
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Tip for Tuesday

Every time I go to the bathroom I remember how I wanted to share the greatest tip in the world with you all. If you are a male, you can keep reading, but this probably isn’t going to apply to you unless you pee sitting down.

By the way, not too long ago I learned that it is not that unusual for men to pee sitting down. This was news to me. I wrote about it HERE.

So, onto the tip. You are going to thank me for this one.

Have you ever had the experience (and I know you have) of going to the start of a race, waiting in the porta potty line, peeing, coming out of the porta potty, and then seven minutes later you feel like you have to pee again? It could be nerves or it could be that you just didn’t empty your bladder completely. Same goes for peeing before bed. You go last thing before climbing into the warmth of your bed, only to find you need to go again. I can help solve this problem.


My home away from home

Tip for emptying your bladder completely (from Seek Wellness):

When you are sitting on the toilet seat and are done peeing, lean forward so that your stomach is almost lying on your legs. You will be amazed to find that by doing this, you can get that last bit of urine out. If it doesn’t work, try standing up, then sit down and lean forward again. Try it, it really works, or it does for me. I have to admit I have not tried this while squatting over a toilet seat, although it might just work. This squat/lean thing could be a good workout for your quads. Kills two birds with one stone.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t have a problem peeing, but sometimes there is that last little bit that lingers. If I am going to go to the bathroom I want to get the most bang for my buck.

And, while we’re on the subject of pee, you might think you know everything about urination, but you do not. This is a challenge. Go take this quiz. I got so many wrong and here I thought I was pee-literate. . I only got 8/16 correct. Clearly I need to go back and get my BP (Bachelors of Piss). How many did you get right?

Got a tip to share? Doesn’t have to be running related, just anything you think the rest of us need to know. Example: Never trust a fart.



  1. Okay, I will try this...because I hate that feeling at the startline and it happens EVERY -- SINGLE -- TIME!

    Chalk this up as another weird thing I learn from you....


  2. My nurse practitioner said to lean forward AND back.

  3. Hah!!! 100% - but I'm an ObGyn nurse practitioner, I had better get a 100%

  4. 12 right! Learned the lean forward tip while reading up on my pregnancy.

  5. Here is my post on the squatty potty. Fits right into this discussion!

    1. I used the squatty potty in Thailand. Great work out - works the quads!!!!!! :)

    2. Now that is a benefit I hadn't even thought of!

  6. 11 out of 16!

    11 my lucky number!! Off to buy a lotto ticket!! ;-)

  7. You're an expert on your bladder and its needs! I scored 69%. Huh? (That wouldn't be a passing score when I went to school.)

    Thanks for the tip.

  8. Hope the facilities are big enough so that you don't smack your head on the door!

  9. Your Score: 88% You correctly answered 14 out of 16 questions.

  10. Thank you as always for this PSA. I feel as if I learn more from your blog than from the news or even facebook.

  11. 11/16 But I don't do the lean front to empty the bladder thanks to my children I lean to the left. Tmi. sorry. lol

  12. I need to go to pee school; I only got 7 right!

  13. Piss failure! Only 8 right but I knew about the leaning foreward thing. Porta potties are nasty. Are they ever clean???

    1. Yes, for about 30 seconds after the guy comes to pump it out and clean it.

  14. Yoohoo 11 out of 16. I use the lean forward all the time :-) I so dislike having to get back in the porta potty line. Made the mistake of not leaning before the Portland RnR and had to run 1/2 mile to the closest w/o a line.

  15. As a nursing student this is great info to know...may just help some of my patients (and myself) down the road!

  16. My pelvic floor physio taught me about the lean forward. She said even just standing up and readjusting before sitting down can help relax your bladder and free some more pee. Neat stuff, hey?

  17. I've been amazing (and mortifying) my hubby for years with my 'lean forward and shoot out a 50mph pee stream while sitting on the pot technique! (Not that I'm peeing ON him or anything... no golden showers here... it's just that I usually pee with the door open and one of our potties happens to be right off of our kitchen.) ;)

  18. 10 out of 16, but I guessed on a couple, and spaced on one.
    Yes, for a guy there are times or places where sitting down to pee is polite. Like when your hostess is fussy and you want to be invited back. I know some get really upset about it because it somehow infringes on their manhood if they and every other man doesn't stand to his duty. Pretty feeble definition of manhood, I say.

  19. 10 / 16, but, the real question is, does your trick work when nine months pregnant? I don't think anything works at this point. Leaning over is definitely not an option with an at least ten pound kiddo - I'm lucky I can waddle to the bathroom. Happy Trails!

    1. It's more of a "lift the baby belly up and then lean forward". You'll still have to go again in 15 minutes, but it's better than 10! ;)

    2. Seriously! I feel like I'm just always going to be this way = hugely pregnant. And yes, the peeing every ten minutes is getting very old.

  20. Hah! I do that all the time... I call that the "puppy" syndrome... you know, when you get a new puppy that you are potty training, it goes once, then you have to wait five minutes, because it WILL HAVE TO GO AGAIN.

    Thanks for the tip!

  21. 10/16. Piss poor. I declined to print my results.

  22. Oh yeah, it works. I had to learn when I was pregnant to do the lean forward trick. Last year I was doing it and fell joke. My kid came to the door and woke me up. It was so funny. While I'm confessing pee stories, when I was pregnant with my 10 pounder I once peed 9 times in 45 minutes. Seriously...and that was with me holding it as long as I could before each go. Miserable pregnanacy. :)

  23. Wait, people have trouble peeing? It's always great to discover that I don't have a common ailment.

  24. 12/16! I am going to have to try your leaning forward trick!

  25. Pee school for me too, got only 7 right.

  26. Thanks for the tip, that's one I'm definitely going to try as this happens to me all the time!

  27. I got 10/16 right. A few of the answers surprised me.

  28. And while we're on the potty subject- a poop tip: rocking back and forth will help get the poops out. I hate 'prairie dogging' on a run, so to make sure I don't have this problem I sit on the toilet and rock back and forth for a few minutes. Do it pretty vigorously- like your five year old when he's trying to launch himself into space from a real rocking chair. Learned this in the hospital when I couldn't poop after a c-section.

  29. I read somewhere that scientifically you cannot completely empty your bladder while "hovering." So I may be doomed on race day. No way in hell am I sitting down on a portapotty.

  30. I actually had to use this trick yesterday, I was at the doctor and I peed when I first got to the waiting room not thinking I would need to give a urine sample but not 10 minutes later I was asked for a urine sample. I didn't think it would work but I leaned forward and they got quite a bit. LOL Now if we could stop the little leaks of pee WHILE running life would be good LOL

  31. Tip of the day: Carry individually packaged wipes on a run, you never know when you might need them.

  32. This pee tip is AWESOME INFO. and it works - I tried it last night.:)

    I'm the pee queen- because I drink huge amounts of water daily. I HATE having to get up in the night- out of my slumber.

    Keep the tips coming- you are helping America- one blog post at a time. ;)
    Kelly (blogless in Michigan)

  33. I may have to count the number of times I pee in a day now... lol. I thought I peed a lot, but 6-8 times a day seems high!

    Thanks for the pee tip - I hate having to make 3 or 4 trips to the potty before a race!

    1. I thought the exact same thing. That is one of the questions I got wrong. I usually go 4-5 times a day. Loser!

  34. I got 13 right. I've never been more proud of myself.

    My tip: Don't eat yellow snow.

    groans from the crowd....

  35. Perfect timing for this helpful hint since I have a 1/2 marathon this Sunday. I can't wait to test it out.

  36. Omg I love this.
    Lean forward. Noted.

  37. I just heard yesterday on some talk show that the whole levitating over a port-a-potty so you don't have to touch anything makes it harder to empty your bladder. That probably contributes to needing to go again. Like some other moms, I learned the lean forward thing when I was pregnant. Works like a charm!

  38. ok, reading this before going to bed and defintely going to try it (and, likely, again at 3am or 4am or whatever am I get up for the next pee). :)

    12/16 on the quiz. thought EVERYONE peed at least once at night. :) age....

  39. Woohoo, 13 out of 16! The quiz told me I'm a pee expert. Not sure if that's a good thing...

  40. I was SHOCKED I got 14/16 correct!

    I missed the one about how weight loss can help with the tiny pee leakage some people experience when sneezing - but I've had that happen since I was an underweight tween!

    The other one I got wrong was how many times a day people typically pee. I obviously don't tally my bathroom trips. Ha!

    I remember figuring out the lean forward thing on my own around age 7 actually. However it took me longer than I'm willing to admit to learn about Kegel exercises.

  41. 4, 2012 at 6:16 AM

    I was surprised to get 12/16 correct.

    I did not know to lean forward and am going to try it for sure. Thanks.

  42. The worst is when you poop and then have to pee just a few minutes after you leave the bathroom.

  43. I never knew some men peed sitting down until I got married 3 years ago and my husband does sometimes!! I was stunned.

  44. Also If you have to go number 2 it helps to cross your left leg over your right and lean over. You are naturally putting pressure on your descending colon with out pushing!
