
Friday, October 4, 2013

Phlegm Friday

Remind me to keep my mouth shut.

In my last post I was telling you how energized I was by my Ironman training.  How surprised I was that I wasn’t dragging.

Yeah, well, forget that.

The day after I wrote that Joie and I went on a longish run (~14 miles).


The scenery was gross unless you like mountains, blue skies, horse pastures and sunshine. Actually, in the picture below I am trying to capture a picture of a local running celebrity, Paul Roberts, who just blazed past us. He is a high school sophomore and runs a 4:23 mile, a 15:26 5K and a 33:00 10K. I could so do that if I wanted to. He was obviously too fast to capture:


I started dragging towards the end of this run, feeling more tired than I thought I “should” feel (I’m sure Paul Roberts was feeling the same way).

Don’t you love how we judge ourselves this way? If I am dragging on a run I want to find a reason -maybe I didn’t eat enough, didn’t sleep well last night or am still recovering from yesterday’s workout. But in reality, maybe I am just having a crappy day and there is no rhyme or reason. It’s OKAY!

That afternoon I hit the wall. Tired. Sleepy. Unmotivated. Scratchy throat. NO! I will not get sick.  I shut up and got up the next morning and swam 3,000 yards and ran 7.1 miles. Then I was even more tired. Sleepy.

This morning I’ve got a full blown head cold. TGIARD (Thank God It’s a Rest Day). If you are wondering why we have a bucket beside the fireplace it is in case I spontaneously vomit. Just kidding. It’s because our damn roof is leaking.


BTW, it’s always a rest day for the amazing Heidi. She did, after all, go to the mail box and back.


And, what a perfect day for a RD. It is actually snowing outside. Yes, I said “snowing” and this shit better clear out before my 5 hour brick in the morning. I bet Paul Roberts doesn’t do bricks.


What’s the weather where you are? Winter yet?

What are you reading right now? I’ve got several: Be Iron FitYou are an Ironman and Reconstructing Amelia (fiction).



  1. My girlfriend lives in CO. She said her daughter woke up this morning and said, "What the heck is on my SLIDE?!" "What the heck is SNOW DOING ON MY SLIDE," It's supposed to hit 90 in Raleigh today. Don't be a hater.

  2. Do you wear running sleeves? It looks like you have some on in the top picture. If so, which brand? I'm on the hunt for a pair.

    1. Yes, those are running sleeves. I have a few pairs but my favorites are from Pearl Izumi - the Thermal Lite Arm Warmer.

  3. Boo for getting sick! I hope you feel better soon.

    Our weather is overcast, and the weatherman keeps threatening rain but I haven't seen it yet. Supposedly we have a rain/snow mix forecast for tomorrow morning but it better not! I have to run 8 miles (yay taper!) tomorrow, and I'm such a wimp when it comes to bad weather.

    I'm currently reading a murder mystery called Things in Ditches by Jimmy Olsen. He's a "local" author here in northern MN. I'm having a hard time putting this one down. On deck is City of Thieves and The Light Between Oceans - can't remember the authors on those but they look good!

  4. Blech, snow already. I'm in Minnesota, so I think that is coming my way. I'm sure the TC Marathon runners will be thrilled for that on Sunday.

    I've been dragging on my training too... don't feel bad. We can commiserate together just for today, and then bounce back tomorrow.

  5. I always think of the time you went to the gym, got on the treadmill then got off and went home because you just weren't feeling it that day. Yep, some days just suck! Hope you are feeling better soon!

  6. I had all that phlegm and gunk last week! It made every workout seem so much harder.

    Typical Fall weather in So Cal - Santa Ana winds howling, low humidity, high fire danger. Ick.

  7. Damn that boy is fast!!! I'm vacationing in Vegas right now and the weather is amazing. Loving it here!! Right now I'm reading A Life Without Limits by Chrissie Wellington. I suspect you may know who she is:-)
    Feel better!!!!

    1. I have that one on hold at the library. Can't wait to read! Enjoy Vegas, my favorite city.

  8. Cold and snow here. Trying to motivate to go for a shortie. I'm reading my novel! Or, as I refer to it as, TFN (That &^%* novel) due to all the rewrites. (Well, my unpublished manuscript). I am doing a major rewrite but I'm sure everyone will be reading it soon. :)

  9. Had that cold last weekend. I am reading Resolve by JJ Hensley - running murder mystery.

  10. Just finished Let's Explore Diabetes with Owls by David Sedaris. Short memoir stories are about all i can handle! My half is next Sunday and i am drinking OJ and eating Vitamin C like its my job. I am avoiding all sick people. been beautiful here in Vermont - 70s and sunny and gorgeous foliage. but i know winter is starts next week!

    Renee W.

  11. Another Minnesotan here. I am NOT going to complain about the possibility of snow here soon. I prefer cold weather over hot and this summer was more heat than I cared for. I received my stepson's new snowshoes in the mail last week, so we're ready any time!

    1. You must be in southern MN. Our summer was quite cold up here on the iron range! I think we maybe had two weeks that I would consider "hot".

  12. Hope you feel better soon! I have my first marathon this weekend and have been in full-blown germaphobe mode all week. I work at an elementary school and took to holding my breath for extended periods of time when I sensed sick kids nearby...

    So far we have had beautiful fall weather in Wisconsin, though a cool, windy, rainy front is sweeping in just in time for the marathon. But hey, I've managed to stay healthy despite my proximity to vomiting, hacking, snotty children, so I guess I'll take my health over not so hot weather...

  13. Here in central NC it is a cool 88.9F. Except in my office where it feels about 50.

    I'm not reading really much besides blogs right now. Despite Goodreads showing that I am reading 10 or 11 books simultaneously.

    Hope you feel better quickly!

  14. Oh no - rest a lot today and feel better fast - tell that body that you don't have time for a full blown illness!!!
    We've been close to 90 most of the week (KS).

  15. But snow means SKI SEASON. I was pumped when I saw it-- ran upstairs, woke up Will and started dancing on the bed :)

  16. I think I have been tired and hungry for about 3 months now!!!! I have also been taking Zicam and Airborn like a freak to try and keep myself well!!! I have found that a sublingual B12 helps when I just feel too sluggish to head out of the door and I actually plan to carry a few with me during the race!!! That or 3 cups of coffee and a couple of 5 hour energy's!!!! :) :) :) Can't believe race day is 28 DAYS AWAY!!!!! WHAT!?!?!?!?!

  17. I love Heidi. I feel like her and my buddy, Modoc, would love each other.

    So winter is here in south central Oregon. We are having freezing temps in the AM -- but my hubby reminded me when I bitched about the 30F temps this morning that I do and will run in sub zero temps in a few weeks. Yikes!

    I am reading the new Malcolm Gladwell "David and Goliath". Such a great author! But have you read "The Art of Racing in the Rain"? I listed to it on audiobook and I cried, a lot. I shouldn't have been driving.

    You are the best SUAR!

  18. The weather here in MI is unseasonably warm and humid. The weather is sure effed up anymore! Most likely shorts and tank tomorrow for long run which is unreal for October.

  19. I just had my eyes checked and I swear you are standing in front of the little barn I was forced to stare at during my exam....

  20. I feel like Paul Roberts has become a sort of Chuck Norris.

  21. I'm a former Cokoradoan...I remember the days of snow before Halloween. In Illinois now, not as pretty scenery but nice Fall temps. I'm about to read Dandelion Growing Wild!

  22. Former Coloradoan lol

  23. It's actually been a pretty mild start to Fall in upstate NY. Mid to upper 40's. But this morning, for my long run, it down poured! It was drizzling and spitting for the first half, but once I reached my furthest point out before turning around, it just let loose. I was a drown rat. But it was funny because I just kept laughing. It actually was a good run...hope my shoes dry :)

    Hope your cold passes quickly. Feel better.

    1. Where in upstate NY? I grew up in Cooperstown,NY. Missing it!!

    2. Ballston Spa NY. Very near Saratoga Springs, or 20 minutes north of Albany.

  24. Ok, so now comes what might be the toughest part of your training. The most important thing is now to get healthy again. That means waiting till you are done with being sick. Lots of people starting training again while still sick, and of course, they stay sick. You can't train, at least not seriously, while recovering from being sick. Get well soon. Make Sam wait on you hand and foot.

    Oh, and it was 15 C (call it 60 F) here, lovely weather for a run.

  25. I look forward to reading your blog almost as much as I enjoy seeing Heidi in the pictures. She looks like such a goof. Keeping my fingers crossed there are no serious injuries or illness during your training. With the physical shape you are in, neither one would dare!

  26. Ah, it's been too long since I've read blogs. Good to read here Beth. I heard about the snow from my high school coach...sounds yuck. Especially after all that rain. And even the idea of Ironman training makes me feel like I hit a wall. Reading LOTS! Committed by Elizabeth Gilbert. A couple of books on Teaching Emotional Intelligence or raising kids with intense emotions. A few fun marriage books just for extra growth. A book by Deepak Chopra called The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire. And A few others laying around that I'm dappling in. I'm such a book hopper these days...I get around but I leave them half read for awhile. Would that make me a book whore?

  27. It's gorgeous where we are! My hubby and I went kayaking for three hours today and I forgot to sunscreen my lower legs so now I'm stuck to wearing 3/4 pants for the next week or two until I go ice white again. Haha.

    Reading Letting Go by David Hawkins. A great book for anyone who has a bunch of emotional baggage they're hanging onto and just don't know how to release and also Anybody Out There by Marian Keyes, one of my favourite authors.

    Hope you feel better soonest! <3

  28. Lovely scenery! I hope a little rest does the trick and that you're feeling better soon. Head colds during training are the worst. Get better fast! :)

  29. My last long training run is tomorrow, but, we've got tropical storm "Karen" headed our way. I don't really have a "plan B", because here in Panama City, all you have indoors is treadmills, no indoor tracks. Can't imagine running 23 miles on a treadmill!! Guess I'll have to suck it up, if its 50 MPH winds, rain and lightening!

  30. Rest and listen to your body... Where is this area you run- new since the flood?

  31. Augh, still hot and humid here in Virginia. I want to live in Denver. I want your snow....and love Heidi, so I'll take her too, but you can keep that head cold from hell :-).

    1. I'll be in Virginia this it supposed to cool off at all?

  32. Greetings from Halifax, NS - Atlantic Canada - google us if you are not sure ! Nice fall-ish 16 degrees celsius which is 65 degrees for my US based friends. Resting can be stressful but flaking with your dog can be less stressful as I am forced to with my equally photo bombing golden retriever (Riley). Rest now, be strong later Beth !


  33. Make tea from a thumb of ginger, season with lemon sweeten with honey/agave....great for a scratchy throat. New England has been perfect running weather, the dog and I have had a great couple of weeks

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. There we go again...
    Hi, I'm new around here. Gorgeous day where I live; sunny and around 70F. We're in spring so, it's getting warmer every day. I'm reading triathlon magazines since that's my new future goal :)

  36. I'm sorry, I'm still stuck on the kid who can run a 4:23 mile. Anyone? Holy crapola. I don't think my legs could move that fast. That's awesome! Love your fireplace - want a gas one so badly! Hope you feel better, I love your dog! Am reading the second novel in the All Souls Trilogy by Deborah Harkness called "Shadow of Night" - the first one is "A Discovery of Witches" (very good, historical/fiction mixed).

    1. Yeah, 4:23. Damn. I love our fireplace too. We actually had it converted to gas from a woodburning one a couple of years ago. Best decision.

  37. Here in the UK, the weather is unseasonably warm. It's my birthday today, and usually I have to rug up warm, but not today! Won't be as easy to hide my cake belly without a huge coat ;)

    I am just about to start Born to Run and The Testament of Mary (fiction), and I'm excited! It's been a while since a book has grabbed me, so hopefully these will.

    Hope you feel better soon!


    1. Happy Birthday!! Enjoy the warm weather while you can!

  38. Still very hot and sunny here in Central Florida; I can't even imagine snow right now! Reading a lot of running blogs lately to help keep me going through half marathon training this month. Your blog is so inspirational, and I hope you are feeling better soon!
