Friday, July 31, 2015

What Hard Things Teach Us

No, I’m not talking about those hard things. Get your mind out of the gutter.

Take a look at this. An unfiltered glimpse of my Wednesday. And, there’s the peak we are headed for.


This is how my family (Ken, 2 kids), my brother and my 2 nephews spent a day this week. For years my nephews (now 13 and 16) have wanted to do a 14’ner (aka climb a 14,000+ foot peak). They don’t live in Colorado. In fact they live about as far away as you can get – in Dhaka, Bangladesh. We decided this was the summer we would attempt this feat. The challenge? Gray’s Peak = 14,270 feet.

It’s weird living in Colorado. Things get normalized. So many people climb 14,000 feet mountains (there are 52 of them) that it becomes almost “no big deal.” Just like so many people run 100 mile ultras and do lots of other crazy things. But, there is nothing “no big deal-ish” about climbing a mountain or running ultras. It takes perseverance, strength, guts and most of all patience.

Much like a marathon, it is something a small percentage of the population actually does. Because it is HARD people!

To give you some perspective, the round trip was just shy of 8 miles. But, guess how long it took us? 5 hours. That’s about a 45 minute mile. Like I said, patience.


I’m not here to tell you about the trail and how gorgeous (and extremely rocky and steep) it was. You can read a guide book about that. I’m hear to tell you about lessons learned on the trail. By me, by the kids.

As we started out in 35 degree weather when the sun was barely coming up, all was fine and dandy. It’s all fun and games at the beginning.


We climbed about 500  feet until we got just high enough that the sun warmed our faces and we stripped off our hats, gloves and coats. The first two miles we climbed, but it was not especially steep. All of that changed as we neared the base of the mountain. Everyone slowed down considerably. We took frequently breaks for water and to get our heart rates down. Climbing at altitude increases heart rate dramatically as you are oxygen challenged. It is also very easy to get dehydrated, so drinking lots was essential.


About a mile from the summit (which took over an hour to climb), the nephews plodded along, never complaining. After all, they were in the midst of realizing a dream they had talked about for the past 6 years.


My daughter, Emma (14), was starting to struggle. I had headed up to the summit with Sam, and given the switchbacks I could see exactly what was happening from afar. She was hiking with Ken and she was losing her confidence. I know that she is more than physically capable of this climb. But, her mind was getting the best of her. Just as your mind can outlast your body, your mind can also be your own worst enemy.

I worried she would refuse to keep going. it was just too hard. But, little by little, I saw Ken coaching her and they continued to press on. I could only imagine the conversations taken place

Emma: I can’t do it. I’m tired. I’m done. Let’s go back.
Ken: You are so close. Press on. I know you can do it. We are not stopping now.

Repeat, repeat, repeat

If you have kids and you have ever attempted to something like this (or any race) with them then you know what I’m taking about.

In the end, she made it to the summit. Instead of initially smiling and taking in the view, she fell into my arms and cried. I get it. When you do something  tough and you are finally done, it is an outpouring of emotion and relief.




My brother and his boys

As I watched the kids challenge themselves, I thought about why we even want to do hard things. I  mean, isn’t it so much easier to sit on our couches, a brewski in hand, chips at arm’s length and not even attempt to move out of our safety zones? Yes, maybe it’s easier, but it’s not better. Easy is not the point or the goal.

When we do hard things, when we are in the middle of a marathon and we hate life and wonder why we put ourselves through this suffer fest, we may wonder WHY, WHY? I’ll tell you why.


When we do hard things we come to believe in ourselves in a way that is different than how we felt before.


When we do hard things we gain a hard won confidence and the next time we know we can do harder things again.

When we do hard things we learn that when life throws us a major curve ball, we think back on the hard things we have done in the past and we know we can do hard things again. Not just physically demanding things, but life demanding things: losses, overcoming addictions, leaving a relationship that is not healthy, overcoming trauma.

When we do hard things we learn that we can rely on ourselves when maybe we can’t rely on others. Even if you have a posse of people cheering you along at mile 16 of a marathon, it still has to be you and only you who gets you to the finish line. That is self reliance.


Since I started running I have completely changed as a person. Yes, I like to be physically fit, but the change I speak of is much different and more profound than that. I have learned to view myself as a survivor and as someone who doesn’t give up. Someone who finds a way, always.

I so badly want my kids to know that feeling. I think we are on our way.



Monday, July 27, 2015

8 Hacks To Make You Hate Running Less

Confession. Before this morning, I did not really understand what a “hack” was. I’ve been seeing this term all over the place, especially in articles and blog post titles. I always thought a hack was breaking into a computer or something.

At age 48 I’m easily confused by new terms and sometimes I just ignore them because I don’t need one more thing in my life (like, WTH is a fleek? Do I need to know this? Will it make my life better if I know this?)

Anyway, so after some research I learned that (in my own words) a “hack” is a strategy for doing something more efficiently than you did it before. Am I right? Kind of like short cut or a  clever approach to something. I get it. Like removing unnecessary obstacles that make things harder than they have to be.

Let’s see. Let’s see. I am sure I can up with some running hacks. Yes, maybe some ways to make running easier (or less painful) if you hate to run.

1. Run first thing in the morning before you over- think it. After work or school or breastfeeding all day you’re not going to want to go. So, just get it done at dawn dude!image

2. Go as slow as you want to. Take walk breaks if you need to. If you hate running because you feel like you want to die every single moment of the run, then you are probably going too fast. Make it enjoyable.

3. Make a playlist JUST for your runs. Add all those favorite songs you forgot about that give you some extra spunk. My Heart Will Go On. Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go. Ice Ice Baby. No one has to know the funny crap you listen to.

4. Sign up for a race. This might keep you motivated to run because once you put money down, it sucks to flush it down the toilet.

5. Find a friend to go with you. If you don't have any friends, at least find someone who can hold you accountable. Maybe it’s the cashier at the grocery store or the barista at your local coffee shop. Or, maybe you just text your mom after every run (if your mom knows how to text).

6.  If possible run somewhere beautiful even it it means maybe driving to a start place and climbing some hills.


7. Get a dog who needs to run or he/she will destroy your house. Dogs can be great motivators for your running. This is because some dogs HAVE to run or they will do very bad things. image


8. Simply stop making excuses. If you want to run but come up with a million different reasons why you can’t do it that day (It’s too hot. It’s too cold. I’m constipated. I’m busy. The sky is blue), then you are just hurting yourself. When are you going to get that all you are guaranteed is today? If there is something you want to do, some goal you want to achieve, stop your bitching and go for it.

Any other running hacks to make it all easier?

What’s one word/term/phrase you just don’t get? Bae. Fleek. Onygophagist

Goofiest/best song on your iPod? Eye of the Tiger.


Wednesday, July 22, 2015

19 Things That Should Happen Before and During Your Next Marathon or Half Marathon

When I did my first real race (Rock ‘n Roll Arizona in 2009 – my first post EVER!) I had no clue what to expect or what to do. One of my favorite memories is that I wanted to carry gels, and thought it would be a good idea to safety pin them all over my Team in Training singlet. I don’t recommend that strategy, but it’s kind of cute to look back on (for more stuff that I expected that was not reality whatsoever, go read my article over at RunHaven). I also did not have/wear a Garmin and had no clue about time. Kind of nice, really.


And those are just the ones in the front

Below are a few things that I wish I had known going into my first longer distance race.

1. Don’t get stressed because you haven’t peed for the 8th time before the gun goes off.

2. Take off your hat when the National Anthem is played.

3. Fall apart multiple times during the race and then pull your shit together (self talk, mantras help with this).

4. Set up a meeting place with your family/friends way ahead of time. The last thing you want to be doing is walking around on tired legs looking for them for 2 hours.

5. Cut down on high fat, high fiber foot in the couple days before the race. This will guard against crapping your pants – my specialty.

6. Check out the race course making notes of where the hills, aid stations, etc. are.  Surprises are great for birthday parties and engagements, but not so fun at races.

7. Thank the volunteers.

8. Have a strategy/goal. Even if it is simply to finish. A, B,C goals are good too (A goal = dream time. B goal = realistic time you’d be happy with. C goal = to finish).

9. Don’t pin your gels to your body. Use pockets, your sport’s bra, a SpiBelt whatever. Pinning is inefficient and hurts you when you stab yourself in the nipple.

10. Bring throw-away warm up clothes for the start. For my first marathon in Phoenix it was under 40 degrees and I stood at the start freezing my ass off for at least 1.5 hours. I could have spent $5 at Goodwill and avoided that altogether.


You can actually find some steals. Check out this sweet outfit
I wore before the Colorado Marathon. Almost couldn’t part with it.

12. Pay attention to chafing areas during training and lube the hell out of those parts. Balls and boobs included.

13. Don’t over-accessorize. Carry only what you need and use stuff at the aid stations (which means do your research and train with it too).  And,  you don’t need to wear a crap load of makeup. This is race not a red carpet.

14. Read the signs because you will laugh and forget about your pain for a second.


15. Trust your training. Don’t get all freaked out the night before. There’s there’s nothing you can do about it anyway. However, if you haven’t put in your training time you are screwed and I hope you learned your lesson.

16. Even in a hurry, lock the porta potty door. I failed to do this once at the Boston Marathon and gave someone quite a peep show. He was pretty turned on, I think.

17. Everyone will tell you to smile and have fun. At some points this is nearly impossible. You will be in a bad mood, tired, sweaty, stinky and ready to be done. So, if for a bit you DON’T have fun and DON’T smile, so be it.

18. Don’t look at your watch when crossing the finish line or your race photos will suck. Look up, smile and relish in your accomplishment

19. Then put a freaking sticker on your car.

Any other tips for before or during your first full or half marathon?

What’s a “newbie” thing you did during your first race?


Monday, July 20, 2015

I Should Be a Model

I love camping because it gives you permission to be the least attractive possible. No make up, no showering. I am hoping I don’t get too many offers to be a model. I get so tired of those.


Sometimes I get these wild hairs where I think we’re not doing enough together as a family or we’re not appreciating where we live enough and I demand we DO SOMETHING. For God sake, everyone get off of your devices and play Scrabble! Get your asses in the car we are going to a campground that is 10,000 feet up and there will be no WiFi, no Netflix and no running water and you will all love it, dammit. And, you will thank me for the hours it took for me to plan meals, air out the tent, pack the car, and put bottles of wine in the cooler.

You will probably get all put out that I might forget one thing like skewers for your marshmallows, but I will remind you I am not perfect and maybe next time you could participate in the packing process.

But, we really did have fun.

The kids learned to play Gin Rummy during a thunderstorm while we were holed up in the tent. We had grilled pork tenderloin and Annie’s mac and cheese for dinner. We took a few hikes and Heidi hated it.


Some of my fondest memories as a kid are camping at Assateague Island in Maryland. We would put chicken necks on string, catch crabs and boil them up for dinner. I always loved the wild ponies that roamed the beach. As an adult I’ve traded the beach for the mountains, but it’s still pretty special.


These three. Could not love them more. I spy some glaciers.


Moving on.

So, I have this little race coming up in a few weeks. It is a 200 mile relay over the Rocky Mountains. I’ve done tons of relays, but never on an ultra team. There will only be 5 of us covering the distance.

200 miles divided by 5 = a shitload of miles per person. Specifically I am doing 39 miles over the 24 hours or however long it takes us. I have 6 runs:

Leg 1: 4.5 miles – This is FUN! And not hard at all! Ultras are so easy!
Leg 2: 2 miles – I could do this in my sleep. 2 miles? Please. I think I’ll jump rope the whole way.
Leg 3: 12.9 miles – Hmmm. Shit’s getting real. Who put this mountain pass here? In the middle of the night? I hate ultras. I am tired. I’m scared. I am too old for this crap. Need coffee.
Leg 4: 5.3 miles – yep, legs don’t want to go. I have to poop. I hate all of my team mates. They smell and are a bunch of complainers. Need coffee.
Leg 5: 7.5 miles. I am running on (fart) fumes. I only have one more leg after this and then I can sleep for 45 hours and binge watch Netflix. Need coffee.
Leg 6: 7.0 miles. This is it! I am doing this. What an incredible experience. I love everyone, especially my team mates. One word: beer.

I usually make up my own training plans, but I was kind of stumped about how to train for this one. I just pretended to put something together that might work. Or, it might not. Whatever.


Hey, one more thing. I just finished Scott Jurek’s Eat and Run. Have you read it? I got some major inspiration and a few new recipes to try.



Do you like to camp? Did you camp as a kid?

What’s the last running book you read? Before Eat and Run it was David Clark’s Out There.


Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Sol Republic In-Ear Headphone Review & Giveaway

I am one of those people who enjoys listening to music when I run. There are only some times when I don’t bring along my ear buds:
  1. I’m running with a friend or group. I like to try to avoid being anti social, plus if the group is talking trash about me I want to hear it and fight back.
  2. On the trails. I would prefer to hear the mountain lion, bear or rattlesnake before they attack me. And, the trails I run on tend to be overflowing with mountain bikers so I need to be aware when they are about to run me down.
  3. If I’m training for a race where music won’t be allowed. Most trail races don’t allow ear buds. Same with Ironman races. I’m a believer that it is important to train how you will race. So, when training for these races I try to forgo the tunes.
However, other than the above three instances, I usually listen to music. It inspires and energizes me. It cracks me up how some runners are quite  judgmental about people who listen to music while they run. Like it somehow makes them less of a runner. Who cares? I know the elites don’t listen to music, but I’m not an elite and never will be. I just do what brings me happiness.

Over the years I’ve gone through quite a few pairs of  in-ear headphones. My biggest pet peeve with headphones is when they don’t stay in my freaking ear. Sometimes the get jarred out with the movement of my running. Sometimes my sweaty ear canal makes them slide out. Sometimes the wind grabs and pulls them out. Whatever the cause, it annoys the hell out of me and has often made me simply leave the headphones at home.

Recently, Sol Republic, the makers of Relay Sport headphones asked me to try their product. This request came at a time when I was particularly pissed off at my regular in-ear headphones due to the reasons listed above. So, I agreed.

I’ve now run with these 4 times. Once you figure out how they are meant to sit in your ear (it’s important to note which one is for the left and which is for the right) they really don’t move. After a 6 mile run one day I noticed that I had not messed with them even once. Score. The company says they don’t move because there is a flexible ring around each ear bud, which allows secure placement in the ears.

The sound quality is decent– in my opinion unless you are wearing a full-on huge set of headphones you are not going get the most amazing sound. But, these babies are pretty darn good.


Wow. I don’t think I’ve ever looked at my ear up close. I mean, it’s not like you can see this angle of your ear on a regular basis. Stare at it for a moment and think about how weirdly shaped the ear is. Right? Probably why you don’t hear too much about ear fetishes. See what I mean about how these earphones sit so nicely in my delicate and sweet ear? I think the blue accents my lobe quite nicely.

One big bonus, they are sweat resistant. This means they don’t slide out when I get moist (that must be a TWSS somehow). Also – they come with four different sizes of ear tips so whether you have an XL or an XS hole you should be covered (and ear tips are free for life if you buy a pair of  headphones from Relay Sport).

The cost is pretty on par with higher quality ear buds – on sale now for about $59.99 MSRP, plus free shipping.

Their motto (on the box):


Want a pair? Simply enter below. Giveaway ends on 7/23. U.S. addresses only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

If you'd like to get a pair now, use LOVEMUSIC01 at checkout for an extra 10% off!


Sunday, July 12, 2015

What That Funeral Taught Me

I went to a funeral on Friday. It was to honor a neighbor who died of ALS. He had a quick and unrelenting deterioration over the past year. I was reminded this could be any of us. That health, the ability to move our bodies how we wish, quality of life and the number of days we have left are not guaranteed.

This was not a neighbor I knew exceptionally well, but someone who I had for years watched take his yellow Lab on walks on the golf course. In passing, he always asked how my kids were doing. How our life was. One time he offered to pay my son $200 if he could find the hearing aid he had lost on the path. Sam never found it, but not for lack of trying. This is man I wish I would have taken the time to know better. How sad that I didn't realize this until after his passing.

I find memorial serves and funerals to be so many things. Poignant. Heart breaking. Eye opening. Through tears I notice what a person’s life has meant to others.

For this man, those who loved him viewed him as a helper. He was generous with his time even if he did not get anything in return. He gave of himself in situations when most people turned a blind eye. No one mentioned how much money he had, how many hours a day he worked, how fast he ran a mile or what car he drove. Rather his legacy was about the relationships he had nurtured over the years and how he made the world a slightly better place.

I know this funeral was not about me (not this time), but I could not help but wonder what people would say about me when I died. I realized that from this day forward I had a hand in what that might be. Sure they could mention I was a runner, a mom, a wife. They could say I was nice and funny and driven. But, what do I want them to say the most?

That I lived. Really lived.


You see, there is living and there is LIVING. Just by definition, to be alive means to breathe, to have a beating heart. But, to truly be ALIVE means much more than that.  Your heart does not just beat, it leads the way. To me, LIVING means:

  • Laughing. It connects us. It makes the unbearable a bit more bearable. Laughing at yourself is good too.
  • Having a pet because they teach us stuff humans can’t.
  • Taking risks. Jumping out of a plane is a good start.
  • Saying I love you even if it’s awkward.
  • Reaching out to strangers. Helping when no one else does.
  • Having compassion. Putting yourself in the shoes of others.
  • Seeing the best in people even when they make it difficult.
  • Learning from mistakes.
  • Saying you’re sorry. Making it more important to find peace than to be right.
  • Doing things that frighten you. For example, picking a race goal that scares the shit out of you.
  • Stopping your bitching. No one likes a whiner. If you don’t like it, work to change it (i.e., shit or get off the pot).
  • Not holding grudges. Life’s too short.
  • Spending time in nature. Or just getting the hell outside every day, somewhere somehow.
  • Being vulnerable and sharing that with others.
  • Traveling. Expanding your mind by understanding how other’s live differently.
  • Taking care of your body. Whatever that means for you.
  • Not gossiping. What’s the point?
  • Facing fears.
  • Figuring out the special gifts you have and sharing them.
  • Worrying only about what is in your control and not giving energy to what’s not.

Yeah, yeah, that’s a pretty tall order, but I’m going to try.


What’s one word you want people to describe you as?

Have you attended a funeral lately? What did you learn?

Any other ways you think you could truly LIVE?


Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Think You Are Too Old to Run? Think Again.

I started running seven years ago when I was 41. To my children, I am classified as very old. I remember when my parents turned 40 and to me they seemed ancient. Now, I view my current age of 48 as kind of spring-chickish. Yes, I’m almost half a century, but my heart and soul still feels about 13 (yes, you know that by my love of farts and all things potty humor).

So, even if we start running when we’re old-ish, will it be possible for us to keep running? I have this dream of running well into my eighties. I might be wearing depends and eating gels made out of strained peas, but I hope I’m doing it.  


This 90 year old  grandma from Japan does a 100m sprint in 23 seconds.

Most research will tell you that you are never too old to run. Hallelujah! However, we can anticipate changes to our bodies that might decrease performance. The need for recovery and rest days will certainly become a priority. Below are some adjustments (a nice way of saying “deteriorations”) your body endures as you move beyond 30 years of age:

  • Aerobic capacity decreases (an inevitable decline in maximum heart rate)
  • Muscle mass reduces
  • Muscle elasticity decreases
  • Bone density reduces
  • Metabolism slows
  • Body fat increases
  • Immune system becomes weaker
  • After age 35, endurance performance declines by about five to 15 percent per decade.

While this all sounds sucky, there is an upside. Running has been shown to have many benefits for us as we age, ranging from the physical to the mental. Such advantages include decreased risk of heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure, reduced depression/anxiety, weight management/control, improved mobility and improved bones, muscles and joints.

Reading the above, you would be crazy not to start or to continue to run as you get older. But, for the love of Pheidippides, but smart about it.

  • Warm up before each running session for at least a mile. Add in some dynamic exercises to prepare your body to run.
  • Take at least two rest days from running per week, if not more.
  • Incorporate non-impact cross training, such as swimming, water running or cycling.
  • Increase weight/strength training to maintain muscle mass.

While for some, race times will continue to plummet as they age, this does not have to be the case. Smart training choices (see above) can lead to amazing results even as you get older. So run on, old fogeys.


At what age did you start running?

What new issues have you noticed with age? I’m not getting much faster, but my endurance is better.


Older Runners (Running for Fitness, 2011)
Age Matters (Runner’s World, 2009)
Why It’s Never Too Late to Start Running (Runner’s World, 2013)

Monday, July 6, 2015

10 Urban Dictionary Phrases Translated for Runners

I’m not going to reveal how friends and I have spent hours on the Urban Dictionary (UB) site learning disgusting things and laughing until we wet our pants. Suffice it to say that there are names for stuff that I never knew were possible, much less for real. If you have not visited UB, you are in for a real treat.

The other wonderful aspect of the UB is that terms are coined for situations that we all find ourselves in at one time or another. When I read these terms, I often question, “Why the hell didn’t I think of that term?”  (e.g. a Chipotle Child is the big dump you might take after eating Chipotle. Genius, right?)

Recently as I was making my way through some of the newest terminology (I like to be hip, you know) I came across some gems that could easily be translated exclusively for runners.

1. Sphincter Trembles

Urban Dictionary: Fear of relaxing the sphincter after a few days without a poo.

Just for Runners (JFR):  The sphincter trembles need not occur after a few days without a poo. They can easily descend upon a runner on any given day during any given run.


2. Cinderfella

Urban Dictionary: A man who must be home by midnight for any one of a variety of reasons or he will face serious consequences.

JFR: A male runner who need to be home well before midnight so they can function at 6 a.m. when he gets up to run the next morning.


Urban Dictionary: Fear of going out, opposite of FOMO. A light hearted jovial expression used in situations where a person is non committal to the evenings activities.

JFR: FOGO occurs for runners any night before a race.

4. Crappy Ending

Urban Dictionary: The opposite of a happy ending when getting a massage. When you are so relaxed that you shit yourself during the massage.

JFR: This has the potential to happen to any runner if they opt for the immediate post-race massage at a race finish line.


5. Nosecicles

Urban Dictionary: Frozen snots dangling from noses, created during cold weather.

JFR: This phenomenon happens to every runner when it’s under 30 degrees.

6. Emergency Walk

Urban Dictionary: When you are at the breaking point of pissing or shitting your pants. You can't run because that would shake it all out.

JFR: Yep. More often than we would like to admit we take the Emergency Walk.

7. Drinkspiration

Urban Dictionary: The feeling of inspiration one can get when having a drink (alcoholic).

JFR: Runners often get major Drinkspiration just prior to signing up for races that they will later wonder why they signed up for.

8. Driver's License Weight

Urban Dictionary: The weight a person reports on his or her driver's license which is anywhere between 5 and 20 lbs. less than the person's actual weight.

JFR: This could also be a runner’s  racing weight.

9. Inappropriate Selfie

Urban Dictionary: When someone or a group of people decide to take a selfie at the absolute wrong moment in time. Like at a funeral or during intercourse.

JFR: Anytime a runner stops in the middle of a race course to take a selfie, thereby causing those around him/her to have to weave around them.

10. Fauxgiene

Urban Dictionary: Combination of "faux" and "hygiene" meaning when you half-heartedly wash your hands in a restroom. Your motivation is not actual hygiene but rather the social pressure to appear as if you actually do care.

JFR: Runners engage in this activity on a regular basis when they have to run then go somewhere right after. Fauxgiene includes using baby wipes and deodorant.


Wednesday, July 1, 2015

How Would Your Kids Answer These 10 (Running) Questions?

Being as it’s summer and the kids are home, I’ve got kids on the brain. I know many of you have kids too. This got me to wondering how our kids really view us and our running. What exactly is their perspective on this little hobby of ours?

I came up with a few questions to ask Emma, who is 14. Here’s what she said (the blue is my input).


1. What does your mom eat before a run?

I don’t know. I am never awake. (True. She sleeps as much as I will let her. The answer is coffee and maybe a banana).

2. How far does your mom run everyday?

Like 8 miles or so. (Probably more like 6 on average)

3. What was your mom’s favorite race?

Her first marathon in Phoenix. That was my favorite too because we got to take a trip. (Yea. You never forget your first)

4. Why do you think your mom runs?

To stay in shape and cause it’s a stress reliever and cause it makes her happy. (Perfect)

5. What injuries has your mom had from running?

A stress fracture. Has she had more than one? She’s had stuff on her feet. (Let’s see. I’ve had stress fractures in my feet and hips. I’ve had a torn hamstring and high  hamstring tendinopathy. I think that covers it. At least for now).

6. Do you like going to your mom’s races?

Yea, but I don’t like waking up early for them. They should be later in the day. (Obviously my daughter wants me to die of heat stroke)


7. Does having a mom who runs make you want to run?

No. (My kids hate to run)

8. What have you learned from having a mom who runs?

That finding a hobby that you really like to do can make you happy and stuff.  (Yep)

9. What is your least favorite thing about having a mom who runs?

She gets really gross and sweaty and I have to smell her. (Well, I changed your diaper for two years and have cleaned up your puke more than once, so paybacks).

10. Do you think you’ll run when you are your mom’s age? (48)

No. I don’t like running. Maybe I’ll like it later in life, who knows. (Just between me and you, I bet she will).


Go ask your kids this stuff. See what they come up with.