
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Here We Go

I leave in the morning for Panama City Beach. It seems impossible. When I got the email in June that I had been accepted onto the X2 Performance Ironman Team, I just said “yes,” and went for it, not entirely believing race day would ever be here. It’s like when you are pregnant – you know there is a baby in there, but for some reason it’s not real until the thing actually pops out (well, in my case they didn’t pop out – there was some effort, heavy breathing and mess involved).

So, here we are. I added it all up and these are my totals for the past 18 weeks (since June 17):

Total Swim: 99,100 yards  (~56 miles )
Total Bike: 1,745 miles
Total Run: 275 miles

Total Miles: 2,076 miles (basically the distance from Denver to Key West!)

Okay, seriously. I might just have to go into the creek behind my house and swim 900 more damn yards so I can get to 100,000 yards.

Despite those numbers, I kind of feel like I haven’t done enough to prepare. Apparently, this is the (IS) Ironman Syndrome. You never feel like you’ve trained enough. I guess it’s because you never get anywhere near to doing the full distance in training. It’s such a huge freaking long race that it’s hard to wrap your head around it, especially if you are an IV (Ironman Virgin) like myself.

Let me tell you, packing for an Ironman is a bitch. I have check lists coming out of my ass. I am sure I will forget something. Last night I had piles of crap everywhere and was kind of stressed about packing. Sam said, “Geez, mom. You’d think you were going to do an Ironman or something. Calm down!”


I think Heidi either is sad I am leaving or sad because she knows I am going to suffer a bit on Saturday:


This time tomorrow I will be sitting on the balcony of a condo overlooking the Gulf of Mexico (there might or might not be wine). By myself. Ken and the kids come on Friday.

Race day (Saturday) is looking a bit warm, especially since I’m not used to the heat and humidity.


Rest assured I will be stuffing those ice cold sponges all over my body. I will be this person:

ironman guy who took every sponge he could possibl


If you haven’t seen this post - 20 Types of Athletes You'll see at an Ironman Race (from a First-Time Spectator) – check it out now. So hilarious.

More from sunny Florida!

Ever had the feeling you’ve not “done enough” for a race? I did feel that the night before my first marathon because the furthest I’d ever run was 20 miles. I just wasn’t sure I could do 6.2 more. But I could.



  1. Congratulations on your training, Beth! Run like the wind, Bullseye!

  2. Wishing you the best of luck but you don't need it. You've put in all the hard work and you'll be great! Can't wait to hear all the details!

  3. You are going to do so awesome!!! yes, felt the same before my first half marathon this past Sunday (a hilly course- RnRSTL) and I not only could do it, but had negative splits my last four miles and felt like I could run forever. Serious runner's high when the finish line was in sight! I trained in Destin FL a lot this last March and July so know just the humidity you are facing, and you will do awesome!!

  4. Have a great race! You have covered some serious miles in the last few months. You will be awesome - just enjoy it!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Don't think just do. One leg at a time and think about that leg only. Focus. Worst case scenario? DNF and guess what your loved ones will still love you and no one has to know about it unless of course you have a blog and tell everyone. You got this. And have a lithe fun while you are at it. (Above had typos so re-did...)

  7. Another typo...LITTLE not lithe. Damn wine...

  8. Am so friggin' excited for you! You will be an Ironman 4 days from now! Your training has been awesome to follow, and honestly it has helped me. How your ask? Well I have had PT daily for 6 weeks now and each day hurts, but I keep pushing, thinking of your efforts (and a few others too). Well today I got the news from my PT that she has never seen someone doing as well 8 weeks post rotator cuff surgery, she called me a 'Rock Star'. Me! So thanks for your efforts, you are a ROCK STAR (kind of an overused phrase, but I felt good hearing that about me, so hope you do too!). Enjoy the experience and wine on the deck! You got this!

  9. So excited for you! And, well, after the weather CO has had the last two days, at least enjoy the FL weather...until the running portion of the race. I'll be cheering for ya!

  10. Good luck! Funny story, I was helping at the IMMT in August and I was giving out cold sponges. The names were on the triathletes bibs and I always tried to use peoples names as they passed. I turned around with a handful of sponges and said " Do you want a sponge...Bob" His name was actually Bob and he and I both had a good laughed. Take time to enjoy the day and soak in the a sponge.

  11. Congrats!!! You'll do well, and can't wait to hear more about it!!! Thanks for leading the way for us newbies! :)

  12. I'm so excited for you! Yes, I get excited for total strangers, anyone who is running or doing amazing feats. No slacking on the post-race blog! Praying for you.

  13. You'll be great! Just tune everyone else out and do your own thing. You'll go through your ups and downs (really, really high and really, really low) but you're tenacious. You'll survive and you'll hear those magical words. You're making me want to do it when my oldest hits that sweet 16! This means I have 7 years.

  14. I'm so excited for you! I'll be thinking of you, sending you positive vibes, and can't wait to hear ALL about it!! :)

  15. During training it's often feels like too much. By race week it always feels like it's not even close to enough. Rave dag arrives and the gun goes off. You stick to your race plan and it hurts like hell but you make it to the finish and it turns out that it was enough. Kick ass in the FLA this weekend!

  16. Huh..."rave dag"? That should be race day. Autocorrect does not have my best interests in mind.

  17. Have a great race, but more importantly, don't forget to stop and take in the moment: YOU'RE DOING AN IRONMAN!!!!!

  18. You will do great! I am rooting for you! I have enjoyed following your training and can't wait to read your race report! I stumbled on your blog when I was training for my 1st marathon this past spring (and reading everything about running, nutrition, training, etc . . . the general training obsession that hits us all!). Anyhow, I too felt that I had not done enough prior to my 1st full (also having only done a 20 miler as my longest), but I had read on here basically the same worry you and others had, and the motto 'Trust in the training' was repeated everywhere, so that was what I did, and guess what? It worked! As it will for you this weekend. Can't wait to hear all about it - you can do this!!

  19. You will be amazing! Can't wait to hear about how you rocked it and remember to take it mile by mile :)

  20. Crazy awesome training! I'm so excited to track you. I live in Tampa and know SOOO many people racing Saturday. I've been following your journey! I wish I was going to be there Saturday! And that weather won't be too bad. It's nice that it won't be into the 80s or too terribly cold like i hear it was two years ago. You're going to kick so much butt! Are you going to do a goals post?

    1. Yes, I think I will do one maybe on Thursday from FL...

  21. Have fun! You will do fantastic. I can't wait to read all about it. :)

  22. Nobody doing IM thinks they have trained enough. This is why coaches were invented. Trust. Take one thing at a time. Stay focussed in the moment. Trust me when I say the day is going to go by in a blur. Have fun, and I'll be watching!

  23. Swim, pedal, run! You got this! *positive vibes*

  24. Good luck! I never feel like I train enough, but I finished both Ironmans. They always say trust the training, easier said then done, but you have done the work. You seem prepared to hurt a little and are determined so you will be great. Can't wait to cyber stalk you.

  25. Good luck I'll be cheering for you!!

  26. You got this! Enjoy your race and take everything in. Can't wait to hear about it. I'll be thinking about you when my marathon miles get tough this weekend. You are such an inspiration!

  27. Beth, I hope you have really big suitcase because you're taking us all with you to Florida. If the going gets tough, just know we're all cheering you on. I'm really proud of you for picking such a tough goal and seeing it through.

  28. Thank you for taking us on this journey with you. Good luck, you are going to rock it.

  29. So excited for you, Beth! Please provide tracking info for all of us sitting at home.

    I moved from winter in So Cal (running temps in the high 30s) to Oahu. Heat + humidity took some getting use to. Lots of Hammer Endurolytes pulled me through. I'm sure you'll be smart with your nutrition and do great!

  30. I keep mis-reading this as "poop out" the baby! Or maybe that's just what I did with mine...

    You are going to rock this - so impressed with all the work you have put in! Try to be in the moment and enjoy it - you only get to lose that virginity once ;)

    1. Hahaha! I actually did poop out my first baby too.

  31. I am going to be frank, well really Jason, but I am going to tell you the truth.

    You have done enough. There is no more that can be done based on those numbers. If you had fudged your way through training it is a different story but you haven't.

    Secondly, do not over pack your bags. Do not over pack your bike so that you take a light efficient vehicle and make it weigh more than your car. Live off the course and just bring your must haves and leave all the other shit behind.

    If you need that glass of wine to relax then drink the glass and do not think that it is going to thwart all of your efforts because it will not.

    Lastly, unless your name is Mother Nature you cannot change the weather so plan for it. Put ice chips in your hands on the run and allow them to melt. Put them in your tri top. Put the sponges in your crotch (remember I did that at IMTX '12) and think cool thoughts do not think to yourself that it is so fucking hot b/c all that will do is add to the thought that it so fucking hot.

    You got this lady and I cannot wait to track you on Saturday. Text or call me if you need a laugh to calm the fuck down!

  32. You've totally got this!! I hope that every single second of this weekend is an incredible experience for you - you have put in the hard work - now it's time to enjoy the race!!! (as much as you can "enjoy" it!)

  33. You? You did enough. You had a really strong training cycle. You teetered on the brink of injury, caught it in time, and reversed it. You did a million tough miles. You never gave yourself a break. You are going to seriously kill this race and I can't wait to obsessively track you, even though I have no idea what any of the Ironman numbers mean!

  34. so excitedfor you! embrace the moments!
    you got this!!!!

  35. Take advantage of the chicken broth - the best ever on the run. If you're walking at "the party corner" instead of running, my friends will spank you.


    Words of wisdom from Walt Stack.

    Follow Walt's advice and you'll be fine. Good luck and have fun!

  37. Good luck to you! You are so inspiring. I follow several running blogs but yours is my favorite because it's a perfect mix of stuff that makes me laugh and actual useful training information. Thank you for letting us peek into your life and see what it's like to train for an Ironman. Someday I'll be as awesome as you are! I'll be one of many who will be cheering you on in spirit on Saturday.

  38. Looks like a great team! Wow, you have trained so hard Beth. I truly admire you and wish you all the best this weekend. Have fun!

  39. Good luck and can't wait to hear about it.

  40. I'm so excited for you! You are going to be GREAT and I can't wait to hear the updates. I'm somehow incredibly proud of you even though I only know you through blogworld. You are ...according to my 16 year old..."a beast". Nice. It's tough to impress the kids.


    OK got my caps and small the wrong way round!!!

  42. I've been following your blog for a few years now and I rarely comment. I'll never run an Iron man but reading about your training has been inspiring. Now get out there and KICK IT'S ARSE! Bruce

  43. I felt exactly the same way for my first Ironman. You are going to do GREAT. Enjoy the day, soak it all up. It's a day like no other. Go out there and kick ass Beth!! I can't wait to see how you do!

  44. Good luck!!! Don't forget to enjoy yourself!!! Xxxx

  45. I am in awe of your training and your drive. I cannot wait to hear the re-cap. Have a blast, you got this!

  46. Dig deep and keep your mind strong. We believe in you and we're cheering you on all wearing orange shirts!!

  47. You are so gonna rock this! It won't be easy but a lot of the coolest things in life aren't easy. Just remember as you are having to dig deep this weekend that you will forever have the bragging rights that you are a true Ironman! Be safe and we can't wait to hear all about your race and see pictures of your badass tattoo that you will get to commemorate.

  48. You have worked so hard! Good luck from a fellow Duke. I'll be cheering you on from Va!

  49. I can't wait to hear how it goes--you know what you need to do and I'm sure you'll be great! Best wishes!

  50. I live in Panama City, and I will be there cheering you on, when you step out into the gulf. I was a MV (marathon virgin), until last weekend, most awesome experience ever! You've been a huge inspiration to me and so many others, as we've trained right along with you. You know we will all swimming, biking and running with you, when you kick this Iron Man butt!

  51. Those are some pretty AMAZING mileages! I know you are going to do GREAT! Good luck and have fun!

  52. You're going to do great Beth! Congrats on making it this far, and know that all your fans are cheering you on!

  53. Enjoy the experience, that's what's left to do. Have a great race.

  54. Go get it girl! You've got this!!

  55. So exicted for you Beth. I'll be there on Saturday volunteering at the Bike Special Needs. I'll be part of the Tyndall AFB group! Good luck, maybe I'll see you!!


  56. Not going to wish you good luck, luck has nothing to do with it - you've trained hard and well for this moment in your life!! That's what's going to get you through this!! Go getem' Beth - you've got this!! It's all you!! -- Terry

  57. This is super exciting. Wish I could be at the race to cheer you on!!! I ran a silly 4 mile race this weekend and got all nervous then thought of how you must be feeling with this big race coming up.. enjoy every moment of it..

    How do we track you during your race? Is it posted some where on line? Any live coverage??

    1. Yes, you can search Ironman Tracking, I am bib #1054. I will put it in a post before the race.

  58. Wait...are all those magazines for pooping before the race or for reading in the airport?

  59. Will be thinking of you on Saturday and wishing you a very good race. Remember, you are an IRONMAN!

  60. Best.Of.Luck! You are an inspiration! I cannot imagine getting done what you've gotten done.
    I didn't get to pop out a baby, I had the surgeon take him out, much less stress on me in the moment, much more after.
    I think everyone thinks they've under-trained, even on a 10k. Let yourself enjoy the process you've worked so hard for. It's going to be AWESOME!!!! I will be thinking about you on Saturday. I will be sitting on an antique train spending the day with my son for his 9th birthday. Enjoy the warmth, for when you return to Denver, it's going to get cold!!!

    Amy P. Philly Runner.

  61. WOWWW! This is awesome. I've really loved following your news on this (said like it's something minor! ;) ) and it's a huge accomplishment to even get to the start line. I think we're all very impressed by your commitment and savvy and fab sense of humour throughout. BRING IT ON :)

  62. Wishing you all the best!! I love Florida!!!

  63. GO BETH!!!! Breathe!!! You are ready, just run your plan. I SOOOO want to do this some day.

  64. Good luck! You will rock the IM! If you are able to, there are two singers/band that play at Pineapple Willy's (great food!) that are AMAZING! Think Journey, Kansas, Foreigner. Their first names are Terri and Kevin or Keith.
    Enjoy and take it all in!

    1. Kevin Jacobs and Terry Brock. Hopefully they still play there.

  65. So exciting- can't wait to hear all about it!

  66. Good luck!! Have a great time!!

  67. Good luck - you're totally ready and are going to rock this!!!

  68. GOOD LUCK!!! I'll be cheering for you from here in CO! I'm so excited to hear about your journey! Rock it!

  69. I am soooooo FREAKING excited for you!!! Cannot WAIT to hear all about it.

  70. WOW-between my friends doing the NYC Marathon this weekend and you doing your first IM, I am beyond excited! A few of my cousins have done them and lived to tell the tale... so you will and it'll be a great one, I'm sure!

    Yes, I have had the experience of not feeling so well prepared for a race. Something felt "off" during my entire training for a 20K I did on Labor Day. It was different stuff, like I was having difficulty with pace, feeling more tired than usual and race day was horrific. But I completed it.... and later found out I'd been 8 weeks pregnant! LOL.

    Good luck this weekend!

  71. Best of luck Beth. I will be cheering for you. You are ready for this. Don't be intimidated by all of the buff people walking around the TOTALLY belong there. No matter what happens on race day smile, have fun and take things as they come. It is amazing just getting to the start line of an Ironman and incredible crossing it. You will soon see.

  72. Best wishes! I have been following your journey and I am very excited for you. You will do great! Enjoy your day.

  73. Just found your blog recently, and have enjoyed following your adventures. Sending you good vibes from a newbie trail runner in Denver. Have a great race!

  74. Go enjoy - you are SO ready. As others have mentioned above - we all have your back! Now go get'em. Can't wait to read the story......

  75. Welcome to my home state! You are going to rock this. Enjoy yourself and I can't wait for the recap!

  76. You have trained so hard and so much...just look at those numbers. No luck involved, lots of hard work, sweat and tears. Have a great race! Can't wait to hear how it goes.

  77. I can't wait to hear all about it! Will be sending all my best thoughts to Florida on Saturday. Good luck!!!

  78. Woohoo! I can't wait to read about it! Will they have a camera at the end so we can see you finish? (I cried watching Dimity finish and I'm sure I will watching you too!) Go get em #1054!!!

  79. You'll do great! Can't wait to hear about it!

  80. I have enjoyed reading about all your training and can't wait to read about you kicking IM ass! Good luck and try to enjoy yourself (I don't really know if this is possible but it seemed somewhat appropriate to say...). :)

  81. You are such an inspiration - I love that you keep it fun. An Ironman? - no problem. You'll do awesome! Can't wait to hear all about it. Yes - I'm in marathon taper and I definitely feel I have not done enough. But I've run a lot of miles on days that I didn't want to run, so on race day I feel that if I just persevere, the magic will happen! So, go out there, have a blast and rock this FL IM thing!

  82. Good luck girl! Remember the mind is a powerful thing! Think positive! Can't wait to hear you "after IM" blog post!

  83. I've spectated at multiple IM races and from daybreak start to midnight finish y'all are inspiring inspirations. The crazy part is implied of course. Have a great race Saturday and I (we) can't wait to read about it on the other side!

  84. Wishing you a great race! You are very inspiring, I might just be signing up to do my first Ironman next year!

  85. Good Luck Beth! You're going to do great, can't wait to hear about it!
