Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Teenage Vegetarian

Do not be jealous of the burn I got along the vein of my arm (or my my long, blond body hairs or my crumpled double chin – what IS that?).


You know you are veiny when…. your veins stand out so much from the surface of your arm that they are the first things to burn when you are getting home-made margherita pizza out of the oven. Speaking of margherita pizza, it was good and I used this recipe.

We are eating a bit more meatless and semi meatless around here because guess who decided they were a vegetarian about a month ago?


No, it’s not Heidi. In fact, Heidi still eats beef, turkey, underwear, other dog’s turds, etc. But, Ms. Emma on the other hand…

I saw this coming over the past six months. We would be sitting at the dinner table eating something, say along the lines of bacon, and Emma would ask, “What animal is this?” I’d tell her it was a pig that tasted really crispy and delicious. She’d ask me if I ever felt bad for eating an animal. I would pause as if I was really thinking about it and tell her, “No, not really.”

Because I like meat. Kind of a lot. I, too, went through a vegetarian phase in my 20s. It involved Doritos and beer for the most part. There is nothing wrong with being veggie, obviously, but I just like meat. I realize that there are health implications to this as well as environmental and ethical issues, but I like meat.

I am fine with Emma being a temporary or permanent vegetarian. As long as she gets her protein and iron and other stuff, it’s okay. What I am not fine with is being a short order cook. That means that on the nights we have meat, she will need to figure out what her substitute will be and make it herself. I told her she needed to do her research to find out which foods are healthy and good sources of protein. For her, this means, eggs, fish (yes she still eats that), beans, quinoa, edamame…she is not a huge tofu fan.

We don't eat a ton of meat, but I do slip it into lots of things (TWSS) – casseroles, tacos, enchiladas, pastas. For the most part, it’s not that tough to keep the meat out of Emma’ s portions.

I do not, however, have a wide repertoire of meatless dishes. These are my few favorite recipes that the whole family actually eats – click on the meal name for full recipe (we go completely meatless at least one to two times per week):

Now it’s your turn. Give me one idea/recipe for a veggie meal that your family will eat (please don’t tell me spaghetti squash is a substitute for pasta and no one knows it is not really pasta because I will CALL YOU OUT).

Oh, and I did run today. Me + 6 miles + Boulder Reservoir = just okay. I felt tired and gassy. Probably too much quinoa.


Any vegetarians in your house?


Monday, August 25, 2014

What SPEEDWORK Really Stands For

I had a reader tell me that I really should change my blog name because I don’t “run” anymore, I do triathlons (yeah, well, there is some running involved in that – especially if you are doing an Ironman – doesn’t 26.2 miles count as running?).

Evidence. Here is me running in a triathlon. This quick leg turn over on a hard surface is running:


Sometimes I like to be very dainty with my pinky while I run.

I have decided, by the way, that the reason one does not swim at the end of a triathlon is that one would drown from fatigue. At least if you are running and fall over your lungs will not fill with water and you will not sink to the bottom of a body of water, never to be heard from again.

The name of my blog naturally means this blog is about running… but to me, the title signifies a greater attitude about life. SOGOTP (Shit Or Get Off The Pot) – meaning that if you want to do something, be it achieve a fitness goal, change jobs, end a relationship, lose weight, stop eating Dots in bed every night (<- note to self), then make it happen without a lot of drama or discussion.

This doesn’t mean one can’t bitch to friends and family about a situation, but at some point the bitching has to cease and the action to promote change has to begin.

Okay, time to shut up and get off my soap box.

Speaking of running, this has been a solid week of training for me.

Monday: Rest, pick nose, eat cookies

Tuesday: 6.5 miles with 8 x 400 at 3k pace

Wednesday: 3 miles easy (with an URGENT stop at a park bathroom at mile 2. If that bathroom had not been there  I would have been steeply fined by the HOA)

Thursday: 5 miles easy with Heidi

Friday: 9 miles with 3 x 2 miles @ half marathon pace

Saturday: Bike 21 miles

Sunday: 9.6 miles @ LSD pace (Long Slow Distance, not a hallucinogenic drug, although that sounds fun)

Total: 33.1 miles of running

It feels nice to train like a normal person and not like an Ironman Maniac.

I love speed work and let me tell you why. Even though it hurts and I cuss my way through it and it often makes me feel as if I am going to crap myself, it brings an element of variety and challenge to an otherwise mundane running routine.

S – Suffering
P – Pain
E – Exertion
E – Energy
D – Determination
W – Worthwhile
O – Orgasmic (just kidding, but I couldn’t think of any “O”words)
R – Retching (on occasion)
K – Krapping (on occasion)

I also love SPEED because – and get this – it works. It makes you faster. I have been doing speed work as part of my training solidly since last December. Typically, I will do 1-2 sessions of speed per week. What I have found is that I can run at faster paces more comfortably than I could before (please do not look at my marathon time in the Ironman ((5:19)) because then you will not believe me that speed work might have made me faster).

Need ideas for how to add speed to your running workouts? Go HERE.


Do you incorporate speed work into your training?

When is the last time you had an “urgent” situation on a run? Before Tuesday, it was on July 31. I had to hide under a bridge. No joke.

How many miles do you typically run per week? Depends what I am training for. With a marathon it us about 40-45. Half marathon probably 30-35.


Thursday, August 21, 2014

What’s Fresh This Week

Sometimes I’ll encounter a week in my life that has several new and exciting aspects. Such was the case this week (and you will see how un-exciting my life really is if these things are considered exciting - how many times can you use the word “exciting” in an sentence?).

Here’s what’s fresh:

New product:


Have you seen these? I think companies are getting very, very desperate. There is no way that cappuccino and potato chips ever need to be mixed together and called a snack item. This marrying of flavors does not even make sense. Would you ever drink a cappuccino and eat a side of potato chips? Not likely.

New routine:


The precious kids are back in school. I have about a day a minute of feeling lost and alone when they leave. Then it is party time with Heidi and my Lay’s Cappuccino Chips (yes, I wear slippers the entire year long).


New show:

I am late to loving this show. I know many of you have been watching it forever. I cannot get enough. Truth be told I have learned a ton from this program. Who knew that goat was the most eaten meat on the planet? Who knew that 100 year old eggs are really only a month old? Who knew you could put a pop tart crust on Mahi Mahi with a side of 100 year old egg/goat hash and it would taste good? (If you don’t watch the show, the chefs are given four random ingredients to create an appetizer, then an entrée then a dessert).

New view:


Driving into Boulder last night, the double rainbow appeared. I think the double rainbow epitomizes our society today. It is not enough anymore to see just one rainbow, but now there have to be two! I cannot remember a single time as a child when I saw a double rainbow. In fact, it was a rarity to even see a single, lonely rainbow. I think Mother Nature has upped her game.

New terrain:


Ironman training did not allow for a ton of trail running, mostly because it is difficult to ride 100 miles on your tri-bike on the trails. It is also difficult to swim on the trails. It felt incredible to get back out there on Sunday (Heil Ranch).  8 lovely miles into the wild.

New plan:


I admit I am a training plan-addict. After “resting” for a week or two I was in no-man’s land. So, I have started a 9 week plan for the Runner's World Hat Trick in October (for 10% off coupon codes for the race, go HERE).  I took this plan from Competitor (I could make my own, but too lazy) and quickly realized it was a bit aggressive (what the hell do you mean 14 x 400 intervals at 3K pace??). Pass the cappuccino chips.

New opportunity:


I will be doing some writing for If you haven’t been over there, check it out HERE. It is an edgy site about all things running and training. Definitely not your cookie cutter running site.  My first article is up, so check it out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Your turn:

Favorite new show? Chopped, but also Married.

Favorite new snack item? Well, it’s not new, but I’m really into ranch flavored Corn Nuts these days

Worst snack item out there? Cappuccino chips or watermelon Oreos

Favorite place to get training plans? If I don’t have a coach, I usually create my own.

Did your kids start school yet? You know, in the good old days, school was out Memorial Day to Labor Day. I wish that was still the case.


Sunday, August 17, 2014

6 Ways People Make Running Harder Than It Has To Be

People are always telling me how tough running is. They just can’t seem to get out the door. They don’t have time. They are tired. Their aunt told them it was bad for their knees. They have ear hair that needs to be plucked and there is simply no time to run.

Then there are the moans and groans about how hard the actual act of running is! It makes you breathe hard! It is exhausting! It makes you sweat! It gives you side stitches and gas! Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think the majority of the time people make running harder than it has to be. Here are six ways you or someone you know might be sabotaging yourself/themselves:

1. Overthinking – Thinking too much is the most powerful motivation-buster (in my opinion). Some people’s brains perceive running as hard and grueling. This means that if you give the brain a choice, it will typically try to talk you out of getting out the door. The trick is to not make it a choice. It needs to be a decision. When you make a plan to run (and I think it’s a good idea to make running appointments with yourself that you put on your to-do list), know that it is going to happen much like you know a doctor’s appointment is going to happen. Do not have the internal argument of whether to go or not. Just go.

2. Expecting too much – Raise your hand if you judge yourself while you run. Maybe you think “I'm too slow” or “I’ll never be able to finish a race” or “I can’t possibly run ten miles.” I want to ask you – is it fun to be so hard on yourself all the time? Aren't you supposedly out to run because you sort of enjoy it and it makes you feel good? Don’t soil your run by constantly second guessing yourself. Do what you can do, and know it was good enough that day.


3. Waiting for the right moment – I cannot tell you how many runs I have had this year where I’ve been uncomfortable due to being too tired, being too hot, being too cold, being too busy (so the run felt rushed), being lambasted by the wind, or being sort of sick to my stomach. I did it anyway. Although there will be those “perfect” days where everything comes together, most runs are not that way. If you wait for the ideal conditions, you are going to get really out of shape. Again – assess the situation and do what you need to do to make it happen. Excuses are unflattering.


15 mile run on a January day in Colorado when it was 5 degrees. Ever step sucked.

4. Thinking you have to go far and fast to be a “real runner” – Time and time again people classifying themselves as “not real runners” because they perceive that they run too slow and that they can’t run far enough. Guess what? No one gets to define you as a runner. A world class runner might run 4 minute miles. An average Joe (or Josephine) runner might run 10 to 11 minute miles. Who the hell cares? In my opinion, the second that you break into a run from a walk, you are a runner.

5. Believing that since it has hard you are a sucky runner – Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise: running is hard. That is why when you run with other people you can hear them breathing like they just smoked a pack of Marlboros and can’t get a decent amount of air in their lungs. That is why only .02% of the US population ran a marathon last year. That is why people probably tell you all the time that they would run too if it wasn’t so difficult. Life is about choices. Some people choose to suffer a bit but feel accomplished, and some people avoid discomfort and stay forever in that boring place called “comfort zone.”


6. Worrying about having to poop/pee, being too hot or cold, or what you look like – Yes, it’s true that running is messy. It can involve everything from runny noses and snot to stomach cramps that have you desperately searching for a potty or a bush to uncontrollable farts that you are certain will propel you right into a ditch to sweating so much you have pit marks the size of coconuts. Guess what? It happens to everyone. I know there are some dainty girls out there who claim they don’t experience the nasty side effects of running, but I don’t believe it. Don’t be afraid to let your body do what it does when you put it the test. It can, in fact, it can be kind of liberating (well, desperately searching for a bathroom to avoid a mess is not all that fun, but it feels pretty awesome afterwards).

You’ve probably surmised by now why this blog is called “Shut Up and Run.” The things that are tough in life require making a finite decision and not surrendering to excuses. Just because it’s hard, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it.


Thursday, August 14, 2014

I Have a Trick for You

I have barely taken a breath from Ironman Boulder and the EPIC Relay and yet strangers on the street keep asking me, “What’s next?”

What’s next is a lot of resting, sleeping, eating and wine consuming. There will be the occasional run, bike and swim thrown in there, but nothing too crazy.

Truthfully, there has been a lot of this going on.


I am not sure the kids know what to do with a non-moving mother.

I do, however, like having a plan an some structure to my training. I find it really motivates me…

So, what is up next is the Runner’s World Half and Festival in October (18th and 19th). I will be doing the Hat Trick. That means I’ll do a 5K and a 10K on Saturday and a half marathon on Sunday. All of this will be done in the scenic town of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania (the birth place of Jesus – oops nope wrong Bethlehem).

Actually, I have no clue if Bethlehem is scenic, but I think any little town in Pennsylvania in October with leaves changing and crisp temperatures should be pretty nice. And, in case you have been living under a rock, Bethlehem is the headquarters for Runner's World, some little magazine about our sport.


So…I’m signing up, how about you? I love that you get three medals, a shirt, a hat and socks. I am a lover of swag. My friend Kathy just told me what SWAG stands for. Do you know? I actually think I forgot.

Here are a couple of coupon codes to get 10% off. There are several choices to be made for races (5K, 10K, half marathon, 5 and Dime ((which is the 5K and 10K)) and the Hat Trick).

Here are the 10% off codes you can use to sign up. Just use them at check out. I know you want to join me. I can be fun.

· 5k: blogshutuprun5K
· 10k: blogshutuprun10K
· Half: blogshutuprunHalf
· 5 & Dime: blogshutuprun5&10
· Hat Trick: blogshutuprunHat

Register for any of the races HERE.

Keep in mind there are also kid runs and a dog run on Saturday. Quite the family event, yet I will be Ken-less and child-less that weekend.

Have you done the Runner’s World Half or one of the races before?

What’s your next race?

Do you know what SWAG stands for? Hmmm…Stuff We All Get? Sharting With A Girdle?


Monday, August 11, 2014

EPIC Cache-Teton Relay: Storms, Sickness and Success

If you really want to get to know someone, don’t go out for drinks or read their diary or watch them on a secret surveillance camera. Just do a running relay. After 32 hours in a van, you learn a lot about what pisses people off, how they cope when they are tired, how often they fart and what makes them cry (probably how often I fart).

The relay got off to a good start when we arrived in Logan, Utah (the start) and found this tasty treat at the 7-11. I don’t think they make male-specific honey buns in Colorado. Utahans are LUCKY! And for only a buck seventy nine!


After sleeping in a Days Inn and trying not to get bed bugs or to touch the dried fluids on the remote control (not ours), we headed to the start line.



If you don’t know how a relay works, I’ll tell you. There are usually 12 runners, 6 in each van (Van #1 and Van #2 < the best). Relay style, after a runner runs, he/she hands off to the next runner. This happens for 36 legs (each runner goes 3x) and usually takes 24-36 hours. This means you will run at all times of the day and night. Even though the race started for us at 7:00 a.m., I was the 12th and last runner, so I did not run for the first time until about 4:00 p.m.

In the meantime, Coors Light + turkey sandwich = pre-race lunch of champions.


Here’s Ken coming in after his first leg:


This was Kathy’s first relay. She was nervous and she did great on some really steep roads and in the heat.


Whenever someone made me mad I’d just give them the toe finger.


Things started to get interesting and scary as I prepared for my first leg. As I was waiting for my runner to come in, a van pulled up and said that he had collapsed a couple of miles back. This was as horrifying as it sounds. We all jumped in the van and found him lying in the road, unconscious. As we gathered around him, he came to, but did not know who any of us were. We suspected dehydration and heat stroke because it was very hot, he was running hills and he had been out there for 7 or so miles. 

Once I knew he was in good hands, I took off. My run was supposed to be 6.5 miles, but ended up being 8.5. A huge storm moved in and I got pounded with cross winds and hail. My van was checking on me, but they had to take care of our patient, who was now throwing up and not doing well.

We tried to give our runner small sips of fluids, etc, but it just kept coming back up. He rested, and finally was able to hold down some Pepto Bismol and started to make a slow recovery. He is fine now, and actually ran his last leg of 3 miles the next day. This was a good reminder to all of us to respect the heat and the distance.

As the storm clouds started to roll in, we fired up the camp stove for some Cup o’ Noodles, the best relay food ever invented.  I did a fine job of helping Brian to cook.


Suddenly the skies looked life threatening, so we headed into the van where we yelled for Auntie Em and finished our noodles. Van #1 pulled three of their runners due to hail and lightening.


It got nipply:



If you’ve done  a relay, you know that the night-time feels endless and this is when runners have the high probability of saying things like, “Why the hell are we doing this?” “I hate you all” and the very obvious, “I’m f$@king tired.”

My second run was at 4:00 a.m.- 7 miles down a very dark abyss (canyon) somewhere in Idaho. Pre-run I had to pee, but did not want to get out of the van due to the hurricane. I held onto my friend Julie and stuck my rear out of the open van door (it was dark, but little did I know there were people in the van next door – I like to call that the Super Moon). I swear this is #1, not #2. I am just concentrating.


Finally morning arrived and everyone was suddenly kind again. Hands down, the best cup of coffee you will ever have in your life is after a night of doing a relay.


It is imperative to bring your slippers:


Our last runs were gorgeous and our spirits were high:


As we arrived in Jackson Hole after 200 miles, I was pumped to run the last 5 mile leg and hit the finish line.



Can you believe we were 14th/80 teams?


Ken and I were in different vans, so it was good to be together again – GET A ROOM! (I am not kissing him on the lips due to my attractive and raging cold sore – something my team termed “Beth’s lip fungus” ).



At the condo it was time for some Fireball celebrating.


I loved every minute of this relay. Even the times that were scary, upsetting, sad and smelly. I also hated to leave the wild west where they tell it like it is:


My total miles: 20.1. Team total miles: 205

I’m not going to lie. I was nervous going into this, not at all sure how it would feel to run this distance only five days after Ironman Boulder. I know it was not the smartest thing. Ironman is no small feat and you should respect your body, something I probably didn’t do. However, I felt really good the whole time and feel good now. It is officially REST TIME.

I’ve got to say – this is the best relay co-ed relay group I could hope for. No matter what mixture of people we have in each van, it just works. Where should we go next year?

Have you done a relay? This was my fourth after Hood to Coast, Wild West and Epic Rocky Mountain (click on links for race reports).

Ever had heat stroke/exhaustion? No. It looked incredibly miserable.


Thursday, August 7, 2014

Crazy As It May Seem..

I am leaving this morning for Logan, Utah to start the EPIC Cache-Tetons relay with 11 other old people. Admittedly, the timing is not the best as I have hardly rinsed the Ironman sweat off my weary body. But, I’ve done a relay with this group the last few years and I had a major case of FOMO. So…let’s go.

I am the 12th and final runner for the group, which means I get to cross the finish line in Jackson, Wyoming (Teton Village) at the end of the 204 miles.

My legs total only 15 miles – yet, the first one (6 miles) is labeled as “very hard” (whatever. sheesh) and takes place in somewhere called Grace, Idaho. The thing I love most about these relays is you take back roads and see places and things you never would otherwise. Hopefully that won’t include a toothless man with a shotgun.


You may ask how I feel 4 days post-Ironman. Thank you for inquiring. Let’s take a tour of the body:

Feet: Still aching. I had a massage yesterday and made her rub my feet for 30 minutes. 
Legs: Flushed out and ready to go.
Crotch: Chafing - ‘nuf said (no pictures available).
Arms/Abs/Head/Neck: Normal with some chafing under arm pit.
Mouth: Cold sore on the lips. I figured I could not escape it after so many hours in the sun. If you would like Herpes, let me know and I can send a sample.

By far my favorite post-race surprise was found in my hair. I had a tangle-nest the size of a lemon near the nape of my neck. Joie spent 30 minutes trying to detangle it. We finally had to pull out the rest (maybe it is a tangle, maybe it is an endangered spider).


I used to get these when I was a kid. My mom hated it when I yanked them out. So, when I did yank them out I would throw them behind the furnace with my dirty underwear. True story! I pity the family who bought that house and replaced that furnace. Eww.

After the de-tangling session, I took a shower and found as staple in my hair. What? Ironman does strange and mysterious things to a person.

Overall I feel pretty damn good. I’ve resumed normal peeing/pooping/eating schedules. My recovery plan has involved Dateline, Lifetime movies (“Nightmare Nanny” is a good one), chardonnay and my bed. I like doing hard things then being lazy.

I’m off. See you next week!


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

2014 Boulder Ironman

Two days ago, this happened:


Truth be told, I am still not thinking clearly. Within 13 hours and 2 seconds, there was what felt like a lifetime of thoughts, experiences, highs and lows.

I wish you could read the dialogue that was going through my brain at times. It fluctuated from “this isn’t so bad” to “this sucks balls” to “I’m going to throw up” to “I’ll never do this again” to “this is the best day ever” to “I haven’t peed in 10 hours” to “my feet are on fire.”

The morning was uneventful. The usual race nerves. I had some talk in the porta potty line with someone and we both agreed that we don’t get how people cannot poop before a race. I am usually so wound up I drop the kids at the pool at least three times.

Here is a pre-race pose with the man who has now seen me through 2 Ironman races in the past 9 months and has been nothing less than supportive, patient and kind as I’ve been consumed, obsessed and I’m sure at times selfish.


Ready to go. Pretending to look relaxed.


Heading out to the swim with someone who prefers a Speedo to a wetsuit. Ready. Set. Go.

I don’t have much to say about the swim. I treated it like a race day warm up and took it easy. I drank and gagged on a ton of reservoir water and am pretty sure e-coli is now part of my DNA.

Swim 2.4 miles: 1:22


I got my wetsuit stripped off by a kind young man. I think he smoked a cigarette afterwards. Transition #1 was smooth and fast. Onto the bike, and feeling good. I am SO glad that I trained on this course as much as I did. It is tough and knowing what to expect was the key. In all, I did not stop pedaling the entire 112 miles. I never stopped to pee, I biked through the aid stations and I did not get my special needs bag. I wanted to be DONE.


Bike 112 miles: 6:09 (18.2 mph pace)

Off the bike and onto the run I felt like a million bucks.

2 miles into the run I felt like $.01.

The reality of running 26.2 miles on concrete in 85 degree heat after what I had already done, was slightly daunting and infuriating.  By mile 2, my feet were so numb, I felt like I was running on blocks of wood. I kept taking off my shoes and running barefoot holding them, hoping to regain some circulation. No luck. When they were not numb, they were on fire. Burning. Blisters were starting to form. I knew I had 24 miles to deal with this crap.

The good news is that the mind seems to only be able to focus on one form of suffering at a time. Once I started getting really nauseated, I stopped thinking about my feet and focused on not throwing up.

Then I would get really uncomfortably hot and miserable and stop thinking about how nauseous I was and how much my feet hurt.

I tried to smile at mile 6 because it felt better than crying, although I thought about doing that too.

At mile 12, I got my special needs bag and changed my socks hoping that would help my feet. It didn’t. At mile 14 I found some Vaseline at an aid station and thought it would help my feet. It didn’t.

At mile something I was running up the canyon in the heat and was having trouble breathing. This made my feet, nausea and heat exhaustion disappear. Funny how not being able to breathe trumps everything. For a few moments I actually thought I might have to get medical help. Fortunately, that went away once I started down the canyon.

Around mile 20 I saw this, and got some perspective.

The thing that was different about this run than Florida was that EVERYONE was walking. I think the bike and heat really did most people in.

Finally and after over 5 hours of running/walking I knew I was getting close to the finish. I heard someone yell, “You have 200 yards to go!” I picked it up. I knew I was close to 13 hours and really wanted to have the number “12” in front of my time.image

Coming into the finish, I managed a couple of cartwheels. My form sucks, but what do you want from me?


Here is my best post-cartwheel pose.


In all the run took me 5:19 or so. Ugh!! That was 5:19 of pure suffering and not much joy. But damn if the joy didn’t come when I crossed the line in 13 hours and TWO seconds (I would by lying if I told you I wasn’t pissed about those 2 seconds. Must.Let.It.Go).

My feet hurt so bad I left my shoes at the finish line. I never want to see them again.

The stats: 19th out of 134 in age group! 133 out of 759 women! 750 out of 2814 total finishers!

Hot dog I am proud of being 19th!!

After the race Sam told me I looked like a corpse. White face. Milky eyes. Nice. I felt like one too.

Damn if I didn’t have the best support crew ever. Every one of these people has given me such support along this journey and on race day. Each person has provided something unique to me that I could not do without.

From left to right – my mom, Nicky, Kathy, Joie, Ken, Sam, Emma, my mother in law (Peg) with my father in law (John) behind her, my sister in law (Jen), Erika, Julie (on crutches!) and my dad!


Also – kudos to my fabulous training group – Fast Forward Sports and to the best training partners ever – Leigh, Mark, Ken and Marie. You guys kept me sane and laughing my ass off! Very important. Lastly, huge thanks to X2 Performance for sponsoring me in this race and for supplying me with that extra bit of help with recovery and performance!


Because I still feel sore and crappy I am not in the best place to totally process this race.

I will say that I have never dug so deep in my life. I never once thought about quitting, but I sure suffered. While I was in a race with 3,200 people, it was essentially up to me and only me to get this done. I realized once again  that pain, discomfort, and suffering does not mean that I have to stop and give up. It just means I have to accept the moment and endure. It is in these moments that I know I am stronger than I think I am. Not just in the middle of an Ironman, but in life. We often don’t give ourselves enough credit for being able to do hard things, to come through the darkness and to be okay on the other side. Ironman for me mirrors life in a lot of ways. It’s made me stronger beyond measure.

With that said – it’s time to stop suffering for awhile, right?

I can’t thank you enough for being on this journey with me, sharing the highs and lows of my training and providing so much support when and as I needed it. I have treasured your comments, emails, and messages. So, thank you!

SUAR (Ironman x 2!)