
Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Phone Dump from the Weekend and a VLOG

If you want to know what your priorities are, look at the pictures you have on your phone.

Clearly, I like running. And, my pets. A lot.

I also am a big fan of my husband, my children and wine, but somehow pictures of them are scarce. Hmmm.

We started off our weekend with an early morning trail run. There was snow. And there was me deviating off of the trail to heed nature's call. I love being married to someone who just keeps watch for me and doesn't judge.Or, maybe he does inside his head, but he doesn't say it out loud. I still don't get why he always wants to run behind me. The farts are vicious.

Seriously. This is everything.

I just wish I understood why he likes to put his face in her ass so much.

Then there was some laying around with the brown eyed girl.

My highlight from Saturday night. Who needs to go leave the house when you can torment your pets?

Next, was another trail 8 mile run on Sunday morning. Selfies are not my style or my forte.

For awhile on Sunday I just watched these two mess around because they don't seem to be able to keep their paws off of each other. Get a room.

Oh, and one other weekend thing. I got my newest subscription box from PopSugar and am doing the unveiling here.  This is hands down the most exciting video you will see probably in your entire lifetime.

Since you asked about running (wait, did you ask?), right now I'm not really in routine training. Going to start marathon training (for PARIS) at the beginning of the year. Now I'm just keeping it at about 30 miles per week. Anyone have a great training plan they recommend that will get me a 30 minute PR?

Thanksgiving plans? Trail run in the morning, watching the parade with cinnamon rolls then going to my mom and dad's for dinner. Sam is not coming home :(. This will be our first Thanksgiving without him. Boo.

Last marathon training plan you used? I've done Run Less, Run Faster and other than that I've usually come up with my own. Once I did one that came from Andrew Kastor and that was great too.


POPSUGAR sent me this Must Have Box to try...#sponsored 


  1. The cat in the costume is the best! Also, my husband and I are THE WORST at selfies. It's kind of hilarious (and sad). This Thursday we're running the Turkey Trot in Wash Park then eating our way through the day, just the two of us. We'll also probably fight over the TV - parade or football?!

  2. You asked why? He likes to look at your butt. Duh!

  3. Love your blogs. Why? Because I laugh out loud several times while reading it. Maybe I'll just steal it and put it in as my blog. Just Kiiiiiddding! Too bad we are 8 hrs apart, I'm sure we'd have a good time on a run. Well, when I get my cast off, that is.

  4. Do you like the run less, rin faster plan? I am contemplating it for a spring race.

    1. I did like it, especially if you only want to run 3x per week (at the time I was pretty injury prone and thought this might work better for me). It is very sensible and every workout has a purpose. It got me my BQ!

  5. Beth, you mentioned that you love your watch - what are you using? I am looking for a new one and think I might settle on the garmin 235 but have also been looking at the garmin vivoactive.

    1. It's the TomTom Spark (multisport) with heart rate monitor and blue tooth headphones. You can actually load 500 songs directly onto the watch. It is awesome. I will be doing a review of it soon, so stay tuned.

  6. I just followed Hanson's (not as diligently as I could have- but ran a 29 minute or for the marathon (although my last marathon was 8 years ago, so take it as you'd like ) but it's the direct opposite of rlrf, so might not be your thing !

  7. I've used Hal Higdon's online training plans for years. They work well for me.

    Always add in an extra week just in case you can't run a week.

  8. I'm stuck on that pic of you in short shorts running in the snow!

    My last marathon training plan was not anything but a plan to get me to the start line, since I was battling PF. It was a patchwork plan of pool running and cycling, with some running thrown in at the end. Do as I say, not as I do...

  9. Thanksgiving plans: Turkey Trot 5K, then clean up and head to my mother-in-laws house (about 75 min away) for dinner with 14 in a small town home. Eeek!

  10. I'm in love with your cat!!!

    Thanksgiving plans include a Turkey Trot in the am then dinner at two houses!

    Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  11. This is my first Thanksgiving without my kids, so I'm spending it with friends and alcohol. Should be a good time.

  12. I also used Hanson's plan although modified it and did not run 6 days a week. The key, for me, was the track workouts on Tuesdays and the increasingly longer tempo runs on Thursdays and the long runs didn't go longer than 16-18 miles (theoretically you're running on tired legs). I ran my second marathon 35 minutes faster than the first (the first had been 18 years prior at age 27) and got my BQ time, so I'll give some credit to the training plan. Maturity probably helped as well :)

  13. I just read 80/20 by Matt Fitzgerald. I am going to try it for Boston 2017. I trained with a coach for the last 4 years and he quit coaching in June.

  14. Thanksgiving plans include a Turkey Trot in the am then dinner at two houses!

  15. i like your shirt better than anything in the box!!!!!!!!! where did you get it?????

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