
Monday, January 26, 2015

These Days…

I’ll tell you some stuff I’ve been up to “these days.” This may or many not turn into some kind of a confession post.  Stay tuned.

These days…I’ve been doing no core or upper body work. The one and only thing I’ve been doing is running. I think in the world of running that is illegal because you are supposed to cross train and strength train. Ooops, so put handcuffs on me. Today I promise I will do this ↓↓↓ 4x per week. It is basic and boring, but it is something. And I truly believe it will make me look like the girl in the blue sports bra.


These days… I have been loving Cherry Cola Honey Stinger Chews on my runs. Did you ever have those coke bottle gummies? Well, these are those on steroids. Caffeine. Vitamin C. Carbs. Organic everything.


These days… I’ve been thinking about an article that came out in the Wall Street Journal. I learned that Clif Bar is coming out with savory flavored gels. As in – pizza and sweet potato fries. I love pizza and fries and often eat them together, but I most certainly do not want them blended into a gel the consistency of tooth paste*. (*edit: after this blog was posted,  I heard from Clif Bar. They wanted to clarify that the WSJ article was incorrect calling this a “gel.” It is actually “organic energy food” that will come in re-sealable pouches. The texture is apparently less thick than gels as it has more water content – think real food in a pureed form.  I will be doing  a review in the next couple weeks. Bring on the pizza!)

These days… I am trying to get my 2015 race/adventure calendar in order. The one and only race I am signed up for is the Canyonlands Half Marathon in Moab, Utah on March 21 with my Fast Forward training group.

Ken and I are kicking around the idea of doing Rim to Rim of the Grand Canyon for our 20 year anniversary. Nothing says “man and wife running geeks” more than forgoing a trip to Mexico for a 22 mile trail run where you will climb thousands of feet and argue and poop in the woods. Honestly, it looks like a piece of cake (sarcasm)

These days… I am listening to the Serial podcast in my car every chance I get. Don’t tell me what happens.

These days…I am bored with winter. I am bored with myself.

These days…I wash my hair every three to four days.

These days…I think it’s funny my 13 year old daughter sleeps in her clothes so she doesn’t have to get up 10 minutes earlier in the morning. Not that different than when I sleep in my running clothes so I don’t have to get up 10 minute earlier.

These days…I don’t like how my jeans fit. The closer I get to 50 (gulp) the more my body shifts and not in a good way. Mammogram on Wednesday! Can’t wait to have boob pancakes for breakfast.


What are your thoughts on pizza/sweet potato/burger gels?

Do you run with your spouse? Would you consider a running vacation with him/her?

Fill in the blank. These days I’ve ________________.

What’s the biggest change you’ve seen in your body since you’ve gotten older? I’ve got flat butt syndrome.




  1. Savory gels sound disgusting! Granted, I am not a gel person in the first place but stomaching the sweet ones is hard enough.
    My husband isn't a runner but we would definitely take a hiking vacation. He often signs up for shorter distances at trail races and hikes them while I run.
    These days I have been missing serial since I binge listened to the whole season over a few days. I cannot find another podcast that comes close.

    1. Have you found the Slate Serial Spoilers Podcast? It was filling my Serial addiction somewhat satisfactorily. I also have heard good things about the Criminal podcast.

  2. All gels remind me of a sinus infection, so savory ones sound even more gross (as if that's possible). My husband doesn't run, but he isn't opposed to vacationing to places where I want to race, so that works well! And we love to camp, so if we can camp and hike/bike, even better.
    These days I am amazed on how far I've come in one year of running!

    1. It took me a minute to get the sinus infection comment, but now I do and I don't know if I'll be able to gel ever again. SNOT.

  3. I tried peanut butter Hammer Gel - gag! Tasted just like peanut butter and was just as thick. I got it down because I was in the middle a long run, but never again.

    My husband is a cyclist and we have planned trips around running/cycling events. Many cycling events are on Saturdays with running events on Sundays. We've volunteered at each others events, too.

    These days... I'm getting over the flu. Didn't leave my house for 5 days (kept my germs to myself.) Believe it when they say this years flu is nasty! I didn't run for more than a week. And when I do feel good, I strength train about once every 6 months.

    I turned 50 last year and perimenopause kicked into high gear. Aliens take over my body on a regular basis now. Trying to lose weight is harder than ever. Down ONE pound since January 1st. I know it's better than gaining, but still! I remember when I could lose 4 pounds in a few days.

    1. That is an excellent way of putting it - "aliens taking over your body." Haha and strength training every six months - we have a lot in common

  4. I just got back from Outdoor Retailer and met with Clif about those new packets-- they are AWESOME. Super calorie dense with lots of sodium too, screw top lids, and taste SO GOOD. Beyond excited for them actually! :)

    1. Okay, you are convincing me I might need to try....

  5. Cherry Cola Honey Stingers????? I have not seen those in Iowa...yet.

    ...and I want to do the Rim to Rim someday, too! :-)

  6. You sound kind of depressed? I love Honey Stingers and would love to do the Rim to Rim but have no husband to do it with me, can I come?

  7. I hiked the Grand Canyon Rim to Rim. Great time. Well apart from my friend who snored so loudly she kept us all up most nights. By day 4 I was tempted to push her over the edge. You will love it. I saw people running a couple of times. If you camp "below", you will be one of 1% of the population to visit the Grand Canyon that does so.

    1. You don't camp when you run the canyon. You should be able to finish in under 6 hours if you are in are in any kind of running shape.

  8. I would suggest North to South (take the bus up the day before- take old clothes to sleep in and pitch, and then have a camelback/pack for essentials) Make reservations NOW (or not) as the North Rim cabins/hotel fill up fast. Spend the nite on the South rim afterwards....the run from South to North is more difficult (climb out)- and it's not 22 miles unless you plan on running along the rim for a while afterwards. It's a little over 20.

    1. Thanks for the info and tips!! Runner's World says there are two routes - one is 20.6 miles, the other 22.5?

    2. Kaibab does not have's a little shorter. We usually headed down this way, climbed out on the North and came back Bright Angel as there is water at Indian Gardens. But Bright Angel is so much more crowded....have fun!

    3. Also watch out for mule poop! My husband and I haven't done rim to rim but South Kaibab you are dodging mule poop a lot. We also did grandview which is too steep for mules and is really beautiful.

      Other secret is lots of layers. We went in early April and there was about a 30-40 degree temperature change from rim to floor.

  9. Pizza flavored gel sounds like it would literally taste like puke. I want to run rim to rim someday so bad!!

  10. I am also bored with winter and go 3-4 days with dirty hair. Rim to rim sounds AMAZING!!

  11. I might be able to get behind savory gels. I normally hate gels because they are too sweet, so maybe those wouldn't be so bad. I dunno.

    Rim to Rim sounds like a great trip! Maybe not for an anniversary though...

  12. The hot flashes have been the most annoying part of being a gracefully aging woman!! Not have a period for 3 months was kinda nice though. Rim to rim is working it's way around inside my brain, it's on the bucket list for sure.

  13. I don't do gels. At all. Strong gag reflex. I'm a huge fan of Tailwind. And I do CrossFit to cross train, so no flat butt. Gotta keep the glutes firing...

  14. Re the event planning thing. Calgary 70.3 is 70% sold out. Just saying.
    In order -
    No, she doesn't run.
    These days I am a swimming machine!
    It's become more slender, svelte and good looking. Bald is sexy, right?

  15. Gels - those flavors sound beyond disgusting
    No to running with the hubby but we have talked about making a weekend out of a race in Chicago.
    These days I'm scared of my Oly tri training plan and wondering what I'm thinking but am also excited for the challenge.

  16. These days I'm tired - something about being in my mid-40s and not sleeping well ever:)

    1. Oh, I SO hear you on the not sleeping well! I just turned 48...I have had sleeping issues since my late 30's. I don't have trouble falling asleep, but I have trouble staying asleep. And it's rare that I can sleep past six. I'm not sure if that's because I have been getting up at 5:30 for years, or because I'm perimenopausal. Anyway...a Simply Sleep every three or four nights is my friend. I'm meds-averse, but when I'm sleep deprived, everything hurts, I'm barely functioning,and a raging bitch. I get a solid seven or eight hours sleep, and I'm good for a few more days!

  17. Explain to me how Rim to Rim would be different from any of your other runs? :)

  18. During my runs I am always craving something salty instead of sweet so I am anxious to try these new flavors coming out. I would love a running vacation w my hubby. Wish he ran. -L

  19. Canyonlands Half! I'm in Moab so I'm biased, but it is truly an awesome race. So glad it's on your calendar that I busted out of my 'I generally never comment' mode. Ran it as my first half; and this is my second year volunteering ("water! water! water!" that'll be me again). Cheers, Jen

    1. I randomly just saw this comment and am seriously considering canyonlands - I grew up going to moab in the summers, my grandparents live there. I'm curious as to what you love about the half? Is the weather usually good? I would love to run it.

  20. The Hubs and I run together. We are celebrating our 30th with the Great Alaskan Running Cruise. Nothing says I love you more than running away from a Moose! :)

    1. Now I'm intrigued...what is the Great Alaskan Running Cruise???


  22. Can't do gels and I survived my FM with only a mini Clif bar at the halfway point and water and Gatorade at the hydration stations. I reckon if I can't even have chocolate, vanilla whatever gels, it'll probably be projectile moments on the run course if I even look at pizza or savoury gels.

    R2R sounds good. really. It seems like you, fits you. Happy Advance Anniversary.

  23. We went on holiday to California (from the UK) a couple of years ago and I decided to do the SF Half Marathon. I got up, ran the race and got back to the hotel and my ever so supportive husband and son were still in bed, fast asleep! But mad things seen at a race start - they had PATIO HEATERS! In August!! Even taking into account Mark Twain'S quote, it was cold-ish but PATIO HEATERS!!!

  24. I was warned by some wise older women to be on the lookout for chin hairs as I get older....They said the rearview mirror of your car is the best place to spot them....buckle up and check for whiskers....

    1. LOL! Yes, chin hairs are a problem! They pop up overnight!

    2. Sometimes when the light hits my chin in just the right way Ken can find a chin hair that is about 2" long. When he tries to pull it out, it just curls like ribbon.

  25. pizza/sweet potato/burger gels - Absolutely horrible. Most of the time I struggle with fruit flavors. Neutral vanilla is about the only flavor that won't contort my face.
    My husband and I do most of our vacations that center around a run. Unfortunately, he has bad knees and has found that as his perfect excuse to stick to the bike and pool. He would never go for the Grand Canyon idea. He's so afraid of heights it's not funny.

    These days I’ve cut out most of my speed work and just been enjoying the run. Winter is tough in upstate NY so when I can get outside with out gale force winds, with my dogs, I feel blessed just to run/jog/enjoy the morning.

    Biggest change in my body since you’ve gotten older is that my tummy isn't as flat even though I'm still the same weight.

  26. Just finished Serial over the weekend--and can't stop thinking about it. It was fun knowing so many of the locations (you might, too?).

    Go for R2R! My friend did R2R2R a few years back and it sounded amazing. I think it's the perfect anniversary trip.

    I want to vomit thinking of savory Cliff Bars in the midst of a run!

  27. these past 2 days and today should take care of any feelings about winter here in Longmont. What a treat for the end of Jan. 60 degree plus and pure sunshine..
    Don't think I'd try the savory flavored gels.
    I'm 61 and now only long distance walking- no running. Body changes are normal - it's how you feel inside.

  28. I don't cross train or do yoga--I just run. I log 70 miles per week of pure unadulterated running. I run because I like running, not because I like planks. ;) People ask me how to get faster and better at running and I just tell them to run more! So, don't worry too much, although that girl in the sports bra makes core exercises look pretty hot. :P

  29. I live in Utah and would love to do the canyon land half marathon, that sounds really fun! I think any kind of savory GU or gel would be 100% worse then the already hard to swallow sweet Gels or GU's.

  30. I do Canyonlands every year! My husband is one of the guys who operates that rogue aid station where they hand out brats and donuts and tequila shots. Sadly they're almost always out by the time I shuffle past.

    1. For real?? I had no idea! I won't eat a pizza gel, but I would have a shot of tequila.

    2. I don't know who's blog this is, but they included a photo in their review last year.

      The girls run, our husbands drink and raft down alongside the runners, heckling, and then eventually setting up this aid station. Then afterwards, my girlfriend and I have to go pick up our hammered husbands after we just ran a half..... wait a minute. I'm starting to think I'm getting the raw end of the deal here.

  31. Savoury gels are so very WRONG on so many levels!!! GAG. I'd love to do a running vacation with my hubby but it would have to be preceded by swimming and biking first for him to be even remotely interested, ha ha. Changes in my I'd have to say my saggy boobs (sadly I don't have any kids to blame this on!) and the fact that I have to work twice as hard as I used to to keep muscle on my body.

  32. RTR sounds like a great vacation. Nothing beats pooping in the woods (they won't let you do that on the beach in Mexico)

  33. Savory gels sound gagtastic.

    I would love to run with my husband, but soccer ruined his knees long ago.

    Serial is awesome! Keep going.

  34. SERIAL over here too!!! No idea what happens yet. EEK!

    And your daughter is a genius. That's all.

  35. Salted caramel gel: yum. Pizza and french fries: gag.

    I don't run with my spouse. In fact, he came along with me to the track the other day and made it a third of a lap with me before he had to stop, confessing that he couldn't keep up. However, I do love to mountain bike with him and we have taken many wonderful biking vacations together. Can't wait till our kid goes of to college and we can start doing that again but the kid is only 9.

    I think I will be running at Canyonlands but doing the 5-miler instead of the half. My friend and I are planning to hand out mini margaritas to the half marathon after we finish.

    1. Yes please. I am going to look for you to get my mini margarita!! :)

  36. I am looking forward to running vacations with my husband once the kids aren't vacationing with us anymore. We are doing a half marathon on Sunday and its going to be COLD! It would be cool to run the rim to rim run. I could see us doing that some day.

  37. Would they call that a rim jog? No? I'll leave.

  38. Biggest change? Gravity. Everything starts to drop when you hit 30. Fifteen years later, and it's all dropping...even my knees seem to be lower. This is how I know that the 40s are not the new 20s. Sigh...

  39. This was a cool post. I'm a runner who pretty much only runs. I'm trying to do some exercises/strength training at home but not too successful so far. Have downhill skied a couple of times though. Can relate to a lot of the rest as well, and I already hit 50 but that one didn't bug me.

  40. I think we are around the same age and I've totally noticed my butt being extra flat. It sucks and I totally meant for 2015 to be the year I do squats and more weights, etc but have still mostly just been running:/

    I do run with my husband. We did a half marathon thru wine country for our 17 year anniversary (it was near Portland). This year we also hit 20 years and are trying to figure out what to do for it!

  41. That core challenge looks awesome. I pinned it and need to try it. These days I've been doing a lot more strength training (which I neglected most of last year) and have been trying tons of new fitness classes thanks to my new ClassPass membership, which has rocked. I can really feel like I'm already starting to get stronger and it just feels great to feel strong (and it helps my running so that is always a good thing). My hubby and I don't run much together (he is faster than me and likes to cap his distance at 6 miles), but we are going to go on a rafting trip through the Grand Canyon (probably in May) and camp, raft and hike for a week. I'm really looking forward to it. No cell service for 7 days. I think we can handle that. LOL

  42. These days I am not running because of a wicked case of tendonitis of the butt. It's awful. So I am pondering training plans instead. It looks like you have used both heart rate training and the Run Less, Run Faster approach, which are really different from each other. So, what's your verdict? Pros and cons of each approach? I'd love to hear from you on this topic! As I sit here again with an ice pack on my ass......

  43. Cherry Cola ones make me poop.

    Also, I've had flat butt syndrome my entire life. I don't like where this is going.

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