Thursday, January 29, 2015

Armpit Hair

Very strange. I was looking for a tutorial on coloring your hair yourself (not convinced I will try this, but wanted to see). When I searched Google, I got “how to color your armpit hair.” Is this a thing?

I didn't know it was a “thing” to even have armpit hair, let alone color it. If you ask me, it is a very disturbing and ugly trend, but what do I know? I lump this into the category with the “merkin” or wig for your pubic area. Really not necessary.


This got me to thinking…I wonder what people Google that causes them to end up on my site, Shut Up + Run? Here are few juicy ones I discovered (beyond the ones about GPS watches and running in the cold and the treadmill, etc):


Yes, I have them.

Boys free-balling in sports shorts

Okay if you are just hanging out with the boyz. Not okay if you are actually jumping around and playing sports. Even though I don’t have balls, my guess is the package needs to be more secure.

Can’t stop coughing urinating

I am sorry. This sounds frustrating and very moist.

CRV for family of 3 and pets?

Too crowded! You should get rid of a kid.

Does running build muscle in your abs?

You tell me.

Image result for picture of abs

Can I dry yoga mat in dryer?

Yes, especially if you want to ruin your dryer and melt your mat.

Is porn good for sex?

Probably, but you should really ask your mother.

Russell the love muscle

I actually had a short term boyfriend with this nick name. Never touched the muscle, though.

Should you do a colon cleanse?

I don’t know, I’ve never done one. Running gives me all the cleansing I need.

Teeth fell out

Are you five years old? If not, do you eat a lot of sugar? If not, are you a meth addict?  If not, are you 90 years old? If not, I can’t help you.


Ever color your own hair?


Monday, January 26, 2015

These Days…

I’ll tell you some stuff I’ve been up to “these days.” This may or many not turn into some kind of a confession post.  Stay tuned.

These days…I’ve been doing no core or upper body work. The one and only thing I’ve been doing is running. I think in the world of running that is illegal because you are supposed to cross train and strength train. Ooops, so put handcuffs on me. Today I promise I will do this ↓↓↓ 4x per week. It is basic and boring, but it is something. And I truly believe it will make me look like the girl in the blue sports bra.


These days… I have been loving Cherry Cola Honey Stinger Chews on my runs. Did you ever have those coke bottle gummies? Well, these are those on steroids. Caffeine. Vitamin C. Carbs. Organic everything.


These days… I’ve been thinking about an article that came out in the Wall Street Journal. I learned that Clif Bar is coming out with savory flavored gels. As in – pizza and sweet potato fries. I love pizza and fries and often eat them together, but I most certainly do not want them blended into a gel the consistency of tooth paste*. (*edit: after this blog was posted,  I heard from Clif Bar. They wanted to clarify that the WSJ article was incorrect calling this a “gel.” It is actually “organic energy food” that will come in re-sealable pouches. The texture is apparently less thick than gels as it has more water content – think real food in a pureed form.  I will be doing  a review in the next couple weeks. Bring on the pizza!)

These days… I am trying to get my 2015 race/adventure calendar in order. The one and only race I am signed up for is the Canyonlands Half Marathon in Moab, Utah on March 21 with my Fast Forward training group.

Ken and I are kicking around the idea of doing Rim to Rim of the Grand Canyon for our 20 year anniversary. Nothing says “man and wife running geeks” more than forgoing a trip to Mexico for a 22 mile trail run where you will climb thousands of feet and argue and poop in the woods. Honestly, it looks like a piece of cake (sarcasm)

These days… I am listening to the Serial podcast in my car every chance I get. Don’t tell me what happens.

These days…I am bored with winter. I am bored with myself.

These days…I wash my hair every three to four days.

These days…I think it’s funny my 13 year old daughter sleeps in her clothes so she doesn’t have to get up 10 minutes earlier in the morning. Not that different than when I sleep in my running clothes so I don’t have to get up 10 minute earlier.

These days…I don’t like how my jeans fit. The closer I get to 50 (gulp) the more my body shifts and not in a good way. Mammogram on Wednesday! Can’t wait to have boob pancakes for breakfast.


What are your thoughts on pizza/sweet potato/burger gels?

Do you run with your spouse? Would you consider a running vacation with him/her?

Fill in the blank. These days I’ve ________________.

What’s the biggest change you’ve seen in your body since you’ve gotten older? I’ve got flat butt syndrome.



Thursday, January 22, 2015

10 Elements of a Kick Ass Marathon (or 1/2) Training Plan

There are tons of cookie-cutter marathon and half marathon plans out there. They can be found in books, magazines and online. And, they come for the affordable price of *free*. Keep in mind that those plans are free and available because they are a one size fit all scenario, much like your favorite hat, scarf or tampon. 

If there is any thing we know about runners, it’s that we come in all shapes and sizes. We have varying experience/skill levels. So, if you want to use one of those plans, go ahead. But don’t be afraid to tailor it a bit to fit YOU.

Here’s how:

1. Start at Your Current Level of Fitness: Some plans may have you starting your long run at 5 miles and have you running four days per week. That’s great if that’s your foundation and what you’ve been doing. But, if you have been running far less than that (or far more), you might need to tweak those numbers.

2. Incorporate Rest days: A good, sound plan will not run you into the ground (literally). It will give you time to recuperate so that your body can adjust to the stress you are putting on it.


3. Build In Recovery weeks: Maybe this is more for those of us approaching the AARP age, but I like a plan that builds for three weeks, then drops back for a week. This usually means that mileage (especially for the long run) is decreased by about 15 percent. This gives your body a chance to adjust and to recover. It also gives your mental state a break. If you keep increasing mileage every week with no hiatus, you might become a tired and grumpy bitch.

4. Add In Variety: A good plan will keep you on your toes. It can be zone training, speed work, hill repeats or my favorite farting! (I mean fartleking).  A plan needs to be more than just straight and unvaried running (i.e., same pace every run everyday).


5. Stick to the Ten Percent Rule: Any plan worth its weight in race medals will increase weekly mileage cautiously. A generally accepted practice is that total weekly mileage does not increase more than ten percent per week. For you math wizards, this means that if you ran 20 miles per week in week #1, you should run no more than a total of 22 miles per week in week #2. You are welcome.

6. Make Sure Your Taper Is Long Enough: For a marathon, a taper (the last weeks before your race) should be at least three weeks long. For a half, it should be two weeks. This means you run less, rest more and go out of your mind as you get ready for the big day.

7. Have a Key for Determining Long Run/Easy Run/Tempo Run Paces: This is a tricky one because in order to know what your long run/easy/tempo paces should be, you need to have a marathon goal pace or know your heart rate zones. How do you even know this pace if you haven’t done the race distance before? You don't. A good way to set your pace levels is to use the McMillan running calculator.

8. Make Room for Strength and Cross Training: I am being a hypocrite with this one because right now I am doing NONE of either of these things. But, that doesn’t mean I don’t think they are important and should be part of any good training plan. Do as I say, not as I do.


9. Make It Fit: Listen closely, because this one is a doozy and is uber important. You will only be successful with a training plan if it fits your lifestyle and allows you to keep your priorities in order (i.e., you don’t want to cross the finish line divorced, friendless, and with children who have no clue who you are).

10. Be Consistent: Most running coaches will tell you that the key to improving performance and becoming an all around stronger runner is that you are a consistent runner. This means you do everything in your power (see #s 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8)) to remain healthy so that you can run consistently. Even a semi-okay training plan will probably get you near the result you want if you are consistent in following that plan.

Don’t want to deal with all of this? Then hire a coach and sit back and pick your nose. A good coach should be able to incorporate all of these things (for a price of course).

Any other things you need to be part of a good plan? Wine. And Cheetos. SUAR

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Look What I Found On My Run (and Other Pics from the Week)

photo 2

Possible captions:

  • She doesn’t always lock people in porta potties,  but when she does she always tips them over
  • A windy day became a very shitty day for someone
  • What kind of shit is she high on?
  • She should get that IT band checked. It’s about to explode all over the potty.
  • ?????????????? Give me your best caption.

We did 10 miles on trails on Sunday. In shorts. I actually sweated and smelled strongly of B.O. during and after the run.  Colorado gets a bad rap for being cold in the winter, which it for sure can be, but running in shorts in January and sweating so much you stink is a real bonus to living here.

photo 3

photo 4

This mother bucker was staring at me as I stopped for water.  Actually, I guess it is a father bucker, but mother sounds better. Sneaky bastard trying to be all calm and camouflaged.

photo 3

This is a spectacular view and it doesn’t look nearly as spectacular as it really is. Can you see the fire?

photo 2

We went out for Ken’s birthday (49th!) and a few hours (and drinks) in someone brought out the red lipstick. Did you know Ken had five sister wives who now all wear the same lipstick? Happy birthday to him.

photo 4

This happened at Target at night when it was 20 degrees. Car batteries do not seem to die in the daytime  in your own garage.

photo 5

No comment


Best caption for the fallen potty? I’ll send you a Shut Up + Run sticker.

What’s the best thing you’ve ever found on a run? A fallen porta potty.

Who are you routing for in the Superbowl?  The Budweiser horse or that Katy Perry’s shirt falls off.


PS: There is no fire.

Friday, January 16, 2015

The Marathon Virgin

I’ve been thinking about the marathon distance lately. I love the recipe for a marathon.

1 part motivation
2 parts discipline
1 dash crazy
1 dollop suffering
5 scoops of heart and soul

Spend 3-5 hours combining all ingredients on race day. At the last minute, i.e., finish line, top off with a gallon of triumph, achievement and emotion.

In the past, thoughts of running 26.2 miles have scared me or even excited me. But these days, the idea of running a marathon makes me tired as shit. I think that’s because my last stand alone marathon (not counting Boulder Ironman) was in L.A. in March (race report HERE).

It was such a mentally and physically tough race for me and I didn’t make my time goal of 3:50, which would have been a BQ (3:55). I came in at 3:58, a full 16 minutes slower than my PR time. I am not going to make excuses, but I am going to make excuses (because we all have a time we think we could have gotten if such and such didn’t happen).

  • It was hot. 80 degrees.
  • I was wearing new shoes (yeah there was a reason for this, but I suffered)
  • It was so crowded I think I made love to 45 people without even knowing it
  • My head was in the wrong place. I was excited to be in L.A. I was not excited to run that day.

I don’t have a marathon distance race planned (yet) for this year. I am still dealing with PTSD from LA and from IM Boulder. The thing is, if I had a CARROT – like the coolest place ever to run, I would be all over it (Great Wall! Athens! Antarctica! Big Sur!). These days my races are as much for adventure and experience as they are for time/pace. Even more so.

And yet…I crave the distance. There is nothing like it.


Today when I received an email from a reader getting ready for her first marathon in April (in Manchester, England!), I had this twinge of excitement remembering a few years ago when I did my first 26.2.

As a newbie, I had so many worries and questions. While I still fret before every race, there is nothing like being a marathon virgin. You scream, you bleed, you have remorse < oh wait. That’s a different kind of virgin.

Her questions:

Do you have any tips for a marathon first timer? Do I ever!

  1. Nothing new on race day – this includes fuel, gear, etc.
  2. Don’t worry if you don’t sleep the night before. No one does.
  3. Pace yourself. Start conservatively. At the half, if you can, pick it up.
  4. Take in the people and the sights. Distract yourself. Remember you are running a freaking marathon. Be proud.
  5. Be generous with the lube. Chafing will make you cry like a baby.
  6. Don’t look at your watch when you cross the finish line unless you want your race photo to be of you looking at the ground.
  7. Walk through aid stations. This is my preference. I don’t carry water and like to use this as a chance to regroup.

What are your mantras when the going gets tough? Mine are simple because I am too tired to get elaborate. “Don’t stop.” “Move forward.” “You can do this.” “Fuck”

Is there ever a moment in your mind where you think "shit, I can't do this!"? Of course, but I never actually entertain the thought of quitting. It’s more like, “Shit this hurts. Shit I can’t wait for this to be over. Shit, how much further?”

How much do you eat before you go on a long run? My preference is to eat a small high carb breakfast before a run. I don’t like having a ton in my stomach when I run, so I eat a pb&j or a banana or a Clif bar or some combination of these things. While running I replace 25 carbs per hour in the form of gels, chews, Honey Stinger waffles, etc.

Help out a reader! Can you answer a few of  the above questions^^^^?

Have you run a marathon before? If not, do you plan on it?


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

SaltStick Review and Giveaway

I remember a day last summer when I was training for Ironman Boulder. We were doing our first century (100 mile) ride of our training.

It was one of those Colorado days where the sun beats down relentlessly, not a cloud in the sky. The wind felt like a hot furnace caressing all of my body parts, but not in a good way. 

My clothes were so salty I was able to suck on this jersey when I did a tequila shot later that night.


We rode the Boulder IM course which has as much shade as the Mojave Desert. In fact, the only shade we had was from the huge tractor trailers that blew past us and the lovely fracking structures along the road.

At about mile 70 most of us were out of water. In lieu of drinking our own urine, we went a few miles out of our way just to get to a gas station for fluids. Every one was in pretty bad shape with cramping, heat exhaustion, nausea. Except for me.


This is not to toot my own horn. It's not like I was fitter than the rest of my people. The difference? I had been taking my SaltStick tabs throughout the ride. This meant I didn't cramp up, my electrolytes stayed intact and the stress of the heat didn’t get to me quite as badly.

My secret weapon had been to tape the tabs to my bike and to ingest one or two every hour (while trying not to eat the tape).


This was also a regimen I followed the day of IM Boulder. While I may have had other issues (moaning, groaning, hyperventilating, farting, chafing, blistering, delusioning), cramping and dehydration were not problems for me that day.

So, why so many months later am I talking about this? Am I having trouble letting go of the past?
No. I was contacted by SaltStick to do a review of their product. I only review products I think I can really stand behind, and this meets that criteria.

Terrible SaltStick Selfie (I hate all selfies of myself <redundant):


Why SaltStick? For starters, it’s the only electrolyte capsule that resembles the electrolyte profile lost in sweat.  That’s why. It’ s not just salt –it’s also potassium, magnesium and calcium. BOOM!

IMHO, this product is best taken in very hot conditions when you are going to be out there for more than an hour. I’ve also taken it during marathons and 70.3 distances.

Another perk, instead of going old school and taping the capsules to your bike, there is now this nifty dispenser that can be put between your aero bars. Ta dah!

Want to try some SaltStick tabs (MSRP: $19.99)? Just enter below. Giveaway ends 1/19, so hurry up. U.S. addresses only please.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: SaltStick provided the product and giveaway item. All opinions are my own.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Tips for Runners: A to Z

You’ve probably already read and tried every tip/trick in the running handbook, but just in case you haven’t, here are 26 more (hey, I just realized there are the same number of letters in the alphabet as there are miles in a marathon! Except for that point two part. The alphabet needs a point two letter).

Next week I might do the Greek alphabet of running tips to keep you on your toes. Θ  Σ φ µ ß π!!!

A: Against traffic. Always run on the left side of the road (unless you’re in one of those other countries). This way you can see what’s coming and jump out of the way into a ditch before you get hit.

B: BYOT Bring Your Own Toilet Paper (or tequila). You never know what can happen between point A and point B of your run. What you do with the used TP is your problem.

C: Clean out the pipes. Lots of runners have G.I. distress. Minimize this by dropping the kids off at the pool before you head out. If you can’t, then don’t forget letter “B” above.

D: Downhill running. Keep your strides short. Don’t lean back. Let gravity be your friend and fly.

E: Energy. For longer runs consume about 25-50 g of carbs per hour depending on our size. For runs less than 75 minutes, don’t bother.

F: Focus on yourself and your goals. Don’t compare yourself to others. You’ll only be depressed. Do your own thing. Your race your pace. Remember there will always be someone faster than you and someone slower than you. Move on.

G: Get dressed. This simple act alone can increase your motivation to run. Action before feeling, right?

H: Have a goal. The key to staying motivated is to have something to work for. Sign up for a race. Aim to run a certain distance or pace. Tell yourself you will run 3 times per week for an entire year. Just come up with something for God’s sake.

I: Invite a friend. Even if you prefer to run solo, there will be times when having a running buddy holds you accountable and motivates you. This is also someone with whom to  solve the world’s problems and keep watch for you while you pee behind a bush.

J: Jump a size or a half size. When buying running shoes, take into account that your feet will swell when you run. Buy shoes a half to a full size larger than your regular shoes.

K: Keep tabs on mileage. Replace shoes every 300-500 miles. Or when you can afford it.

L: Loosen your hands/fists. Run as if you have a potato chip in your hand and are trying not to crush it. Don’t eat it. This will keep tension loose in your neck and shoulders. It will also prevent you from wasting energy on balling up your fists (but you might waste more energy on craving potato chips).

M: Mileage. Increase it no more than 10% per week.

N: Never trust a fart. ‘Nuf said.

O: Overtraining – don’t do it. This happens when you do too much too soon.  Leads to fatigue, burn out and/or injury. Which leads to general bitchiness.

P: Protein! Make sure to eat 15-20 grams of protein within 30 minutes of a run over an hour. This will help repair muscles and aid in recovery.

Q: Quit your whining and over thinking and excuses. SUAR.

R: Rest well. Take recovery days seriously. If something hurts, let it rest for a day or two.

S: Screw yourself. Put screws in the bottom of old-ish running shoes tip increase traction (DIY tutorial HERE)

T: Treadmill runners. Set the incline at 1%-2% to simulate outdoor running.

U: Uphill running. Lean into the hill, but don’t hunch over. Keep a quick cadence. Try not to cry.

V: Variety is the spice of life. Change up your running routes by running a favorite course in reverse, heading out to the trails or finding a new route on

W: Warm up, then stretch. If you stretch on cold muscles, you run the risk of pulling something. Ouch! My groin! Instead warm up for a mile or so and then do some gentle stretching.

X: X-ray – don’t do it. This happens when you get injured, most likely from doing letter “O” or not doing letter “M”. Here are some tips to avoid an x-ray in the first place.

Y: Yaktrax. Try these to increase traction when you run.

Z: Zebra. Always wear black tights and shorts. Always. This will camouflage any unexpected accidents. Wearing white up top is fine.


Any tips you don’t agree with?

What’s your best running tip?

How about one that begins with Z?


Thursday, January 8, 2015

That Run Was a Disaster

Is it just me or do you also have runs that are full of mishaps? This can include but are not limited to:

Clothing malfunctions
Getting lost
Bathroom emergencies
Falling down
Losing something
Extremely bad weather that forces you to call for a  pickup by a loved one (I call this a pussy pickup)

I had such a run yesterday. Let me preface it by saying the conditions sucked balls. It was negative a million degrees outside and snow was falling atop a 4” layer of ice. I knew running on the ice was plain stupid, but I figured the layer of snow would help.

What? That’s not rational thinking? Let’s just say I was determined to get in this run (and not on the treadmill). I can be stubborn that way.

Off I went. But not before I took the required “I’m cold as shit” selfie:

photo 1

Things started out okay enough.

Then, I realized my tights were falling down. These are SKIN compression tights. I had worn them before, just around the house doing my thing – laundry and such- but had never worn them running.

You know when your pants start to fall down and the crotch hangs about 1” low, like you are carrying a load in your pants? It is a very uncomfortable feeling. Thankfully my jacket was hanging low enough so my plumber’s crack wasn’t visible.

Several times I stopped to pull up my tights. Each time my iPod that was clipped onto my tights (yes, I still go old school with the mini clip on shuffle) would fall off, but I wouldn’t know it. I’d start running and the iPod would be dangling between my legs (TWSS). So, I would stop to fix my iPod, then pull up my pants again. I was getting sick of all of this extra work and maintenance.

Then, I kept having to put my face mask over my face because it was freezing. But, then I couldn't breathe and I’d have to take it off, feeling like I was suffocating to death (does anyone else deal with this?? It drives me freaking crazy). Through all of this my glasses would fog up causing me to be legally blind.

By this time my ass had started to really freeze. I have often wondered why it is my ass that is always cold and stays cold, so I came home and Googled “butt freezes while running.” I learned from Dr. Oz  it’s because my ass is full of fat. The body is smart and works to preserve heat. Since fat does not have as many blood cells as muscle it’s the last place to warm up. Note to self: turn ass fat into muscle before winter 2016.

Anyway, here I was running with a popsicle butt, plumber’s crack, iPod dangling between my legs, and I was blind as a bat. I considered just calling it a day, but by this time I was about 3 miles in. It would have been longer to turn around than to finish my 5.5 mile loop.

I pressed on.

It was about this time that my stomach started churning. I’ve had a bad tummy this week. Not sure why. Maybe wine, nachos, popcorn and coffee, but I’m really not sure. Anyway, suffice it to say I did not follow my own advice and committed the ultimate sin. I trusted a fart. Bad idea.

So, here I am with my tights hanging low and now I had a little chaser in there as well. In case you were not aware, it is possible for sharts to freeze.

I made it the 5.5 miles. It wasn’t my most pleasant run. But, I will say – every time I have a run this pathetic and I push through it I know it makes me a better person. Well, not really, but at least I know I can be uncomfortable and still keep going. At least I can run, right?

photo 3

What’s the last running mishap you’ve had?

Do you suffer from popsicle butt? What helps?


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

5 Ways to Stay Sane on the Treadmill

If you read this blog you know I will do anything to avoid the treadmill. This could mean running in –10 degree weather, slogging through a foot of snow or battling 50 mph winds (which usually leaves me in a ditch with empty beer cans, syringes and other forms of trash).

Yet, today I had to do it. I had to make my way to the recreation building to get on the treadmill (yep, no gym membership here. Too poor).

You see, Colorado has gotten some snow lately (shocking). This would be no big deal except yesterday in about 5 minutes the temperature went from 10 degrees to 55 degrees (no joke – damn Chinook winds <does it make me sound smart that I know what that is? I should have been a meteorologist). This meant all of the snow melted. Then the sun went down and all the rivers of water froze leaving ice skating rinks throughout the city.

I can’t run on ice. It makes me fall and cuss and get hurt. Like this person (funny, not funny):

To the treadmill I went.

If you are not a huge treadmill fan, you are lucky you are reading today because I am going to tell you how to survive and not lose your mind on the treadmill.

1. Pick a treadmill with a view. Try not to face a brick wall (unless it has a naked picture of Ryan Gosling on it). Today I watched the swimmers and made up stories about them. It wasn’t really that entertaining, but it was something. And there were Speedos.

photo 1

2. Change up your workout. DO NOT just get on there and run like a hamster on a wheel. Have a purpose. I like to take advantage of the treadmill (not in the biblical sense) by varying speed and incline. Today I used this workout from Bart Yasso’s Top 3 Treadmill Workouts. I love this one because it is exactly an hour long. And challenging. Bart never does me wrong.


3. Don’t Be Afraid to Let It Go. Unlike when you are outside, it is not ultra acceptable to expel air (i.e. fart) frequently while on the treadmill. This is because there are usually other people nearby and you are in an enclosed area. Unfortunately, I often cannot control this condition and things fly out spontaneously. I am sorry to the ladies behind me doing a TRX class today. What I did was not on purpose and I hope it did not ruin your day.

4. Listen to music. People might not agree with this especially if you are very Zen and like to hear your every breath and step. On the treadmill I have to have music to keep me from losing it. And from hearing my farts (see #3). I guess I could listen to a podcast like Serial (which everyone is raving about), but I’m not sure that would be upbeat enough for me.

5. Make it worthwhile. Work hard. Channel all of your boredom, frustration, anger and sadness about being on the treadmill into your run. Work so hard you look like you wet yourself. Gross.


photo 2


Treadmill: love or hate it? I am being dramatic. I don’t hate it, I’d just much rather be outside.

What’s your best tip for staying sane on the treadmill? I just told you.


Monday, January 5, 2015

My Favorite Winter Workout

Living in Colorado, everyone thinks I must be a world class skier.

Let me tell you a secret. I hate to ski. Although the act of skiing is a thrill, it’s too expensive and too cold. I don’t like waiting in lines, languishing in traffic and putting on all the gear (<plus going to the bathroom is a nightmare). Mostly, I fear injury, which would sabotage my greatest love – running!

I might not have told you that when I first moved to Colorado I was skiing like a maniac down a mountain – way faster than my skill-base allowed for - and I crossed my skis and proceeded to fall, spinning on my face. I was carried down on a stretcher having broken my wrist and busted my lip (and my pride).

So, if skiing isn’t my winter thing, what is? Do you really have to ask?

I adore running in the winter. I adore running in the snow in the winter. I adore running in the snow on a beautiful Colorado trail in the winter. This is my favorite winter workout by far.


The good news is that you don’t have to live in Colorado to run on trails. In fact, there is likely one near you (unless you live in some concrete jungle, then you might have to drive a bit, but I promise it is worth it). Just be aware that there will be no gas stations or coffee shops where you can warm up. Dress for the weather and keep in mind that it can change quickly and drastically. As I’ve said in previous posts, one my favorite go-to brands for winter weather gear is Target® C9. Stylish, affordable and great quality.

One thing I love about trails is that you don’t have to have a set workout in terms of varying speed, etc. By nature, trails have hills and valleys and varied terrain. This means your heart rate and pace automatically vary throughout the run without you having to think about it.

Why run trails? Well, besides the fact that you get to clear your head in the best way possible and can leave behind the gym rats, the car exhaust and other distractions, there are many benefits to getting on the trails:
  • The trail’s softer and varied surface is less stress on the joints.
  • Taking uneven steps due to changes in terrain helps you to create better balance. It also encourages the use of different muscle groups than you would engage on pavement or concrete.
  • Trail running can potentially reduce the risk of injury because movements are less repetitive than on a treadmill or on pavement (although you do have to watch out for those nasty roots and rocks. I’ve had my fair share of face plants on the trail).
  • Most trails are full of hills. Overall, tackling hills can make you a stronger and faster runner.
  • Running trails adds variety to your everyday workouts.


What is your favorite wintertime workout?

Do you spend anytime on the trails?


Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Target® C9 through their partnership with POPSUGAR Select. While I was compensated to write a post about Target® C9 all opinions are my own.