
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Why I Was in a Bad Mood Today

I try to stay pretty upbeat, but there are days when enough little things happen that you end up in a bad mood. It’s okay to be in a bad mood if you don’t take it out on babies and you basically keep it to yourself. Except if you have a blog and like to wallow a bit because someone out there will understand or take pity. Or, they will talk behind your back and leave a nasty anonymous comment. Yes, I do realize these are First World Problems and that people have it much worse than I do. But, that doesn’t mean I can’t have my own experience about things and still be compassionate and sensitive to other things that go on in the world.

So, people, let’s VENT our heads off:

  • I miss my dog. That is all. I miss him when I get up and he doesn’t greet me. I miss him when I don't see him laying beside me while I type. I miss him when it is his dinnertime and he is not driving me bat shit crazy with his barking. I miss him when I want a break from work and I can’t lie down with him for a minute. I miss him every single time I come in the door and forget he is not here and have to re-live his passing over again. The water bowl is almost empty by the way.


  • I don’t like banks. They charge ridiculous fees for nothing except to charge fees when they know you can’t do anything about it. Except make a stink and change your bank which is a royal pain in the ass.
  • I got to yoga late and had to not only be in the first row of the class, but had to be a bit in front of the instructor, towards the mirror. At least it wasn’t this type of situation:

  • This is the first December in forever that I can remember in Colorado where there is no snow on the ground. Don’t get me wrong, it is colder than a witch's tit, but the weather people promised snow and it never came and why are they always wrong? I love snow and I moved to Colorado because I prefer seeing snow to the brown ground, and I count on snow in freaking December and at Christmas time. Here is one weather man pose I do like (that’s one ballsy weather front moving in):

  • I made our Christmas cards a few weeks back and for whatever reason did not include Lucky in the pictures. Why, I don’t know. I think I was rushed and so focused on getting enough pictures of the four of us, that I neglected him. Now that he is gone, I wish I had put him at the top of the tree and I feel terrible about it.


Okay, glad I got that off my chest. Now it’s your turn to vent your head off. What put you in a bad mood today? Or, if you are feeling all bright and cheery, tell me why and I’ll turn my frown upside down!! (<hah! I have never in my life said that, I just now felt like a pre-school teacher).



  1. I'm in a bad mood too and it has SO much to do with not being able to run (doc's orders while I recoop from a stress something or other (not a fracture)). So irritating. It IS ok to be in a bad mood!

  2. I got called a "c*nt" today by a disgruntled eBay buyer who claims the item he bought is NOT as I listed it, which is an outright lie. The rest of his message was liberally sprinkled with the f-word, and also told me--several times--that I should feel like a horrible person for "scamming" a poor, broke college student. Thing is, I didn't scam anyone, so I don't feel bad.

    But I also don't like being called a c*nt. On eBay. Good grief.

    Other than that, no complaints...even had a great run today, so there's that!

    1. You CANNOT be serious. Can't that poor broke student get in trouble for using language like that?

    2. Oh, you'd better believe I reported him! Then calmly responded to him with how my return policy works. Haven't heard back yet.

  3. I am so sorry, I hate days like that. Go easy on yourself. Wine?

    1. How about a toke? I hear that it's legal now in your neck of the woods. Go for a strain with high CBD. Very relaxing and it won't get you stoned.

    2. True but it's just not my thing.

  4. Upside down day for me too! Every since I missed my run on Sunday due to a gout attack...and have been dealing with gout + sickness caused by the meds. Injured/sick runners are the WORST to be around. I feel sorry for my FI, but he gave me ice cream, so I think he gets it.

    Living in southern AZ...not much snow here EVER. But, we did drop from a lovely 75 degrees to 50 today. And we are going to freeze tonight. Can I get a oohhhh-aahhhh lol.

  5. My son has braces and we've been trying to coax this adult tooth across his mouth and up into place for more than 2 years and we went for his adjustment today and it has finally poked through! The adult tooth was in a really bad place and it's been a long and painful (for him) and expensive (for me) 2 years of pulling that tooth over. To finally see it! Even the orthodontist was excited. All that aside I'm insanely sore...I did tractor tire flips yesterday and it doesn't make me happy especially since I am supposed to do a long run tomorrow and I'm usually sore for a few days after strength work.

  6. I say be sad. It's terrible to lose an animal you love. I had two dogs die when I was growing up and it took me months to get over it. I still think about Pepper and all his crazy antics after 30 years! I hate banks too. They get you every way they can and don't need to even try to explain. SIGH. You can always paste a photo of Lucky where the star is and send those cards to the truly special friends. That will leave them all talking - did you get Lucky or the Star? Sometimes you need to frown but then count your blessings and realize, tomorrow is another day. I live in MD, we may actually get your white Christmas, just in time to drive west and get stuck with the family. Here's to tomorrow.....

  7. I hate banks, too. They try to get me to reinvest my savings every time I use the drive through to deposit a check. Just put my money in my account and quit wasting my gas and time, already.

    On the positive side....after being injured with high hamstring tendinopathy since August, I am FINALLY almost healed, got the green light from my physical therapist to start training next week for my first half marathon (had to drop out of the last one because of the injury) and I am doing a 5 mile Santa Fun Run with my husband in 10 days. So from a running perspective, today was a really good day.

    1. Well if it was a good running day (especially after injury) that does make for one GREAT day!! Happy for you!

    2. Thanks!!!! All those physical therapy exercises and gait training finally paid off!

  8. Several years ago when one of the dogs died suddenly I got a puppy right away. Last year we lost 2 dogs within 6 weeks each other and at the time my husband and I said we were going to take a dog break as we wanted to travel more blah,blah,blah. WELL. We were completely and utterly miserable for several months until I finally broke down and told my husband how depressed I was and how much I missed having a dog. He was thinking the same damn thing all that time!!! So, we got another puppy right away after that failed experiment. Moral of the story? Can't replace Lucky but there is always room in our lives and hearts to love another. I don't remember being so utterly depressed and lost when I got another dog quickly vs waiting.
    LOL on the weatherman and his GIANT forecast!!!

  9. Your weather map photo reminds me of a story. Nashville FLOODED in 2010. The only happy news that came out of the story was a very unfortunate weather map with a photo of the storm system that caused the flood. The photo and video went viral. Someone took the photo and created the Facebook page "Nashville Weatherpenis". His posts were hysterical. He still posts from time to time when we have weather issues. Look him up on FB. You're welcome.

  10. One word.... finals. So right now, I basically hate the world. Especially all the people already done with their finals and leaving for Italy tomorrow. Well, that's only one person, but still. School sucks right now.

    And I am really sorry about your dog. I sobbed in the library when I read you post about it and everyone looked at me like I was crazy.

  11. Well, I can commiserate, I have been in a FOUL mood for a couple days. Nothing in particular, just as you wrote, little things are irritating me. I actually get in an irritable mood around this time of the year. The massive consumer push, all these companies want your money, no one wants to hire anyone in return, they all want to sell you things nobody needs, it's all trickery and gimmicks. Eh, I'm getting old and crotchety. I am becoming that awesome mouthy old woman who tells it like it is. haha :)

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Had a toothache after my horrible half marathon on Sunday. Went to dentist Monday...tooth is dead. Now to get my first root canal(yeah). Will try to work it around my other planned races! At least I can blame the bad run on my tooth! I can't remember the comedian who said it, but it always makes me laugh in his routine when he says "Get that puss off your face!" No worries, the world is going to end in 10 days anyway! : o

  14. I love that you stated that you are allowed to have your experiences and still feel compassion for others problems. I try to be upbeat and not complain, I pride myself in the fact that I take out all my aggression while running and allow everyone around me to see only a smile. Some days, you just want a chance to vent. So I say vent away! Your blog is awesome and real and I love that.

  15. Bad mood.....everybody was in a chatty mood and called me on my cell during my run....i ALWAYS run at the same time, after I drop off the kids, but that's when everyone calls....

    1. My phone rarely rings, but when it does, it is almost always between 5 and 6 pm, which is my gym time, has been for 3 years. Funny thing is, messages even sat "I guess you are working out"

  16. I use to like December until I started working at UPS. Everyone around there hates Christmas. I'm not allowed to play Christmas music and I get crabby customers who call about...
    -frozen fruit (who sends fruit to Minnesota in the winter anyway?)
    -missing animals (it's not our fault your crazy cat ran in the truck and our driver drove away with it)
    -how their dog ate their package (again not our fault your crazy dog thought your package tasted good)
    - their package not being delivered because it had the wrong address (not our fault you don't know your own address).
    Leave it to Wal-mart to screw up my Christmas cards- black font on a black background is a little tough to read.
    Deep down I'm really happy and I listen to Christmas music when no one's around :D

    1. Lori, I ordered a lot of gifts online this year and our UPS driver has always been so friendly, even when out delivering packages when most people are winding down for the evening. That has got to be a tough job this time of year....thanks for all you do and please tell your co-workers that at least some of us appreciate those who have to work extra-hard this time of year and put up with crazy complaints!

    2. Agreed! Christmas must be the worst for UPS employees and yet I've never encountered a grumpy driver. Even if they are cursing on the inside, they are smiling on the outside. Thank you for that!!

      btw, most of us bust on Wal-Mart (sometimes justifiably, sometimes not) but tonight I told the employee that I thought the price on an item was ringing up incorrectly and he changed it without hesitation. Thank you for not making me miserable tonight Wal-Mart!!!

    3. I love our UPS driver, too! When my MIL lived with us (and she got a ton of gifts from out of town every year), I always boxed up a batch of cookies for her (and her college student-holiday-tagalong)!

    4. Our delivery drivers know us so well since we shop online. That being said, my dog hates the sound of the trucks coming, and barks until they leave, but we love them! I always leave something nice for them at the holidays. We make cookies, fudge, brownies, and the drivers and postal people always get something from us. Keep up the good work!

    5. Ok I vented a little too much. I too appreciate all of our drivers and I know they do a great job. Especially when they have little to no heat in their trucks. We just get those occasional grumpy customers. Thank you everyone for treating them so good as they deserve extra recognition this time of year!

  17. One quick vent: Went to the post office today to get just one measly stamp and they had one person at customer service while there was a line of 20 people trying to send packages!!

    Had a great run later in the day so it made up for it.

    Hope your sadness subsides and that your happy memories of Lucky override those feelings soon.

  18. Grief plays with your mind and emotions...your feelings about the photos on your card are because you feel you would still have a piece of him this Christmas if he was on the card, that it would have shown how much you love him and to not have him on it is an insult to him and your love for him. Grief is hard enough all by itself, don't let yourself beat yourself up on top of it. You DO have Lucky with you regardless if he is on the card or not and having him on it or not on it has no reflection whatsoever on how much that little was and is loved. You don't need to have been or be perfect to have perfectly loved. Breathe, and try to find peace in your memories of him <3

    1. (I missed a word) much that little guy was and is loved...

  19. You're allowed to miss your dog, and wallow. It's a good thing to do, because you should be remembering the fun times too. I still miss my big Sebastian cat, and it's been 15 years next month.
    Banks. Did you know that the Canadian banks are distributing $10 BILLION to their staff as bonuses? That's on top of record profits. You can bet that the front line tellers and service staff are not going to get much of that. All those service fees add up.
    Come visit Calgary. Lots of snow.

    I have to disagree with the top of the tree thing though. Your two beautiful children are at the top of the tree and deservedly so. Lucky was a well loved pet, and you miss him and all, but he was a pet. Your children are infinitely more important.

    1. Thanks Keith. You are always so sweet. Well most of the time :)

  20. The man in the shopping center wouldn't let me park in my usual section. I had to drive around for at least ten more minutes looking for a spot on a day that I was already busy. Doesn't he know that I'm hormonally and quite possibly mentally imbalanced?

    And I miss our dog too. We lost him in May and whenever I see his pictures I get a wave of sadness. I love my new dog to bits but I still miss Nelson.

  21. I am sorry that Lucky is gone and you will always miss him. I am currently upset because I was in a good mood all day today at work and when I got home my husband was grouchy. AND yelling at my dog because she was annoying him... by breathing. Jerk.

  22. Vent: I work in a hospital in a pharmacy that closes AT SIX. Yet every doctor in the hospital thinks they get to come in at 6:02 and get 14 new prescriptions. Because they are God!

    1. These days, my ONLY requirement for a doctor is that he/she not think they are God. That leaves a pretty shallow pool to fish in! Also why we mostly use PAs.

  23. I threw my back out first thing this morning. Now I'm doing the bad back shuffle. Also realized today is the day I lost my dog Pepper, 3 yrs. ago : (

  24. You're *totally* allowed to have a bad day. Missing one's puppy tends to do that. {{{hugs}}}

    Today wasn't so bad for me, even though I opted to skip the gym. I'm still fighting a cold/cough, plus I have a ton of things to get done in the next few weeks. And while working out would definitely help manage the stress of the holidays, so will getting something accomplished. So I went to Target and spent a copious amount of money on gifts that made me grin like a goon imagining my kids' faces opening them up on Christmas morning.

    Hang in there Beth. The hurt and ache of missing Lucky will soften and you'll be left with the happy memories of your years together, but being sad and feeling "off" comes with the process. He was an extremely fortunate boy to have had you as his mama.

  25. And, after reading through some comments on here... how horrible are some of the anonymous comments?! I think that puts us both in a bad mood, lame!

    1. I know. I even predicted that in the beginning. Some people a)can't be kind and, b) can't be held accountable. I'm all for constructive criticism but I'm not for MEAN.

  26. 3+ months today of plantar fasciitis - SUCKS! Really messing with my runs!

    1. I had that and apologies if this sounds patronising but I did LOADS of stretching on each calf muscle and then rolled a tennis ball under my feet constantly whilst at work. It worked!!! Now I'm major cautious about getting my stretching in before and after I run. Fingers crossed for you.

    2. Much appreciated! I probably need to increase my calf stretching - I'll try anything at this point!!

  27. I feel you on the snow-we got off to a promising start with snow at the end of September, but then it didn't snow again until a few days ago. Of COURSE me moving back following a record snow year means we're not going to get much snow this year. I'm sure you'll get yours soon.

  28. Not usually one to gripe it up, either. But hey, I guess I'm in good company today!

    1. Metatarsal stress fracture (nearly healed, thank goodness). Third one in as many years. (structural issue, not over-training issue)
    2. First holiday season living abroad, away from family & friends. Exacerbated by the fact that I'm now writing out all their Christmas cards. :-(
    3. I cannot for the life of me get my FTP Client to talk to my host server. Blergh.
    4. I left half a cup of (sweetened) coffee on the table while I went to the gym. Came back to a party of caffeinated ants. Now on an ant killing rampage while writing Christmas cards, which is rather surreal: "Love and bless---DIE!DIE!DIE, ANTS! --- Wishing you peace and j---KILL THE ANTS!!---". Apologies to my family for any ant carcases in your greeting cards.

    Life is crazy sometimes. Thankfully, tomorrow is a new day.

  29. I woke up at 3:30 this morning and couldn't fall back asleep which is never a good way to start the day. However, it is Christmas Pajama Day at school today so I get to go work in my pj's and it is hard to be in a bad mood in your pajama's :) so I suggest you try that.

  30. Not in a bad mood, but finding others' moods around me are trying really hard to affect my mood. For example, our company is holding a holiday event, and because it isn't a glamorous evening out w/ free drinks, food, and band, people are bitching about it. C'mon people, companies don't have to (and many don't anymore) hold ANYTHING for us. I hate that entitled/spoiled/bratty attitude more than I can articulate!!!!

    I'm sorry about Lucky. I'm already dreading that day :(

  31. You must be a liberal to say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas on your card. just a guess :-)

  32. Total first world problems here... I can run because of my leg so I want to sit and eat all the holiday crap. And I was working on ornaments last night that are a total fail!

  33. I think your Christmas cards look awesome!!!
    I've spent a lot of time lately trying not to be in a bad mood - can't run (supposed to be on crutches but refuse) because of a stress fracture in my hip that I've had since August and has finally been diagnosed.
    BTW - on a totally different (and stupid on my part) note - I finally figured out what your signature (Suar) stand for - I know I'm an idiot!!!
    Hope today is a better day!

  34. Sorry you were feeling down, hope today is better. :)

    And as for banks, have not banked at a real bank since I worked at one (over 26 years ago). We use a credit union where fees are very linited, can't think of the last time I paid one. And they are great folks with no pressure. Just a thought.

    1. I work for a credit union and it is where I do all of my "banking". Great loan rates, very few fees. I highly recommend everyone check out their local credit union. Many will even assist you in changing your bank accounts.

  35. I feel better knowing that I’m not the only one that sometimes lets a series of what some would call “smaller issues” compound Voltron-style into a mood crushing MEGA-issue. But I’m going to run later, and start training next week for my first half marathon in March. So the future is bright and I’m looking forward to it now. Happy Wednesday (I’m always a day late…sigh)

  36. I feel so sad for you missing your dog! I can't even imagine!!! We also don't have any snow and it's depressing me. No skiing, no white Christmas, still in a drought...

  37. Some guy opened his car door into me this morning as I was passing his girlfriend's car on my bike. I said "whoa, gotta look, gotta look!" (and not in a nasty voice). He said, "actually, not really". I said, "actually, the law says you do." He flipped me the bird, then went into his place of work. Then his girlfriend rolled down the window and yelled "move!" Really? Do you think I'm gonna hustle on out of your way after that? She gave me the bird too. What are these people, 19 years old?

    So rude. And now I know where you work, buddy. You might think about that next time.

  38. It is so hard to lose a dog. I always have a dog, a large breed that doesn't live as long as smaller ones. I know what you mean about the empty spaces. You can't replace the one you lost, but I usually got another one a few months later...and I fall in love again.

  39. First world problem or not, it is completely normal to mourn the loss of your dog for as long as you need to. I cried about my dog just yesterday. She passed away almost 8 months ago. If anyone tries to tell you otherwise tell them to STFU.

    On another note, we changed banks in the past year b/c of excessive fees (I'm looking at you, Wells Fargo). We changed to a local bank and it was actually pretty easy and we love our new bank. So maybe it's worth looking into.

  40. You are more than allowed to have a bad day. I have bad weeks sometimes! Last week was bad. I got a flu shot, they usually don't bother me. Could be because I haven't slept well in about three weeks and being tired plus flu shot equals a three day break that pissed me off. But I feel much better now and am back to running. Yay running! We are very brown here in South Dakota too, I hate it! Your weather man is much more entertaining than ours :)

    Switch to a credit union! They are awesome!!

  41. I'm sorry about Lucky:( We had to put our cat of 16 years down last Christmas and I am missing her so much right now. Sending happy thoughts your way:)

  42. I feel so sorry for the loss of your dog. I know that day is coming with my two dogs. 13 years old and not in the greatest health. Another crappy thing happened. Went to sports med doc to check on my high hamstring tendinopathy. After 9 months she now tells me she is stumped and doesn't know what to do next. I'm still in pain, still can't run and now 12 lbs heavier. Good grief. I'm ready for a butt transplant now.

  43. The thing that makes me grumpy today is that I have a co-worker who constantly comments on my clothes and then asks how much I paid for the item in question. REALLY?
    Other than that that nosy issue, life is good, and I am thankful that I have another day before 12/21/12 and we all go KAPLOOEY! I am not buying any more Christmas presents until I know that we're safely through it.
    Have the day you're supposed to have, don't let your feelings fester, get them out, we're all her to read about it and empathize..
    Amy P.

  44. You are totally allowed to wallow awhile, especially about Lucky. We have one ornament that has a photo of our dog, Ranger, from the year we got him (2002) from a rescue group; he was an older dog and died a few years ago, and I always tear up a little when I pull it out and put it on the tree. I can't bring myself to NOT put it on even though we don't have him any more, though. We love our pets, they fill a special place in our hearts.

  45. So sorry to hear about your loss. Makes my heart ache thinking about my lost furry family through the years. Today, I'm a bit grumpy about not being able to get hired unless I say I'm available 24/7 for minimum wage. Stay at home mom was the best decision, but employers are ruthless. Hoping good news happens soon.

  46. My vent - I got over the flu two weeks ago but I still have an annoyingly itchy unproductive cough that sends me into several minute long coughing fits... Last night after 2 drops and some cough medicine - nothing touched it and I was still hacking after the Colbert Show. I'm now drifting in and out of consciousness because I'm so tired from not sleeping very well and the absolute worst is that my whole right side (front and back) aches with pain when I breath and I when I cough... yikes! I will take the flu shot next year...

  47. I had this day, but on Monday. Monday just sucked royally. I even came here to cheer up. There was nothing about Monday that was really wrong, like, nothing happened, but I was irritable as all get out, and it's not even TTOTM. It was just rainy, and the weekend was over, and it was a rest day after an awesome 14 miler on Sunday, and I felt mopey and uninspired. And definitely not engaged in my work, which sucks because, I really need to be. So yeah. It happens.

    For you, you have a good excuse, because losing a pet is like losing a child.

  48. I am so sorry about Lucky. I know it's losing a part of the family and is very difficult.

    I have personally been in a shit mood all day and haven't been able to shake the cranky away for anything. I don't know what the problem is exactly but I think it's a little bit of everything. Overwhelmed with work, making the documentary, the holidays, (I haven't even thought of cards yet - never mind shopping!) trying to find time to run, fighting a cold, blah, blah, blah, poor me. I gotta get over this funk!

  49. Ugh, my kid (14) wants her ear cartilidge (sp?) pierced... it puts me in a crap mood everytime she brings it up. And she broke up with her first little boyfriend last night and for some reason, I'm the one who's depressed. Feel so bad for the littler feller!
    So now I'm drinking diet SPrite and peach vodka... getting better. ;)

  50. My job has me down. I have never in my life experienced the "Christmas spirit" - I think mine is broken : / You know those pictures on facebook & pinterest of that grumpy cat? That could be me.... because of my mood and the dark bags under my eyes. Blah!

  51. You're lucky Queef Latifah wasn't in front you either.

  52. I'm so sorry about Lucky. It made me cry just thinking of how bad you miss him.

  53. My boss died a month ago. He was the greatest boss so it's been a difficult loss and I'm left to fill his all-important shoes. His name was David. Yesterday I emailed a co-worker asking her to review a list for me. She emailed me back and said David has her list. Great. Thanks for the help. And, in case you forgot *insert nasty name here*, David DIED! So he doesn't have your dang list anymore and I'm not willing to search through his office for it. I've left the door closed and locked for a reason-I don't want to go in there. For Anything!

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