
Friday, May 20, 2011

No Marathon. WTF?

For starters, you need to read the comments on my last post. Some incredible stories of inspiration, hardship and perseverance. You guys always amaze me. Truly.

I am so tired and ADHD slash manic slash PMS today that my eye is twitching. If I knew what was good for me I would go lie down. Instead I keep getting the frozen lemon bars out of the freezer and almost breaking my teeth on them. Who needs defrosting when you have a dentist who does same-day crowns right in his office?

But, you didn’t come here to read about my mania. I’ve got my thinking cap on today, so don’t be jealous if I look really smart. Even Lucky is perplexed by how smart I look. Or the fact I am giving him the finger.


So, let’s get to the topic of the day. Here’s what I don’t get. What the hell happened to the marathon on the Biggest Loser? The final episode before the finale was this past Tuesday. It was par for the course with visits home, crying, flashbacks and more crying. And, then some crying.  But, there was something missing. Something that makes the whole season worthwhile. The marathon.

I know this has been controversial in the past. My guess is TBL received complaints about “making” contestants run a marathon without being properly trained or something like that. Or, maybe in a show that has become so predictable, they decided to mix it up a bit and incorporate a turkey burger cooking challenge and golf course-carry-your-weight extravaganza. zzzzzz…..

I always found the marathon to be the most inspiring episode of all, even more so than the finale. Why? Because a marathon symbolizes the Cadillac of accomplishments. It’s the big kahuna. Running a marathon signifies that you have arrived. Right? It’s a known fact that you can’t be out of shape and run a marathon. It is also difficult to be morbidly obese and run a marathon, although that one guy did it in L.A. this year (it took him 9:48).

Last year’s marathon on the Biggest Loser was the shit because Ada stopped to take a dump and it took her six minutes. I even blogged about it HERE.

Just FYI: I got naked from the waist down, peed, pooped and threw away my underwear during the Boston Marathon and it only took me three minutes. Just sayin’.

I missed the marathon terribly. I usually watch it while stuffing my face with popcorn and pita chips. I love seeing people dig down to the deepest corners of their souls to complete that 26.2 mile distance. It gives me the chills. It makes me cry. It makes me proud of people I don’t even know. It makes me want to get out and run and be the best I can be. Watching contestants who were so incredibly out of shape only five months prior complete this feat is nothing short of amazing. Simply said, it’s tough to not be inspired watching it happen.

Do you think omitting the marathon (and substituting it with a turkey burger cooking contest of all things) was the right thing to do? Did you miss it?

Feel free to be the one to push me over the edge to 1,600 followers. I’ll love you for it.

Off to brush my teeth because that is how I stop eating crap.



  1. hmm I hadn't thought about it.. hubs said make them do a half IM!! I'm not sure why they omitted it, good question.

  2. Hey there! We just found your site and wanted to first off tell you that we LOVE your no excuses work ethic...the name says it all and it's so true! :)
    Sorry to post a comment here as it's not exactly about the Biggest Loser (didn't see a stop to leave a message on the About ME or other but wanted to say hello as two fellow fitness obsessed runners. :) Really enjoy what we've read so far and looking forward to more!

  3. Wow, first comment! Obviously I am procrastinating at work this Friday PM.

    Anyhoo. Yes, I was bummed about the marathon. I agree, it is the most inspirational part! And I have to say, I got off my duff and started running last spring BECAUSE of TBL. When I saw Michael, at 367 pounds, run a 5K on the treadmill, I started to cry. Because I knew I couldn't do it at that point.

    So I cried, threw a minor pity party (see comment from last post), and promptly got off my duff. I called my college roommate and told her I would join her for the MS 150, a bike ride from Duluth to Minneapolis (150 miles). And after the bike ride, I started running. I haven't looked back.

    I've got a few races under my belt, and am gearing up for a 10 mile this fall and my first marathon next year. TBL is what finally pushed me over the edge to DO something about my unhappiness. I hope that next year/season, they bring the marathon back. It speaks so much to SO many.

  4. I was shocked that there was no marathon this year too! I definitely missed it, but it also used to get under my skin a little that they were giving people the impression that you could just go and run a marathon on a few weeks' notice.

  5. Regarding TBL, I thought they usually were home training for the marathon and then they came back to run it. I could be wrong, but I hope they don't omit that event. It seriously inspired me to run my first marathon. I thought, if they can do it, I certainly can.

    Lynne S.

  6. I think there was so much backlash from last years with Elizabeth doing it in 7 hours or something and people calling her a marathoner and running snobs saying she wasn't one or something. We were surprised when they didn't tell the contestants when they were watching their videos.

  7. Ha ha ha! I brush my teeth to stop eating crap, too... stuff just doesn't taste the same with the hint of minty freshness in the background.

    I don't watch TBL but if I did.... subbing in The Turkey Burger Bake-off for a marathon is totally lame! I would boycott the show if I were a watcher.

    I completely agree with your line of thinking... marathon = inspiration. Turkey Burgers = constipation.

  8. Anon - no, next week is live and the finale, so no marathon...

  9. OK I wasn't crazy. I thought I missed it but it seemed like they skipped it. The only episode I watched last season was the marathon episode. I was hoping to see it again this year. After reading the Runners World article on Biggest Loser and the marathon I was more compelled to want to watch it.

    Seeing the people run on the treadmills on BL was what got me to go "if they can do it, I can do it" So running is a big part of that show it shouldn't have been taken out. Maybe explained more about how the workouts and training they've done have gotten them to that point though.

  10. I watch the biggest loser for the marathon at the end. I have always been so inspired by them and ultimatly that is what finally pushed me to sign up for my first which is next month. Given I'm having mental issues in my training right now, I really needed to see them do the marathon to get my motivation back up. Totally bummed here!

  11. I miss it! I love the marathon because it is such a triumph but so inspiring because ANYONE can do it. I've always thought that. Anyone is capable of completing a marathon so it's so awesome to watch TBL contestants do it and inspire America!

  12. I was thinking the same freaking thing.

    I think they should have done a TM one but hey --- that's probably just me.

  13. Is it crazy that I have actually never seen an entire episode of TBL?! Even with all the talk about it season after season I just haven't checked it out. Hmmm. Anyway, even though I'm not a fan, I don't think anything would beat the marathon.

  14. you need to write them. Now that you mention it, I realize they left it out. Could it be that they will recap it at the beginning of the live finale? ERGH!

  15. Totally disappointed there was no marathon - the whole golf course/turkey burger thing just didn't cut it!

  16. I'm holding on to a surprise marathon right before the finale. Make the live show wait for 6 hours while they all finish it before the weigh ins...why not. I WANT THE MARATHON!

  17. Hey, I totally forgot about the marathon till I read your post just now. Talked about it with my husband who watches BL with me, and he thinks that Jay wouldn't have been able to do it... hmmm.

    So many other changes to the show this season, maybe this was just one of them.

    I also thought the turkey burger thing was lame.

  18. As the season was ending I was looking forward to the marathon so much. I don't know why they didn't do it but it may have something to do with Jay's health issues. I think they should have addressed the marathon, or why they weren't doing it this year

  19. It is surprising. Maybe they didn't want to show you how in shape the contestants were prior to the finale. Or, maybe they did it and they'll surprise us with the highlights at the 7.5 hour dragging out of the final show this season. Hell, they could probably have the finalist run a marathon while they drag out the final weigh in.

  20. I too wondered where the marathon went. I loved the marathon!

  21. Didn't really keep up with TBL this season, and now I'm kinda glad I didn't. I really enjoyed the past marathon episodes, and thought it was one of the more yardstick type inspirational messages from the show. Something everyone could relate to, whether they had run one themselves or not. Would rather watch that than crazy-Jillian scream at folks and pretend to be a therapist. Next season I want a turkey-burger cookoff WHILE running a marathon.

  22. well, thanks for spoiling the show seeing as I recorded it and haven't watched it yet LOL :) but. . . that sucks they didn't do the marathon! Why not? I have been running 2 years and haven't even attempted a marathon yet, much less attempted half the crap they make those contestants do on the show. And didn't they already do a challenge where they had to put the weight back on, so why go there again? not as much fun as watching people push themselves to run a marathon which is a pretty great feat for those who went from literally doing nothing 5 months ago to where they are now. I'll still watch the recorded show, but you're right, not as much fun.

  23. My hubs and I were also very mad not to see the marathon! What is with that! I'm glad others are mad. I love to share nonsense anger with my fellow bloggers!

  24. i was thinking the same thing ? where was the marathon, then i thought i would not enjoy watching jay suffer thru that. i also am sick of the sisters and there accents......

  25. Okay, you may want to shoot me with my comment, but it's really hard to loose weight while training for a marathon. As much as I loved the episode last season and cried and felt motivated, I know from my own experience that loosing weight isn't as easy with this type of training. I wonder if along with mixing it up and safety critisms they omitted it to give them a better chance to loose as much weight as possible.

  26. who's your daddy? 1600! i'm the poop!

  27. I was thinking the same thing! The marathon episode was what inspired me to get off my butt and run again, and then in the next season pushed me to register for my first marathon. Lame-o.

  28. I think it is super lame. What the heck. May not watch once Jillian leaves anyway. Dont like the new coaches.

  29. 1601!!! woohoo!!

  30. i was missing the marathon too because i expected it... however i was always a little leery of it in season's past thinking many were not properly trained.

  31. Totally missed the marathon and even commented on BDDs blog about it as well.

    Karen and I looked at each other and thought we missed something and even went so far as to back track through the episodes and realized they just removed it.

    Maybe it is because it is dangerous to drop 100 lbs in a few months and not really training for a marathon? Not sure.

  32. You know, I am kind of glad they don't have it... I am one of those people who think it's dangerous to novice runners to make marathon training look that simple. Although, yeah, totally made for an awesome and emotional show.

  33. So bummed they didn't have it........

  34. I thought TBL was going to run the marathon during the last show. I hope they don't skip it!! I even think they should do an episode (or several) where they have past constatants all run a marathon together and the winner gets money for a charity for something. That would be great to see!

    I'm off to brush my teeth too...or else I am going to eat a creamsicle!

  35. I was super bummed about the no marathon! It is so emotional to watch and I think they are more trained than most people realize. They do A LOT of cardio and do more weight training than most marathon runners. I was highly disappointed!

    Brushing the teeth works everytime!

  36. That is one of my favorite episodes too, Im wicked upset they didn't do it this year. I always tell myself "If these people weighed 300+ pounds 4 months ago & didn't even know what a marathon was, let alone get off the couch to run a mile, then I can certainly do it"

  37. It IS incredible that such morbidly obese people can change their lives around so much that they can complete a marathon. We have an Australian version which closely mimics the US one and there was no marathon for us either this year.

  38. This is what I get for reading your blog after a 15 miler. Now I want popcorn, pita chips, a turkey burger, a creamsicle... I haven't watched TBL in a while. I think its on at the same time as Dancing With the Stars. I think they should do a hash house harrier run. Or a half marathon.

  39. I'm actually going to take the other side on this and say that I think it might be a good idea. When I think of the marathon and how much it tears up my body, it's crazy to think of how much it would break down someone else's body going through The Biggest Loser exercise / weight loss regime.
    What do I know though :).

  40. 1604... As in, not "the one," as in Lame!
    But - seeing as I can count my "followers" on my own hands --- I am so ridiculously in AWE of THE awesomeness (you) that has attracted more than 160 times mine! :D
    Maybe it's your SMART-pose -- I'm going to have to start working on mine tomorrow!

    My DVR decided to randomly STOP recording TBL in the middle of this last episode, so I actually thought that I just missed it. That's sad - I was really looking forward to seeing the group run this year - especially since the remaining girls are all so close to goal weight already!

    Anyhoo - SUPER-excited to be a new follower, even if I'm 'just' the 1604th! :)
    (P.s. Congrats on your Super-SOLID lead in the Circle of Moms arena, too!)

  41. I Tivo the whole season and watch some of it to know the contestants and the only episode I care about IS the maathon and this year I was cheated on! booo hooo freaking booo

  42. It's funny - I've met so many people recently who have been inspired to start running b/c of the marathon on TBL. I don't watch the show, but hey if something can cause some folks to get off the couch - I'm all for it.

    Lovin' the smart thinking cap pose!

  43. I completely agree! I missed the marathon, I really look forward to that every year and I think the Purple team would have blown it out of the water!
    I was thinking there must have been complaints or something...who knows...but I did miss it, it's a big part of the end of the journey on Biggest Loser for me.

  44. I was sad they didn't do the marathon. It always makes me think, if they can do it, I can do it! Plus then they had to fill the episode with like an hour of flashbacks instead.

  45. You know I totally forgot THIS is the episode we watch that !!!! Great point! How disappointing. That is also my favorite...Especially now that I have run a couple. I have a much more profound respect for marathoners.

  46. Usually my favorite episode. I was totally bummed it was missing. If I wanted to watch how to cook a turkey burger, I'd watch a cooking show.

    Congrats on breaking 1600.

  47. I am just as disappointed. Its what made me want to run my 1st 1/2 marathon which im doing in october. Might need to let them know how we feel.

    Hope to hear I won the earbuds. (Wink wink)

  48. I remember one time they did a tri, I think it was a sprint tri, I loved that. It was total cop out that they ditched the marathon this year. also, the purple team have become too annoying, just saying. :-)

  49. I don't watch this show so I ought to shut up, but I'm not so sure that the contestants were in shape to run a marathon. I love that lots of people are running marathons these days, but I'm concerned that some of them are not prepared and are either setting themselves up for injury or going to feel so totally crappy that they never embrace running (lots of people are the one-and-done marathon types, but I'd like to see more people stick with running for life!). But on the other hand, I completely agree with you that it takes grit and determination to run your first marathon. And that, folks, makes an interesting tv show!

  50. I was wondering about that too. I wonder if people in past seasons have suffered too much so they decided to discontinue it? Whatever it is, I missed it as well.

  51. My thoughts exactly! I was really looking forward to the marathon because the ladies got so thin, that they might have been able to put some really solid times in the race.

    Perhaps one of the contests (Jay, probably...) has some medical condition that made it an impossibility.

  52. I don't watch the show but, as a runner whose done several marathons and after only starting running at age 40, I agree everyone (barring genuine physical limitations) should attempt a marathon or at least a half -- time doesn't matter -- it is a journey and accomplishment at the finish line like no other!

  53. Congratulations.... you made it over 1600!!!!!!!

  54. I missed the marathon too! I thought they might skip it with all the controversy, but I really thought they would do a tri or something instead.

  55. I missed it too, but I was holding out hope it would be part of the finale episode but I guess that is really unlikely. I actually think the contestants left could have done really well - they seem pretty darn fit.

  56. Just catching up on your blogs..been out of town. I actually quit watching the Biggest Loser because it has turned into the Biggest Cryer. SO glad I didn't watch now that I know they didn't run the marathon! LAME

  57. This is why I love your blog- you are so damn real. Just read your recap of Ada taking a dump last year during the biggest loser marathon. BAHAHAHA!

  58. I agree... I missed the marathon TERRIBLY! I have run 4 half marathons since this past October and am looking forward to earning my 26.2 wings. I was anticipating this year's BL marathon as a form of motivation to jump start my training! I HATED that they didn't do it!

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.
