
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

How To Burn 9,000 Calories

Let’s start with what happened this morning. I was making the bed and my big toe hardly graced the pillow sham when this happened:


Sick! And I am too afraid to pull it the whole way off.  I can use that area to store things in if I want. I didn't realize how black the toenail had gotten because it was covered in polish. I was going to go for a pedicure this week, but I don’t want them to paint the stub that is my toe, with no nail there.  I know they would talk in another language about me. (#firstworldproblems for the second time this week).

I know I‘ve talked about it before, but runners have the most butt ugly feet of anyone. Mind you, I’ve never had pretty feet since my toes look like fingers, but they have become simply revolting since I started running. Good thing Ken does not have a foot fetish.

Moving on. Many of you have asked what is next for me. Geez, can’t you give a girl a hot minute to rest? Seriously, it is a good question and one that is on my mind. Here is what is next:

  • Working out how I want, when I want. No schedules, number of miles to run/bike or lap counting. Absolutely no swimming then running. Or, biking then running. Or, swimming then biking. You get the picture. Yesterday I went to the pool. I was going to do at least 45 minutes, but after 29 minutes I didn’t feel like being there. Normally I would have sucked it up, but instead I got in the hot shower and went and bought a donut.
  • Cooking, baking and lots of it. Today I made two loaves of pumpkin bread and my favorite potato soup in the crockpot. I still cooked meals when I was training, but I have missed putting more time into my cooking, experimenting with new recipes and having more baked goods around.


IMAG2299Recipe for this amazing and easy soup is HERE (from Cooking Light).

  • Stuffing my face. I have been starving. Fun fact: the average person burns about 9,000 calories during an Ironman competition. I figure if I am lucky, I took in 2,000 calories that day, so that left a big deficit that needs to be made up in candy, donuts and cookies.  I’ve also heard it’s really important to eat lots of protein for recovery, so I’m doing that as well.
  • Waiting to see if I get renewed with the X2 Performance Team. I have no clue if they will take me on again. If they do, I would like to do another Ironman with this sponsored team (I don’t know if it will be a choice between Arizona and Florida like this year, or new venues). If they don’t chose me, I will probably pick one on my own for summer or fall of 2014. Another option for me would be to work on improving my marathon or half ironman times. Or all of the above because I now know I am certifiably an endurance junkie.


  • Spending time doing things I haven’t had time to do over the past four months like having coffee with friends, flossing, yelling at the kids (okay, hugging them too), reading stuff not related to the almighty Ironman, brushing my hair and taking selfies with Heidi.



Just how gory are your feet (1 being gorgeous, 10 being full of fungus, blisters and missing nails)? I’m probably a 7 and proud of it.

Best soup you make in the fall/winter? Please post recipes or links if you have them!!

Did you watch TBL last night? What were your thoughts on the Jillian/caffeine pill thing?

I understood what she said about coffee, but then again, I am sure it is made very clear in the coach’s guidelines that they can’t use caffeine pills without consulting the medical why break the rules unless you are trying to not get caught? Or, was this the producer’s way to get Reuben back?



  1. My feet have been gory, but are semi-okay right now. Definitely need a pedi. Best soup - butternut with curry! It's the best.

    Poor you! Just clip off that toenail and forget about it :) It's nastier if you leave it on.

    I never thought about that being their way to get Ruben back!!!!!! Good thinking, Beth. I don't even care HOW they got him back. I love him and I'm so glad he's back on the show :)

  2. My feet are not too bad. Big toe nails turn black, a lot, but I've only lost one once. Actually it was 3/4 off and I went to doctor to have it surgically removed lol (it was fully attached on one side). Grew back normal (thank goodness). So glad we have nail polish though that's for sure. If you do a primer coat (light colour) first it'll pretty much cover the blackest toe nail!

  3. *Sigh* The gnarly feet issue is why I haven't had a pedicure in ages. I really do miss that. But on the flip side, I really do miss the nail on my big left toe, too. :-) Does that rate me a 7 as well then? Or maybe even an 8 - since like you, my second toe is longer than my big toe on both feet and they have both turned black from all the rubbing when I run. Yuck.

    On the plus side, at least nail salons in my area usually speak Vietnamese, so when I do get a pedicure I don't know how bad they REALLY think my feet are. I say that because: I am white, but have studied Chinese since I was 12 years old and have traveled in China extensively. Like being at the nail salon, things people have said about me or my appearance when they thought I didn't understand them (in China) would make your hair curl. There was actually one time in a shoe shop where the salesmen were all literally gambling on what size shoe I wore (I'm a 10, which is huge compared to the size 7/8 which they usually carry as their largest option). It's a good thing I'm OK with who I am, or I'd have some serious issues from the things I've heard.

    1. This is exactly what I mean!! I do think they are talking about me!! Or maybe I am paranoid and they are talking about the weather or how much they like my long toes. Did you ever say anything? You should have said goodbye or something in Chinese.

    2. I waited until we were ready to leave the shoe shop and then turned to them and said "Actually, you are all wrong - I wear a size 42" (They had been guessing 30 somethings and 40 - I had just been fitted by a friend for some traditional slippers earlier that week and knew my size). The look on their faces was priceless - three aging men with paunch bellies and awestruck faces.

    3. Perfection! That could have been in a movie

    4. By the way - try this recipe some time if you're looking to have a different soup. I really like it (it's more soup than chili):

  4. Yikes re: that toenail!! Holy moly! I have been lucky in that I have never had a black toe nail, but then again my PDR is 13.1 miles. Maybe in the future I'll be lucky enough... for now I just have gross blisters, so I think that's enough.

  5. My feet are ok - maybe a 6 (and I do run)
    Best Fall Soup EVER - Lentil with Spicy Sausage and Kale
    I did see TBL and was shocked she would do that knowing the rules!

  6. My feet are currently a 5/6. My scary blisters are all gone, I just have one little one on the tip of my toe. And a purple toenail that I'm hoping hangs in there.

    My favorite winter soup is creamy chicken and wild rice. I have a great recipe from my husband's aunt. It's sort of putzy, but is so worth it in the end!

  7. Ha! Once I lost both of my big toenails at once. Well, they didn't go all the way off so I taped them to the toe for a few days to get the new nail underneath a chance to grow :D Right now my feet are around 3, but only if you look from afar :)
    My favourite winter soup is borshch (also spelt as borsht or borsch). Generally it is beetroot, cabbage and carrot with some sousage and sour cream on the top :)
    Jana from Prague

  8. I'd give my feet a 3 or 4. I HATE feet, but I try to make them look presentable because I'm so paranoid that EVERYONE IS LOOKING AT THEM AND EW THEY ARE SO GROSS. Also, I am probably staring at your feet and thinking they are gross.

  9. You should see ballet dancers feet, ugly. Just not natural to be in toe-shoes for hours on end... Hope your toe feels better though, and you could stash some good stuff in there I agree.

  10. My feet have grown since I started running. I think they spread out. I'm a bigger runner, and I noticed after taking a break recently that my previously tight flats were all of a sudden comfortable again. I also paint my nails to avoid having to look at the occasional black toenail. I don't imagine I'd have any toenails left if I went up to marathon distance.

    So many good winter soups! I love lentil/barley with root veggies. I always feel like I've given myself a nutritional boost after eating it. My other favorite is Caldo Tlapeno, a Mexican chicken soup made with chipotles and garnished with avocado, cilantro, lime juice, and onions. This is close, but I leave out the herbs and add rice:

    I agree with you about TBL. The first thing I thought when I watched it was that it looked like a ploy to get Reuben back. Jillian broke the rules, so her team was docked. Oh, and by the way, because of that we're going to bring back the last player to leave the ranch. It was a little too conveniently stated. We hated to see him go, but surely they could have concocted a different way to get him back. Fan vote probably would surely have had an overwhelming turnout. Glad he's back, but disappointed and sad for Jillian.

  11. I prefer veggie soups, but my husband and friends love this soup with turkey balls,

    1. Also, this no ball crockpot soup,, again not a favorite for me, but everybody else seems to like it.

  12. I recently lost my big toe nail following a marathon. I had to pull it the rest of the way off but it felt so much better after. I expect to lose the other big toe nail. That should look fabulous in sandals.

    I am kinda of really excited to lose a nail, makes me feel like I get bonus points or something.

    1. I know! I might put it on a chain and wear it around my neck or something.

    2. Yuck! I had a friend that used to save her scabs, I will never understand it.

  13. I lost a toenail after my first marathon and then had to have the replacement nail PERMANENTLY (!) removed because it was becoming an ingrown one and would likely not grow in correctly ever again. I also have three other nails that are black, one of which I will certainly lose soon. So glad it's winter time so no one has to see my nasty toes.

  14. AAAAAACKKK! I cannot look at your toenail-pull it off already!!! Well, if we don't look at the bottom of my feet, I would say my feet look great. I like them. But, then the bottoms...not so great.....

  15. my feet are a 1. I've never lost a toenail or had a black toenail. If you judged by feet alone, I would not be a Real Runner. Perfectly pedicured always.

  16. My feet are a 1 or a 2 - no blisters (for now - haven't been running :( ) and I just french pedicured them myself on Friday :D

  17. My feet are a 6. Trail running twice last week gave me lots of blisters and I have one recovering toenail. Why is it always my big toenails that take the hit?

    Favorite soup - Pizza Soup. Original recipe here: (Not my blog, but full of great crockpot recipes)

  18. I grew up hating soups. But in the past 3 years, I have found myself craving soups now that I can make them and not chuck some nasty canned version into a bowl.

    Barley Vegetable (I use ground turkey) -

    Stuffed Pepper Soup -

    Minestrone Vegetable (from Runner's World) -

    Excited to try your potato soup! Always nice to try new things!

  19. My feet are probably an 8. I had 2 toenails permanently removed because I kept losing them! My baby toenails are nonexistent, and I have some major calluses. Overall, a great sight!

  20. OH MY CRINGE AT THAT TOENAIL! I have been there. I lost 2 toenails after Ironman, and those were two very freshly grown toenails that were part of the 4 I had previously lost at Boston a few months prior. My feet have got to be a 6 on the gore scale right now, but that is because I only have 1 blister and my ingrown toenail that was surgically altered actually looks normal for the time being.

    Also, is that the Libby pumpkin bread that comes with the dry mix, can of pumpkin, and frosting??? Costco had the massive package that made 4 loaves the past couple of years and I can not find it near me. I am so depressed. My cider mills are closing for the season soon and it tastes like the BOMB if you substitute apple cider for the water. I miss that. That's about all I have for fall food. I still make your honey whole wheat pumpkin muffins too with the dark chocolate chips. I am a horrible cook but can bake sweets all day long.

    I TOTALLY think it was a conspiracy to get Rueben back!!! I mean, I have thought about a caffeine supplement for a while now, because I don't do coffee or tea, and all the other crud that is in diet soda is so bad for me, I feel like I need a better option than a diet dr pepper. Yes, she probably should have followed the rules, but it is probably not any different than coffee, or even using gels and other items that contain caffeine.

    1. YES, that is the bread. I haven't made it before (usually make my own), but need to cut some corners today and am amazed at how good it is!! Can you find it online?

    2. I will have to try online to find it if I am still unsuccessful this weekend locally. It is amazingly good. It is scary that I was able to recognize it! I bought some trader joe's mix as an alternative, and it was no where near as good. I hope I can find it before Thanksgiving at least. If I can order it, I should have time to have it shipped.

  21. My feet are probably a 7 right now. While I currently have all my nails, 2 marathons in 3 weeks resulted in lots of blood blisters and peeling skin. It kind of looks like some of my toes are wrapped in pepperoni and now it's starting to peel off. That soup looks awesome and may have to go on my 'when I have time' list. I'm sure Heidi missed you desperately and will be totally pumped for selfie time.

  22. I agree you need to clip that nail, it's going to get caught on something and ripped off (way worse) my feet are DISGUSTING! Training for an Ultra and 4 Ironmans will do that. Let me know if you ever want to go for a long bike or run when you get back at it!

  23. There is no doubt in my mind that it was a ploy to get Reuben back.

  24. My feet are probably an 8 but I dont mind getting pedicures, I look at it as payback for whatever they have ever said about me. It's kind of how I torture them. You should check out Anjelah Johnson's youtube video on the nail salon visit, I think it's from her comedy central sketch, it's hilarious. Here's the link:

    1. I watched the video. Somehow I didn't want to laugh but I did.

  25. Pull that toenail off! Now. If you were my patient, that would be in the garbage can already. Seriously.

    Turkey testicles? We have our own festival right here in Illinois: It is coming up in about 2 weeks. Sad to say I've never gone.

  26. My feet are definitely a 7.5, I have ugly callouses. Actually, I'm probably a half inch taller because of them (I know, yuck, gross)

  27. Mmm, that pumpkin bread looks so good! I don't make a lot of soups, but I do have 3 chili recipes (1 is turkey, 2 are chicken) that are good, everyone seems to love them. And they are all cooked in the crockpot, gotta love that!

    My feet are sadly probably an 8. And I also don't like to get pedicures because I'm afraid of what the people will say/think!!

  28. Don't hate me but I'm a long time, long distance runner and my feet are like a 2. I'm not sure why but they don't get killed with running!? #weird
    I love turkey sausage and sweet potato stew in the crock pot! It's my Fall/Winter go to favorite!!!
    I don't watch BL and probably just for the reason that Jillian is discussing caffeine pills. Seriously?

  29. I'd say my feet are about a 6 - they aren't AWFUL yet but not pretty either. My husband has lost a couple toenails, though he seems to be pretty proud of it!

    9,000 calories!? holy crap! That's a lot! Enjoy all the food!! :)

  30. Can I ask an incredibly stupid question? Good. Why are runners prone to blisters or black toes if their shoes fit right? Shouldn't proper fit prevent that? Is it only happening at extremely long distances? Are some people just prone to it? My husband and I both run about 50/week. He regularly has black or bloody toes and I never do, callused sure but never injured looking. Luck? shoes? Genetics? What do you think?

    1. I'd really like to know the answer to that too. I've never lost a toenail - even after two marathons. Granted, not particularly fast marathons, but still. I always thought it was because my shoes fit properly, but maybe not?

    2. It's a great question! From what I've read it can be related to toenail length, the fit of shoe and moisture. I always buy my shoes a full size bigger than my regular shoes, leaving plenty of room in the toe box. This makes me think that it might be something to do with the way plant my feet and how much contact those toes have with the front of the shoe. Usually it is my big long second toe that takes the brunt, this is the first time I've lost the big toe. I'd love to hear what others have to say.

    3. I've also avoided losing any toenail (or having any black ones at all) despite two marathons (also quite slow though - my PB is 4:53).I certainly blister, including across the front of my feet and my little toes, but my nails have so far stayed intact...

      I always put it down to my shoes bring loose (side effect of high arches), but maybe it's something about my technique? I spend most of my time on (relatively) flat terrain and happily accelerate under gravity on descent.

    4. I'm a new runner but I lost a toenail thanks to Hood to Coast this year. It was on that extra long 2nd toe just as you describe Beth (& mine is longer than my big toe like yours tho just a tiny bit) and it was definitely the fault of a big blister that formed directly in front of it & then popped during the course of the 31hrs it took my team to do the race. I was runner #1 so my first leg was extreme downhill. I also didn't get to shower off my skanky feet til after my 2nd leg & by then blisters were out in force. I hoped in vain for a week after that my toenail would hang on but eventually cut it all off as it was hanging by the tiniest cuticle thread. I hated that part but it was painless & not nearly as bad as I thought it'd be. I didn't get a pedicure for several weeks feeling insecure about it but when I did at last go in my nice pedicure lady was unfazed. Apparently her daughter runs track & has lost 3. It seems like the bare nail bed would be gross but it's really not & they can just paint right on it. You could not tell I'm missing one looking at my painted toenails now.

    5. My issue has to do with the way my toes are shaped. Nothing I can do about it! Bigger shoes, different socks, body glide, etc. will not help!

  31. My feet are probably a 5 which is pretty good for me. Your fear of nail salons totally reminds me of the Seinfeld episode with Elaine and the women at the nail salon talking about her. She ends up taking George's dad with her to spy for her. You need a spy.
    My favorite soup lately has been mushroom good. However, I don't add the carrots so I just double up on the celery.

  32. Lost both big toenails within 6 months of ultrarunning. However, I was able to trace it back to a shoe that was a half-size too small and a run with 11k feet of descent so with better fitting shoes, I don't expect that to happen again. Just clip it off up to the hinge and keep it covered with a band-aid if you feel it needs it. I only used band-aids when I was running (to keep it clean) and let it breathe and heal otherwise. Mine looked normal again within 3 months.

  33. Thanks for the potato soup recipe -- I'm totally making that tomorrow given that I already have the ingredients on hand. I've been making all kinds of soup in my crock pot during NaNoWriMo to save time. To say thank you, I offer my favorite fall soup:

    I save even more time by skipping sauteing the onions and garlic -- I just puree them in the Blendtec with the broth, then add the canned pumpkin etc. and heat! So easy and delicious.

  34. I have fallen in love with a potato, kale and sausage soup that I modified from the Pioneer Woman. (

    Instead of 2 cups of chicken stock, 2 cups of whole milk and 4 cups of half and half, I use 4 cups of chicken stock and 4 cups of skim milk. I blend about a third of the potato in with the liquid with my immersion blender to thicken the broth.

  35. At least you nail made it through the Ironman and didn't come off in the middle. I agree about TBL, I don't think it was Jillian's doing.

  36. Being a mum to three boys I have a pretty strong stomach for most things but that toe nail had me gagging! It's like a loose tooth that a kid just won't pull ... hanging by a fleshy thread. Maybe you can get one of the kids to tie a string to it, attach the other end to a door and slam the door shut?

    My favorite fall soup is a beef/cabbage soup that my mum would make often. In fact I just made a huge pot on Tuesday and plan on posting the recipe next week.

  37. Well, i have Morton's Toe on each foot (just like you, second toe towers over all others). My family calls them big ugly #1 and big ugly #2.

    Happiness is being able to eat anything you want! enjoy it all. congrats on all you've accomplished.

    soup - apple-cheddar-bacon...


  38. Mine are a 9. Frostbit my feet when I was racing in college and now 25 years later they are still damaged and fugly. I have to put vaseline on my toes before everyrun, it helps alot I rarely get blisters.

  39. Just took my polish off from IMFL last night. Wasn't pretty - I actually have a cracked one and another that's most definitely purple. The last time I had a cracked one, the guy at the manicure place silk wrapped it like a freakin genius - it was like gorgeous. I am also eating nonstop, doing stuff I haven't done in months (like see friends and family, like floss, etc)! Miss you!

    1. Glad I'm not the only one with messed up nails. Silk wrap sounds did you get that special treatment?? Miss you too

  40. Maybe you have time for a trail run with your favorite blogging friend ever? :)

  41. Mine are up there . . . size 11 running shoes with scratchy calouses under the ball of foot. . . I've never lost a toenail . .. knock on wood!

    This is THE BEST veggie chili recipe ever, it's slow cooker, so super easy and VERY cheap!

    I think you're totally right about the Gillian/Ruben thing! I never thought of that, but she's right, a caffeine suppliment is way better for you than unlimited amounts of coffee. Did you see the numbers? The white team would have lost anyways, BIG TIME, with or without the 4 lb addition! I think they were just using it to get Ruben back on.

  42. I thought the caffeine pill thing was a little fishy especially since it was Reuben that got to come back. Kind of convenient if you ask me:/ Did you end up taking the nail off? You don't want it falling off and bouncing around in your sock;)

  43. I definitely though the caffeine pills were a ploy to get Ruben back since he's a fan favorite (though, I was happy he was sent home). If that's not he case, I think it was irresponsible for Jillian to give the supplements to her team because I'm sure she had to know it was against the rules. Plus, caffeine can cause dehydration, which could show on the scale....the whole thing makes me suspicious.

  44. What did you think about the X2 Performance product? Did you notice any difference in your energy level as compared to what you used to supplement with?

    1. I loved the X2. Prior to this training I was not using a regular supplement that would be comparable to X2, so I can't really answer to that. But, I will say I was amazed at how well I held up during training and how quickly I recovered from one long workout to the next. I feel pretty confident that at least part of that can be attributed to the X2, and I will use it again when training for my next endurance event. If you want a coupon code, lmk.

  45. OUCH!!! That is what happened to my big toenail when I lost it, I was afraid to pull it off so I clipped it down (somehow that made it easier to deal with?) And I actually stopped going to my regular mani/pedi place b/c I thought they would talk about my ugly feet/toenails in another language! So now I only get my manicures at the Vietnamese place and get my pedis done at the Aveda Institute. Half the price since they are students and they can't talk about it in front of me!! (I don't care what they say behind my back) haha!

  46. OH CRAP!!! So with running comes the risk of losing toenails!! Why can't embracing a healthier me not come with a BUT??? I lost a corner of my big toenail but I thought it was because I was running in shoes that were not a size bigger. Your hanging toenail was UGH to look at!!! Does it hurt? Okay, I am going to embrace the fact that I may lose toenails, have jacked up feet, and may crap myself while running. I need to lose weight and I am running my first half next year (I want that car sticker!!!)

    1. Technically, it will probably come with a much smaller BUT(T)... ;) At least, it did for me.

  47. My feet aren't too bad for a low-mileage runner like me (15-20/week on a good week).

    I LOVE soup! I like this one:
    and this Red Lobster knock-off for clam chowder:

    I really like it when you ask for recipes - I get some great ideas! Thanks!

  48. In 9 years of ultrarunning, I have only lost 3 toenails, somehow.

  49. A little late, but, congrats out the wazoooo for a Iron "Woman" job well done, Beth! So happy & proud for you. The human spirit… is really something to behold, marvel & so deeply admire.
    Your friend back East,

  50. Oooo! My stomach did a little flip at the sight of that bad boy! No I've not lost a toe nail I have got a black one at the moment, good excuse to keep up the pedi's. Out of sight, out of mind I say!!

  51. Had some delish chicken and rice soup tonight. Just the usual ingredients, chopped cooked chicken, broth, carrots, celery, onion, garlic, but the extra special thing was I added fresh cilantro on top. I've been in love with cilantro all summer, limes, too. Must be my proximity to Mexico. Your pumpkin bread looks awesomely moist. Love your 'toes look like fingers' comment. you are so funny!

  52. I'm probably a 7 about now between one missing middle toenail that is still coming back, nasty callouses/blisters to the sides of my big toes and horrible nasty rough stuff on the heels that won't go away despite scrubbing and lotions. Of course now that I am 50 and don't give a crap, I do go get the pedicures and could care less what they say. They just paint right over my missing nail and it actually takes my "7" to a "3" or so which is probably the best I'll ever get if I keep up with all this running!

    And it was definitely a scam to get Ruben back, so lame....

  53. I am probably a 5 with my feet. They are always swollen from being crammed into running shoes or bike shoes. They are always bruised (I'm a klutz who stubs my toes all the time) and my nails NEVER look cute no matter how often I do home pedis (I don't put the poor little women through the torture of my feet).

    TBL --- I understand Jillians thoughts, although I would prefer ALL the freaking coffee any day (Hi, my name is Laura and I am addicted to coffee). I do think it was silly of her to do though, she has been on the show for so long, but somehow didn't know A. she would get caught or B. that it was wrong by the doctors standards. I think my biggest issue with TBL right now is how rushed it is. One hour isn't enough. I feel like I can't connect with the contestants, we don't really see the challenges or the workouts, we aren't seeing much of their home stories to relate to them. And I mean come on... a 10 second blurb about Jillian giving caffiene pills-- I honestly think that deserved more...what does she have to say? what does the doctor say? what do the contestants say?

  54. I know I'm a little late but Congrats on your AMAZING achievement! SO impressive! I've been wanting to ask you... what helped you get through the Ironman mentally? I'm going to be attempting to run my first Ultra (50 miler) in 2 wks and its the mental part that scares me most! Any secrets from a beast like you would be great lol ;)

    1. It's such a good question. I did a lot of pre-race mental preparation including visualization. The best advice I can give is to stay in the moment and to break the race up into manageable chunks. I took one event at a time - actually I took one minute at a time. A friend gave me a necklace that represented staying in the present and I wore it during the race as a reminder. When things got tough I did not assume they were going to get worse. I focused on what as in front of me and moving forward. I tried to keep it very simple.

    2. Thank you I really appreciate your advice!

  55. I see you like cooking something interesting! Do you know that the faster way to cooking something tasty is using the kitchen devices? One of most useful of them you is the rice cooker. The device can choose how better to cook the rice. It saving me a lot of time for other things. If you like to cook something new and interesting - the rice cooker created specially for you!

  56. If oneday I get up and look my bigtoe as your picture what will happen the next. OMG! Really terrible! Not dare continue thinking. I agree with you that we should do the thing we like. Maybe it is the best solution specially cooking. I love cooking!
