I cannot thank you enough for your heartfelt support regarding yesterday's post. I felt really vulnerable putting that out there, but it was something I was drawn to do. I’m glad I did. Lots of the comments made me tear up. One that really hit me was from Joe:
“Times are tough indeed. I've been un/underemployed for over a year now and recently picked up a retail job to keep my wife and I out of our retirement savings. In the midst of the strain and anxiety, though, we've really found a great deal of strength and our relationship feels like its good as ever -- she's proud of me for doing what I can to chip in - however possible - and I'm so thankful to her for providing stability throughout this period.
I get misty-eyed when I think of our wedding and the promises we made to each other. They mean so much more to me now than they did then. It sounds like you and your husband have done a great job of helping each other through the adversity. How great will it be to look back at these days (when things are better, of course!) and think about how it was all worth it in the end!”
Tough times? Yes. Silver linings? Always.
Thank you for holding me up, keeping my family in your thoughts and prayers and being a community where it is safe to be myself.
Oh, running? Yes, this is supposed to be a blog about that.
I am not running today. Or yesterday. On Saturday I went out for 9 miles (32 degrees, that’s why I look colder than a witch’s tit – Halloween humor):
It was freaking freezing and I was being a pussy about it. But, I don’t’ call this blog “Be Quiet and Go For a Short Walk with Your Down Coat On,” so – I headed out into the shithole that we call Boulder County:
About half way into the run my ass/hamstring started bugging me again. With deep tissue ultrasound, stretching, chiro adjustments, etc. I had been feeling much better. I think I pushed my mileage last week doing:
Saturday: 8 miles
Monday: 7 miles (trail)
Wednesday: 6 miles (treadmill)
Saturday: 9 miles
This, my friends, is the vicious running cycle. If you are not currently in it, you were probably in it at one time. If you are smart enough to be out of it, you are a better person than me and probably don’t lick knives, run with scissors, speed or take more than 15 items to the express checkout.
My doctor has suggested a plasma or cortisone injection because I have been dealing with this issue for awhile. He thinks I have tons of fibrosis in my hamstring/glute. You can read about plasma injections HERE. The theory is that by bringing in healthy tissue, it is possible to speed up recovery. Of course, along with that needs to go smart training, form adjustments, etc.
Tiger Woods did it so I am thinking it will make me a better golfer.
In a bit of good news, I think our tree can be saved. You know, the one that got castrated by last week’s snow storm. Mike at the Tree Farm gave me some very good advice of what to do:
So can someone please come over and do this for me? Thanks.
Tonight I am getting ready to contribute to the obesity epidemic and to fund the dentists in the area. You can see all the candies that are crossed off. Those are the ones I am not allowed to give out because Sam wants them. So, naturally those are the ones I will give out first. We usually give out full sized bars, but – HELLO!! Did you not read my post from yesterday? Tightening the belt in this household.
What’s your injury of the week?
Ever had a plasma or cortisone injection?
What type of candy are you giving out tonight? What’s your favorite? I LOVE Heath Bars and Bottlecaps.