
Monday, December 9, 2013

4 Random Yet Thrilling Highlights From The Weekend

1. A picture  (Because I never post pictures of myself).

I know that me completing in Ironman is SO yesterday's news – after all, it was over a month ago. However, this weekend I received some new pictures that were taken by my nephew. Pictures I had not seen before.  Let me tell you why this one is an all time favorite:


I had just finished the first loop of the swim, and was headed out for the next 1.2 miles. Like everyone, my nerves at the start had been out of control (thank God I did not crap in my wetsuit). The first part of the swim was insane with 3,000 bodies and current and waves. By the time I rolled (literally –tossed by the waves) onto the beach after the first loop, I knew I was going to be okay….you know how you just know things?

It was a moment of triumph, even though I was still 12+ hours from the finish line. I scanned the huge crowds just hoping to find a glimpse of my family. This picture is the moment when I saw them and they saw me. My mom will tell you this was also the moment she knew her daughter was going to be fine (you can imagine a mom’s worry watching that freak show of a swim start). So that, my friends, is why I love this picture. That and the husky tattooed man to my left.

2. Cookies.

My mom, Joie, Erika and I got together for a cookie baking extravaganza. There were 10 different kinds of cookies in all. I find this very impressive.


Kinds and Recipes ( you are welcome):

S’Mores Cookies
Thumbprint Cookies
Cocoa Nut Balls (from my childhood, can’t find the recipe online)
Mexican Wedding Cookies
Peanut Butter Kiss Cookies
Magic Cookie Bars
Shortbread/Chocolate Chip Cookies
Saffron Snickerdoodles
Cinnamon Spiced Hot Chocolate Cookies
Mini Brownies (again, childhood)

3. Getting Dressed.

When you run or do something sweaty every day and work from home, you spend 99.5% of your life in a ponytail, running tights/shorts and a fleece jacket (on the good days I will wear a CYA ((Cover Your Ass)) skirt over my tights so as not to not scar the grocery store patrons. Guess I need one of these – great stocking stuffer!).

This weekend I traded in my stinky clothes for a dress and boots as we had a party to attend. I bet you didn’t even know I owned a brush (or was invited to parties). The dress was from Forever XXI (my personal mantra, yeah right) and was only $25 or so.


4. Mask.


I fit in a couple more sub zero runs. I really don’t want to talk about it because I am annoyed by how f&cking freezing it is, but I go anyway because there are 10 kinds of cookies in the house. The good thing about running in the extreme cold is that you can rob a store along the way.


What was one random highlight from your weekend? Another random thing was coping with the grumpy people at the grocery store, especially in the baking aisle. I even heard one mom mutter under her breath, “I have got to get the %&$ out of here.”

Favorite holiday cookie to make? There are so many. I’m still a fan of the basic sugar cookie cut outs that you decorate.



  1. If it is forever 21 why would it cost $25? Shouldn't it always cost $21? I am so confused by women and their shopping decisions.

    1. Oh, I see - you think it is like a Forever Stamp. Makes sense.

  2. My weekend highlight was putting in 1.5 hours on the treadmill when I really, really didn't want to. But -25 is just too cold for me, and I needed to get a long run in.

    That and my 2.5 year old daughter giving me random kisses. Really, what beats that?

  3. Love the mom in the baking aisle. That is sooo me!

  4. The highlight of my weekend happened during our open house Sat night. We had 53 people stop by in total - including an old friend I hadn't seen in person for a couple of years. Totally awesome opening our front door to find her on the step! You look terrific in that dress by the way. :)

  5. Sexy mama! ;) You are a beast woman! Who runs in sub zero temps? NO ONE!

  6. What a fantastic race picture! The timing was just perfect and it really captures how exuberant you were feeling!

    All those cookies...I'm jealous!

    Random weekend highlight: I did a SUP/run relay that was painful and awesome all at once!

  7. I really need to get on the baking thing. My faves are turds...they're like peanut butter and coconut rolled up into logs and dipped in chocolate. So damn good.

  8. The underwear link is so funny! Snickerdoodles are my favorites (butter and sugar) for the holidays. I now know why you had sunglasses on. I went out this last weekend and it was 14 degrees out with high winds. My eyes water so badly and then my tears almost froze to my face! I hate wearing sunglasses to the point that I thought that next time I should wear safety glasses to keep the wind out!

  9. I ran 5miles but it was 35 degrees and raining. No sub zero here.
    My husband has these great ideas for inventions and then someone starts selling them. His was No-Toe. I see someone came up with the idea before him.

  10. I want to try some S'Mores cookies! I think I will pretty much love anything s'mores involved!

  11. All the cookies looked so good - cookies and rice pudding are my major weaknesses :)

  12. New PR for my 5K. Ran the hot chocolate 5k for safe passage in northampton, ma ( 5,000 runners and walkers raising money to end domestic violence. and a mug full of hot chocolate at the end!

    1. Thank you for posting "New PR for my 5K!" I'm not a long distance runner, but I love my 5Ks. Two weeks ago I missed setting a new PR by 15 seconds. I WILL set a new PR at this Sunday's Hot Chocolate Run here in St. Louis. Sunday's low will be 13 degrees. Brrrr.

    2. I love my 5Ks and feel running any distance is an accomplishment. I've run one half, but my 5Ks i can do more often and love them. Good Luck! stay warm! (cold here in Vermont too!)

  13. The first picture of you doing the swim is awesome, and definitely worth posting even a month after the race.

    My favorite Holiday cookies are Chocolate Crinkle Cookies. They remind me of childhood and let's be honest, anything with powder sugar on it tastes better.

  14. Wow - so much baking!!!
    Love the dress & tights!

  15. Great photo - nephew must be a keeper.

  16. We had a massive cookie party yesterday too--- 10-15 types and well over 50 dozen cookies! Perfect for this freaking cold weather, right?!

  17. A highlight of my weekend was running a 10k in the pouring rain on saturday. at mile 4 i thought, i am so miserably uncomfortable and cold right now that i just want to quit. but afterwards i was so happy to have done it and finished! it really was fun!

  18. My favorite holiday cookies are flourless chocolate walnut. They're heavenly.

  19. I've had it with this f'ing cold weather. I ran on Sat am--only 4 miles--before work, but when I got home my eyelashes had icicles and my elbows ached. Why my elbows? Don't tell me it is because I'm old, I'm really cranky already. Today was even colder and I am DONE with winter.

  20. 1. Your still one of my heroes - especially since you completed an ironman.
    2. Those are awesome at cookies. That will never ever happen at our house. Ever.
    3. I too only wear workout clothes (since I'm a personal trainer and manager of a gym). So I do like to put on new clothes every once in a while as well.
    4. I too like Forever 21 - because on my salary, that's about all i can afford. And I was just surfing their website for a Christmas party dress!

  21. Great picture! I will email you my address to share those cookies. :)


  22. Favorite of the weekend - Honolulu Marathon!!! I'm injured, so I was a cheerleader. Two friends competed - 31st HNL Marathon for one of them. But the biggest highlight was my husband's cycling team got to escort the wheelchair racers. They provided lights and kept the roads clear since the wheelers go out ahead of the runners (at 4:55 a.m.) The winner finished in 1:31:14. Amazing, amazing athletes! My husband said it was such a privilege to ride with them His wheeler came in 3rd. Every cyclist I talked to was pumped to be a part of the event. I also got to see the elite men and women at the finish line. I am so ready to run another marathon - the energy along the way was amazing!

    There was a time around mile 5 when all you could hear was feet. The racers were quiet, in their own grooves, it was a place empty of spectators. I was making my way to the finish line and the sound of thousands of runners... I don't even know how to describe it!

  23. My random highlight of the weekend, drum roll, I decorated my treadmill with beautiful christmas lights.....and then I ran on it... which was a mistake because I sweat like a pig at a Texas Barbeque. When I dripped sweat on those stupid lights they sparked up and nearly caught me on fire and when I pulled the plug, they almost electrocuted me.. and I thought led lights were safer! Yes, I know, I am brilliant. My husband is putting me back in a helmet soon.
    My favorite cookie is the peanut butter kiss cookies, which are hands down responsible for every ounce of fat and jiggle on my body without a doubt.

  24. My husband ran his first ever 5K with me over the weekend! I'm like a proud mama since this is 10 years in the making. He even ran well at an 8:30 pace. Not too shabby for a "non-runner." Love the dress and the cookies - OMG!!!!

  25. Love the IM picture!

    I think you should get to talk about a race after it is done for a long as it took you to train for it. (Well at least on a blog or to strangers. Maybe spare the close family and friends.)

  26. I love the runner cookie cutter. Where do I get that?

    1. I can't remember the name of the online store, but if you click on the image, it will take you there. I thought it was cute too.

    2. Thank you! I ordered one last night and I can't wait to make cookies for my run club. They are going to love them! And BTW, I read "The Art of Racing in the Rain" in 1 day. Thanks for letting us know about that book in a previous blog. It was fabulous!

  27. Highlight from my weekend: Seeing the NYC tree in Rockefeller Center with the family.
    Favorite holiday cookie: iced sugar cookie cutouts. Yum.

    Love that IM picture!

  28. My favorite cookie to date is the Macaroon Kiss.. Love all the pictures... Keep talking about your IM race- you earned the right!

  29. where can I get a runner cookie cut out?

    1. Hey Megan, just click on the image and it will take you there...

  30. The baking aisle mom sounds like me during ANY Walmart trip!

    I made three kinds of cookies, Chex mix and Puppy Chow this weekend...then gave it all away :-(

  31. That picture is amazing! I love it.

  32. Love your four random things.

    I made wreaths for my house windows this weekend from the holly, pine and cedar trees in my yard.

  33. Hey new reader here. I'm lovin the runner cookie cutout. Where did you get it?

    1. Hi Lacy and welcome! It can be found here:

    2. Going to check it out too. Too cute!

  34. Hi Beth....
    You look great in the dress (I thought it was Athleta for a moment).
    Next time, invite me for the cooking baking extravaganza! Yum!
    Miss you!

  35. Call me boring, but a soft, gooey chocolate chip cookie will always be my favorite, Christmas or not!

    The highlight of my weekend was....a bagel. I live in Asia (where really good bagels are non-existent), but was home visiting my family for Thanksgiving. And I enjoyed every heavenly bite of cream cheese smeared, everything-bagel goodness...

  36. Love the pic in the water. Tired and grouchy, but reading this put me in a good mood!! And the s'mores cookies look great!!

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Awww, I love that picture of you during the IM swim! Those moments of triumph are the best! And I am super jealous of all your cookies!!!!!! My siblings and I are going to have to do that when they're all here for Christmas!

  39. What are the cookies on the left front of the picture?

    1. Nevermind, I figured it out, shortbread choc chip. Which are your favorite?

    2. duh! basic sugar cookie. I'm glad I can answer my own questions. Maybe I should read and think before asking them!
