
Monday, June 24, 2013

Mixing Pain and Pleasure

I love this picture of Ken on the trail yesterday morning. I wonder what he is doing? Nice that he was able to use the tree as his personal fuel belt hanger.


Sunday we did a 9 mile trail run where we parked a car at one end, drove to the other end and ran over a mountain. There was lots of climbing and my legs just said “NO.” I have put in a big training week (well, at least for me). I am totally finding myself in no man’s land after finding out about getting on the X2PERFORMANCE team for Ironman Florida (see excited post HERE). In the same moment I was jumping around peeing myself with excitement, I was muttering "what the hell have I gotten myself into??”

I’m overwhelmed and a bit lost. The questions swirl in my head.

  • Which training plan to use? (I’ve been reading “Be Iron Fit” which has some good plans in it. The shortest plan I can find is 30 weeks and I have 17 weeks, so I’m trying to figure out how to customize it)


  • Should I hire a coach? (I’ve been talking to a couple of coaches. I’ve never had a coach before. It’s expensive, but I desperately need the guidance)
  • Do I need a tri bike? (NEED? Maybe not – could probably get by on my road bike with aero bars. But, I WANT one. It’s either that or a beach cruiser. I could carry my fuel in the basket and ring the bell every time someone passed me) – in all seriousness, IM Florida is a flat, fast, non technical course and I can imagine spending the whole ride in my aero bars.
  • Is it normal to be this hungry? (Good lord. I’m like a teenage boy)
  • Can I even complete this thing? (the answer to that is a resounding “yes.” I know I can go the distance on November 2, it’s the training I’m worried about).

So, in the midst of trying to sort things out, I decided the best I could do would be to ramp up my training a bit. Prior to this, I had been doing about 8-9 hours a week of biking and running. This week I added in swimming (uh, yeah, got to figure out how I’m going to swim 2.4 miles all at once. Did you know that’s 160 lengths in the pool? Who does that?).

My total for the week was 12 hours of training. Both bike and run were HEAVY on the climbing. Here’s how it shook out:

 Monday: 5.5 mile easy run in 48 minutes

Tuesday: 21 mile ride in 1:15 with 500 feet of gain

Wednesday: 31 mile ride in 1:46 with 1,000 feet of gain

Thursday: 2,200 yard swim (no clue how long it took – 45 minutes?)

Friday: 10 mile TOUGH trail run in 2:15 1,679 feet of gain (almost died by rattlesnake bite)

Saturday 45 mile ride in 3:15 with 2,300 feet of gain (my legs were shot. Ken asked, could you ride another 67 mile then run a marathon? I told him to shut up).

Sunday: 9 mile trail run in 2:00 with 1,300 feet of gain (I whined quite a bit on this run. You can ask Ken. From the moment we started climbing my legs did not want to go. The trail was so rocky and my legs were tired enough that I kept tripping and fell once and had a tantrum that went something like this - I am too freaking tired to do this today. I’m going to hurt myself WAH!)


24.5 miles of running with 3,055 feet of gain – 5 hours, 5 minutes
97 miles of biking with 3,800 feet of gain – 6 hours, 26 minutes
2,200 yard of swimming – 45 minutes

12.26 hours of training

Oh, and at least 400 million calories burned which I promptly replaced with avocado/egg sandwiches, donuts and wine.

I realize that I’m going to have to alter my training to mimic the Florida course – more flats with wind, right?

This morning I’m headed at the pool for an hour swim. And tonight’s workout? I’ve got a flight leaving for Vegas at 7:20 p.m. for a girl’s trip. From last year’s trip:


I think it’s good to mix pain and pleasure.

Any advice on my above questions? Coach or no coach? Is the tri bike a necessity? Do you have one to give me? Do you like those shoes with that dress?


PS: Congrats to Dimity and Page who completed their first Ironmans (Ironmen?) yesterday in Coeur d’Alene! Both girls seriously KILLED it finishing in about 12:15!


  1. My sister is training for her first Ironman right now--I sent her a link to this post so that she can give you some advice!

    1. I'm Leah's sister-finally getting around to checking out your post! It's so exciting what you're doing! I can give you some general advice-I'm training for my first Ironman as well. It's in Sept, and I've been training since Nov. My husband has deemed himself my coach, which is great! He read at least 20 books on triathlon training/racing, and came up with a good training program for me. He also sent me to a swimming class to learn proper technique. Other than that, I don't have a coach. I DO have a tri bike though and I would recommend it. If you don't want to spend the money though, a road bike with aero bars would work-a lot of people just do that. In terms of training, I do about 20-25 hrs a week (but I'm a little crazy) ;) Here's how it breaks down.
      Monday: lift and 30 min swim
      Tuesday: Run workout for speed, optional recovery bike, swim workout (either pool or open water)
      Wednesday: 2 hr bike workout
      Thursday: Run workout on hills, swim workout
      Friday: 2 hr bike workout
      Saturday: Long run (I extend it by 2 miles per week), long swim, optional recovery bike
      Sunday: Long bike (I extend it by 15 min per week), 15 min EASY run after the bike

      The main recommendation I have is make sure you do bike workouts to build your strength since you are a runner (it's my weakest event since I am a runner). And also, make sure you get a lot of open water swim practice!
      If you have other questions, or want to read about my training adventures, check out our blog:

  2. humidity...FL has humidity year-round which is the worstest thing to train/race in

  3. Mel isn't kidding about the humidity. I'm not sure how you would prepare for that, but, all that hill training will give you an advantage on the flat course. I'm looking forward to following you on this journey!

  4. Message Dimity @Run Like a Mother. She just finished IM Coeur d'Alene yesterday

  5. I have a question for you more related to running with your spouse. My husband has recently started running. He's ran a couple 5k's and is almost done with the 5k-10k training. I've only been running a year but I just ran my first half marathon. We are both signed up for another half in November.

    So here is the question part. How do I keep encouraging him without having to stay behind with him when he's struggling? Yesterday he couldn't run for 60 minutes. We are signed up for a 10k trail run on Saturday (first time running the same distance together) and I'm struggling with the do I stay behind and encourage him or leave him behind.

    1. I think this is tough. My husband and I have had something similar at times. I think it's important to make an agreement before the run about what you are going to do so he knows. If you are feeling you need to go faster that day for your training, tell him that. Then, on your easier days you can stay with him. It is so hard to find someone to train with who is the same pace. I run trails with a friend of mine and I am always a ways ahead on the climb, and then the downhill we stay together and talk. My guess is he probably doesn't want to hold you back.

    2. Definitely talk about it (honestly) before the race. My husband and I have an agreement that we'll run together as long as we can, but if one of us needs to slow down or go ahead, we're free to do it and it's okay. Talking it out sets clear expectations, which can help avoid resentment. :)

  6. Coach! I think it's the way to go for a first IM...

    On the bike, I would save the money and go w/ aerobars. Here's why: you live in CO, where flats don't exist. Yes, you can use aerobars on the descents there, but you won't be using them on all that climbing. Other than IM FL, when will you really need them? So spend the bike money on a coach!

  7. ...Florida is hot as HELL but you said the race is in Novmeber, right?? That's our "winter" you should be fine in terms of weather. Now that other the's all YOU girl!!

  8. I'm going to piggyback off your training here! I'm doing the national duathlon championship in Tuscon in Oct (which is NOWHERE NEAR what you're doing!) but I'm having some of the same bike issues. I decided to get the aerobars put on my bike after a TRI I have in a couple weeks since the TRI is hilly and winding. I'm very afraid of falling off and getting injured!! Please post about your aerobars so I know what to expect:-)

  9. I just hired a coach, Elizabeth Waterstraat. Multisport Mastery Coaching. She is AWESOME and not as expensive as most coaches are. I am coming back to triathlon after three years off for foot injuries and she already has me swimming faster than I ever have and running a decent pace. She's been to Kona four times and did Eagleman in 4:37 two weekends ago! She's also a mom, so she gets that LIFE HAPPENS. You two have similar personalities, I bet you'd love her. Check out her blog:

    1. Thanks. I've heard great things about her, a friend of mine actually used her in the past and I love her blog. Best of luck to you!

    2. Liz does a blog, talks lots about her coaching and training. She is one tough motivated competitor. Reading through will help you determine if she would be a good fit.

      I'm a big fan of being coached by someone who lives near enough to meet regularly, in person.

  10. I did Madison in 2010 and my only regret is that I didn't hire a coach. I finished with no problem but I think the experience would have been better if I had gotten a coach.

  11. Maybe spend a few more times each week until the race in Hot Yoga classes...keep your body and lungs used to working hard in humidity

    1. Great idea. I love hot yoga, but haven't done much lately, need to get back into going. I think it will help with some aspects of the heat.

  12. I can't really offer any advice that others already haven't covered. So, all I will say is....
    I love Heidi. :)

  13. Those shoes look great with that dress.

    I think the fact that you are training on hills will make the marathon in flatland Florida easier. But, I'm not an expert or anything.

    Now I'm craving an egg and avacado sandwich, thanks.

  14. Make sure you practice swimming in choppy water. The water is not going to be still where you are swimming. And I really would advise you to hire a coach. It would be well worth the cost.

    1. Yup, the small wave pool at water world. The little arms and legs dangling everywhere mimic swimming in a crowd also. That, or a Caribbean vacation....

  15. The most important thing to focus on in your first Ironman Triathlon is FINISHING it! There is so much opportunity for mistakes and so much opportunity to learn so that you will be faster for the next time. Like participating in any ultra endurance event, experience is the most important and the way to get experience is by simply doing it.

    A triathlon bike is for shaving seconds off of your time, this should not be a concern for your first Ironman. Getting aero bars, and a forward seat post is fine but that isn't necessary either.

    The first thing to think about is the swim, if you can't make the 2hr 20min cut off or what ever it is, you will have a short day. I would strongly encourage you to actually try to swim 2.4 miles and time it. If you can do it in under the official cut off time, that will be one less thing to worry about on race day. If you can't do the distance within the cut off, then all of you focus needs to be on the swim.

    You you've established you can swim 2.4 miles within the time allowed, you can de-emphasis the swim training and focus on the bike for the most part and the run after that. The swim is the shortest part of the event, you could put a lot of time into swim training but you might only improve a few minutes, there just isn't a lot of opportunity with the swim to improve your time a lot.

    The bike on the other hand is 112 miles, if you can average 16 mph for the whole distance that translates into 7 hrs. This is where your opportunity is. Everyone is different but I found that simply doing weekly 80 mile bike rides extremely valuable for ironman training. Not only did it get me comfortable riding that long so that on race day, going up to 112 miles wasn't that big of a deal but it also helped with overall endurance.

    As for the run, you are going to need to run when out of gas. In a traditional marathon, you might hit the wall at 20 and struggle for the last 6 miles, in a triathlon marathon, you'll hit the wall at 6 miles and struggle for the last 20. As far as training goes, forget speed work, there will be nothing speedy about this run, try to get in a couple 20 milers in training and rely on mental fortitude to keep you going on race day.

    There is a real tendency to make your training really complicated when preparing for a triathlon. Try to avoid that and go simple. I would suggest building up to a weekly plan that looks something like this:

    Mon, Wed, Fri 14 mile run, insert a few 20 milers on Wednesdays as it gets closer

    Tues, Thurs 1 1/4 mile swim (mostly freestyle since that is what you'll be doing) If you really have the energy, maybe a short bike ride.

    Sat 80 mile bike

    Sun REST

    That is it, if you can build up to this simple schedule, you will do well. Remember the key is being able to swim the distance within the cut off.

    1. Thanks so much Dana. I think it's good advice to make sure I can make the swim cut off. I did the 1.2 mile in the 70.3 in 39 minutes, but I don't know what that will become for 2.4 miles in choppy water!

    2. Dana almost nailed it. Once you know you can do it, do NOT de-emphasize the swim. Keep at it, along with everything else. Why? Getting out of the water in better shape, and ready to have a good bike is key. Dana is correct that it's the shortest part of the day, and that more training won't really make a big difference in time, and that's mostly correct. Your goal isn't a fast swim, it's an efficient swim, doing it without stressing yourself, and you need to be tuned to the water for that. If you did a 40 minute 70.3 swim, I don't think going the full distance is a concern. Building some muscular and mental endurance will deal with that.

  16. Used D3 Mike Ricci a couple of years ago when I did Vineman in California and would highly recommend him or any of his coaches.

  17. I don't have much advice, but would defo agree with the hot yoga idea. Stretch out those poor legs!

    My comment is directed to your final question: I do like those shoes with that dress. But I also think heels would look nice. What is your dress of choice this year? :)

    1. Yes, heels would look nice and I wish I had a good pair that I liked that didn't beat up my feet. The wedges I'm wearing in the above picture are my most comfy. I will probably wear them again! The dress choice this year is a little black dress from Forever XXI because I like to think I am young and hip. I'm sure you'll see a picture!

  18. Holy hell! Of course you're hungry with that kind of mileage. Wowza! Good luck with training!! And eat your heart out...because you can!

  19. Personally I'm not very coach-able which I learned from reading my mental toughness book I need to improve on that! :-) But that being said because I know this about myself I was my own coach for my 2 IMs I went as far as going to Colorado Springs to become USAT Level I certified so I'd know exactly how to do that. I combined several plans that I found...

  20. Those shoes look good with the dress, but your friend's shoes would look better. She got to wear them last year, I think it's your turn this year.

  21. I am training for my first ironman with a coached group. I have a lot more confidence as I learn all kinds of little things that you do not find anywhere else. the emotional support is also so helpful as there are days or weeks I would have quit without my coach by my side. my race is the week before yours and some of our folks are doing florida, too. I look forward to following your progress.

  22. I did IMC on a road bike, mainly because my big gut wouldn't let me get into aero. A tri bike is good if you can ride efficiently in aero, and you are comfortable doing it. There is a knack to riding in aero.

  23. Okay, hold on here. I need to take a moment or three, to talk some honest ass truth here. (Sure, I'm two vodka-lemonades into the evening, but whatever.) I've been computerless for about four months... just cruising FB on my phone, but finally got back on my laptop tonight. My first stop, was YOUR blog. Damn I've missed you! And now, you're gearing up for a tri??? Um. YOU ARE MY HERO. Thank you SO much for being YOU. For being real, raw and authentic. I doubt I'll EVER attempt a full tri, but your candid, human approach to facing such a challenge is the "Get 'er done!" for women like me. Seriously, you sort of ROCK. :)

  24. I vote yes for the coach. Especially since you have limited training time--altho you do have a great base to work from!!

    Curious, won't training at a higher altitude help you in flat, sea level Florida? I ran a race in Florida and the only hill was an on ramp to another road!!

  25. I've heard a coach is a great idea esp if it's your first one. Make sure to also do some group swims (or get the kids to swim over you while you are doing laps). Getting used to crowded water and getting kicked is important.

  26. I agree, all that oxygen should feel so good! Given your time constraints I think a coach is well worth the investment. My husband has completed 3 IM's, and his training plans (in the most basic sense) came down to this: Each week make sure you do a long run, a long bike, and a long swim, building up to 20+ miles, 100 miles, and 2 miles, with shorter workouts of each sport on the non-long days, and incorporating those shorter workouts into "bricks" so your body gets used to the transition between events. You've got a terrific fitness base already (hello marathon) so really, you're just trying to maintain the long run and add in the bike and swim. Easy peasy, right? BTW you're my hero!

  27. Definately get a coach! It's worth every dime when you get to the start line of something as daunting as an Ironman and can feel confident that you did what you needed to do to get through it.

    Also, brick workouts should be a regular part of your weekly schedule. Even if it's a 30 minute aerobic run after a long bike it's worth it. You've done a tri so you know what the legs feel like after the bike. Imagine after an IM bike, at the start of the marathon.

    Good luck! I'm racing Florida too! It's my second full - I did Mont Tremblant last year.

  28. Hire Jabe Hickey as your coach. Tell her it's an internship and don't pay her.

  29. I did IMAZ in 2011 and used the advanced program from Be Iron Fit (no coach) but did longer rides than the plan called for. I used a road bike as I can't afford a tri bike. IMAZ bike course is flat and windy and I came off the bike in the top half of all the racers (men and women), and bike is my weakest leg. So i don't think you need a tri bike. If you want one, well, that's another story. I never ran longer than 3 hours and ran the entire marathon on race day. You can email me if you want more detail. By the way, we had a rattlesnake coiled, rattling, and ready to strike at us on our Saturday trail run as well! It was quite nerve wracking!


  30. I just had a good fall in Leadville today; tore up my ribs and ankle and knee. I wish you and Ken would have been with me to carry my butt down that mountain...ugh.

    Anyway, you know my thoughts on a coach. I'd love to hear what you thought of the others you spoke to (ran with Kiki (Kirsty) today but I didn't ask anything). I think a coach is wise, if you can afford it. And if you want a tri bike, and can afford it, then do it. Maybe look on Craig's List.

    I have an athlete doing IMFL. I'm going by the book beings I've never done a full IM. I think I'm just there for support, cuz I really am just reading the book and throwing it out there. It's always nice to have support though :).

    Have a blast in Vegas...maybe we can get together when you get back.

  31. I've heard that the Coeur d’Alene Ironman is intense. I know people who are training for a half. That is on my bucket list for sure. I'd be interested in hiring a coach. I like structure...maybe not being told what to do but a schedule would be nice! Right now a marathon is on my list. I need recommendations for that.

  32. I have 2 IRONMANS (or is it IRONMEN) under the belt, and have helped a couple of friend finish theirs, so this is what I will tell you:

    17 weeks is a long time... you have just run a marathon and if you were running another one it would be no problem.
    you are already swimming far more than I ever did, swimming is the easiest leg (and I can't swim) for swimming, I would put on the wetsuit and hit the open water for an hour every other week. other than that your 45min in the pool 2 x a week is more than enough.

    After my 2nd ironman I said never again if I don't have time for the bike... 6-7-8 hours is a long time... So we need a long ride on the weekend 3-4-5 hours, then get of the bike and run 20min only brick session needed. you mid weeks 2 rides are enough... Oh keep the short rides flat, so you have to pedle the whole time. and yes tri bars sooner so you get use to them.

    Run, run lots... remember that the run is going to be slow, and you could easiler walk half of it. so put in a long run of 2+ hours and then I would go for 3 other runs, and one of then a session of sorts.

    Then rest, take the 6 weeks to go off, do almost nothing... yes total rest... then put in 4 more weeks of training.

    Problem with a coach, they often think you want to win... or train like a pro... If I IRONMAN again I will look at swimming lessons, I'm that bad.

    Good Luck

  33. Ok, you have too many runners and not enough triathletes reading your blog. Few things that haven't been mentioned.
    1) You're a good runner. A strong runner, with all the elevation gain you've been getting lately(Which, incidentally, is not particularly useful in Fl. You're just training yourself to run slow). So, you'll finish the run, even if you don't break any speed records. Problem is, the running, which is the training you like and logistically the easiest, is where you have BY FAR the best chance to injure yourself. Nearly all the elites really emphasize the bike in training. You can get all the aerobic benefit you need, and strong legs, with a fraction of the injury risk.
    2) A tri bike, if you have the means and the time to train your body to be efficient in that position, will not only shave minutes off your time(1 mile/hr x 6hrs = 6 miles closer to the finish which = 20ish minutes...) but will also, and perhaps more importantly, save your legs a little more for the run. One function of the aero geometry is that is uses your muscles differently compared to a regular street bike. So, it's not just a matter of saving a minute or 2, it's starting the run with fresher legs as well.
    3) If you're worried about the heat you could turn off the A/C in your car and house until the race...:-)
    4) Don't know anything about the other coaches mentioned, but Joanna Zeiger Shenk is in your general vicinity.. Her qualifications are likely unparalleled.

    1. This is good advice. My $0.02 on a coach is I did better with an online coach I didn't know. I was more honest with her about what my body was telling (screaming at) me. When I had local coaches, I did what was on the plan no matter what and wound up burned out and injured. With a stressful FT job, 2 teenagers and a hubby, sometimes life gets in the way. Stacey
      (Completed my first IM at Texas. Heat was horrible. 1 and done for me.)

  34. I don't have any advice for you because I'm nowhere near that hardcore so I wouldn't have a clue what to suggest. Only one (slow) marathon under my belt, but with my current fitness level, I'm not even sure I could safely do a 10K! Anyway, I just wanted to say I LOVE hearing about your Ironman training ... I've never known anything like this, so it is really interesting to hear about! I'd love to hear lots more details along the way!! You know we runners get off on numbers. :)

  35. I admit to not having read all of the comments above (sorry!) but the biggest thing I did while training for a tri (read, SHORT tri...not an ironman!) was mixing up the trainings to get more than one activity in a day. Learning to go straight from a bike to a run was a big challenge for me...and my legs :) Good luck! :) I LOVE reading this blog :)

  36. I think you have enough experience to get yourself thru the training. But because you've had past injuries, you really need to be careful when you try to ramp up in such short time.
    1. It's a flat race and in order to train your muscles for a flat course, you should be trying to train in the flatter areas where you live (hard to do but...)
    2. You've got the running. You just came off a hilly marathon so you know you can simply keep up the running endurance.
    3. You don't need a tri bike. Keep in mind they are more uncomfortable and for your first Ironman, stick with your road bike.
    4. My plan would be to do a lot of BRICK workouts with emphasis on the swimming and cycling.

  37. WOOOHOOOO!!!! I'm excited that your are doing IMFL!!! That will me my first full iron! We volunteered last year to register for this year so we got an idea of what the weather is like down there in November... still pretty warm!! We also did the Gulf Coast Tri (70.3) a few months ago which is the same course as the IM.... and you are correct about the bike course... flat and fast... BUT... lots of headwind!!! LOTS!!! I would suggest that you be prepared for heat and for sure humidity!! Especially consider those two things with your hydration and nutrition plan!! and then there's that ocean swim! we swam the 1.2 miles for the GCT and the first thing I did when I got home was order some tinted goggles... the sun glare was nasty and with the waves it made sighting really tough!!! Good luck with your training... and I hope to get a change to meet you at the race!!!!

  38. A few more tips as I've seen comments come in. I got my tri bike in November and fell in love right away. I love feeling compact and it's a great way to ride in wind. However, your legs muscles are used slightly differently so if you go the direction of a tri bike or aero bars, you need to start asap to get your legs used to it. I've also found it takes time to get used to your shoulders and upper being in that position for hours at a time. So transfer to aero now or not at all. And I happen to feel very much in control of my bike, but some people have trouble transitioning and don't feel stable or safe in that position so be aware of that possibility. I am fortunate enough to train with really experienced triathlon coaches and athletes who podium or go to worlds so little old me just soaks in the knowledge. One of their big training tips has been to ride in a trainer for most of your rides so you can control your training. I've gained so much ground doing my main rides in a trainer vs. riding on the road. The trainer is much harder and makes the road feel so much easier, so something to consider. The trainer also helps you set up weather conditions that are similar to your race conditions. We had someone training for IM Texas and so she rode in a bathroom with a heater on. Hot and humid, but boy was she ready for the conditions and did great for a first timer. Another big tip is to focus significant effort on the bike. The best marathoners in the world tank during the run portion when they aren't super strong on the bike. I've been told over and over that you want to be so incredibly strong on the bike that you can hop off and run a marathon. And also consider a training schedule that has you doing a long bike on Saturday and a long run on Sunday. You'll have a strong bike on fresher legs, followed by running on tired legs. I know this training style has kept my legs injury free so far, and I am mentally getting used to going out for a 12 mile run on tired legs and just don't care anymore. And one very last tip. You are going to want to quit. Your mind is going to tell you all kinds of stories to get you to stop with the insanity. So find a great mantra that will help keep you going. Everyone goes through it. My innter voices say it is just one day at a time, and sometimes it is just one hour or one mile at a time. At the darker moments it tends to be...shut up and just bleeping do it and I yell at the wind or something stupid that helps me feel better and channel my mojo to get back in the game. And so far it has worked. Best of luck to you and I look forward to following you through our similar journeys :)

    1. OMG....riding on a trainer in a bathroom with the heat on sounds horrible....I would be so happy to get back outside that I couldn't contain myself

    2. Yeah, she hated it, but weathered the Texas heat and humidity with flying colors. My sister trains close to that Ironman race site and some of her friends had trouble finishing or did not finish due to the conditions, so I don't laugh at that training method anymore. She didn't do it a lot, but enough so that her body acclimated and she knew how to hydrate and fuel in that ugliness.I guess if we're crazy enough to do a race this long, why not add another layer haha!

  39. So exciting that you are doing this, Beth!

    I'd go with a coach, but I am not good at training unless I have a set plan and some accountability. You seem more like the type who doesn't need that.

    Tri bike - I'd say you can justify it if you plan to do more tris. Not necessarily IRONMAN tris, maybe just a few Olympic distance tris ...

  40. My tri coach is amazing... Craig Howie. Howie Endurance Project

  41. I have to admit, I've never done a tri or iron man event, so sorry I cannot add any advice. However, a qualified coach that has 'your' best interests can be priceless.

  42. Just did my first Olympic Tri last month and really enjoyed it. All but the run - and I'm a runner!

    Get a coach to critique your swim and bike technique. The more efficient you swim/bike, the fresher you will be for the run.

    During my training, since I didn't have a coach, I was constantly trying new things looking for the most progress with the least effort. A coach would have saved me all the guesswork.

  43. It's Boulder, can you spit without hitting a tri coach??

    I have friends who train with:
    -Fast Forward Sports
    -Boulder Coaching (Simon Lessing leads this up)
    -MVA Coaching.

    I'm thinking I'm going to try my luck and try to get into Ironman Boulder, and if I do I'll be doing some rapid rampup as I've never done a tri before - I'm actually considering just going with the Ben Greenfield Triathlon Dominator program. That sorta thing works for me b/c I'm more self-motivated than coachable.. I actually stress out more with a coach.
    The website looks super cheesy but I've been listening to his podcast for years and I think it's probably a decent plan not requiring triathlon to be your fulltime job -

    Oh, and I've had friends who've worked remotely with Elizabeth Waterstraat before as well. They thought she was great for a remote coach.


  44. HELLO to my friends out there i am testifying about the good work of a man who help me it has been hell from the day my husband left me i am a woman with two kids my problem stated when the father of my kids travel i never help he was living but as at two weeks i did not set my eye on my husband i try calling but he was not taken my call some week he call me telling me that he has found love some where easy at first i never take to be serous but day after he came to the house to pick his things that was the time i notice that things is going bad i help he will come back but things was going bad day by day i needed to talk to someone about it so i went to his friend but there was no help so i give it up on him month later i met on the the internet a spell caster i never believe on this but i needed my men back so i gave the spell caster my problem at first i never trusted him so i was just doing it for doing sake but after three day my husband called me telling me that he his coming home i still do not believe but as at the six day the father to my kids came to the house asking me to for give him the spell work to said to my self from that day i was happy with my family thanks to the esango priest of (abamieghe)esango priest he his a great man you need to try him you can as well to tell him your problem so that he can be of help to you his content email is this indeed you are a priest thank you for making my home a happy home again. remember his email is
