
Thursday, May 21, 2009


This is kind of funny.

I'm at the gym today, trying to do a speedy treadmill workout before yoga class. Since it was only going to be 30 minutes, I thought I'd pick up the pace. I was going along at 7.5 miles an hour, feeling pretty proud of myself.

I don't know about you, but there are TONS of people at the gym who seem to be always wandering around aimlessly. Like they might lazily head over to stationary bike, spin for ten minutes, get some water, meander over to a set of weights and do some reps, talk to a friend, wipe down the weights, check out what's on CNN, etc. Is it just my gym, or is this universal?

Anyway, so one of these roamers gets on the bike behind me. I see him staring at me. I'm thinking, "yeah, he sees my speed. He thinks I'm fast." (which is really funny that I am that self centered to think that anyone even gives a crap about what I'm doing on the treadmill). I finish my workout, and take myself into the yoga room in front of the full length mirrors and realize that two things are going on: my white sport's bra is slightly see through, AND I have major headlights going on, if you know what I mean. So Mr.-guy-on-the-bike apparently was checking this out. Which is very funny because if you knew me (and if you've seen any of the pictures) and am flat, flat, flat. I do, however, still have nipples.


  1. Those people at the gym who wander aimlessly in May and June are college kids home for break.

  2. Boys are so pathetically simple, aren't they? High comedy!

  3. That is hilarious! Similar (kind of) to my run, incidentally.

  4. They are universal those people. My favorites are the ones, that when its packed, are on the treadmill at 2.2, texting or talking on the phone. UGH!

  5. haha awww - he probably noticed your speed too ;) I think things like that sometimes, and then I'm like "aaand, why would they care? get over yourself Heather".
    7.5 is probably my favorite pace on the treadmill - a simple 8:00 min/mile, never feels TOO hard, but it's a good workout!

  6. "Get's on the bike behind you" - he was probably checking out your butt. So, you got that going on.

    As for the "wanderers" - when I used to work out in a gym I reffered to those folks as the "30 second work out"

  7. LOL at your headlights!!

    My gym also has the wanderers. What's annoying is they'll wander over to the treadmills & get annoyed with me if I go over the 30min time limit. I have to give way & get off, all so they can cruise on the treadmill at 2 mph. They couldn't just keep wandering around the gym at that pace????

  8. That's funny :) I don't go to the gym, I have free access to one on the base I work at but am too intimidated to cross its threshold- in the winter I'll go so I can use the indoor track.

  9. You are funny! I think you left quite an impression on this guy.Be careful he may be looking for you the next time your there.

  10. Roamers at my gym? Yes. Guys taking advantage of various "views" while a gal [even a flat, or an overweight gal] is sweating, bending, grunting? Absolutely.

    You shoulda shimmied when you walked past him on your way out...

  11. That's too funny. Maybe that's why they are there wandering in the first place? Just trying to catch a break and get a good view . . .

  12. I don't know how he could even see the nipples when you were moving so fast!

  13. hahaha it probably was a combo of your impressive speed and nipple show! but i do hate those wanderers! and when they actually do lift the weights up its the completely wrong form- i always have the urge to stop what im doing, run over to them, and give them advice on how to lift a weight hahah

  14. HAHAHAHA!!! That's hilarious! Mine do the SAME thing when I run. What's up with that?? And yup - my gym's the same way.

  15. haha your posts are hilarious. My sister over at Mindful Living told me about your blog. I'll definitely be following it!

  16. That is too funny!!!….And yes I have those “who seem to be always wandering around aimlessly” at my gym too…..

  17. They are universal. Where do they come from?

  18. That is great!! Even if he was checking out your headlights, you are still fast!!

    And thanks for the really nice comment to my post. :-)

  19. That is too funny I am sure he was admiring both your speed and your chest. I was hung up on the 7.5, I havent ever went past 6.0 on my treamill.

  20. You are fast and you have big nipples hmmmmm. This is one of my favorite posts, real and edgy love it!! I taught a fitness class once with my 7-year-old daughter's underwear hanging out of back of the waistband of my shorts. No one told me. Maybe my ass looked so good they didn't care. Who's self-centered now?

  21. LOL omg hilarious.

    and yes its universal... people at the gym wandering is so annoying!

  22. LOL! I always have the headlights on. Another blogger jokingly posted about some patches to cover the nipples, and I seriously thought about getting them. Although, the more I exercise, the less I care. It's just female anatomy!
