
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Guess Who Moved In?


Meet Heidi.

She is a three year old Golden Retriever. 78 pounds of hair and affection.


For the past two weeks we’ve been working with the Retriever Rescue of Colorado (amazing organization). We thought we would end up adopting a Lab, which we were very happy about. But, then we heard about Heidi and decided to meet her yesterday. We had no plans of actually taking her home, but figured we’d meet her and think about it.


Think about what? We fell in love with her on the spot. And, took her home.


The story goes that she grew up on a farm in Kansas. The farmer got sick, found himself in financial trouble, and abandoned the farm and all of the animals. It’s obvious that Heidi got a lot of good training and love while with that farmer.


I know she will eventually run with me, but I think right now she’s kind of out of shape. Heidi’s got BACK.


I will start  walking with her further and further, then graduate to running. A friend of mine has a Golden and he did a 13 mile run with us not long ago. Heidi’s not ready for any half marathons, but in a few months hopefully we can put in a few miles together.

I don’t think the kids like her at all.



Since Lucky died I’ve so missed the presence of a dog in the home. But, at the same time I think we all needed some time to heal and move on.

This was the view from my computer:


Now I see this:


Much better. Welcome Heidi.


Have you ever adopted a dog from a rescue? We got Lucky from the Humane Society.

Do you prefer smaller, medium or large dogs? I’ve only had medium dogs, so this breed and size is totally new to me.

Any advice on owning a Golden? Food suggestions?



  1. She's beautiful! One lucky dog to have found you all!

  2. No advice, and I have cats, not dogs, but congrats! She is definitely smiling in all those pics and I love the looks on all of your faces. It's obviously a fantastic match, and I hope you'll have many, many wonderful years with her.

  3. We have had several English Bulldogs - not good for running! We started fostering puppies through an awesome group in our town. After caring for 8 puppies, all of whom got adopted, we decided to keep Puppy #9 a.k.a. Buster Brown. We think he's a lab/pug mix (weird, I know!) He LOVES to run short distances. He's been a great asset to our family and will probably keep our senior bully-girl living another couple quality years. He forces her to play! Congratulations on your new addition...I love love love your column.

  4. Yay!! Congratulations!! She looks like quite a sweetheart.

  5. She's adorable! I love Golden Retrievers

  6. Congratulations! The smiles on everyone's faces - Heidi's included - brings a tear to my eye. Wonderful news! Enjoy. :-)

  7. She looks like you! (minus the back :)

  8. Love love love :) I'm so glad to read a rescue story and it sounds like Heidi is one lucky Golden :) Looking forward to seeing how she progresses with running!

  9. She's beautiful...congratulations!

  10. Congratulations! Your blog is an inspiration to me and I was so sad to read about Lucy... and so excited for you to read about Heidi. Or rather, to see that first picture, because I knew exactly what happened when I saw the photo! Rescue dogs are the BEST and I'm sure you will be a great fit for each other!

  11. Golden's are awesome dogs, I grew up with them! Great temperaments, loving personalities! I would absolutely use a rescue or fact that's the ONLY place I would get a dog. There are too many unwanted and abandoned dogs who need homes out there! Congrats!

  12. We have two greyhounds, Max and Gracie. They are great (short) walking dogs, incredible sprinters, but lousy endurance athletes. They look at me like I'm nuts when I go on an hours run. They are fantastic companions and cuddle like nobody's business. We got ours from the greyhound rescue.

  13. I love of the best.dogs.ever. I have a male golden named Jake who is beloved by everyone who meets him, but then Goldens just seem to have that affect on people. My advice: enjoy the easy going, laid back nature of Goldens and be prepared to play A LOT of fetch! Retrievers love to, well, retrieve. Heidi's coloring is beautiful and very similar to my Jake's coloring. The pics are great, and I am happy that you and your family found a great dog. I have one of each - small (Yorkie), medium (rescue mixed breed of some sort), and large (the Golden). I prefer larger, "sportier" breeds...not a small dog lover at all, but I must admit that the Yorkie has made her way into my heart.

  14. No way! We have a dog named Heidi, too! Your Heidi is too cute. I love Goldens. Our Heidi is a poodle mix. She was a rescue, too.

  15. Awww, congrats! She is beautiful! My hubby had a golden rescue growing up and she was the sweetest dog ever. So happy for your new addition!

  16. She's beautiful! Congrats! Looking forward to hearing all about her adventures!

  17. Congrats on the new addition! She is beautiful! Rescue pups are the best :)

  18. Oh she is so sweet and beautiful! My husband had a golden growing up and now we have two. I'm so glad you have her to help mend your broken heart. What a doll!

  19. Now I miss Chewie even more.... She is awesome.

  20. I'm so happy for you, your family and Heidi! I adopted my dog (a lab mix) from the local Humane Society and couldn't be happier with that decision. I wish you all the best and many, many happy memories to be made with her!

  21. We have two dogs. Our first, Desmond (rat terrier/Manchester terrier - 20 lbs.) came from the Denver Dumb Friends League. I think he chose us, when he came into the visiting room, he performed a standing leap from the front door into my step son's lap across the room! Copper, our second (60-lb yellow lab/Viszla mix) came from Animal Rescue of the Rockies. He was at an animal rescue fair at PetSmart, and was the only dog not barking. I think rescue dogs choose their families, not the other way around :) I run more with Desmond than I do Copper, due to a bone spur in Copper's elbow. Once that's taken care of, I intend to start Copper's 1/2 marathon training LOL!

  22. Congrats, and good for you! It took us 2 1/2 years to adopt again after our Golden passed away. We found Chance at county animal services, AKA "the pound." He is an Anatolian Shepard mix-an awesome running partner when he's not stopping to poo.

  23. My Golden Retriever celebrated her 12th birthday on Jan. 1 and she is such a part of my family. She did blow her knee out while running with me when she was 10. We didn't even run far but maybe I guess I did too much. The surgery was a complete success and she is the most wonderful pet. She looks a lot like Heidi, imagine that!

  24. Yay! I can tell you and your family already love Heidi. She looks so much like my two year old Golden, Tucker. I run with Tucker, but his longest distance so far is 3 miles. Be prepared to vacuum frequently, and sometimes you will find dog hair in the weirdest places (toothbrush). Get used to dog hair in your food! Buy a Furminator. They are pricey but so worth it. I trained my Tucker to be a therapy dog and we go to hospitals and long term care facilities. He is even part of a library program where kids read to the dogs to help build confidence. You are going to love having a Golden!

  25. I am soooo excited for you and Heidi!!! What a wonderful feeling to give an animal in need a new home.

    I have a 45# cattledog, she is 8 years old and my best running buddy. She goes for miles and it is soooo good for her mentally and physically. She is always ready to go! Best motivation ever to get out the door everyday. I have heard great things about Goldens, enjoy your new family member!!

  26. Congratulations, she looks like a love bug :) I second the suggestion to get a Furminator, our Golden leaves tumbleweed like fur balls in her wake on a daily basis!

  27. Congrats! She looks so happy.

  28. Congrats! She's beautiful. We rescued a puppy in Sept 2012. She was supposed to be 50#. She's under 20#! We love her no matter what her size. Enjoy your pooch and yes...Furminator rocks. Used this on our Husky/Shepard mix.

  29. All our cats are rescues. When I had my petsitting business we kept a lot of Goldens. They are wonderful. Heidi is beautiful!

  30. EEKS! You both are so lucky! I have a 12 weeks old Golden named Belle and she is going to be huge. I hope to train her to be my running buddy too :)

    1. Since Goldens are so prone to hip issues, be sure to talk to your vet about when she can start. I was advised to wait until they're at least a year old before actually runnning with mine. Good long walks are a necessity, of course!

  31. What a beautiful Retriever! Congrats!!! I haven't got any rescue dogs yet, but I do have a rescue cat, a solid black long haired darling! She was a year old when I got her, but I swear she took years off of me! I don't know what I would do without her!

  32. She is just beautiful. Of course you fell in love with her. I have a golden retriever too and I am besotted. He is beautiful, attentive and brings me gifts all the time. Who needs a husband?

  33. It's ob. that she knows she is "home". Congrats. We have two rescued cats. I resisted having a cat until the youngest decided a rat would be a good substitute for a cat. I got him a cat that weekend. :)

  34. Oh my gosh Beth!!!! She is gorgeous!! And she truly looks just as happy as her new family does!!! So happy for all of you!

  35. She's the perfect addition to the family--- so happy she 'found' you!

  36. I love her. She looks so happy.

    I love big dogs, I will never own a little dog.

  37. love her!! we got a golden (male) 8 months ago. had some issues with feeding but have settled in with "4 health" salmon and potato (he had some bathroom issues for a few days but now all is well). they are great dogs, heidi looks beautiful!!

  38. beautiful girl!! we adopted our chocolate lab from a rescue in KY, he's the glue that holds us together :)

  39. Aw congrats! She's a cutie! I adopted a 2 year old golden last summer, who was a bit out of shape too, but now she's the best running buddy ever! Couldn't ask for a better dog :)

  40. I laughed out loud at the icture of Heidi's butt. So glad you have been united with her!

  41. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL dog! You and your family are blessed to have her, and she is blessed to have such a wonderful family like you! We have 3 border collie mix dogs, and I remember the first few weeks when I had the two boy border collies (got them at the same time - puppies) - I was so upset, so stressed - there was PEE EVERYWHERE - but when I look back 3 years later - I can't imagine my life without them. You are the best for taking her in! Love her bunches!

    Take care!

  42. congratulations!! I've had rescues and purebred and I loved them all! My dogs were medium to large. Have fun with her!!

  43. oh congratulations! I teared up at the picture of the empty pillow which is now filled with Heidi. so sweet.

  44. What a beautiful and sweet dog, you both are very lucky!! I love the black spot on her tongue. My rescue Border Collie has a black spot on his tongue too. Be ready for some soft poops for a while until she settles in to life with you and her new food. Both of my dogs have done well on the Costco dog food. I love running with my dog, it makes me feel very safe.

  45. I personally prefer bigger dogs (50 lbs and up). What a lucky dog and lucky you! Seriously, how can you have a bad day looking at that smiling face? Our first dog was a golden retriever named Sunny. She was a smart dog who would open cabinet doors looking for food. Her love of food ultimately led to her demise - a sad story involving a 13 X 9 pan of triple chocolate chunk brownies. I will never make brownies again. Golden retrievers are tall enough to reach kitchen counters so you might want to watch her in the kitchen. Golden retrievers by far were the most common canine spectator at my half marathon yesterday.
    Our current dog is a rescued retriever mix that looks like a black golden retriever with a little white on him. He is the best dog ever (better behaved than our golden). I am a firm believer that rescued dogs know that they have been rescued.

  46. Oh my gosh look how she's looking at Sam. What a love! We have a big black lab and a small 3-legged beagle, both awesome. We feed Taste of the Wild.

  47. You will need to add quarterback to your fitness resume, because goldens LIVE to fetch things! I had them growing up. :) They're so sweet and gentle!


  48. Beautiful pictures :) It was meant to be

  49. Heidi is beautiful! Her name fits her perfectly. Our dog, Sydney, was a Golden/Collie mix and was such a good dog. I was her foster parent and raised her 8 puppies until they were adopted. I just fell in love with the mama and ended up keeping her. A good food is California Natural Low Fat Rice & Lamb Meal Adult (Sydney had a bit of a weight problem too). You can buy it at McGuckin's, PC Pantry, etc. Where is the picture of Heidi loving on Ken??? Congratulations!

  50. Welcome Heidi! (I have happy tears for all of you!) She looks SO HAPPY and like she has always been a part of your family :)

  51. I don't run but I always read your blog. I had to comment when I saw your new dog. Tears were streaming down my face when I read about Lucky. I loved a dog that much 21 years ago and it broke my heart to see you go through it. Now tears were streaming down my face reading about Heidi and how much she is going to be loved. When I saw the picture of Heidi on the couch with Emma, I knew she is where she needs to be.

    1. Thank you so much for caring about Lucky and now Heidi (and our family!). Yes, Heidi is where she needs to be. And she is where WE need her to be as well. So happy. And again THANK YOU!

  52. Well hello Heidi!! Welcome to Beth's blog, I look forward to reading about your walking adventures and hope you eventually enjoy running. I just know Beth will make it fun for you, you found a wonderful family to own.

    Beth, I'm so glad you spread the word for animal adoption - and an older animal at that which is wonderful. It is so important, there are so many loving furry friends out there that would be eternally grateful for a forever home. I have adopted every furry friend I have had, including my current kitty, Enzo. Lucky is smiling down on all of you!

  53. She looks absolutely lovely.
    Our dog, half Lab, half Golden Retriever, prefers fetching in the water than on land - to be precise, she's a lousy retriever in a field, but will swim back and forth for hours to fetch sticks. She runs with us , but not for hours : I mostly run 7-8k, and my hubby takes her along for 14k, but she spends so much time sniffing around that it does slow us down a bit.

  54. welcome heidi!
    we have a rescued one of our weimaraners. she is a fabulous dog and she will be 13 in 2 months. i love large dogs.
    they do respect the baby gate that blocks the entrance to the kitchen when we leave.

  55. I absolutely love your new guest! Priceless:)

  56. What an awesome name!!! Ahem... and a beautiful girl. Congratulations to you and your family. I can see the joy she's already bringing to you all.

  57. Great name!!!!! I cannot tell you how many friends over the years that have had "Heidi's!" She looks right at home already.

  58. Welcome Heidi! I love her! I also love dogs with people names. (My dogs name is Gordie.) :O) So many people are taking on rescue dogs now and I think that it's great. Giving an animal a second chance in life is wonderful. It's not their fault that they had to be surrendered. I love all dogs no matter the size. Floating dog hair, not so much! LOL Enjoy your new addition!

  59. There is nothing more satisfying than rescuing a dog! That's how we got our Fergus (whom I affectionately call the "F-Bomb").

    Fergus was a little on the out of shape side when we got him at 11 months old. And he was a BUNDLE of pent up energy and frustration. While I think he was treated well, it is clear that he was not exercised enough. But he shaped up quick! Within 3 weeks, I had him running with me - without pulling - every morning. And within another three, we had him running along side our bikes when we went out for a ride. He even keeps my neighbour company on her long training runs (she is training for a full marathon). He is a good boy, and he is the BEST running partner I have ever - and will ever - have.

    Never had a Golden, but they are a lovely and mellow breed. Mine is an Aussie-border collie - so the exact opposite of mellow. High-strung, in fact. But the best advice with any breed is lots of physical and mental exercise, and lots of consistency. As for food, I like brands that don't contain filler. Like Acana or Fromms. There are athletic blends too once she becomes more active!

    Heidi is beautiful. Congrats!

  60. Welcome Heidi! Beautiful name. ;)

  61. How wonderful! she looks like a sweet heart!

  62. Great choice!! Goldens are fantastic dogs that LOVE to run! Smart, loving, friendly, and active, the perfect family pet! With your activity level, she will fit in great in your home!!
    We had one when I was a kid and he was great! And now that I'm all grown up and a veterinarian, I see them in practice from time to time and they are usually some of my favorite patients! Speaking of that, make sure Miss Heidi is up to date on all the important veterinary care, such as rabies and distemper/parvo vaccinations, as well as heartworm testing and deworming for general intestinal parasites (different than heartworms). Very important for keeping your new family member happy, healthy, and on the go!
    And way to go on adopting an adult dog from a rescue instead of buying a pup from a breeder :) you rock :)

  63. My only advice on a golden is get a good vacuum!
    We are small dog folks. 14 lb Jack Russell who has been with me from 7 weeks old, now almost 14. He's the best. Used to take him running, but age and arthritis prevent him from going now. But I doubt I could handle a big dog. I like one that wants to sit on my lap while I am working on the computer or sitting watching a movie. He has become my fuzzy little meat brick. He is a space heater in bed in the winter, and loves the cooler hardwood floors in the bedroom in the summer.
    I am so glad you got a dog. They change us in ways we never thought possible.
    Amy P. Philly runner

  64. I absolutely love this post! She is beautiful, and working with a rescue org (any kind!) tugs the heart strings. She looks so happy to be with you, Goldens are such great pets. Of course I happen to have one who's almost 2, she runs with us on occasion, and, she looks very, very, much like your girl, Heidi. We are (my husband, the dog, and I) hugging from afar!

  65. OMG She is perfect!!! Congratulations!!!!

  66. So happy for all of you!

  67. We got our puppy from the Retriever Rescue, too! Great group. Congrats!

  68. She's adorable! I have a Golden and he's 8 and has arthritis. He can run two miles with me but then I have to drop him off at home. It's kind of a pain in the butt to work that into my runs but he loves it so much. In fact, on Easter he was eating his bully stick from his Easter basket and when he saw me in my running clothes abandoned the treat to join me. That's a love of running!

  69. congrats! she looks SO happy to be apart of your family :)

  70. She's beautiful, and looks blissfully happy! Congratulations!

  71. She's beautiful. I miss my Goldens!

  72. So happy to hear about Heidi! She looks like she is smiling too!!!
    I understand what you mean about the empty silence when you lose a pet...
    Your Lucky left a legacy of love....Heidi is now proof of that~
    Enjoy her! She is beautiful~

  73. Your post made me all misty eyed. We have a Pug which we rescued from a PA puppymill. She was five at the time and lived in a cage all those years. When we adopted her she didn't act like a dog and wasn't house trained. Over the months she started to figure out what being a dog was all about. I remember celebrating little milestones with her: barking, licking her paws, getting excited when we came home, begging for food. 4 years later I think she has finally forgotten all about her horrible past. Heidi is beautiful she and your family will be blessed!

  74. Congratulations! Heidi looks very happy! I rescued a White Shepherd mix almost 4 years ago, her name is Aspen. I believe she may have some golden in her too. I started running with her two years ago when I was just learning to run at the age of 40. She helped me train for a few 5K's, the Tough Mudder, and was my inspiration for starting my fitness business - The Nerdy Dog Fitness. Dogs are freaking awesome and basically just make us smile.

    For food suggestions, I highly recommend Bil-Jac. They have a large dog breed food. Both my dogs (Aspen and Lucy - a Weim)love it.

    Congrats again!

  75. She is beautiful! Congratulations! We have always adopted dogs and our most recent dog we adopted from Sacramento County Animal Control. Thanks for adopting!

  76. Congratulations to you and Heidi! I had a male Golden that looks very similar to her. We ran together for years. He loved it. As far as advice on food. Goldens LOVE to eat. Be very careful on the quantity you give her to eat. If you fed your golden as often as they want to eat, you would have to roll her down the trail instead of run with her. Make sure to keep your dog food sealed up so she can't get into it. Mine once got into a bag of food and just kept eating... then "coughing" it up, then eating... scarey stuff. Also they usually eat the food VERY fast. In order to prevent BLOAT, you need to slow them down while eating. I had my dogs dish raised so he didn't need to bend over to eat, and I put a small coffee mug upside down in the bowl so he had to work around the cup which made him eat slower. As far as running advice with a Golden, if you have issues with pulling, a pinch collar works wonders. My agility teacher called it "power steering". :) I taught mine to always run on my left, so he was always out of the road and sometimes could run in the grass. Good luck to you and Heidi! I'm sure you will have lots of fun together.

  77. Welcome Heidi! Thank you so much for adopting her! I run my own senior dog rescue, taking in those red listed in the high kill Los Angeles shelters. i mostly have chihuahuas because they are the 2nd highest euthanized breed. there are too many. and seniors are often the first to go as well. they are my heart and soul and i love caring for them.

    You will give Heidi a beautiful life!

  78. Welcome, Heidi! Two weeks ago we did the same thing: went to "just look" at a dog from a rescue group and he came home with us. His name is Hank and he's an 8-month-old Golden/Lab mix. A total sweetheart. Love those rescue doggies!

  79. She is adorable! I'm so glad you adopted her--looks like a great match. Enjoy!

  80. What a lovely addition to your family! She looks like an absolute sweetheart, makes me smile just seeing her. All of our dogs have either been from a rescue group or the pound (except one who saw 'dog sucker' written on us and adopted us). Best decision ever to get 'rescue' dogs, wouldn't hesitate to do it again. We have had three Alaskan Malamutes now; our current dog is a 140-lb. female (huge!), so obviously we like big dogs.

  81. She is GORGEOUS!!! I have a huge soft spot in my heart for goldens. We lost ours about 4 years ago. She's so lucky to have found you (and you're lucky, too)!

  82. Yesterday afternoon, I had to make the sudden and terrible decision to have my cat of 15 years put to sleep. Seeing your post this evening has made my day because I know that one day I'll be able to open my heart to another animal. Thank you.
    By the way, Heidi looks like she's made herself right at home.

  83. She is GORGEOUS!!! We have a 13-month-old chocolate lab & girlfriend loves when we put peanut butter in a Kong toy. B/c she's still technically a puppy, she still wants to chew & Kong toys are the only ones that can keep up with her. She destroys everything else in 10 minutes. I always wanted a Golden, but my husband - who's in charge of vacuuming - said no b/c of the shedding. Guess I can't complain too much if he does the vacuuming :)

  84. Awww look at her smiling! She's so happy to be at her new home!

  85. She is soooo beautiful!!!!!!! I have never done a rescue dog but if I did it over again I would in a heartbeat!!

  86. Welcome indeed! I know the whole that's left in our hearts when one (or in my case 2 in 3 days) of our pets pass on but somehow we always find room for another one. Congrats and may Heidi have a long, healthy life!

  87. I lost my Flat Coated Retriever 1 1/2 years ago to lymphoma. Sara was a rescue and boy did she have an impact on our lives! She also tended to have a little "junk in her trunk" which is one of the reasons I started running again. We took daily walks that eventually merged into fun runs around the neighborhood and we both got back into shape together! I hope you and your family all the happiness and joy that your new family member will bring!

  88. Congrats!!!!

    All of our pets over the years, 4 dogs and 6 cats have been rescues. What precious precious creatures. We had a golden for 14 years, what a special sweet dog. When we lost Junior 3 years ago, it took me 1 year to find Daisy. And I swear when I look into Daisy'e eyes, I see Junior.

    I wish your family all the best!

  89. Aww welcome Heidi! She is beautiful!
    It was meant to be!

  90. So happy for you! She's beautiful!

  91. So very happy for you! I have a Golden Retriever she is 12 yrs old and her name is Maggie. She is the best. Advices...get used to hair everywhere all the time even after you vacuum it will still be there...scratch the back of the paws...she will love her weight...Maggie went up to 85 and that caused her to have hip problems...if you have a pool let her swim! Great exercise and she will LOVE it! Brush at least every other day to keep the matting under control!

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  93. YEAH! So excited for you and your family! We adopted our basset hound through a basset rescue organization and he is the BEST dog ever. We are so blessed to have him in our lives. Congrats again!

  94. I didn't read through the comments, so not sure if anyone mentioned this, but golden retrievers are big pigs and love to eat. We have 2 and the bigger one of the 2 would eat all day if you'd let her. Of course, an overweight golden will definitely have hip problems. The smaller of the 2 is actually a pretty good runner, she stays right by my side, but she's a little older now and I didn't run with her when she was younger, so I'm afraid to push her too far. They are definitely very sweet, but have a ton of hair, so a daily brushing is a must! Maybe you can swing a new vacuum to test out and review for us!

  95. I agree with everyone else - Heidi is beautiful, and her smile is definitely addictive. She will bring you so much joy!!! I have an Australian shepherd that I run with all the time, therefore I highly recommend The Buddy System - Hands free leash and also the lunge buster. Just guessing that Heidi may try pulling you (doubt she had a lot of leash training on the farm) so I would also use a harness collar for her when you walk or run her, the lunge buster protect both you and her, because she is very strong. You can buy the leashes on Amazon. Have fun!!!

  96. Congrats on the new pup! I recently brought a new member home after loosing my girl in December to cancer. I found him at a shelter in NV and he is a kick ass dog! Although i grew up with dogs under 30lbs i really love bigger dogs.

    i feed natural balance dog food. the dogs love it!

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  98. Congratulations!! I have two golden retrievers and adore the breed. One of ours was from a rescue and the other we adopted as a puppy from a breeder. They're wonderful with kids, such happy and loving dogs. Both of mine are sleeping under my chair right now! The only drawback is the shedding - we keeps the hair on our boys trimmed short, it helps a lot and we're in Florida so I imagine if feels much better to them too.

  99. I absolutely adore Golden Retrievers

  100. This is crazy...I was just looking at my lazy-old-golden (11 yrs) and thinking "I hope Beth & her family get another dog soon" so I came in and checked your blog.
    You will never be sorry you got a Golden, until she starts shedding...and you are wearing black dress pants.
    Congrats to you all!

  101. Wonderful news! Congratulations! We'll look forward to hearing about your adventures with Heidi.

  102. What a sweet face! Look how happy all of you are, Heidi included!
    I've had Doberman boys my whole life and the bigger they are, the suckier they become. Congrats!

  103. She is beautiful! Two of my aunts had Goldens when I was growing up and they were great.

  104. Congratulations! Welcome home, Heidi!

  105. Oh my goodness, I love love love her! Goldens are the best, I grew up with 2 of them (they were my parents' first "kids"). We have always fed our dogs (goldens and labs) Science Diet, it is a little pricier, but recommended by most vets. As for running, it will totally depend on Heidi; don't push her too far too fast because she will want to go forever as long as you are with her... Dogs her size aren't known for their distance ability, however, my 75 lb chocolate lab CAN run 20 miles (just did a few weeks ago) and is happy with 8-10 miles consistently.

  106. So many comments...we all love dogs! Even more than running 8)

    What a sweet looking will have a great time with her. Dogs burn so bright and live such a short ltie compared to humans..but it's such a life lesson to see the way they live in the moment.

    I'm jealous..(allergic now).


  107. My dog, Roscoe, eats California Natural lamb & rice dog food. Higher quality input = less output = less stops while running ;-)

  108. The love that Heidi has for all of you shows on her face, shes a beautiful dog and it looks like everyone is very lucky to have each other, you and Heidi. Enjoy!!

  109. I am so excited for you! I also have a 3-year old Golden and before him, I had another one for almost 12 years. They are the BEST dogs (IMO) ... Murphy's biggest flaw is that he's almost TOO loving (i.e. needy!!!).

  110. Ohhhhhh, what a sweetheart! Heidi is gorgeous and you both look so happy. I also adopted a rescue. I was looking at Labradors and German Shepherds after my 15 year old German Shepherd/Lab mix died this January. I adopted the the sweetest 4 year old German Shepherd in February. It was love at first sight. Just like training people, dogs have to build up mileage, too. We're up to about 5+ miles, but with a few water pit stops because dogs don't sweat. I take my 20oz Amphipod and a collapsible bowl that I attach to the leash. Ditto what others said with the higher quality food. My dog eats Wellness, the gluten/grain free one because she will shed like crazy, otherwise. She also gets a couple of fish oil capsules daily. Also, itto with what someone else said about the Furminator -- best invention ever. I look forward to reading about your running adventures with Heidi. PS... She'll *know* what putting on running shoes means real soon. Have fun.

  111. Nice work!

    A) Running buddy.
    B) Unconditional love.
    C) More house cleaning workouts
    D) I've only ever adopted from the Humane Society

  112. I have three goldens. This post makes my heart happy :)

  113. Congratulations on the addition to your family! She's beautiful and will be an awesome running partner soon, I'm sure!
