
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Wash It Down With Coors Light

The day started like any day should:



Where: Hall Ranch, Lyons, CO

Trail: Bitterbrush

Distance: 7 miles round trip

Time: 1:20

Elevation gain: 1,100 feet

Time of day: 8:00 a.m. old time, 7:00 a.m. new time

Temperature: 39 degrees start, 50 degrees finish

Person in picture: Ken

Number of deer seen: 13 (a new record)

Number of prairie dogs seen: countless

Number of runners seen: 3 (male), 1 (female), 1 (transgender – just kidding)

Number of pit stops: 1 at the beginning of the trail in the pit toilet. Least stinkiest pit I’ve ever been in. I highly recommend it if you need a place to hang out.

Average heart rate: 155 bpm

Max heart rate: 175 bpm

Before run meal: banana and coffee

Post run meal: chocolate frosted donut, two scrambled eggs with cheese, more coffee.

What hurt: my left hamstring.

Best quote: “I think I permanently got rid of that new car smell in your car.” - Ken

I was bummed about my hamstring. Over the past two months since starting Chi Running I have had no more hamstring or butt pain. But, now hamstring issues have returned (butt’s still okay in case you were wondering). I was looking at the Runner’s World site and saw this, which made me feel a bit better:

  • “Counterintuitive as it might seem, very flexible people are prone to hamstring problems because their overly stretched-out muscles are more vulnerable to damage” – I did gymnastics for years and now yoga. I am still very flexible and sometimes wonder if this can make things worse.
  • “Running a slow, easy pace is usually less bothersome than attempting intervals or hill repeats” – well, this explains a lot. I have been training a ton on the trails and doing much more climbing than in the past. I think this might be irritating things, so time for a break from running up mountains. I also think my damn pelvis is still rotated. How hard can it be to un-rotate a pelvis?

By the way, I got this info from a great article called, “The Big 7 Body Breakdowns.” The 7 breakdowns for runners include Achilles tendinitis, runner’s knee, hamstring issues, shin splints, plantar fasciitis, IT band syndrome and stress fractures. The article gives a quick snapshot of the injuries, their causes, the symptoms and how to prevent/recover from them. So far I am 2 for 7.

Then, to forget about my hamstring, I went on a cooking frenzy, making pumpkin pie and this amazing Slow Cooker Chicken Taco Soup. This is a great meal to make if you are having a ton of people over (we aren’t) or if you simply like lots of leftovers for the week (we do). It calls for 12 ounce of beer, so I used 11 ounces of Coors Light then chugged the last ounce because it works well to wash down donuts that way.


Don’t judge me because I didn’t make my own crust.  Who do you think I am Martha Stewart in running tights? She would never use a pit toilet. And I’m not sure she would wear running tights. Or, fart.

Today I was thinking a lot about all of the runners in New York who aren’t running the marathon today. Do you have a story you want to share about what it has been like to be there? Did you find any resentment towards runners while you were in the city (I had heard rumors about this). One commenter on my blog talked about having friends who came all the way from New Zealand. Wow.

Are you struggling with any of the above 7 injuries right now?

Do you make your own crust (damn you)? I have made crust many times but it just doesn’t taste that good. That’s why I have my mom for.

How was your run this morning (where, what’d you eat before/after, how many pit stops)?



  1. My run was awesome! Thank you for asking. First real sun in weeks. My wife makes her own pie crust. It is delicious. I am not struggling with any of those injuries, but I do keep a close eye on my calves. Leads to a darn peculiar gait, I tell you.

    New car smell is over rated.

  2. I did not run today, at all. I've got diagnosis #1 of gluteus medius syndrome/hip bursitis, I'm going to UF on Friday for a different opinion. Doc #1 said there was "nothing else he could do for me" after 8 weeks of PT, massage, and ice, hence Doc #2. I have a feeling I'm going to spend ALL of the season sitting on my butt. Recently, I've driven by people training and feel just a small urge to run them over.

    I don't make my own crust. Shoot, I don't even make my own pies.

    When I was in Colorado for my honeymoon, my DH and I stopped at the Coors factory for the tour on the way to the airport. I let him have my three free samples. In addition to his three samples, plus the altitude difference, my DH was so drunk I ended up consenting to buying a case of some special beer they can only sell in Colorado, which we were not allowed to take on the plane. I hate all things Coors.

    1. If you don't mind, would you share your symptoms and/or experiences with this. I have been having hip pain off and on (mostly on) for the past couple of months and my chiro cannot tell if it is gluteus medius, bursitis, or IT band. When it first struck I could not run at all, but now it is just a nagging pain which keeps me scared and constantly working on it. I do massage, rolling, stretches and ice as well. It started in my left hip, but now has spread to my right. Sometimes it gets better as I run (warms up) and sometimes it gets worse. Anyway, any insight would be appreciated.

    2. Honestly? I'm probably no help. After I went through the first PT last March, and two rounds with this guy, without improvement...I gave up and got an MRI. Sorry!

  3. I have made my own crust many times as well, and while it tastes o.k., the dough sticking to the rolling pin drives me batty, as does the resulting floury mess. So much easier to slide a nice, neat, pre-made pie crust out of it's little plastic sleeve :)

    My hamstrings are whacky as well, more so after running a half marathon yesterday. I have a congenital leg-length difference (at least my PT tells me I do) and I often wonder if that is why I seem to exist in a chronically injured state. If it isn't my IT band, it's my posterior tibial tendon or my hamstrings. I've decided just to keep running until something snaps because orthotics seem to breed all sorts of other issues, and "un-rotating" my pelvis didn't even me out much, either. Interesting about the flexibility tie-in - thanks for sharing! I'm quite flexible as well so maybe there is something to that.

    1. Roll it out between 2 sheets of waxed paper. Voila! No sticking!

  4. My run was great too, thanks for asking! Egg, cliff bar, and coffee for breakfast. I don't make pie. I buy them from Costco and I devour and enjoy every morsel of it!!

    1. I have to say that Costco's baked stuff is so good, it's almost not worth it to bake your own. And their pumpkin pie is HUGE and only $6 or something. Cheaper to buy than to make. Or just about.

  5. I ran a longer run than I should have yesterday, so today was just a 2 mile walk.

    I have made my own pie crust, but homemade pie crust is overrated. It's just as easy to unroll it and put it in a pie plate and save all the worry about whether or not it will be good. Pillsbury is always just fine!

    I'm going through Plantar Fasciitis right now, kind of sucks. Had to downgrade a few races from half marathons to 10k's. Kind of bummed. No bling for the wimpy.

    The new car smell goes away eventually anyway. Buy a scented tree to hang from the mirror and call it a day!

    I'm a greek yogurt freak and eat it every morning with a little Kashi and a touch of honey. Just started adding Chia seeds too. I think I'm going to sprout soon or just start singing ch-ch-ch-chia at any minute! But, I hear it's great for you, so I'll keep picking them out of my teeth and hope that they are doing me good.

    Have a great day!

  6. Your posts literally make me LOL. Did the daylight savings run today then a recovery run at a local running store. No stops (it was only 2 miles) and was fueled by the breakfast burrito and beer from the daylight savings run. lol I ate a bagel w/cream cheese afterwards. AND I WON NEW SHOES! That was amazing. I don't make my own pie name isn't Betty Crocker. And I've had 4 of these injuries at one time or another in the last 10 years! Going to a minimalist/neutral shoe has helped soooo much. I don't have any at this time (knock on wood).

    Thank you for your blogs. I enjoy reading them.

  7. Ran in the Rock 'n' Roll Savannah Half Marathon yesterday so I did no running today. I've had issues with my hamstring and achillies. Hamstring is fine today but my achillies hates me with a passion today. Going to check out that article.
    BTW, I' ve never made my own pie crust. Pillsbury all the way!

  8. Ran a 5k race yesterday with the hubby (his first, last, and only!) It was a lovely day to race. Today, however, was not (rainy, cold, windy) so I opted for 8 miles on the dreadmill. Only coffee to drink beforehand, but had a chocolate peanut butter banana protein smoothie afterwords. Getting ready for a HM next Sunday!

  9. I am struggling with plantar faciitis right now. The feeling of red hot metal pokers grinding into my heels has become a daily ritual of getting out of bed.

    Also, I have a great crust recipe that uses vodka. I think you can see where this is going...

  10. 0 for 7, but had piriformis syndrome BAD for about 3 months.

  11. I was struggling with Achilles tendinitis but it seems to be better now. This morning I ran 25km with about 20,000 other runners from all over the world through Central Park. It was amazing.

    1. Congratulations, Phaedra! Was it pretty moving?

  12. I was struggling with Achilles tendinitis but it seems to be better now. This morning I ran 25km with about 20,000 other runners from all over the world through Central Park. It was amazing.

  13. Average bpm 155?! @#%(*@#%*@#%(@#%*@#%*!! Pretty sure I'd have to be sitting to achieve that kind of heart rate on trails.

    1. Okay, so going up it was sky high, like in the 160s and 170s, but coming down was really low, so it averaged out.

  14. This morning I biked 18 miles with my hubby and then ran three on my own! It's been awhile since I bricked and it felt like it.

  15. LOL@ Martha Stewart using the pit. What a hilarious image!

    I found you through Skinny Runner's blog (or something?), and I just happened to have posted on my own blog about making pie crust today. Weeeeird.

    Anyway, love your blog!

  16. A few of my friends were in New York - it's a long way to go from Brisbane, Australia to not run. So they decided to run their own marathon anyway. It was mostly around Central Park and they had a ball! They didn't have anything but support from the locals while they were out running. I think they'll actually remember this as their best marathon that wasn't.

  17. 4/7 here. Jeez. Why doesn't the universe just pile the rest on me now and get it over with? SO sick of being injured and I have done "everything right" (according to my PT).
    Hope your hamstring issues go away quickly!

  18. I had a nice run tonight but had to sprint home to use the bathroom. While I was going I dropped my iPod in the toilet, nice.

    I make my own pie crust when I have time, which lately is never. It's way easier to buy the pie crust anyway.

  19. I do make my own crust, but I also fart a lot... does that even it out?

  20. I have had no other running injuries (other than black toenails, if that even counts) but I have been out with plantar fasciitis since late June, and was just slowly easing back into a few miles when a few weeks ago I tore (my doc thinks) my plantar fascia. So, no running AT ALL and I can only tolerate about two and a half miles of walking. It's prime running season here in ATL, and I am so bummed to be missing it. I think I've bitched about it in your comments before, blah blah blah. So boring. Now my pain has settled in at a 2 or 3 on the pain scale and hasn't budged. It hurts all day long, not just when I get up. I'm wondering seriously if I'm done running for good. Which is a first world problem. I am in great health, and I can and do go to the gym. But I love and miss running so much!

    RE: pie crust, if I am making a pie to impress, I make my own. I haven't made one in a while, but I think the one I've had the most luck with is Martha Stewart's food processor recipe. If it's just a pie for the family, then storebought it is.

  21. I have high hamstring tendinopathy in my left hamstring which was misdiagnosed for almost two months by a sports medicine specialist as piriformis syndrome. Went to a dr. who also thought it was piriformis and sent me to a new PT, but the new PT took one look and said no, it's a high hamstring injury. I've been seeing him for three weeks now and he has me gradually building strength training exercises into my daily routine for my hip/hamstring/glutes. He said this type of injury takes a long time to heal. I was doing 3:2 jog/walk intervals for 30 minutes and just moved to 4:1 intervals this week, so running has pretty much sucked, but the pull in the hamstring is a little less. I hate stopping every 3-4 minutes to walk during a run. No hills or speedwork allowed. Watch that hamstring, Beth. I ignored the "pull" in it when I was running for almost a month and then ran a 2 mile race on it while injured and it is taking a long time to recover from the damage I did to it. Missed a lot races, because of it, too, including my first HM and 8K. Had ART and Graston work done, but not sure that has helped any.

    Store bought pie crusts always taste better than the ones I've attempted to make. Whole Foods Market carries some whole wheat crusts in the freezer section that are nutritionally better than what you'd find elsewhere, but if you are eating donuts every weekend I'm guessing that's probably not a big deal to you (I'm jealous of the donuts, by the way...I love chocolate frosted donuts and haven't had one in ages!)

    1. Sorry, I meant to say high hamstring TENDINITIS. It's been a long weekend, I'm tired...that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. ;)

    2. I actually had the same thing (high hamstring tend)earlier this year as confirmed by an MRI. Also a tear in my upper hamstring. That is gone now, took awhile. What I have now is much lower down in the mid hamstring.

      It's true. If I'm going to eat a pie, I'm not too concerned about the nutrional value of the crust. Bring on the donuts.

    3. What did you do for the high hamstring tendinitis? I started reading your blog a few months ago, so I'm curious about what worked for you.
      Your pie looked really good, by the way. If I ever can get back to long runs again (which feels like never at this point) I'm going to eat a donut after my first 7+ miler. So much more satifying than a kale smoothie, I suspect!

    4. I changed to a lower drop shoe and changed my running form. I know heel striking is not bad for everyone, but the way I was doing it made shock waves go up through my legs to my hips. I think I was also over striding. Moving to more of a midfoot strike and forward lean helped me.

    5. Wow, it was all running form? Glad it worked out for you. I'm hoping the leg strengthening will work out for me since the PT recorded me while running and played it back in slow-motion and said overall he didn't see anything major that would account for the injury in my form.
      Good luck with your injury. Hopefully backing off on the hills will be enough to let it heal without needing treatment.

  22. My run was good, 12 miles on the trail called Hard Guy. I like it just because of the name. Over 2400' of elevation. My hammys and quads & knees were sore (thanks to the steepness of the trail), and rolled my ankle going downhill so we will see how that feels later. No pit stops during & I had some oatmeal before & a local fast food fish sandwich after.

    1. "Hard Guy" trail. I could have so much fun with that. Like "I did the Hard Guy" or "That Hard Guy kept me panting and sweating."

  23. I ran 6 today, nice sunny day here in Wisconsin.

    I've never used a premade pie crust, out of respect for my Grandmother who taught me how to make awesome pie crust. Hint: Betty Crocker recipe, with butter flavor Cisco, and milk instead of water. I roll on waxed paper and flip it into a pie pan. No, it's not healthy so it's better it's a little bit of work!

  24. One of my friends traveled to NYC before the marathon was canceled and they decided to do the original marathon route around central park & it seems like they had fun. Making the best of it.

  25. My knee has been bothering me a bit (just read that article about knee pain) I'm hoping it was just from doing the 30 day shred for 31 days AND my running and that it will go away now.

  26. I've had SI joint problems for about a year and a half now. It still gives me problems at longer distances, but our PT friend taught us a technique to realign the pelvis. My husband does it about once a month or whenever I feel out of whack and one of my legs is clearly longer than the other. Here's a link to a video that essentially shows you the technique. Whenever I feel that "pop" back into place, I have immediate relief. The guy speaking will crack you up...snooty British man :). Good luck!

  27. Sorry the hamstring reared its ugly head. Hopefully the climbing break will help, although I hate to see you leave the trails you love.

    I had friends who were headed up to NYC for the race. They have been through the ringer over this. It upsets me that people started aiming their anger at the runners--misplaced if you ask me!

  28. I buy the frozen pilsbury crust, dethaw, roll it out, and pop it in my own pie dish!

  29. YEs, I make my own crust but I only make pie a couple times a year. My hamstrings are very tight, I can barely touch my toes.I don't stretch or do yoga. I have actually really hurt them doing yoga. WHile they are tight they rarely bother me though. WHen they do I just rest them a couple days and just do flat easy runs for a couple.

    Maybe yours are a little touchy from your new strengthening program? Lunges make my hamstrings particularly touchy for awhile until they get used to them. One time I decided I needed to strengthen my calves and started doing toe raises. Well, 3 sets of 10 about crippled me the next day. I am 48 and it just seems like I really have to be careful about doing anything new.

    1. YES and YES. Sometimes I find a direct link between hamstring and back pain and yoga. I probably need to be modifying my practice more as a runner. And..I do think the strength stuff is playing into my hamstring. Maybe with the climbing and strength it is a bit over board. Yes, I have a tendency to do that. Thanks for your feedback.

  30. I was supposed to run NYC. I have feelings on both sides of the fence about cancelling. I'm only an hour from NYC, so we took the train in on Sat to go to the expo and pick up our shirts. Honestly, walking around Harlem (lunch at the Dinosaur BBQ) you couldn't tell there had been a disaster that weekend. It seemed business as usual with all the locals out and about, shopping, etc. I wonder, was there a bigger threat against the runners than they are letting out? Perhaps an act of violence where the authorities couldn't protect the runners or spectators? One has to think about the money the marathon would have raised vs. the one day it would have used the city's resources. People weren't looking at the big picture. I would hope that my $255 entry fee will go to the Sandy relief fund and that the NYRR doesn't keep a penny of profit!! Luckily I was able to get into the Harrisburg PA marathon next weekend. I plan on wearing my NYC marathon shirt. I'm going to write FU Sandy on my bib, and pin it to my back. Gotta bring some humor to it!

    My last thought.. why wasn't the Nets game or the Giants game cancelled?? There were 75,000 fans at the football game. It's a bit frustrating as a runner to see that.

    There were no good answers. It's a tragedy.

  31. I actually heard this morning that a lot of runners helped with clean-up over the weekend, particularly near Staten Island. Runners are an awesome group, in general, and I doubt any of them did it for personal PR.

  32. I love this post because it reminds me of why i still really do love to run, even though I fight it. The whole bit, the scenery, the working with your own body, the farting, the food afterwards, the working with injuries and learning to surrender and respect what is before us, even if it is pain in the hamstring. Don't ever say 'hammy' or 'hammie' that is so gay. It reminded me of why i love you too. the humor. the perpective, the food, the cooking, the outreach, the inclusiveness, the provision of a car in which to fart. Remember the Christmas tree buying at Willow Lawn? Hope the hamstring feels better.

  33. I think unless martha stewart has a filter tip, she farts too.
    I am working on a torn peroneal tendon left ankle, a stress fracture at the base of the fibula and my right glam (glute/hamstring) is killing me.
    I haven't run since August, it's killing me.
    I make my own crust in the food processor with lots of icecubes and no water, and pure butter. No shortening for me.
    I always have pit stops on runs over 3 miles. It's fun having a c-section once in your life. It'll change how you plan everything, from air travel (how close is my seat to the bathroom) to vacations (how many toilets in the house) to even local runs, so I know there's a gas station or bush or hole somewhere.
    Amy P.

  34. What a beautiful place....

  35. Hope the hamstring heals up quickly.
    I do make my own crust -- I use the all butter, really flaky pie crust recipe from smitten kitchen. It doesn't often turn out looking perfect, but the flavor is unbeatable. USE PIE WEIGHTS!

  36. i've have/had 6/7 injuries. i get hurt....alot

  37. Ken's comment about your new car smell made me laugh so hard. BOOOO to those silly hamstrings! I turn to cooking to forget my injuries too ha... that pie looks so good!

  38. Back in the early-1980s, I developed hamstring pain after a particularly hard effort in a 10K race. I continued to run through this pain for nearly two years! The only thing that made it go away was COMPLETE REST. As it turned out, I ran two marathons and a 50K trail race in one two-month period and suffered a tibial stress fracture. That forced me to STOP RUNNING COMPLETELY for eight weeks. When I resumed running, the stress fracture had healed ... and the hamstring pain was GONE. May this be a cautionary tale ... with a hamstring injury, there are no shortcuts to recovery.

  39. For the first time before and after a marathon I am injury free. Thank the heavens above.

    Never make my own crust because come on, what person who works full time and has a toddler has time for that?

    Ran yesterday afternoon and got to see a beautiful sunset from my house to MacIntosh, around the lake and back for 12 miles. Ate red beans and rice before...bad plan.

  40. I had gluteus medius syndrome 2 weeks before my first half marathon in September. Two weeks rest and 4 ART treatments meant I could run my race. I just finished 4 weeks (4 sessions) of acupuncture to fire up my gluteus medius and it worked. My last session was today and it was not needed so she treated some other spots that would become a problem soon around my knee and my shin and ankles. This is sports medicine acupuncture done by a chiropractor and a fellow runner. My glute is now firing properly and my IT band pain has disappeared as well. Now I just have to work on my weak ankles so I can start doing trail runs, your run looked fabulous but off limits to me right now.

  41. Who has time for pie crust making when there is running to be done? I ran the Bear Creek 10 spot 5k. It was a fun, no frills race. I knew there would be no beer or any fancy food when I saw the race director drove a creeper rape van. I'm glad I didn't have to fart since my husband caught me on the uphill and pinched my butt, farting would have been akward!

  42. Dr is having a hard time diagnosing for sure but he is pretty sure I have a stress fracture in my hip. Just had another test (CT with dye) today to try to firm up diagnosis - I'm still running until I get the firm "stop."
    Never make my wn crusts - I figure if someone else already went to the trouble of making it the least I can do is buy it.

  43. I saw on the news this morning that a couple from Ireland didn't know about the NY Marathon being canceled until they arrived at the airport. They googled marathons and found the Raleigh City of Oaks (NC) traveled down here to run then said they were going back to NY to volunteer. I thought it was cool that the NC marathon added 100 more slots to accommodate possible increase and cool that the Irish couple was going back to NY!

  44. Sorry to hear that you are still dealing with injuries =( I LOVE Hall Ranch. Will try to keep running up there until it gets snowed in. I make my own crusts but only because my hubby or mom does the rest of the cooking.
