
Monday, September 21, 2015

8 Secrets to Simplify Your Running Life

Before I get to the meat of things…let’s do a small update because it’s fun and I need to do something with these pictures on my phone.

After the relay I thought I might take some time off, but I didn’t.  My body felt like it wanted to run, so let’s go. 20 miles last week of running and 20 miles on the bike. My bike and I used to be (literally) attached butt-to-saddle as I trained for Ironman Boulder. Our relationship has become less intimate, but I am spicing it up again. I forgot how the lady parts need to get broken in. Every damn time.


Then on Saturday a friend of mine ran her first 100 miler. Okay, yeah, 34.5 hours does seem like a long time to be running.


All of a sudden all I can think about is doing a 50 mile ultra. Thinking of this one. Not for the faint of heart, but right up my alley.


Today I took Heidi and my parents’ dog, Kleo, for a walk around Coot Lake in Boulder. It was super ugly. What a turn off Colorado is.


Then I came home and assaulted the UPS man as he brought these to my door. Is it weird I spend about 5 minutes smelling new running shoes? I do the same with Sharpies.


These are the Brooks Pure Cadence. My favorite road shoe. Over 400 miles of running these will cost me $.30 per mile. Not sure why I felt the need to figure that out.

Let’s switch gears.

Anyone who runs knows it can be a very simple task, or it can get very complicated when factor in planning, costs, etc. That’s why I wanted to talk about ways we can simplify our running lives so we have more time for…….YES, RUNNING!

1. Get the bins. Go somewhere like Wal-Mart or Target and buy really cheap plastic bins. Have a bin for each shorts, tights, tanks, short sleeved and long sleeved. Just throw your running clothes in the bins. No folding necessary (who cares if they’re wrinkled). When it’s time to run. Just pick from the bins and go. Here’s my scenario (I also have a bin for cycling).


2. Make a cheat sheet.  Take all your favorite running routes. Make a cheat sheet of how far they are in miles and how long they usually take you. When it’s time to run, don’t tax your brain. Just know what distance you want to go or for how long and pick from your list.

3. Stop washing your hair. I have pretty long hair and I HATE to wash/style it. So, these days I only wash it 2-3x per week. The rest of the time after a run, I just wash my body and put dry shampoo into my hair. Saves a ton of time. Some might call it gross. I call it genius.

4. Say “No”. Sure you love running with a group and with a friend and doing every race imaginable. That’s all fine and good, but know when to say when. Let me rephrase: Know when to say “no” so that your running life does not feel so crazed.

5. Get up an hour earlier. If possible, do your runs first thing. Enjoy the solitude before the rest of the world wakes up. This will give you a sense of accomplishment and will guarantee the run gets done.

6. Pick a day to go naked. Leave the gadgets at home (GPS, watch, music). A good day to do this might be on an easy or recovery run. Just run and enjoy. No pressures or distractions.

7. Schedule. Set up your runs like you would other appointments. Pencil yourself in. Avoid having to cram in a run when you really don’t have time. This just adds to your stress.

8. Auto-ship. I just made this up, so not sure it even exists. But wouldn’t it be cool to have your favorite running shoes on auto ship from a store? That way every 5 or 6 months they could be automatically shipped to your door.

Any other ways you can think of to simplify your running life?



  1. Oh man, I wish I could get up an hour earlier, but i already wake up at 6 to be at work by 730, so i would have to wake up SO much earlier!! Unless they install a shower for me here at work, THEN i'll be really livin. And I don't want my hair that often at all! it's like, once a week. but i have very curly thick hair, and if i wash it more than twice a week it gets all gross and frizzy.

  2. I will stop washing my hair right away... thanks! :)

    1. Wait. Did you mean to say your 2 hairs?

    2. All of them! Will save me 5 minutes a week! Lol

    3. I quit worrying about my hair about 2 months ago when I started running longer distances. It's very long & thick, dry shampoo IS awesome. My teenage girls think I'm disgusting

  3. Now that I"m tapering for Chicago (finally!), my bike and I got intimate today. My bike missed me and I missed my bike. Did you name your bike? I never did. I think I"m the only runner who hasn't named her bike.

    Yeah, washing hair is overrated.

    1. Never named my bike. Don't even know it it's a him or her.

    2. My road bike is "Spinderella" and my mountain bike is "Black Betty" - both tributes to fun songs!

  4. I heartily second scheduling runs like appointments. Last year I decided that my dedication to my running/health was equally important as the other parts of my life, and there was no need to think that time spent running or cross training was "taking away" from anything else. If anything, spending that time allowed me to sanely focus on the rest of my day and not bite everyone's head off!

  5. Two things that have helped me simplify are Excel and Google Earth.

    I use Excel to make lists of what to pack the night before a race, and have custom lists for different distances, venues, etc. I also track my shoe mileage in an Excel spreadsheet.

    I use Google Earth to come up with running routes of different length and elevation gain, and to check elevation changes for races that don't provide an elevation profile. If you use the "path" tool to measure a route, you can save it for future reference.

  6. I do the bins! I don't care if my clothes are a jumbled mess, and I don't have to fold.

  7. Love this. No bins, but I am a folder by nature so it is all good. Since I started running 18 months ago, I am up at 4:18 every morning for my 5 mile run...only way it gets done with 6,5, and an almost 2 year old, and a full time job. Wouldn't do it any other way!

    1. Love your discipline. Just wondering 4:18, exactly?? Is that because you've been running 18 months? Will it be 4:19 next month?

    2. my alarm goes off every morning at 4:33 ... not sure why the time being an off number makes it so much easier to get out of bed ...

    3. Funny - I'm a very late sleeper compared to you both, but I set my alarm for 5:42. 5:30 seemed WAY too early, and 5:40 seemed to early, 5:45 was too late, so settled on 5:42 .. lol

    4. These times made me laugh. I totally get it though, but not sure why. I guess it highlights the mental aspect of running, or getting things done in general. Whatever works! :)

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. 4:00 plus snooze x2. :) Delete a snooze if I need to add a mile!

  8. Glad to hear it's not just me whose lady parts begin to protest when being reintroduced to biking!! ;) I'm with you on all of the running tips too. I don't have bins, but I have stacking drawers, so that's pretty much the same thing. I do like to hang up my favorite running shirts though - it makes a nice rainbow in my closet!

  9. You should definitely do that 50 mile race, it looks awesome! Also, I credit your blog as one of the reasons I want to visit Colorado soon, it always looks so gorgeous.

  10. AWESOME POST with some great and goofy ;) Ideas! Auto ship would ROCK...
    I'm loving the bin idea ~ THANKS!
    and Yes... GO FOR THE 50 Miler ~ I'll live it through you =]

  11. The bins! What an awesome idea. I'm so gonna do that. Serious.

  12. I absolutely love the list with distances/routes bulleted out. Genuis! I am SO doing that.

  13. I have to admit...I sometimes just sleep in my running clothes (sans shoes)! I can literally roll out of bed in the morning, grab something to eat, and be out the door. I like the bin idea. That might solve my problem of my over-stuffed running drawer not shutting all the way and me bumping into it when I get up to use the bathroom at night. Ouch.

  14. Taking your bin idea one step further in simplicity, my running clothes usually never make it out of the laundry basket.

    1. haha! Same here John! My laundry basket is my running bin.

  15. I don't like the smell of sharpies, but I do love the smell of tires at Fleet Farm. Go figure!

  16. Go for the ultra! It's something that holds no appeal to me because I am not a trail person. But I really admire people who run them. I agree it is totally your next logical step.

  17. Great tips, and the Silver Rush 50 looks amazing. Beer will taste so good after that one.

  18. The Bins! OMG! The Bins! Why in the hell have I not thought of that already?!? This is going to start at my house next weekend. I have actually talked myself out of a run because the thought of digging through my dresser for the right stuff tires me.

  19. Keep running every days. Thank for your useful tips.

  20. The bins are awesome. I have them and they rock.
    My husband and I just got back from NYC which was amazing. But flying into Denver just brought the biggest sense of relief and joy. There is something about Colorado.

  21. So sorry, but those bins would drive me crazy! I have my running clothes (folded) in a drawer in the hallway for quick getaway. Always folded though, even bras. I am realizing that it must appeal to my sense of control over being able to get a run in. Running early in the morning is a terrific tip especially for busy families.

  22. Totally genius to put shoes on autoship! I need to do that!

  23. I love the bin idea! I'm going to get some this weekend.

  24. Amazon auto ships some things (water filters for your fridge I know for sure), doubt they do running shoes!

  25. I love the bin idea!! All my running clothes are in one draw and it's impossible to find what you want when you need it. I might have to get those bins.. genius!
