
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What a Slug

Wow thanks for all the comments on my blog and for taking pity on me for having no running friends. At least I feel the love from my blogger buddies. Maybe I won't, in the words of Tony Soprano, have to off myself after all.

I am not taking myself too seriously today. I spilled coffee all over my white pants and am still wearing them proudly. I didn't shower. I didn't run. I didn't exercise at all. Matter a fact, I ate chocolate chip cheesecake with lunch while watching Dancing with the Stars on Tivo. My in laws just left and I felt I deserved this.

Also, the kids get out of school the day after tomorrow, so my days of crap eating in front of crap TV are numbered. I have to set a good example, after all. To them I am the athlete mom who eats apple slices for a snack and encourages seltzer water with lime over soda. If they only knew what went on while they were in school. It's one big party here during the day.

Tomorrow is another day to run - there is always another day to run - I am hoping to find out how to set my Garmin to show me the mile splits. I asked Chad in the Desert. But if someone else knows, please tell me. I'm too lazy to pull out the manual. Did I just say that out loud? I will run a marathon but I will not by any means go over to the closet and find the manual. I will also not walk to the grocery store or even walk my dog (I make my 11 year old do that).

Kind of funny that we go out and do these gargantuan workouts, but then we don't want to exert ourselves in other day-to-day ways. At least I admit it.


  1. Your in-laws were in town - that's like ten get out of jail free cards or one piece of cheesecake - your choice!

    On the Garmin front, it depends on which model you have.

  2. I will drive to the park where I am going to run. I will always search for a close parking spot but I run. Right now I am eating a handful of chocolate covered pretzel slims. In ten minutes I am meeting a friend for a glass of wine.

    Feel Better??


  3. You are right on with that point. People laugh at my laziness sometimes but I simply don't have the energy or will to walk the 1/2 mile to the convenience store by my house. Walking the 3/4 of mile to school feels like hell sometimes.

  4. hahaha this post cracked me up. The kids do need to see the healthy snacks, right? ;)

    Garmin! Go to Menu->Training->Options->Auto Lap (set to 1 mile)->back to Menu. and make sure your SPEED is set to "pace"
    Menu->Settings->Data Fields
    --->this should take you to what you See on your "training" screen. Select one of them as "Pace-Last Lap"

    This should work! I've had mine set on this for a while, so theres a chance I'm missing a step. but try it and let me know!

  5. I had a day like that yesterday... I figure we earn them now and then!

  6. I like to think I eat healthy, but I really have a candy drawer in my dresser. Don't people stop doing that when they're ten or something?

  7. I'll walk to the grocery store, but I hate getting up to walk to my garage, which is attached to my house mind you.
    I feel so guilty after eating snacks that they almost aren't worth it. So I've weaned myself onto dark chocolate without sugar, and the kids aren't interested in stealing that. They'd MUCH rather eat the choc chip cookie dough in the freezer.

  8. Heather is right - I just figured out how to set the 405 on Sunday! I looked it up online. It sucked.

    Yay for taking a relaxing day off. You need one every once in awhile!

  9. I was reading going..."me, again, again..." White pants and coffee - check. (usually within 5 minutes of putting them on). Selective energy reserved for workouts - check. But that cheesecake sounds divine. Ohhh, let me know if you figure out how to do that with your Garmin too. I usually export my data to a website and it shows me, but it's a real pain in the rear to do.

  10. I had to dig out my manual to set the laps on my Garmin, and I've already completely forgotten how I did it.

    The cheesecake sounds delicious! Well-deserved after time with the in-laws.

  11. I just pulled out the manual and set my Garmin a few days ago and do not remember. I have CRS (can't remember shit).

    Free pass on the in-laws.

  12. My Garmin manual is so NOT helpful. Like you, I avoid exerting any mental or physical energy at all times. That's how you stay so wicked fast... that and the cheesecake fuel...

  13. That's the reason I don't own a Garmin. I promise I won't be smart enough to work it. :o)

  14. I love this post. Thank you for making me laugh. The in-laws comment AND the days of eating crap in front of the tv comment both hit close to home. (My husband and I often excuse our pint-of-ice-cream-in-front-of-the-tv nights with, "heck, better get it out of our system before we have kids!" It doesn't ever get out of your system though, does it?)

  15. I love reading your posts- makes me smile and laugh everyday!
