
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Lake to Lake Triathlon 2012 Race Report

I hate it when a race gets off to a shaky start and I am already stressed out and cranky before I even start moving. Does that ever happen to you?

It started out decent enough even though I looked like crap at 5:00 a.m. on the drive up. Wait! Am I 45 or 65? She needs a shopping cart to go with those bags.


The sun was rising and it appeared to be a very good day to swim, then bike, then run.


We got to Loveland a full hour early just to have time to set up. Little did we know that everyone is more anal and organized than we are. Apparently 600 people had gotten there at 3:00 a.m. or spent the night in a tent in the transition area. Parking was slim pickings.


We wheeled our bike up to transition and promptly realized there was a huge line just to get into the transition area. I have never seen this before.


I really wanted time to set up my transition area and take a dump, so I was kind of stressed about the line. I did smile, however, when I saw this guy wearing his robe. Why didn’t I think of that? I love people who don’t take themselves so seriously.


We finally got into transition and there was nowhere left to rack our bikes. Some people were setting up along the fence, so we did that.

Lake to Lake Tri 2012 001

Is Ken putting on a condom? Not the time or place.

That is, until lady-in-charge (LIC) came and told us to rack our bikes or we would get a penalty. I’m not big on penalties. I need all the help I can get in races. So, I did the unthinkable and moved someone's bike over so I could fit my stuff.

Finally, wetsuit on, we were ready to head to the lake. We had 15 minutes until our 45-49 swim time of 6:42 a.m.

That’s when LIC visited me again and told me that I needed to plug the end of my aero bars and she was going to WAIT RIGHT THERE until I did it. Somehow my plug had come out. I ran over to the maintenance guys and they literally shaved off a wine cork for me to use. Perfect because I love wine.


We got to the lake and realized our age group was already in the water. I zipped up my wetsuit and the gun went off. Just like that.

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Mark is telling us how much shrinkage he has once he starts swimming.

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The death walk. Me on the far left. Does everyone's butt look horrendous in these suits?

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Me on the left doing the doggy paddle.

I could not find my groove on the swim. Probably because it was a mile and I hadn’t trained much and my brain got the best of me. “I hate this.” “Why do I do these races?” “I don’t know if I can do this.” “I am going to drown. Like right now.”

We made a left turn directly into the sun and I could see nothing. I just tried to settle in and follow whoever was in front of me. I got kicked, swam over and I think I even lost my virginity. I kept telling myself to be patient, that I would be loving life when I got on the bike.

1500 meter (.9 mile)  swim: 31:00 minutes.

Much faster than I expected or than I felt.

I cruised into transition, determined to have a fast T1. My transition times suck the big one, so I really wanted to prove to myself I could get out of there quick. While wheeling my bike out I fell and my bike came crashing down on my knee. It felt unpleasant and I’m pretty sure if there were any sailors around I offended them with the string of obscenities that flew out of my mouth. I was out of there quick – in 1:34! Progress!

After about two miles on the bike and when my heart rate settled, I downed a GU and a bunch of water. I started hauling ass on the bike and felt like my groove and energy returned. The bike route was simply gorgeous. I felt like I made up quite a bit of time on the bike and passed a lot of people. Had another GU at about 20 miles. 

24 mile bike: 1:09 – 20.8 mph

Transition 2 went off like clockwork (1:05). This is the first time I’ve done a triathlon and not worn socks for the bike or run to save time. The only issue I  had with that was that with every step in my shoes there was a loud fart sound, but that is perfect for me and kept me somewhat entertained.

Lake to Lake Tri 2012 039

The run was a grind. That’s all I can say. It was about 85 degrees. I just got through one step at a time. I will say that because my legs were so tired from the bike, I kept trying to practice leaning forward and letting gravity do the work (Chi Running stuff). My legs were just along for the ride. I think that this was the first time my form really felt “right” and I didn’t feel like I was efforting as much as normal.

5.2 mile run: 8:27 min/mile pace

As I came to the finish, my friend Leigh was cheering me on, got close t me and said,  “Show me your tits!” (I have the best friends). What an excellent way to end this race. So, I flashed the crowed. Kidding.

Total time: 2:27. 6/19 in age group. 53/230 overall female.


This was supposed to be an Olympic distance, but ended up being shorter because of a forest fire in the area. They had to re-route the bike and run routes. I was not going to complain.


In case you were wondering, NO, Ken did not wear a cotton white t-shirt for the race.

Sometimes I wonder why I do races because there is so much planning, training, expenses and angst involved. But, then I remember how much I love the race environment and how amazingly good it feels to push myself to the limit and finish strong. There is NOTHING like it in this world. Except maybe pushing out a baby.

Tomorrow I head back down for the final day of the Fitness and Health Bloggers Conference in Denver. Yesterday was very informative and fun. We bloggers may be full of ourselves, but we’re nice. I’ll fill you in soon.

Did you race this weekend?



  1. Oh I needed that good laugh today: your comments regarding losing your virginity and your shoes making fart sounds. You are too funny. I love it! Great race, I hope to someday tackle a duathlon/triathlon.

  2. Great Job! It was my first tri of the season and I too was not complaining about the change in courses. Way to hot for 8:30am!

  3. Oh my, that is a packed and chaotic race start! That would have thrown me off for sure. Glad you were able to get in the water (JUST!) in time and get on with your race. Looks like you smoked it too! Congrats!!

  4. love love love the recap!!!!

    and great job with everything! from not drowning,to faster transitions,to a good bike ride and feeling the groove,albeit a tired one,with running!!
    you rock chica!

  5. Haha oh I so needed this! I ran the Slacker Half today and it was so flipping hot I really didn't feel like I made any real strides! It's my favorite so I loved it but it felt too much like work today then fun. Thank you for the laughs! I keep saying why do you keep doing this to yourself and your body but then I cross the finish line and yell that's why! To myself!

    I am curious what you do for strength training because you have "guns" I'd kill for!!!

    1. I am a loser athlete and do not strength train. Yoga, baby!!

    2. Oh I thought this story was headed to - so I was brought in by the rescue boat....oh ya that's MY story from last year. FANTASTIC post. Congrats to you and Ken.

  6. I was wondering what they were going to do about the course with the fire!! I had registered for this tri but dropped at a few months back :) Glad you had such a great time!!

  7. Congrats on a strong race/finish despite a hectic start! :) have fun at the bloggers conference!

  8. I was running by the lake when you guys started and thought to myself that bitches be crazy to be running later today...I'm happy to see you survived. Nice job!

  9. Congrats on a great Tri!! I have the same thoughts while doing a race.. "Why am I here? This is lame!" yada yada. Great job not letting all the little nuisances of race morning throw off your mojo.

  10. congrats!! i have been kind of put off doing tri's largely for waht you experienced at the beginning...i just want to show up with my shoes on and go!

  11. Amazing job! I laughed so hard at the "ken condom pic",

  12. Congrats on the great race, despite all the goings-on. The robe cracked me up. I was at the Quartermax Tri in Innsbrook, MO this morning. ALL of the port-o-potties ran out of toilet paper before 8am....nice!

  13. Those race people are strict! I'm glad you didn't get a penalty. Good job on a great triathlon!!!

  14. Wow, Nice mile swim! That is speedy! I had no idea Tri-officials were so strict! ;)

  15. Great job SUAR!! Hope your health continues to improve. How did Ken do?

  16. Hahah...I was laughing at the thoughts to yourself at the beginning, since we discussed these yesterday :). I can't believe how fast you ran in that heat - that's awesome!! And the I'll be happy with 13mph when I do my little try in August! I bike suck!

    Tell the LIC Nazi to get more bike racks next year...sheesh, that's ridiculous!

  17. Thanks for the recap- racing in my first Olympic distance tri tomorrow- this helped me feel more relaxed somehow! Great pace on the bike- that is the worst part for me.

  18. Great job! I do my first duathalon next month and you answered one of my questions about wearing the same outfit to ride & run! Good to know.

    Oh and you are an awesome speedy rider! Great job!

  19. AWESOME JOB!!!! I cannot wait to do my first triathoalon. IO'm dying to try it!!!! I look so complicated but I am sure you would get used to it after your first go round. Great job

  20. Great job!!! I just love your humor. I ran the 1/2 paccrest in sun river Oregon. Great race great course and I did pr. Don't laugh I mostly walk but I shaved 17 minutes off my last half which was the Vegas rock n roll in December and came in at 2:59:32. My goal was under 3 and I got it. It rained all night the night before and cleared 5 min before the race still a cold start around 40 but I was pleased

  21. That LIC sounds like my kind of race organizer. I like the run photo. I like any run photo where both feet are off the ground. I dream of having such a shot of me. I will frame it. It certainly didn't happen during the race last weekend.

    And your butt looks just fine in that wetsuit. Pity about the kidding.

  22. Nice job! Someday I'll actually get a bike and train for a tri, it's on my wish list. I ran the Seattle Rock'n'Roll Half today and was thrilled that the rain held off until we were done and in the car on our way out of town. Not a PR or even fast by most standards, but I'm happy when I can finish a half upright, with a smile on my face, and do it in under 3 hours, and this one met all three of those.

  23. Congrats! I don't think anyone's behind looks flattering in lycra, don't worry. I hope to make it to a blogging conference someday, as I'm still just starting out. Hope you have fun!

  24. I raced a 6k on a hilly cross country course in GA...super hot and humid, I was wondering during the race why the heck I was doing it, too. Nice race!!

  25. Great job! I am doing my first tri in August and the swim freaks me out. And yes, everyone's butt looks funny in wetsuits:)

  26. Love the farting shoes. I, too raced this morning. Sprint tri that matched my current requirements - no wetsuit, no travel. I love that my town is a river town and I can swim bike and run right here in RVA. Olympic tri in July, Half in Sept.

  27. Congratulations! Another really good triathlon for you. Love reading your race reviews.

  28. I raced yesterday - a wee little 5km (1200 people) on the tarmac at Pearson International Airport. Yup, on the flipping tarmac, planes landing a few runways over. It was VERY cool! Race report is here:

  29. I ran in the Perth Kilt Race (8km) yesterday. All runners wore a kilt and it was a lot of fun. It was about 25C so it was wonderful that the fire department set up a cooling station with the fire hose and some residents doing the same with garden hoses.

  30. Great job!!! You made me laugh all the way through the post!

  31. Congrats my friend. Way to gain your composure after that hellish beginning.

    Ken didn't wear a cotton t-shirt but did he wear a condom?

  32. Hahaha. Losing your virginity? I almost peed my pants laughing! If running ever stops being your thing, try stand up comedy. You are the best!!

  33. Congratulations! You're a beast! I love your blog, you make me laugh and you are an inspiration :)

  34. I can't believe how fast you ran in that heat - that's awesome!compare and contrast essay outline

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