Tuesday, October 23, 2012

20 Things No One Tells You About Running

When I first started running a few years ago, I was one clueless newbie. For a sport that is supposedly so simple, running can actually be kind of complex.

Here are some secrets that you might learn about running after you’ve been doing it for awhile.

1.  Your feet will look like crap. Blisters, black toenails, callouses. If you get pedicures, just apologize when you go in.

2.  When people (non-runner types) learn you are a runner, they often like to tell you how much they hate running or that running will ruin your knees.

3.  You don’t have to look like a runner to be a runner.

4.  If you only run and don’t do anything else (cross train, strength train), you will probably get injured.

5.  Most people, especially non-runners, really don’t care that much about your running.

6. You will run a race and in the middle of the race you will tell yourself you will never do this again. Yet, 30 minutes after you are done you will surf the Internet for your next race. Running is kind of like childbirth that way.

7. You will go through phases where you feel totally inadequate as a runner.

8.  You will go through phases where you feel totally like a rock star as a runner.

9. You might gain weight instead of lose weight while training for a marathon.

10.  Having a spare pair of shorts in your car is important. Soiling of all kinds can happen.  Eww!

11.  You will be pissed if someone refers to you as a “jogger” instead of a “runner.”

12.  Sometimes other runners won’t always say “hi to you when you run by them.

13.  You might pee yourself while your run, or worse.

14. Running is expensive. It’s not just about a pair of shoes and shorts and a top. There are race entries, massages, watches, sports bras, cute running skirts, gels, blocks and recovery stuff.

15. You will get addicted. Yes, there are worse things to be obsessed about than running (like meth and prostitutes), but you might be surprised by how hooked you get into the whole running thing once you start.

16. After awhile, you cannot get the stench out of your running clothes.

17.  You will never be the fastest runner you know. You will always never be the slowest runner you know.

18.  Farts happen. A lot.

19.  Running performance is as much, if not more, about mental strength as your physical strength.

20. You will never forget crossing the finish line of your first marathon or half marathon. That moment in time will come to mean a lot to you. Your feet might not even touch the ground.


Are any of the above true for you?

What other “running secrets” did you learn once you started running?



  1. LOVE IT! I cannot wait for #20 to happen on the marathon level. If I can stop getting hurt 2013 will be the year!

  2. So true! Love this post. Almost all of them are true for me. Except I hope that #4 not true for me because I don't do anything except run right now, just not enough hours in my day and can't get out of the house to do it.

    1. 10m core workout should do the trick, 3 times per week. Do it!

    2. You can cross train just using your body IN your house - squats, push-ups, crunches, DONE. Do it! 1 set is better than 0 sets...

    3. Thanks guys will try to squeeze something in.

    4. I have been running for over twenty years and not cross training and I have had no running injuries. I have sprained my ankle during a trailer race. But it was not an use injury but an accident.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. How I Was Rescued By A God Fearing Lender (Lexieloancompany@yahoo.com)

      Hello, I am Andrew Thompson currently living in CT USA, God has bless me with two kids and a lovely Wife, I promise to share this Testimony because of God favor in my life, 2days ago I was in desperate need of money so I thought of having a loan then I ran into wrong hands who claimed to be loan lender not knowing he was a scam. he collected 1,500.00 USD from me and refuse to email me since then I was confuse, but God came to my rescue, one faithful day I went to church after the service I share idea with a friend and she introduce me to LEXIE LOAN COMPANY, she said she was given 98,000.00 USD by MR LEXIE , THE MANAGING DIRECTOR OF LEXIE LOAN COMPANY. So I collected his email Address , he told me the rules and regulation and I followed, then after processing of the Documents, he gave me my loan of 55,000.00 USD... So if you are interested in a loan you can as well contact him on this Email: lexieloancompany@yahoo.com or text +1(406) 946-0675 thanks, I am sure he will also help you.

    7. EDWARD JONES FINANCE IS THE BEST PLACE TO GET A LOAN {Jonesloanfinance@yahoo.com},
      God bless you sir, I will not stop telling the world about your kindness in my life, I am a single mum with kids to look after. My name is Emily Thomas and I am from Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL . A couple of weeks ago My friend visited me and along our discussion she told me about EDWARD JONES FINANCE, that they can help me out of my financial situation, I never believed cause I have spend so much money on different loan lenders who did nothing other than running away with my money. I have been in a financial mess for the pass 7 months now, She advised I give it a try so I mailed him and explain all about my financial situation to him, he therefore took me through the loan process and gave me a loan of $390,000.00 at a very low interest rate of 2% and today I am a proud business owner and can now take good care of my kids, If you must contact any firm to get any amount of loan you need with a low interest rate of 2% and better repayment schedule, please contact EDWARD JONES FINANCE email:- {Jonesloanfinance@yahoo.com} OR Text +1(307) 217-5388

  3. I learned that anyone can be a runner. Anyone. I don't care who you are. If you want to, you can be a runner.

    Running can be contagious. Just by running very frequently, you will inspire others to try it too.

  4. Love! A cup of vinegar in with the washing powder seems to be helping with the stench...

    1. ...and some oxy-bleach... And another cup of vinegar instead of fabric softener!
      Love that I'm not the only one with almost ALL these thoughts!

    2. I use a few tablespoons of baking soda with a baking soda based liquid detergent to get the stench out. It works for my running clothes and my husbands even stenchier (is that a word?) hockey clothes.

    3. Ammonia in the wash will do the trick and never harm your clothing. I learned this trick while working in the nursing home!

    4. Good Recipe thank you for sharing i 'll Try !


    5. My husband once told me that running more than 2 miles is boring....I told him that is what non-runners say ha ha:) Great blog!

  5. So true, especially #20! Still brings tears to my eyes

    1. Still fresh in my mind too, no one I knew was there to congratulate me.

  6. So true!! I read these aloud to my husband, and we both got so tickled about the addiction being better than meth or prostitute addictions! You are a trip!!

  7. Just started running this year and this list is spot on!

    1. EDWARD JONES FINANCE IS THE BEST PLACE TO GET A LOAN {Jonesloanfinance@yahoo.com},
      God bless you sir, I will not stop telling the world about your kindness in my life, I am a single mum with kids to look after. My name is Emily Thomas and I am from Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL . A couple of weeks ago My friend visited me and along our discussion she told me about EDWARD JONES FINANCE, that they can help me out of my financial situation, I never believed cause I have spend so much money on different loan lenders who did nothing other than running away with my money. I have been in a financial mess for the pass 7 months now, She advised I give it a try so I mailed him and explain all about my financial situation to him, he therefore took me through the loan process and gave me a loan of $390,000.00 at a very low interest rate of 2% and today I am a proud business owner and can now take good care of my kids, If you must contact any firm to get any amount of loan you need with a low interest rate of 2% and better repayment schedule, please contact EDWARD JONES FINANCE email:- {Jonesloanfinance@yahoo.com} OR Text +1(307) 217-5388

  8. i'm doing my first marathon feb 3, 2013 and my second half 2 days after thanksgiving...my first half was utterly miserable and i was very happy just to finish...missed my time goal of under 3 hours by more than 25 minutes thanks to an injury on the course...hoping to redeem myself this time.

  9. I TOTALLY relate to every.single.one.of.them
    I do think running is kind of like a secret club; the runners aren't being secretive, but if you don't run you won't understand.
    At my first half one of the spectators was holding up a sign that said, "Toe nails are over-rated" At that exact moment I had one hanging on by a thread--or piece of gelatin--or whatever. I remember thinking, "this get GETS it!" I High-fived him on my way by

    Thanks for this one Beth. So true!

  10. Yes, several, but this one bothers me the most: "Sometimes other runners won’t always say “hi” to you when you run by them."

    What gives?

    1. I think sometimes people are just really not in the mood, but I agree - I want to downright CHEER for other runners like we're doing a race every time!

  11. I've found most of these to be soooo true!
    #1 - I have never had pretty feet, but now they are just plain ugly!
    #2 - Why is is that when anyone finds out I am a runner, they must tell me why they are not?
    #3 - This was a big shock to me at my first race. Runners come in all shapes and sizes!
    #4 - I never knew I would spend so much of my time worrying about and trying to prevent injuries!
    #5 - Really? But they all seem so interested when I describe my runs in detail :)
    #6 - So True!!! Happens every single time!
    #7 - Today was one of those days. Thanks for the reminder that we all feel like that from time to time,
    #8 - This is how I felt after my very first 10 mile run! It was like having sex... for the rest of the day I thought everyone could look at me and tell what I just did!
    #9 - or even training for a 1/2!
    #10 - spare shorts? I carry an entire outfit... right down to the shoes!
    #11 - You got that right!
    #12 - so be extra cheerful and ruin there day :)
    #13 - I am the pee-myself queen! Just own it and wear black!!
    #14 - "Running is expensive" - Funny thing is, it wasn't so expensive when it was just my husband running!
    #15 - I love this blog because it proves that I am not the only one obsessed with running!
    #16 - I never used to smell so bad when I did indoor aerobics!
    #17 - TRUE
    #18 - I am also a Master Crop Duster!
    #19 - yes - I am working on mastering the mental part.
    #20 - currently training for my first half, but I'm sure this is true as well.

  12. Nothing is more hideous than race day photos ...

    1. I have yet to have a good one, and have done MANY races! Dang!

    2. And how I thought I looked SO much better running then I really do!

  13. 21. At some point during a race someone will tell you "You're looking good." and/or "You're almost done." Neither will be true. You'll want to punch them but won't have the energy.

    1. The perfect #21, for sure!

    2. I did my first half yesterday and some guy told me I was almost done. At least I think that's what he said. I just looked at him. I wanted to die. That us for sure the perfect #21!!!

    3. This is my favorite!

  14. How about:
    21 - you will begin to agree to other stupid endurance events after you've transformed into runner - such as the 65 mile bike ride I just completed (after only biking 3 times in my entire life and going no further then 25 miles).

    22 - you hope someone will ask about running - just so you can share your wealth of knowledge

    23 - when you wear real clothes, people don't recognize you. However, if you go to the store after a 10 miler, then know you more because of the odor then anything else.

  15. And what the heck is with #9??? I thought I was the only one to GAIN weight while training!!! Thanks for setting me straight!

  16. Every single one of those is true. And here is what I have learned....no two runs are the same. And very rarely do you have two bad runs in a row. Your body doesn't lie. But your mind does. Your body is never done when your mind says it is.

    The Kidless Kronicles

  17. Great blog. Almost all of these are true for me. And I had the moment in #20 completing my first triathlon. Although it was just a sprint tri, I won't forget it because 8 months earlier I was 60 pounds heavier and couldn't swim 2 laps of a pool, let alone bike the 12 miles and then run the 3. 2013 will have my half and full marathon moments.

  18. This was an awesome post! Erica

  19. Love this!! I'm actually eager to put more miles on my shoes so I can buy a new pair. And the jogger thing, totally true. I'm slow and boy does that piss me off. My feet leave the ground, I'm running dammut!!

  20. So true...every single one of hem. And while I've been running for 22 years, I just finished my first full this past Sunday. So the one that rings so true is that feeling of crossing the finish line. I haven't come down yet. I had the most amazing race experience. So good that I'm almost afraid to run another one just because I don t see how it could be any better; and yet that addiction will kick in and I'm sure I'll give in :)

  21. EVERYTHING you said is soooooo true!
    You should write a book ;)
    Thanks for the chuckles.

  22. Everything above is very true. I hate the gain weight one though. The whole reason I started running was to lose weight. I wasn't even a casual runner. I just woke up one day and said, "I'm fat. I'm going to run a marathon." And then the marathon happened, but not the weight loss. Welp, 30 minutes after the marathon I was addicted. What can I do?

    1. Some people lose weight running and some people gain. Running burns a lot of calories then we get hungry and then some people eat to replace those calories and more. You asked, "What can I do?" that might have been a rhetorical or playful question, but here, read through the following page if you'd like and it may open your eyes to a whole new way of going about things. I'm not selling or advocating anything, I'm a runner who's exploring the whole range of fitness methods and what you said made Me think of this article. Jillfit.com/2013/06/12/do-you-even-sprint/

    2. How I Was Rescued By A God Fearing And Trusted Lender {Lexieloancompany@yahoo.com}..

      Hello, I am Andrew Thompson currently living in CT USA, God has bless me with two kids and a lovely Wife, I promise to share this Testimony because of God favor in my life, 2days ago I was in desperate need of money so I thought of having a loan then I ran into wrong hands who claimed to be loan lender not knowing he was a scam. he collected 1,500.00 USD from me and refuse to email me since then I was confuse, but God came to my rescue, one faithful day I went to church after the service I share idea with a friend and she introduce me to LEXIE LOAN COMPANY, she said she was given 98,000.00 USD by MR LEXIE , THE MANAGING DIRECTOR OF LEXIE LOAN COMPANY. So I collected his email Address , he told me the rules and regulation and I followed, then after processing of the Documents, he gave me my loan of 55,000.00 USD... well if you are interested in a loan you can as well contact him on this Email: Lexieloancompany@yahoo.com or call/sms on: +18168926958 thanks, I am sure he will also help you.

  23. I love this list! I have had a hard time calling myself a "runner" because i feel like I am so pathetically slow. But, hell I work hard! And train hard! So, I'm a runner, whether I'm running a 6 minute mile or an 11 minute mile!
    My running buddy has told me the secret to getting the stench out is soaking your running clothes in hydrogen peroxide. So far, it has totally worked!

    1. second the hydrogen peroxide

    2. I'm a s-l-o-w runner too....11 min mile or slower. We're STILL runners :) That's what I love about running...it's not about speed...it's about having the heart to do it.

  24. Omg... dead on sister! LOVE it!!!

  25. Aww, I love this post. I agree and have experienced almost every single one of these. Thanks!

  26. Oh my gosh! This is such a great post. I totally agree with these. Thanks for always putting our crazy running habit in a hilarious light. :) love it!

  27. I always call myself a jogger because I run sooo slow... Runners are fast, aren't they? I run a half marathon in 2:21 :)


  28. This. Is. Awesome.
    7 & 8
    18 & 20.

    Love these. Hate jogger/jogging.
    I hate being treated like I'm crazy when I run 1.5/day but its totally ok for 1.5 hours of tv viewing / day

  29. #21 You spend 2 hours in a shoe store trying on 6 pairs of running shoes and still can't find the "right" pair.

    1. I recommend finding a store in your area that does gait analysis/shoe fittings. Allow someone else with much experience to make the decision for you.

  30. #22. Running doesn't feel good until after three miles (sometimes five). That is why running "the mile" in school was so awful.

    1. AMEN! I hated running in high school because of that dreaded mile! Who knew if I ran a little bit longer it would be enjoyable?!

    2. First Mile and Last mile are always the worst!

  31. #5,6,and 9 are my absolute favorites!!! I dragged my laptop over to my husband (while he was on the couch) attempting to "make" him read this list as he belted out, " I DON'T CARE ABOUT RUNNING!!!" Hmmmm...guess he knew it was going to be something about running I was forcing him to read.

  32. All are true. How about. Injuries will happen but they Wil never make you want to quit running.

  33. Love the childbirth reference. Because that is exactly how I described my one and only marathon. The race didn't go well, and neither did my 2 deliveries. But the pride I felt after those events was indescribable!

  34. Hey SUAR, I've just come in from a run, and while I was running I was listening to a recent Jillian Michaels podcast. Imagine my horror when I heard her slam the reputation of chocolate milk as a recovery drink. Her exact words were 'it's nothing but sugar and crap!'. I love a glass of choccy milk after a long run, and will keep on drinking it because I'm addicted, but I wonder if you could write a post to clarify this? Is there any clear research to say if or why it could be good for recovery? You and JM are my two favourite fitness gurus, so I'm stuck. Thanks, love the blog.

    1. I'm also a fan of chocolate milk. I purchase the 8-oz. shelf-safe boxes by the case.

    2. I think "sugar and crap" is too strong a judgment. The reason it works for people is that it's easy, it tastes good, it's cheap and it has the "right" ratio of carbs to protein (3:1) for recovery. Yes, you might be able to find something with less than 24 grams of sugar per 8 oz, but personally I think if you are a decent eater most of the time and you've just taken a ten mile run, a few extra grams of sugar are not going to kill you given the benefits. You might be able to find a lower sugar alternative as well. Just my two cents.

    3. shoot, we have a WHOLE race series dedicated to the Chocolate Milk recovery the Martian Marathon! You aren't drinking a gallon, you are drinking a glass- sheesshhh

  35. Looks like I'm doing pretty good in the feet department! Running can definitely be very humbling.

  36. hahaha All of this is so true!

  37. I would add: For as many people who have inspired your running, you will be that inspiration to others. It's an odd sensation, but it's oddly wonderful.

    1. I've never thought of it that way! I hope I've inspired others to run. I'm proud to be a runner and tell people all the time, "if I can do it, anyone can!"

  38. I have a comment for #16:
    Synthetics stink.
    Wool doesn't.
    Wear wool. It works. It doesn't stink.

  39. Great list!!! So many of them are true!

  40. I love that list!! So true. I think the one that I hate the most is when people ask me if I jog - NEVER!!!! I always say, "No, I RUN!!!!:

  41. I loved - and agree with - everything in this post. You make me laugh, but you tell it like it is! :)

  42. Love the list, and looking forward to experiencing #20, running my first marathon (Marine Corps) this weekend!

  43. #21. You will be able to think up ideas to solve the world's problems while running, and forget every single one in the shower afterwards.

    #22. Your friends will not understand when they show you a designer purse and you say "I can buy three pairs of shoes/pants/tech jackets fo that price".

    #23. The decision on which Fall races to sign up for will always cause bitten fingernails and your credit card to start steaming.

    #24. Your garage/mudroom has a rack just for running shoes in various states of use, from falling apart to still sparkling new in the box. You own less dress/nice shoes.

    #25. You have a load of laundry just for "running stuff".

    #26. You wear sneakers to work, explaining that "Your feet need to be in great shape for this weekend's race".

    Love this list! thanks for the hump day chuckles!

  44. Pretty much all of these are true from me! I definitely said I'd never do another marathon after the Nike Women's a week and a half ago, but I'm already waivering on that.

    I also would add, you'll stalk Amazon and Zappos to find the last pair of the old model running shoes in your size. Then proceed to buy out the existing stock. I hate when they come out with the updated models.

  45. you need something about body glide on this list, even if you're generally skinny and your thighs only sorta touch.

  46. These are all true! LOVE this post!!

  47. Sadly, no one told me that there was a chance I would fall out of love with running after my first half marathon. Running hasn't been the same for me since. :-(

  48. I love this list. The first thing I thought would happen when I started running is that I would lose a ton of weight and sadly, I didn't until I cleaned up my eating. I also gained weight while marathon training.

  49. I love these. I vowed I wouldn't run another race while training for my first 10 miler. Then, at the start line, feeling the adrenaline and talking to others in my time corral, I was so over the top excited! After finishing, my partner (who is not a runner) told me that I could check it off my bucket list. I looked him square in the eye and said how wrong I was and it was now to be a yearly event. Hoping to train for my first half-marathon next year.
    AND I AM COMPLETELY BROKE FROM SPENDING ALL MY EXCESS CASH ON RACE ENTRY FEES!!!! I have given up weeks of self-indulgences like pedicures and stop in visits to The Loft so that I could cover a race fee.
    Amy P. Philly Runner.

  50. 4 I bike and do Bikram yoga to prevent injury.

    6 SO MANY races where I have said never again. The only one that has held true for is the Vermont 100 miler. But never is a long time ...

    11 LOVE the meme of Samuel L. Jackson. "CALL ME A JOGGER AGAIN!"

    15 I am addicted to running, and sugar. Only heroin could possibly be more powerful.

    17 So true. I am not the fastest, nor the slowest of my friends.

    19 Running is SO MUCH about mental strength.

    Love your blog, another great post, Beth!

  51. Every single one of these is true! Excellent list.

    #19 is so important and true. I didn't know this one when I started but I learned REALLY fast.

  52. Love times a million, as I do all of your posts. It's ALL mental!

  53. I'm not going to lie..I got a little teary eyed reading this because it's so true and I love running so much!

    I'm a newbie too, you are a veteran compared to me, but I got really into running last January and I am just in love. It has been the most amazing thing for me and I am so happy that I got into it. Everything you said is true, even the gross parts, haha but I definitely laughed about the "you won't be able to get the stench out of your clothes" because that is most certainly true!

    Great post, as always. Love being a runner and love reading about other runners.

  54. If you aren't skinny when you take up running, irrespective of whether you have ever given any indication to them about why you took up running, somebody will make a really not-inspirational comment to you about weight. My personal favourite was the woman who, after my second parkrun, told me that when she took up running she was even heavier than me. She said it in a tone that implied people heavier than me might be generally thought not to exist. I was eleven stone at the time. I was not remotely motivated, as I did not take up running to make myself thin. I took up running so that if life threw me the sudden and unexpected outbreak of a Michael Bay film, I'd be prepared.

  55. I have learned so much from running. I enjoy your blog of your insights as well. Usually by the time I read the comments I figure it has already been said so I don't post.

  56. #18 - I find myself looking over my shoulder frequently because I crop dust like crazy!! lol! :)

  57. Love this list. All are true for me.

  58. Love this so much! Made me smile. thanks!

  59. Yes... all true for me! Hate the not nice runners. Aren't we all suppose to support one another? I've peed myself and uh hum, almost worse. Found myself walking and squeezing as much as I possibly could 2 miles back to my house one time. I'd never disclose that anywhere else. Feel privileged! My running clothes are starting to stink. My feet are ok at the moment, but have been horrible in the past. I'm addicted, but I have yet to experience that marathon high. Maybe some day! You have been a huge source of inspiration getting me closer to that point of wanting to run one. I love your blogs. Have been reading for a while, I just hardly comment because you usually have so many comments : )!

  60. Yes, I find almost ALL of these to be oh too true! You will also get tired of EVERY type of fuel/gel etc. eventually!!!

  61. a coworker just sent me this link. i love it! that list is sooo true. just ran my first half and can attest to most of them lol

  62. Yes, yes, yes, 20 times yes! Love it!

  63. I love this list... and shhhh. 18 is a secret.

  64. Another wonderful and true post!!
    *Another unexpected thing about running is ending up knowing so much about shoes and how me and my running friends "ooohh and aaahhhhh" over new running shoes.

  65. #7 and #8 will often happen within minutes or moments of each other, in the same mile and/or the same run.

    Running requires a particularly odd blend of compulsive attention to detail and meticulous planning mixed with utter flexibility in adapting to what a run or race throws at you.

  66. So very, very true! I always laugh when people say running is a cheap sport. For who??? You gotta be geared up!

  67. Great post and love the blog. I've only just discovered it and being a runner/blogger myself, will def be following now. Thanks for sharing :)

  68. The new Tide Sport is great! For the first time my clothes smell clean. Even after I toss them in the bathroom closet dripping with sweat, leave them sitting for 48 hours, and pull the pants out because you forgot to wash them - and wear them for a six mike run. Yep, still a slightly fresh smell.

  69. Add a cup of baking soda to your workout clothes laundry - works a charm! Stench all gone!

  70. Every single one of these is very accurate!

  71. Great post you have such insight!!! I love reading your blog:)

  72. I love this and ALL of it is true!!!

  73. I guess I'm the lone disagreererrer.

    1. Your feet will look like crap. Nope, but i'm barefoot the rest of the day (only shoes I wear are running shoes)

    11. You will be pissed if someone refers to you as a “jogger” instead of a “runner.” Guess I'm not a real runner since I don't really care what other people think. :)

    14. Running is expensive. I think it CAN be but I haven't found it to be, but I get used shorts off Ebay, used bras, shoes and already have shirts or use my boys' shirts. REally all I need.

    16. After awhile, you cannot get the stench out of your running clothes. Never has been a problem but we put Odobon in our laundry.

    17. You will never be the fastest runner you know. You will always never be the slowest runner you know. I don't think I know ANYONE slower than I am. ;)

    1. I agree with you. I don't have all the gear. It really isn't necessary. And my feet don't look bad either-but I also am barefoot the rest of my life too.

    2. I manage to find gear pretty inexpensively - haunt sales and I actually found a Nike outlet store with fantastic $12.99 sports bras- but I would NEVER buy used bras or shoes - someone else has stretched those out or worn them down in weird ways - I stil have never paid more than $50 for a pair of shoes -I recently bought 2 pair of shoes (Kswiss and New Balance), 4 pair of wool socks,a sports bra and winter running pants for under $150 - all new, not used :)

    3. How I Was Rescued By A God Fearing Lender (Lexieloancompany@yahoo.com)

      Hello, I am Andrew Thompson currently living in CT USA, God has bless me with two kids and a lovely Wife, I promise to share this Testimony because of God favor in my life, 2days ago I was in desperate need of money so I thought of having a loan then I ran into wrong hands who claimed to be loan lender not knowing he was a scam. he collected 1,500.00 USD from me and refuse to email me since then I was confuse, but God came to my rescue, one faithful day I went to church after the service I share idea with a friend and she introduce me to LEXIE LOAN COMPANY, she said she was given 98,000.00 USD by MR LEXIE , THE MANAGING DIRECTOR OF LEXIE LOAN COMPANY. So I collected his email Address , he told me the rules and regulation and I followed, then after processing of the Documents, he gave me my loan of 55,000.00 USD... So if you are interested in a loan you can as well contact him on this Email: lexieloancompany@yahoo.com or text +1(406) 946-0675 thanks, I am sure he will also help you.

  74. Bahaha this is great!! SO true, especially the part about running a race and swearing it won't happen again/signing up for another one, FARTING, rude non friendly runners, EXPENSIVE gear/races, and I will NEVER forget my first half marathon. It was magical..and it was at Disneyland..so it was double magical.

  75. What a great list! So happy to have found your blog. :)

  76. I love these! Running IS expensive!! Running clothes are addicting and looking cute makes any run better :)

  77. #12 - This drives me NUTS! If they don't smile back it makes me laugh at how uptight people can be.

  78. #9 is kicking my butt and driving me insane right now!

  79. This is a great post. I agree with all of them except No 18. haha

    have a look at my blog if you got a chance



  81. ‎1,3,11,13,15,18,20

  82. It is a pity that people look like that running. I think that it is amazing that you are doing something that you like.

  83. All true... except I totally AM the slowest runner I know. Oh, well. =)

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  86. I stumbled across your blog when searching for info about running in high temperatures; and I'm so glad I did.
    I've really enjoyed the few posts that I've read so far - you're very informative and honest.
    I've not been running for very long either (about 4 years now) but not accomplished half as much as you - well done on your extreme effort you put in!
    I look forward to reading some more of you!
    If it interests you at all, I dabble in some writing (sometimes about my running) too - www.mynuttydubai.wordpress.com

  87. This is phenomenal! Excellent post!! So true.

  88. 3. You don’t have to look like a runner to be a runner. but you are STILL a runner!!

    6. You will run a race and in the middle of the race you will tell yourself you will never do this again. Yet, 30 minutes after you are done you will surf the Internet for your next race. Running is kind of like childbirth that way. I've never done the childbirth thing but...yeah...

    7. You will go through phases where you feel totally inadequate as a runner. Yep!

    8. You will go through phases where you feel totally like a rock star as a runner. Yep!

    9. You might gain weight instead of lose weight while training for a marathon. Yes. And people will be ASTOUNDED!!

    13. You might pee yourself while your run, or worse - Best part of menopause? No more bleeding through each and every marathon you do!!! Yes. Every. One.

    16. After awhile, you cannot get the stench out of your running clothes. And add Bikram on top of that...it's a special smell....

    17. You will never be the fastest runner you know. You will always never be the slowest runner you know.

    18. Farts happen. A lot. OY...and wait for menopause ladies...it doesn't get better!!

    20. You will never forget crossing the finish line of your first marathon or half marathon. That moment in time will come to mean a lot to you. Your feet might not even touch the ground. - I was listening to Poison and my entire feet were covered with blisters!

  89. This is awesome. I would like to add one. At some point someone in your life will tell you, "You're being cranky, go for a run."

  90. Just discovered your blog, I love it.
    This is so accurate! especially #6 for me!
    Some others I have discovered:
    -When you pass random strangers who are also running, you will often find yourself competing with them (especially if you are running in the same direction)
    -You will get songs stuck in your head that you will find yourself chanting in time with every step
    -will will most likely trip during a race at some point (or maybe this just applies to me...i tend to be a bit clumsy)
    -Runners are the most open people when it come to talking about bodily functions (you have demonstrated this I think)
    -It will affect your mood and happiness more than you could ever have imagined

  91. So true. I just love this blog!!!

  92. Good sports outfits for girls can consist of a pair of running shoes, brightly colored running socks and a pair of sporting shorts with a T-shirt that match.


  93. I love this list. Another truth: you'll sweat in places you didn't realise it was possible to sweat!

  94. Nice information

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