
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

6 Ways To Recapture Your Running Motivation

I have many faults – we all know that! However, lack of motivation is not one of them. For some reason I have no tolerance for making excuses, not honoring commitments, complaining and playing the victim. We have all had our share of ups and downs in life. We all have reasons that we think we can’t run (But, I don’t have the time! But, running is hard! But, it is too hot/cold/rainy/windy! But, I pee myself when I run!).

I don’t buy any of it. If you really want to run you will find a way. If you simply hate it beyond words or it hurts your body, then find something else. But, don’t sit around rationalizing why you aren’t doing something you’d really like to be doing.

If you need an extra kick in the butt, or just some suggestions for how to get your running mojo back, consider these 6 tips to help you revitalize your relationship with running.

1. Think Small – If you have been sitting on the couch since December, do not expect to hop up and go run 10 miles. Many people get stuck and self-sabotage by biting off more than they can chew. Then, when they are unable to reach their goals, they quit. Pick a manageable goal. Tell yourself you will run 1-2 miles a few times a week. Or, if you are new to running, try walking for three minutes, then running for three minutes and do that 8 times. Work up from there!

2. Pick Something – While starting off small is important, I also am a huge believer in having a “carrot” to motivate your training. For me, this usually involves signing up for a race in the near or far future. Something happens mentally when you make that type of commitment. You become more invested in the process. You don’t want to waste your money. You don’t want to have to save face when you tell everyone you signed up for that 10K and then pussied out (I’m pretty sure “pussied” is a verb).

Use this race calendar from Running in the USA to find the right race near you. Just don’t do it while you’re drunk.


3. Make Some Music – I know many of you run without music. I happen to love listening to tunes when I run. It inspires and motivates me. If music is your thing, make a brand new playlist and “let” yourself listen to it only when you run. For running playlist favorites, go HERE. Here’s a peak at part of my long run playlist (get your magnifying glass):


4. Ignore the Voices – My greatest bit of advice for you – and I know you will be shocked as hell - is to shut up and run. Shutting up and running means that you stop buying into all of your excuses and you stop playing the victim. If you have a body that can move then you are luckier than millions of other people.  The moment you engage your brain and listen to why you shouldn’t take a run, you might start to believe it. When I am getting ready to go on a run and I have the slightest thought that I don’t want to go, that is the exact moment when I spring into action lacing up my shoes and hauling ass out the door.

5. Go to Netflix – Movies can motivate. Seeing and learning about someone else’s story and how they persevered is relatable. Use the energy and inspiration from those who have worked hard for their goals. The Spirit of the Marathon is a favorite of mine because it highlights the elites, but also us normal Joes and Josephines (You can watch on Hulu HERE). Here is a list of running movies available on Netflix.

6. Outfit Yourself – Not to be shallow, but sometimes having something new to wear gives you that extra boost. If buying a cute new running skirt is the thing that is going to get and keep you out the door, do it. You don’t have to break the bank on this one. Get creative! Just today I bought a brand new (yes, there are some things you do not buy used – swimsuits and underwear) Nike swimsuit from eBay for $23 (goes for $70 at the Nike site). Look for coupon/promo codes, go to consignment shops, even ask companies if they might let you review one of their items. This was a favorite outfit a couple years ago:



What is your favorite running movie? Run Fat Boy, Run is  a good one if you’re looking for a bit of humor (which I usually am).

Best running song on your iPod right now? I still like Timber.

What’s the next race on your calendar? Bolder Boulder 10K in May.



  1. Love these! Not lacking motivation right now as my next race is Monday in Hopkinton....with all the memorials this week (plus the fact that I set this goal in 1985 as I watched on the sidelines and have only now just got around to running a marathon and qualifying) - I am more than fired up....will keep these in mind for when I hit my burnout/depression post-race.....

    1. Best of luck. So cool you can be there. I bet the energy will be amazing.

  2. I have a very bizarre, ecclectic running playlist. I have a few upbeat new songs like Happy and Bruno Mars but I also have Kanye West, Guns and Roses, The Cure and Britney Spears. I also have a lot of songs from Glee. Um….and Call Me, Maybe?

    My next race is my first half marathon. I'm doing the Diva in Myrtle Beach. It's flat.
    I could have run the Rock n Roll Raleigh this past weekend but like I said….Myrtle Beach is flat. Raleigh is not. I train on the hills but I'm going to sparkle on the flat.

    1. "Sparkle". I love everything about that word. I hope you rock Myrtle Beach!

    2. "Sparkle". I love everything about that word. I hope you rock Myrtle Beach!

  3. I sign up for a race or buy new running clothes to motivate myself. Sigh, my wallet isn't too happy, but it's still probably cheaper than a gym membership!

  4. Favorite running movie: Zombieland (#1 rule - CARDIO!) I need to get a race on my calendar. I'm turning 40 on a Saturday in June so I need to get off my ass and register. What age group are you in when you race on your b-day? I've only been running for 7-8 years so this is my first milestone b-day on a Saturday to race on.... Favorite running song right now is probably Muse Madness (not particularly fast song, but makes me want to pick up my heels) or Robin Thicke Blurred Lines (seriously I've listened to it 1000000 times and it still makes me happy) or Florence and the Machine Dog Days are Over.

    1. Hmmm...I think they sometimes ask what age you will be on Dec 31st of that year? You'll have to ask that. I've never done a race on my birthday!

    2. Did a half marathon in Santa Cruz last year and it happened to fall on my 39th birthday! New birthday tradition for me......will be running the same race on the eve of the BIG 4-0! Run early, party later!!!

  5. Favorite running movie is Run, Fat Boy....My next race is in 10 days--5k benefit for my college's scholarship fund. I am running it with two of my college roommates.

    New favorite running song is Queen' s Fat-Bottomed Girls.

  6. I agree with all of your suggestions, but I have also found that when I am REALLY not wanting to run - or when the idea of it is causing me more stress than relief - then it is OK to give myself a break. Recently I had family in town, 2 of my 3 kids were sick, and we put our house on the market. I decided to look at that training week as dealing with a mental injury and taking time off and getting more sleep was more important than getting in junk miles.
    ('On Top of the World' by Imagine Dragons and 'Girls Chase Boys' by Ingrid Michaelson are my favorites right now)

  7. I love wearing cute running tops. I just bought some new tops from Athleta...they had an extra 20% deal going on plus I had rewards to spend.

    I always wear black bottoms. I think you understand why.

  8. My next race is the Russvegas 1/2 marathon relay a week from Saturday! I ordered a new (actually my FIRST) running skirt today & bought a new shirt for the occasion. I refuse to let myself think negative thoughts about getting up to run. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to sleep in - the later the better, but I get up and run 3-5 mornings so it doesn't interfere with anything other than my sleep. If I allowed myself to think, "This is so dumb. I could be sleeping," I would never run.

  9. All good tips. My next race is Big Sur Marathon at the end of the mth. Sometimes I need that extra motivation like a new play list or outfit! I really like Pitbull, Rhianna, and Eminem. I have never watched any running movies but do have Netflix so eill have to look some up.

  10. The best way to get motivated is to get INJURED haha. Although I wouldn't recommend it on purpose. When I'm injured, all I wanna do is run!

  11. Next race is Covered Bridge Half in Woodstock, VT on June 1. Recovering from sprained knee so goal is to just be able to do it! Nothing motivates me more than a beautiful day to run. few and far between this winter/spring so far.

    Best song on playlist right now? Come Get It Bea by Pharrell.

    Renee W.

  12. Rockafeller Skank...I didn't know anyone else had heard of that song. Great running song!!

  13. I had never before considered a running skirt as motivation to run. hmmmmm.

    1. Maybe the skirt will be the perfect boost for you. Pls send a picture.

  14. Thanks for the list of running movies - I can watch them over & over

  15. Oh man, boy do I want to get a race on the calendar, been nearly a year. Following a surgery and rehab (no running possible during that time) finally back trying to run again and not too easy for this 'mature' non-natural runner. Not quite ready to pick a race, but the idea is my carrot right now. Hopefully by fall I can do myself justice again. Maybe I need a playlist, never had one.... don't even know most of the music you list or how to compile a list (damn I sound SO out of touch, very old school I guess). Thanks for a few pointers to keep my momentum moving forward.

    1. Best luck...miss seeing you. Really hope you can get a race planned for the fall!

  16. Thank you (again). You pull no punches and I can appreciate that....cuz I either need to S*#T or get off the pot already with running-no more excuses. :O)

    I don't think I have a running song YET but I would have to say Stronger by Kelly Clarkson or something from Pink will get my ashtray moving....and so far; Spirit of the Marathon was/is my fave running movie. and if you're looking for a good read (maybe get it on audio book) Born to Run...

  17. Couldn't agree more with those tips! used most of them training through this past winter which was the coldest I can remember. Especially love the ebay tip as I have been known to buy new running "stuff" on ebay to muster up excitement to get out in the cold. Next race Boston on Monday!

  18. Great post. It's always the "voices" that get me, but I like your sound advice :)

  19. Thanks for the post! I tend to lose motivation when I'm not training for something, so I loved your tips!

  20. Warm but raining in PDX - just needed to hear someone say "get off your a** idiot!" and just like that I found myself on your blog.
    I had the following excuses ready:
    1. I just had a root canal 48 hours ago and I ran yesterday.
    2. My legs feel shot today.
    3. No biggie to miss a 5 miler, I'll just make it up.
    4. My shirt is made out of cotton and the rain is going to be gnarly....
    Man, once you write them down, it's a pretty sad list. Thanks for the motivation Beth, it's what keeps me coming back every day!

  21. Sometimes when I'm lacking in motivation about running, I will read a book about running, and it definitely helps me to capture some of my motivation again! I read two of Dean Karnazes' books, and started Train Like a Mother after my grandmother died and I couldn't find it in me to run, and it REALLY helped!

  22. Ha! Great post "just shut up and run." I'm also a fan of #6. I agree that a new outfit works wonders for motivation.

  23. I seriously wish I knew how to pee while in the middle of a run...without stopping. I was desperate enough to try the other day but couldn't relax enough to do it! lol

  24. The combination of a great playlist and new outfit will get my butt out the door for a run any day. I'm also a fan of trying new route or switching up the scenery a bit. I always get excited when running in new territory - keeps things interesting.

  25. I love Run Fat Boy Fun.
    Add Inner Ninja to your playlist, you won't regret it.
    I signed up for Chicago, I was so sure I wouldn't get into lotto. Now I am having an "oh F#€$" moment, and getting drunk !

  26. I have watched Saint Ralph for more than 10 times. It is an amazing movie on a 14 year old looking to create a miracle by winning Boston. This movie reconfirms the fact that a human can do anything he wants.

  27. Great list. Great week to read the list too! Also, I was nominated for a Liebster award. My answers to 10 questions will post to my blog tomorrow. I needed to nominate more people. I have not "connected" with a lot of other bloggers, but chose to nominate you. I love reading your blog and your SUAR approach! Hope you'll check it out!

  28. This is exactly what I needed. I love these posts. Happy Friday!

  29. I needed to hear this! I ran a 1/2 mid March and I have another 1 month from today. My training for the May one has consisted of more excuses then running. Just this morning I gave myself a scolding for being a slacker. Really - I trained in the coldest, snowiest winter for the March race and now that its nice (mostly) I can't get out the door. Ugh! Time to get back on the horse. I'm going to use your suggestions to get motivated. Thanks!

  30. I definitely needed to hear this! I've been having a difficult time getting motivated even though I've been training for my next half.

    As for movies, I really like "Run Fat Boy, Run" too.

    Favorite running song right now is "Mmmhh Yeah" by Austin Mahone and Pit Bull

    My next race is the Brooklyn Half on 5/17. I'm trying not to get discouraged because I'm not fast and there is a 3-hour time limit but I knew that going into it and it's my 3rd half so I need to SHUT UP AND RUN!!!

  31. Your post couldn't have come at a better time!! #1 describes my current state to a T!!!!! Thanks for the Push!!!! Time for this buttercup to suck it up and get moving again!!!!

  32. Plastic Bertrand Ca Plane Pour Moi for the win.

    The Damned Jet Boy Jet Girl... exact same song.

  33. ...and I love that there are really only two lines. Right about now, the funk's soul brother, check it out now, the funk's soul brother. For the ENTIRE song.

  34. Perfect timing because I REALLY needed this today! I have to find all kinds of ways to stay motivated but usually your trick of just lacing up and dashing out is the best bet.

  35. This is exactly where I am this week. Was all pumped up 10 or so weeks ago and today I was wondering where that motivation went. Will take Number 3, 4 and 5 into consideration.

  36. Which Nike swimsuit do you like? I've been having a hard time finding a good lap swimming suit. Also, have you found a great pair of goggles?

  37. Just finished running states #11 (Abraham Lincoln Half in Springfield, IL) and #12 (Go! St. Louis in St. Louis, MO). Number #13 will be Run for the Dream in Williamsburg, VA on June 1. Not bad for this FL girl :)
