  1. I think my long run might be twice around the island with some beach running in between and a swim to finish.

  2. It's ok for a human to crap on the side of the road as long as there is someone to pick it up with a little trash back and place it in an appropriate receptacle. I will not test this theory as the dumper or the picker….

    1. It would be hard to find a friend to do that. And I wouldn't want to do it myself.

    2. I've done it myself, never again. At least right now there's snow to bury it in!

  3. Happy 50th Amy!

    I'll be running 20 miles from inland to the beach, where my family (a/k/a support team) will meet me for breakfast!

  4. I have no long run was supposed to be an easy 8 mile run to prepare for next weekend's half marathon. Instead, I found out yesterday that my shin pain is because the tendons have separated from the bone in both shins. No half marathon for me. No more running for me for quite awhile. I cried, and then cried again. Then I ate too many carbs.
    Amy, you rock. What an awesome way to celebrate your half birthday! I hope the next 50 are wonderful for you!

  5. That is the best!!

    I've hosted a virtual race (fundraiser for pediatric cancer research - for the last few years, and this year, I'm hosting an informal-but-supported "fun run" in honor of my daughter's end of leukemia treatment (no more cancer March 9th!).

    I dig candy for long run fuel. And loooooove salt if I can find it on course.

    18 miles tomorrow. Awesome.

  6. Yes, I'd definitely say Amy is rocking 50!! Gorgeous. :)

  7. Wow -- I've got to say, that was a great idea! Esp. the t-shirts! Love it! Happy Birthday Amy!!

    13 miles on tap for my long run this weekend. We'll see....

    I take my own food, usually sports beans. I tried raspberry newtons once but they got super crumbly in my belt, so now I just eat 2 before heading out the door.

  8. This is my plan for my 50th year on the planet. I'm signed up for a half in May. And want to do one in the fall. The good thing is I'm in a new age group this year!

  9. I have 12 miles tomorrow. My friend hosted a 50th "birthday party" a couple weekends ago for her husband. He (an ultra runner) ran 50 miles around town. Friends ran with him on 10 or 5 miles loops. He did it at just over a 10 min mile average pace! He freaks me out a little!

  10. The dogs look like they had a ball! Especially that golden retriever. He looks like he found every puddle.

  11. I found you today, like a second ago. I just wrote a poop-in-the-bushes post too. Yay for runners!

  12. I like your dedication to the miles on your plan. A banged up ankle has forced me into my taper a week early for my first half-M training, but I’m still confident. And even though this first plan has been hectic at times, I’m looking forward to working a more detailed training plan (scheduled tempos, speed, etc) for my next race. It’s fun learning and experimenting with all of the details of getting better/faster. Happy Training.

  13. As someone who loves to run but hates to race, this is the greatest idea, and about the only way that I would consider running a half! Good for you and Michelle for making this happen for her!

  14. What a great idea for a birthday! Your gift of not farting was thoughtful too.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Sorry, ^ that was me. My son makes so many random comments on running blogs! LOL This was such a cool bday idea! Happy birthday Amy! I'm running my first half of the year tomorrow, the Chilly Half Marathon. I only wish that they had candies at the aid stations!

  17. How fun was that!!! We need to do a fun run together to celebrate my 50th next month. Walker??

  18. This is fabulous. I have a long run on Sunday, my first 9 miles ever. I'm slightly nervous, mostly tired. I wanted to thank you for admitting that you're hitting all your runs but you're just TIRED because that's what I've been feeling this week.

    I signed up for a 5 mile race next weekend just to give myself something... different. I'll still be tired, I assume, but it will be fun!

  19. Seriously not trying to bug you!! But maybe you could pick up Max from the SPCA and take him on your next run with you and see how he does...

    1. He's gone already I think!! My daughter told me he was gone the next day.

  20. Yay!!! I used to run a homeless animal shelter when I lived in Spain (luckily it was a no-kill shelter!) and I saw all the time dogs get passed over for not being "perfect". We had several who were there for years, the shelter became their home. We loved them up, but it was still sad to see them not become part of a good family...

  21. Wonderful Idea Amy. Happy 50th. May be fashion search engine will help you to be more cheerful at this age.

  22. Can I ask you how things are going with your hip labrum tear(s) and what you did (PT or treatments etc) to keep on running and stay healthy? Thank you in advance!!!!

  23. Actually my bigger problem was a hamstring tear and I had a very minimal/small tear in the labrum. B/c neither was too serious, my doctor told me I could still run, but to reduce my mileage and to not do speed work (this was about a year ago). I cut my mileage in half and started training at a pretty slow pace. I was able to do a half marathon a couple of months later with no problem. Since then I have changed my form to take pressure off of my hamstring, and have started to do more core/strength work. I also moved to "less" of a shoe - lighter with less of a heel to toe drop. I do think I am slower than I used to be, but I am currently training hard and am injury free (knock on wood).

  24. What a great way to celebrate a birthday. Next year the Boston marathon falls on my birthday, so I'm hoping I can qualify again this year to run it on my birthday. If not, I'm going to borrow this idea from you and get some friends to run with me!

  25. My 50th is in 6.5 years time, I think I should also do that, do you want to join me... It would mean you will have to be on holiday in Cape Town...

  26. This is ok for a human to crap on the side of the road as long as there is someone to pick it up with a little trash back and place it in an appropriate receptacle.. I do think I am slower than I used to be, but I am currently training hard and am injury free.
    sound healing

  27. Girls,you are doing a very hard job.All the places you run is very hard.
    keep going....
    HandBags by TinaFrantzDesigns on Etsy

  28. I have run 3 mile first in my life at last Friday . That's so hard to do. It was a great experience to me .
    UpCycled HandCrafted HandBags
