Sunday, November 13, 2011

Do You Sit Down?

It is too soon to tell if I am out of the woods yet, but 8 miles felt great today. I had very little pain the whole time, just the occasional twinge that would send waves of passing paranoia. This was probably the best “longer” run I have had in months.  Ken even joined me but I warned him I was going to be slow and I didn’t want any complaining. There would be no smart ass comments like, “You’re so slow I bet it takes you two hours to watch ‘60 Minutes’!”

He was very kind and stuck with the snail’s pace. I was glad to have him along to document some things:


I do think the ART work that Matt is doing is making a huge difference. I also think all the rest, rolling and stretching isn’t hurting either. Vegas, here I come. I might be slow as Mario Lopez in NY, but I will be running.

So, I’d like to take a little survey. I was with some girlfriend on Friday night. Over wine and Izze/vodka cocktails, one friend mentioned that her husband pees sitting down. Another friend says her boyfriend sometimes does too. This was news to me. I really had no clue men peed sitting down. Ever. I can understand if you have to take a dump, you might sit down and pee before you poop. But I never knew some men just went in to pee and did not stand up. When you sit, I am guessing you have to do some tucking down of the junk to ensure a non-splatter pee.

I wonder what these guys do at urinals. Can you sit in those? I guess you can!

If you are a dude, do you ever pee standing up?

If you are a female, does your guy ever pee standing up?

I learn something new every stinking day. First it was that you can put your yoga mat in the washer. Then it was that some men pee sitting down. What’s next?



  1. My first long-term boyfriend always peed sitting down. I thought it was super weird, so you're not alone.

  2. I think any man that sits to pee is suspect

  3. My ex only peed sitting down when he was drunk or too tired to pee standing up and NOT make a mess (He learned early on that I did NOT tolerate bathroom messes at my apartment). lol

    Oh, and HOW THE HECK DO YOU SIT ON A URINAL?! That's just weird.

  4. My husband pees sitting down every morning. He explained that when the "captain" is in "full salute" it makes it very difficult to pee standing up. I still don't really understand why it's like that first thing in the morning. One mystery at a time.

  5. I love that my hubby pees sitting down. Less splash and freakin pee smell to contend with. Peeing standing up in public bathrooms is fine and outside standing up and I hover in those too but not in my bathroom!

  6. I think men with prostate issues may prefer to sit to pee.

  7. 1. I figure there is some sort of rule about not talking and/or looking at anyone else in the men's washroom, since everyone seems to be totally cool with that one dude sitting (reading the paper!) on the urinal.

    2. I hope that dude at the sink was just washing his hands and not using the sink for his urinal.

    3. I'm going to Vegas, too! Only doing the half, which will (hopefully) save me from the urge of tripping Kate Gosselin.

  8. I've never sat down to whiz in my life, ever. My aim is accurate and if I'm tired, I just, er, wake up and stuff.

  9. During the middle of the night if I wake up and have to go and also first thing in the morning when I'm groggy. That way I don't have to worry about aiming- especially since it doesn't always come out straight (not sure you ladies new that- you may be aiming straight, but it doesn't mean it's going to go that way...)

  10. Way less mess if you have a sitter. There's no shame in it ;-)

    Glad you're feeling good! That is such great news :)

  11. I grew up with 5 sisters...I didn't know the seat went up until I was was raised a sitter. Better for reading too.

  12. You have the awesomest posts LOL!

    My dude does both, mainly standing up. The only time he does sitting down is when he is really tired in the morning (I'm guessing from really low blood pressure, a genetic thing) or more recently, to encourage my daughter to sit down and pee during her toilet training (she has gone through a phase of trying to stand up and pee...thankfully, we have always caught her in time....)

    Glad your run went well, I'm recovering from an ankle injury so I've been taking it easy too. My run today was good also.

    Happy Sunday!

  13. Um....just to clarify, I am pretty sure my hubby does NOT sit on a urinal. Ever. He is gross...but not that gross.

  14. I guess the follow-up question is, do you sit in a public washroom?

  15. We went through stage with my son that we made him sit because otherwise the entire bathroom would be hosed down. But most of the time he (and my husband) stand. Will have to ask why occassionally they don't, but tired/first thing in morning seems the most common. Or maybe if they are worried about something coming out the other side. But never on a urinal.

    Glad your LAC is feeling better. My RAC has been fussy for a few months and I'm wondering how about finding someone to do ART on it. I kept thinking it would work itself out eventually, but it hasn't. Ugh!

  16. My husband will pee sitting down at home. How else is he going to sit there and read? LOL In public restrooms he says he'll go into a stall if available or stand up. He will stand up at home if in a hurry. And he is NOT suspect N'Gai.

  17. We can pee sitting? Damn, all these years I could have been resting.....

  18. As soon as I saw the title, I was pretty sure where this was going to go, and I was not disappointed.

    That sitting in a urinal shot has to be posed. That does not look comfortable, and guys like their comfort, to say nothing of the (lack of) cleanliness factor.

    I'll sit when there is other business, or even the strong suspicion of other business to be conducted. At night or early morning if I don't want to turn a light on. Generally stand the rest of the time. Unless I've got something really good reading on the go.

    N'Gai - Suspect of what?

    And, so I've been told, some girls have sufficient control and confidence to pee standing up.

    Glad to hear you aren't have LAC pain anymore.

  19. Well, you've forced me to ask my husband these questions....

  20. Standing up

    It is easier to zip down, whip it out, pee, shake a few times, put it away, zip up, than it is to pull all the clothes down sit down, etc.

    In a public rest room, being able to stand and pee is a lot cleaner, you don't have to touch nearly as much stuff.

    Ladies do you stand when you pee sometimes? Why?

    I figure asking the same question back is fair enough


  21. This is news to me! Thanks for enlightening.

    Great poop story today at the Columbia Metric marathon. My friend's 18-yr. was running it, had to go, stopped at a house where two young kids were playing to ask if he could use the toilet. They let him right on in to the house. The parents had to have been dying!

  22. I sit down sometimes at home. Never anywhere else. Mostly i sit when i am upstairs when there is a chance my wife will come in. I guess i am pee shy, and the shyness is of the pee coming out the hole, so sitting down I dont have to worry if she blasts in to brush her teeth or something.

  23. My mother-in-law raised her three boys to sit while peeing so she would have less mess to contend with. (Smart woman!) So needless to say, my husband still sits while peeing to this day. (And it makes it easier for him to play games on the iPad while doing his 'job' - enough said.) :)

  24. I know a guy with a piercing 'down there' and if he doesn't sit down there is a BIG mess, pee comes out of ALL the holes!

  25. My man has peed sitting down for years. His father told him something the doctor told him about it being better to empty your bladder all the way. IDK My 3 sons did the same when they lived at home. No toilet seats are up in my house ;)

  26. My husband pees sitting down. It's his favourite position. I just think he's lazy.


  28. I'd honestly rather have a guy pee sitting down...less tendency to sprinkle while they tinkle on the seat...

  29. haha there was an episode of Psych the other week that mentioned peeing sitting down. ...btw if you dont watch Psych...its hilarious. anyway, he mentioned that peeing sitting down is better for circulation or something...?

  30. I don't know any guys who stand...but I know I stand whenever I am in need of a bush..I just pull the shorts off to the side...

  31. I stand,for some reason I am unable to pee while sitting down.I always clean up if I sprinkle when I tinkle also. :)

  32. I never pee sitting down, but a friend of mine does in the morning when he's still half asleep out of fear of missing the pot and as he says, "I'm too tired to stand and I just want to sit down that early."

  33. I sit in the middle of the night when it's dark!!! Also it's less noisy and i don't want to wake the wife...

  34. my hubbs only pees sitting. Thought it was weird at first, but it is pretty tidy. I'm used to it now. My boys pee sitting too, but they think it's cool to pee standing. as long as they aren't peeing or poo'ing in their pants I could care less. :) Love the pic of your big pile. made me chuckle!

  35. Depends....

    In the morning, or late at night. When I am tired or it is dark. I never thought of it, but at home most of the time I take the lazy way out and sit, unless I am in a hurry.

    In public, the urinal is a mans best friend, but never to sit on.... ever!

    As a guest in someones home, standing. There is comfort with your own throne that can't be found anywhere else.

  36. To my knowledge, hubs does not pee sitting down... but now I'm curious!

    Great job on the run and awesome that you are feeling so good!

  37. Middle of the night when it's dark, and I don't want to turn the light on and disturb my sleep even more. Keeps the light from ruining my night vision and makes it easier to get back in bed. Any other time is weird. And never in a public restroom; only sit there if it's Really necessary.

  38. I've gotten crap for this from family members (no pun intended), but I will admit that I do sit ***BUT*** only if/when I wake up at like 2:00am to pee. I'm way to sleepy to aim right at that time LOL!!!

  39. 8 miles, eh? Glad to see things are coming together - see you tomorrow for another session.

  40. I am shocked that that many men sit down???? I am a stand up'er unless I have more business to take care of, they only thing I can think of is they use to stand up and got tired of being chewed out for missing the toilet by the s/o and sits down to not be in trouble

  41. Men who pee sitting down weren't taught shame by their parents.

  42. It probably depends on the availability of good reading material.

    My 3 yr old little guy sits and tells me it's because he wants to look at the magazine. Dad must be setting a good example, if he is trying to encourage our little dude to read that is!

  43. My husband sits down pretty much all the time. I make fun of him because guys are supposed to stand up.

  44. forgot to mention, of course i pee standing up...when i'm in the shower:)

  45. Yes I sometimes sit, usually when other business is in order, but if I need to escape for a few minutes and catch up on some reading I'll sit to per, nobody storms the castle when dads on the throne. In fact I read this post while sitting but today was due to running a 50k yesterday it hurts worse to stand then to sit today.

  46. Hey, I recognize those trails! Woohoo! Who cares about the pace, as long as you're not hurting, that's the major win. Anyways, baahhaha, awesome topic. Oh the curiosities of the non speakables. I have no idea what my hubs does... pretty sure he just stands?

  47. I just asked my husband and he said that sitting can be a good thing when peeing in public bathrooms that have a motion sensor flush and no urinals available. I never even thought about the motion sensor thing, it's freaky when it flushes, uh, prematurely.

  48. If I'm camping or something, I pee standing up by using a Freshette (ladies, if you don't know what that is, look it up - it's freaking awesome!). Of course, if I'm in running shorts, i just do the pull to the side and go trick ;)

  49. My boyfriend pees sitting down most of the time. Sometimes he does stand up, but he said his mom taught him sitting down, so he always has. Plus, he said he doesn't know if it will go to No. 2, so he rather be safe than sorry. I find that hilarious!
