
Saturday, November 15, 2014

5 Random Things From My Week–Fascinating!

1. Almost every single pair of my socks looks like this because of my damn long Morton’s toe. That toe literally breaks through cotton, wool, metal, you name it. The toe has a mind of its own. It might kill you in your sleep.


2. Did I tell you I am coaching a running group out of Boulder? I trained with a group called Fast Forward Sports for Ironman Boulder. I am now one of the coaches for their holiday run program (you can still sign up!). I love this because I have only done individual run coaching, and most of it online. I really like the group interaction. We can fart in unison. And, I like I get to wear a jacket that says COACH.


Our group ran 7 miles this morning around the Boulder Reservoir. 12 degrees. Snow. I LOVE this cold. I so much prefer it to being in Mexico on the beach!


3. With our Spanish exchange student I am learning so much about how different teens can be in different cultures. Thing #47 I learned on Thursday while we were watching the Biggest Loser. Antoni wanted a snack, so he made this.


WHAT?? I would die and go to heaven if my kids chose to cut up a tomato and drizzle it with balsamic vinegar and oil instead of eating Fritos. Where have I gone wrong?

4. Ken is in the throes of  No-Shave November. He is getting so shaggy that the people at work thought he had been on a homeless drinking binge for several days. I am doing No-Shave November with my armpits. It’s going well. I will show you a picture on November 30. If you are lucky.


5. Everyone keeps asking me what my next big race will be. Between you and me, I have no clue. I just finished reading “Out There” by David Clark (I got it on Kindle for $5.99).

It’s a memoir (you know those are my favorites) about a former extremely overweight alcoholic (from Colorado!) who transformed himself completely. He now runs ultras and runs them FAST and furiously. I was so incredibly inspired by this man and you will be too. I know for a fact an ultra is in my future. Maybe a 50 miler in 2015? Who wants to join me? I’m not committing, just discussing.

Give me one random thing about your week. Make it good.


PS: Check back on Monday for a fun announcement…


  1. I completely, impressively, gonna-be-finding-pieces-forever destroyed an old Pyrex bowl on my kitchen tile. :(

  2. Oh, I wish I could be in your running group! My husband and I ran 7 miles yesterday at about 6.8 F. My water was getting pretty frozen by the end. But it was so wonderful to run outside again.

    I noticed in the picture your husband looked like he was wearing the Orange Mud double barrel? I was thinking about getting one for my husband. We've started running farther, up to 20 miles this summer and one bottle is pretty minimal for that distance. Do you ever run with the double barrel? Does it get pretty heavy having two full bottles? I sure love my single Orange Mud pack.

    1. I picked up a double quiver a few months ago (thanks, SUAR, I didn't even know they existed until your review!), and I like it a lot. I've worn it on several runs with mileage in the upper teens. Cannot vouch for an ultra!
      Random thing for the week: all 4 (FOUR) of my toenails that fell victim to my marathon training are finally departing, hopefully to be replace by cute healthy new ones!

    2. Ken uses the double barrel for every long run. It is awesome. I still use my single barrel most of the time and steal his water if I run out. I think you'll really like it.

  3. I ran 20 miles today and did not die or have any GI distress (angels were singing!) Afterwards I sat in our spa that was "cold" (63 degrees) for an ice bath and stayed while it heated to 97.

  4. My husband, after 17 years in this house, gave in and installed wood floors in my living and dining room. Do I owe him anything for this?

  5. My daughter, who is absolutely horrified by the school lunch options and refuses to take hot lunch ever, realized half-way to our bus stop on Friday that she had forgotten to grab her lunch box off the counter. We walk up a very steep hill to catch the bus, so running back down to get the lunch was no problem. As I was running back up, however, I could hear my daughter yelling "Hurry! The bus is coming! It's COMING!!!" I swear I felt more adrenaline than I ever have in any race...I chucked the lunch as hard as I could to cover the last few feet and it flew into my daughters' hands just as the bus door opened (I seriously wish I could have recorded this part and set it to my daughter later said, "It was epic." I was all ready for work, so this whole little lunch box relay was carried out in high heeled boots and a dress...I'm sure the bus driver thinks I'm totally bonkers.

  6. I know that you would totally rock a 50 - you are an Ironman!!!
    Very cool that your exchange student likes healthy snacks!!!

  7. Last night, I spent the night alone in our house for the first time in twelve years. Hubs and son 1 were deer hunting, and the other children were overnight at Grandma's. I slept in. It was marvelous!

  8. Lots of wildlife. Moles digging holes in our lawn. Popping their heads out while we mowed the lawn as if to na na na na na. Raccoon in the recycling green bin. The next day he was in the regular garbage bin. I love how he looked up as if to say.....what? Big accident on one of our highways involving a deer. It got hit by one car and then flew over the median and got hit again by a second car. What a shame and what a mess. Weird wildlife week.

  9. Re:
    #1. You should dress up the toe for Halloween.
    #4. That's a good look for Ken. He should stick with it. And you, pits? What about your legs?

    Random. Bison chili is awesome when it's minus WTF outside.

  10. I ran in nipple-y cold 50' this morning on my normal 6 mile route. Except this morning I had to walk the last 1/2 mile with my buttcheeks clenched firmly so I didn't poop my pants.

  11. I turn 50 next year and I'm thinking of a 50 miler at 50. Hopefully the body will cooperate!

    Made taco soup in the crock pot. It seemed like chili to me. But it was good.

  12. My daughter informed me that she's been telling everyone that I'm 51. I'm only 42.

  13. Rescued a wayward chicken that tried to escape the bitter cold by hiding deep under our deck for 3 days. Finally crawled under there and pulled her out by the tail feathers. She lived to tell about it.

  14. Had a good cry watching the finale of Broadchurch. Had a lot of family stress lately so it felt good to let it go and wail.

  15. Random: The front room in my house smelled like cat pee, I couldn't find it, had to scrub the floor and all the walls to get rid of the smell. NO FUN!

  16. Ooooo, Silver Rush!! :)
    Random (but not really .. ): Miss you!

  17. The windchill has been below 0 for 3 days and I'm having a hell of a time finding motivation. Since it is so cold my mileage has dropped, therefore my yoga has increased. I'm working up to a 108 sun salutations for the Winter Solstice. Yesterday I managed 48 before being interrupted and today I'm so sore (hasn't even been 24 hours!!!) I'm going to brave the cold just so I don't have to do yoga again because it makes running sound easy!

  18. OH yeah, and my big toe is the wild one - I wear out the tops of socks and shoes where it rubs!

  19. Got plantar fasciitis last Sunday while running a half. Still sore.

  20. Morton toes are incredible! Mine has made an eventually gaping hole in not just one but two pairs of Dansko clogs. Seriously: Danskos! My Mort and Paul Bunion are good friends.

  21. I never read the question, just the comments.....I kept thinking "wow, what a bunch of RANDOM comments". Then I scrolled up. If anyone is still reading, my original reason for commenting was to ask for warm glove suggestions. I have some from Brooks with the little mitten cover, but they just don't seem to be cutting it, and winter is only just starting here (Texas). What in the world to people do to keep their hands warm in the teens?

    1. I actually wear a pair of ski gloves or I put hand warmers into my mittens. Then when my fingers get could I can pull them out of the finger part and ball them up in the glove. I think you find that after you run and with your arm motion your hands warm up eventually...

    2. I live in MN and run outside year 'round. I take two inch squares of flannel and sew brown rice into them( so make two). Heat them in the microwave for 30 seconds or so. Put them in my running mittens and go. They stay warm until I warm up.

  22. My mother-in-law has differing "food safety" ideas than me.... You should have seen my whole family "dance" around eating her chicken and rice dish when we all knew the chicken sat cold in the crockpot overnight and then sat ANOTHER 6 hours cold in the rice cooker on the stove. She would have totally poisoned us with bacteria and then wondered why we all were barfing! I had to bribe my kids with McDonald's to make sure they didn't say anything!

    1. Ugh..gross! Why does she do that??

    2. Your guess is as good as mine! Her mother did the same thing! My husband has a stomach of steel. He never gets sick. I totally attribute this to the fact that his mother exposed him to every possible food pathogen as a kid!

  23. A good friend turns 50 next year and she just about has me convinced that we should do a 50 miler. Now we just need to pick the location. :) AmyD

  24. David Clark is interviewed on the latest Rich Roll podcast - not sure if you have ever listened to those but he has some great guests! I'm looking forward to listening to this interview. I'd love to do an ultra in 2015 (50K maybe - isn't that the "shortest" ultra?) . Was thinking of 140.6 but not sure I'm ready to commit to that in 2015 since I know we are moving, my daughter is graduating and starting college and the whole IM thing seems like it can get pretty $$$ (not to mention time consuming!).

    Random - I started using crest white strips again and had forgotten how they make my teeth ache. Now contemplating switching to white wine from red to avoid the teeth staining AND the white strips!

  25. If we all ate like that for snacks we'd all be a lot healthier. Also brrr I'm never moving to Colorado.

  26. Random: When my daughter was little and first learning to ride a bike, I was behind her as she worked on ascending a small hill near our house. She was huffing & puffing to get the tiny pedals on her bike moving and she said, with much determination: "I am stronger than this hill!" Ever since then I think of & repeat this phrase to myself whenever running up a hill. You're welcome to it, too!

  27. My 16 yr old son, who never seems to be pleased with anything, was beaming from ear to ear when he qualified for the NJ XC Meet of Champions. Running aside, it just makes me happy to see my kid happy.

  28. On Sunday, my son and I went to our first ever pro football game. Not just him (he's 13), but first for me. It was the niners at the giants, and we wore our niners gear. Probably 30% of the fans were in niner gear. It was shocking. Then the drunk guy next to us spilled his beer on his shoes, and we laughed like crazy. Good times.

    1. Sounds like a blast to me!! Love these kinds of moments with our kids...and for you - nice you got to get in a pro game!

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