First off, thanks to all of you who ordered shirts, just awesome! And, thanks also for your patience as I am learning how to navigate my way through this whole shirt selling thing. Appreciate your support!
The kids and I came up to Vail yesterday to stay with a girlfriend and her kids. We are staying right in Vail Village at the base of the chairlifts. Last night we did some poking around the Village which might even be quainter than some villages in Austria, but I don’t know because I’ve never been to Austria.
This is outside of our condo. That’s snow on the barren ski slopes.
I found a couple signs I should probably plaster to my forehead.
Oxygen is over-rated in these parts.
All I do is lay around. I’m just not cut out for exercise.
Some times I like to do tricks:
This morning I get up at the ass crack of dawn to tackle Vail Pass on my bike. The summit is about a 15 mile climb from our condo. I was going it alone. It was chilly when I left – maybe 45 degrees. I knew that climbing from 8.150 to 10,400 feet might freeze my nuts off, or some kind of body part.
The first few miles I cruised along thinking, what’s the big deal, this is no problem. By mile six, I really started climbing and it was that steep crazy climbing where you are in your granny gear, pushing as hard as you can and going 5 mph. At certain steep steep spots you consider actually walking your bike because it may be that or fall off on your face.
I couldn’t bring myself to walk the bike so I pressed on. Around every turn I would think, “Okay, the summit has got to be around the next bend.” It wasn’t. It’s good to know where you’re going
And where you’ve been.
I seriously thought I would encounter a bear and he would make me his bitch - I was literally the only one I saw out there. But I didn’t see Deliverance bear. Only saw some deer who were rude enough to stand there, still, on the side of the path and stare me down. The look in their eyes was something like, “What the eff is she doing?” I shrugged those fawns off, giving them a dirty look back.
Finally I reached the top, and the view did not disappoint.
Coming down, the snow and rushing water made it cold as hell. That’s what 1 hour hot showers and endless cups of coffee are for, right?
All in all, 2,400 feet of elevation gain. 30 miles out and back. You don’t want to know how long it took me. 1:20 going up, :45 coming down.
When I got back I stuffed my face at the breakfast buffet with hard boiled eggs, scones, bananas and yogurt with granola. Emma walked up as I was peeling and eating the egg. “WHO FARTED?” she yelled. I told her it was the egg. But I got to wondering why do farts smell so much like hard boiled eggs? And given that, why do we keep eating hard boiled eggs?
I’ll leave you with that conundrum.
Do you work out while on vacation? I never used to. Once I got really into running (about three years ago) I started always exercising while on vacation, regardless of where I am. For me, it just starts my day off right. Then I don’t feel so bad about basking in the sun all day eating nachos and drinking margaritas.