Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Running With Music: Jaybird Run True Wireless Headphones GIVEAWAY!

I ran a race this weekend called the Old Man Winter Rally. I'm not sure why it's called that because I didn't see any old men rallying or anything. It was only 5.4 miles, but it was on slippery, snow packed roads and trails. This made it feel about 4x harder than it normally would have felt.

I really wanted to place in my age group so I pushed to the BF (Barf Phase). You've been there - it's the zone that a runner enters when he/she has exerted her/himself so much that they are on the verge of spewing their breakfast everywhere. I never actually SPEW (because we emetaphobes would never do that), but the feeling is REAL.

This is before the race (aka before BF):

Couples who match their shirts and bibs stay married for 22+ years

All of this to say, one thing that helps me during races is music. I find that not only am I faster with music, but I can stay more motivated.

I know there are people who disagree - who think that if you run with music you are weak or somehow not in tune with your breathing and body. Whatever with those people. I happen to like it. That said, I only do about half of my runs with music because I don't listen to it on trails (because then you can't hear the mountain lions chasing you) or when I run with other people (because that would be rude, but if I hate them I might do it). Music is a treat to me while running.

By the way, there have been several articles written about how music can potentially make one run faster. Clearly the elites don't use music, but they are super heros and freaks of nature.

To heighten my music enjoyment JayBird Sport sent me a pair of their RUN True wireless headphones (blue tooth) to try out. What is so special about these?

The come in this little handy case that automatically charges them

- 4 hour play time + 8 hour charge case
- Fast charge - 5 minute charge = 1 hour play time
- Secure + Comfort-Fit with interchangeable tips and fins
- Sweat-proof and water resistant

Then you just charge the whole case

An advantage and something JayBird promotes for safety, is that it is very easy since they are completely wireless, to only wear one earbud, therefore staying completely in tune with our surroundings. 

If you follow Rich Roll on Instagram, you see in his stories that he is always wearing these. Rich and I are so alike. 

I tested these on my ten mile run last week. These days I'm using Spotify and am carrying my phone in a nifty Fuel Belt waist pack and I don't even know it's there. I sync up the headphones to my phone and am good to go. 

These buds take a bit of getting used to because you have to find the right fit. They come with a few different sizes. I must have a strange ear hole (<funny word) because it is hard for me to find the right fit. The buds have fins coming off of them that attach to below the concha (no, I did not know what the anatomy of the ear was, but I love Google):

Related image

Lovely fit.
I love the sleekness and lightweight nature of these headphones. No wires, no fuss. The sound is very good with these, although the volume doesn't see to get as high as with some of my other earbuds.

Not gonna lie, these are pricey, due to the quality and technology. About $179/pair.

So, my question to you is...Want to win a pair??? Just enter by (one entry/comment for each bullet):

  • Leave a comment telling me why or why you don't listen to music (+1)
  • Leave a comment telling me why you want to win these! (+1)
  • Follow me on Instagram here (and tell me you did so in a comment). (+1)

Good luck!



  1. Love to listen to music while running...

  2. A slightly cheeky question, is this the pair you tested? I have a slightly more clunky set, but they will also dim the music and let ismoothrun tell me how slowly I'm running, how laggard my turnover is, and what a pathetic distance I've run so far.

  3. ...you should check out Mighty for listening to Spotify without your phone (I don't get paid for this)

  4. I don't usually listen to music while I run. Instead, I listen to podcasts.

  5. Oooh fancy technology! I want in! I just got a pair of blue tooth earphones but they do have a strap connecting each earphone together. I like the idea of just having one in so you can hear your surroundings better but I'd never pay $179. :)

  6. I haven't been a big fan of music while running because I usually run on roads and feel like I should pay attention. However, since having my daughter, I feel like music might be just the motivation I need!

  7. I love listening to music and often do when I run. I just did a 50 miler and didn't listen to music until the last 4 miles, which really surprised me.

  8. I'd love to win these to try out with my Mighty Spotify player!

  9. Crap hit publish too early! Ugh.

    Anyway, I’d love to win these bc I hate wired buds-they won’t stay in unless I’ve got over the ear pieces which rub against my glasses that I must have or I’m blind. Lol Blind and unable to hear...not a great combo! Hahaha

    1. Ps been following on IG for a while...I found the weird crap in my dishwasher! Lol

  10. Listening to music lifts my spirits and increases my pace.

  11. On my long slow runs I listen to podcasts because it makes the time go faster. If I want to run faster, I listen to music. I have specific playlists for different distance races.

  12. I would love to win these, because I hate wires!

  13. I already follow you on instagram. I love following someone who is similar in age!!

  14. You know I love me some music. At last weekend's half, my music was really loud to drown out my pain. It's why I listen to music. I'd love to win the headphones because mine aren't loud enough--they sit in front of my ears, not in them... Ps I already follow you on IG.

  15. Love to listen to tunes and podcasts. Love seeing your adventures!

  16. I listen to music only on treadmill because I like to be aware when outside.
    I would love to win because I dont have any cordless headphone.

  17. I would love to win these because i hate my wired ear buds.

  18. I like to listen to music when I run because it helps me zone out.

  19. I would love to win a pair because I currently use crappy Apple ones!

  20. I never used to listen music while training for Ironman because you can't wear earphones during that race. I use it now because I'm running more for the pleasure of it and music makes the time go by!

  21. I want to win these because the corded earbuds are constantly getting tangled and yanked out of my ears! so annoying!

  22. I coach high school, so during the week I'm running with the kids and engaging with them. On the weekends I love catching up on music and podcasts.

  23. Also, I'd love to win this because I love new tech stuff, plus my old ones filter out just a bit too much outside noise.

  24. - I am a bad runner and can only run with music.
    - Honestly, I want them because my office just remodeled to an open concept plan and sometimes I just want to listen to music and not talk to people. And that's hard since I have the dumb iPhone without the headphone jack.
    - Surprised I didn't already follow you on Insta, but I do now!

  25. -I like to run with music
    -I have been dying to try wireless. So tired of the cord...
    -I don't do instagram but if I did I would totally follow you!

  26. I most definitely go through phases of listening to music while I run. Right now it's a must to have music! i would love to win these cooool ear buds! Little tid bit - my left ear does not have a concha! OH MY! so if I win I can really tell you if they work for all types of ears. :)

  27. I don't listen to music, but I listen to podcasts--they keep me more distracted as the miles pass

  28. I want to win these because they seem so much more comfortable than the wired headphones i use now!

  29. And I followed you on instagram (I am a social worker too!)

  30. I do NOT listen to music, but I love podcasts and streaming NPR programming. I have JayBird earbuds that I can't use while running because they have an around-the-neck cord and I can't use just one of them, but these look perfect for me.

    I also have freakishly tiny ears, so the multiple size options are awesome.

  31. I follow you on IG as @hannah.runs.

  32. I also enjoy listening to music except when I run in the dark. Then it is safety first!

  33. Already follow you on IG. I can't run without music (unless running with a group )because I am the world's most negative runner without distractions to keep me moving forward. On a perfect day I can manage a podcast.....

  34. I mostly listen to poscasts, but some days I need a good Irish drinking song to dance along the trail.

  35. I'd love to have these because my yurbuds have died :( I found those because of your blog and I loved both the corded ones and the cordless ones!

  36. I have followed you on Instagram for a while as mrs.austin

  37. Not for music but for podcast only on flat terrain to let me miles go by.
    Wanting wireless headphones for a while but boy are they pricey.
    Followed you as tkapetan_run

  38. i listen to music and podcasts while i run. helps the miles go more quickly! sometimes i do like silence though, but music or podcasts win more often!

  39. i've been dyingggg for some cordless/bluetooth/fancy headphones for awhile. these look great because i normally only use one earbud so it's nice that's an option. i have a toddler so most of my $$ goes to him, not me. so i just have the basic white apple ones. blah.

  40. i follow you on insta as @thepajamachef

  41. I used to run with music, and then my ipod died so I stopped. Since then I've found running without music to be helpful in order to focus on my form, the sound the of ocean, etc., BUT I recently decided that I'd like to run with music again, just once in a while, so these earbuds would be perfect! I already follow you on instagram :)

  42. Not usually as I like hearing the nature around me and also be aware of surroundings, but I do sometimes to soothe my mind.

  43. Would like to win new headphones as my are broken and I am using the ones I that came with my phone

  44. I would love to try out the ear bud ones. I love listening to music while pushing pace inside. I tend to karate chop cords though

  45. Not sure if my original comment posted so apologies if this is a duplicate....I love to listen to music when I run as it's a nice distraction. I use an ipod shuffle with wrap around Philips headphones. Recently I was running on the sidewalk side by side with traffic. A woman made "take those off" gestures near her ears so I slowed down and took the phones off. She told me that some people would think I was asking for it and please honey don't wear those for your own good. Then she drove away before I could tell her to FU. I would like a pair of these fancy earbuds so I don't easily attract nutjobs like her. Also, the wrap around phones make an annoying scraping noise when it brushes against my hairclip and it would be nice to be rid of that.

  46. I only listen to music if I'm running more than 5 miles alone, but even then, lately I've been listening to podcasts instead.

  47. I already follow you on insta because your stories are hilarious. (@lindseymbillingsley)

  48. I love music on a long run when I am by myself. It makes the time go fly by even when I am not.
    I have had a hard time finding a good pair that fits. I would love to try a wireless pair.
    Already follow you on Instagram!

  49. I love listening to music when I run. It distracts from my panting and puts a little pep in my step! It's annoying when my headphone cords dangle and get tangled, though :). Thanks for offering this giveaway!

  50. I'd love to win the headphones because my current headphones always get tangled when I run. Thank you for offering the giveaway!

  51. I run with music a lot during the winter here in a alaska because the bears are asleep and I don’t worry about being eaten as much...though moose are still a problem! I need something cheery singing away in my ears when it’s still dark and icy and brutal for another few months. I’ve been eyeballing wireless headphones since last year...I was in a January half marathon during a straight up blizzard, rocking out in my head to Pharrell as I ran. I got a phone call a couple miles in but my headphones fritzed a bit during the call, and I just knew my mom was calling with bad news. It took me fumbling with my phone for half a mile, stumbling through the snow to find out my uncle had died. I rage threw the fritzy headphones in a snow bank and ran the rest of the way with tears freezing to my face and buff. I have a better pair of cheap wire ones now but wireless tucked under headgear would have been so much better. That run is still my drop dead marker for misery. Rage and grief made for a long sad silent trot through the woods.

  52. Ah, I've wanted a pain of wireless headphones for so long! The cords always seem to get in the way. I've heard such great things about Jaybird... fingers crossed! :)

  53. I absolutely HAVE to listen to music when I run. I like to set my music to shuffle-mode and just let the luck of draw take over. It makes each new song ore exciting, especially when I get a favorite, or one I haven't heard in forever! I'm really hoping I win these :)

  54. I always listen to music when I run. It helps me work through all my thoughts and unwind.

    I have wireless headphones I love, but have had for a few years and are on their last leg. Would love to replace them!

  55. I was pretty sure I already posted, WTF?
    I love running with music, except when I'm running with someone, that's just rude!
    I already have a few pair of wireless headphones, but am still searching for the right pair.
    I already follow you on Instagram, and it's my birthday on Thursday😀

  56. I listen to music to keep me focused longer..or nerdy podcasts instead of music, sometimes!

  57. And I want to win these because my current headphones are the wooooorst.

  58. I would dig winning wireless ear thingers because if I had a dollar for every time my headphone cord got caught in my coat/sleeve/face and pulled the headphones off of my dome, thus jettisoning them AND my friggin iPod onto the sidewalk....well, I could easily buy some wireless ear thingers. Already following you on insta (@underwearparade)

  59. Listening to music can help me maintain my pace (whatever pace I am shooting for that day). When I listen to podcasts my pace is literally all over the place, but with music I can stay on pace and have a more consistent run.

  60. I do listen to music most of the time unless I’m running with a friend. Music def helps with my pace and is just enjoyable for me. I need Spotify playlist inspiration. Any suggestions?

    1. I like the ones that Women's Running and Runners World put together. Just search them on Spotify

  61. I’m needing some wireless headphones that last for a long time.

  62. 1. I listen to music (and podcasts) because I need the distraction. Running is never easy for me and it helps me not quit.
    2. I want to win these because of the option to only wear one and not have to deal with a cord.
    2. I already follow you on Instagram

  63. I run on country roads and am sometimes afraid because I want to hear the cars...and bears! so I don't use music most of the time.

  64. I feel like using one would be a good compromise...and I don't have the $$$ to spend on those!

  65. I have been searching high and low or decent headphones for running. I have pretty much given up and have been running without my beloved tunes which get me through the hardest runs, when I feel like ANYTHING but running. I am low on funds these days and could use a really great pair of headphones but can't afford this. YEARS of trial and error and at least a year with zero music. SIGH.

  66. I haven't been running with music because I've been running with friends.

  67. I should win these because I finally got my 1st smartphone in July and I could finally enter the 21st century with a smartphone AND wireless head phones!! And I could use any help I can get to be faster!!!

  68. I really need a strong beat to distract me when I'm doing a tough workout. So i definitely love music during a run!

  69. Pop music keeps me going on short runs, podcasts on long run days!

  70. I’m in desperate need of new headphones, I’d love to win these.

  71. I just got a new sports bra with a phone pocket in the back, which is awesome, but now my headphone wires slap my shoulders while I run. I would love to win these to eliminate the problem!! Life with cords is just hard.

  72. I’d love to win these and try going wireless!

  73. I've only run to music on the dreadmill in the gym...so far. Will be a welcome change (I guess?!?!?) to run with music outdoors.

  74. Pls pls pls pls pls pls pick me for the win! Those headphones will look stunning on me (LOL...I'm vain!).

  75. I would love to win the earbuds because I haven’t yet found a pair of Bluetooth headphones to love! I’m ready to break away from the wired headphones I’ve had for years!

  76. Oh and of course I follow you on Instagram!!

  77. I love listening to music and podcasts when I run - it makes the miles fly by!

  78. I want to win these so I can do strength training and listen to music and not worry about the headphone cord!

  79. I switch between podcasts and music, sometimes on the same run. I like the distraction of podcasts more than music, usually. Cannot do audio books, thouhh, which seems kind of odd.

    I've been following you on insta for a while and love seeing your posts when you visit ASU, my alma mater.

  80. I follow you on Instagram already!

  81. I love listening to music, as it helps the miles go by faster.

  82. I would love to try these, as I’m still using an old wired pair that keeps getting wrapped around everything and flopping against my face...

  83. I listen to music on short runs and audio books or podcasts on long runs. It keeps me motivated.

  84. I’d love to win these as I’m on the hunt for a new pair of wireless earbuds.

  85. Now following you on the gram! 🙂

  86. I want to win these bc I’ve been wanting to try wireless earbuds ❤️

  87. I don't listen to music because I started running in the dark ages when all you could get were those clunky Walkmen. I ran marathons without music, even. I have to yap on the phone all day long so when I run, I like to think about things. However, I often am forced to run on the dreadmill, because where I live we are in a constant state of ice. The mills at my gym face a bank, so I run along seeing who goes in to make deposits. There's no TV watching to be had, since the TV is oddly mounted above my head, and I'd fall over if I tried to look. Plus, the guys are always watching basketball. Please save me from this awful fate.

  88. I listen to music or podcasts when I run on the treadmill to make time fly by

  89. I really want to win these because the wires on mine are making me batshit crazy!!!

  90. I listen to music to keep a steady rhythm... my playlist perks me up and gets me up the hills!

  91. Already following you on Instagram... I really want those frickin headphones!! Lol

  92. I listen to music when I run to help distract me! It also helps me keep pace or challenge my natural pace.

  93. I would love to have a pair of Jaybirds because I also have "funny shaped ears" and have difficulty finding earbuds/headphones that have options for the fit. I love wireless headphones for workouts! No cord to get in the way or tangled up.

  94. I follow you on Instagram!

  95. I usually listen to podcasts rather than music because it motivates me to "after it!" as Carrie Tollefson likes to say.

  96. Wearing Jaybirds would earn me street cred at the gym too!

  97. I am like you - I listen to music on the roads but not on trails.

  98. I followed you on Instagram. Dunno when - it's been awhile.

  99. I would SUPER DUPER love to win this pair of AWESOME bluetooth headphones. And you are a very stylish headphone model.

  100. This comment has been removed by the author.

  101. I would love to win because my headphones just gave up on me,these seem great.

  102. I love to listen to music,helps stay focused and motivated.

  103. Hey! Been following along here and IG for a long time. I have also been eyeballing these for some time too... been using the Amazon cheapos :( I am an avid music/podcast listener as I put in a lot of solo miles training for ultras and pacer duties. Would love to get my hands on these!

  104. I listen to podcasts on the treadmill but nothing when I run outside.

  105. I would like to win these because I get tied up in my headphone wires on the treadmill and my phone ends up falling and one day it is going to crack the screen.

  106. I follow you on IG. That is where I learned about this give away. I love the videos of your cat and dog together, keep them coming.

  107. I used to listen to music, but recently discovered East Coast Trail and Ultra Runner podcast, and find it's a great distraction from thinking about putting one foot in front of the other! Plus, they keep me laughing!

  108. I've been looking for a pair of wireless ear buds as I have an Apple watch and would like to ditch the phone. These look great, but are a little steep for my budget!

  109. I listen to podcasts and audio books while I'm hiking or riding my horses.

  110. Wireless headphones would help keep me tangle free and happy on the trails!

  111. I definitely follow you on IG and love your stories!!

  112. I follow you on Instagram! @amyewilfong

  113. Also, I forgot to separate the two parts of my comment, so...

    "I have JayBird earbuds that I can't use while running because they have an around-the-neck cord and I can't use just one of them, but these look perfect for me.

    I also have freakishly tiny ears, so the multiple size options are awesome."

  114. I listen to music as a distraction!

  115. I listen to music about half the time as well. I'm a transcriptionist and have audio blasting in my ears most days, so sometimes I just need the silence. Other times, I need the distraction. I listen to a lot of ambient and slow techno-type stuff, which is a weird thing to listen to as "pump up" music, but I've found it distracts me the most.

    I'm using Yurbuds right now. They've been good to me. They're 5 years old and only now starting to fray. It's time for a replacement, so here's to hoping!

  116. I listen to music while I run most of the time -- metal while I'm doing speed work and more mellow or top 40 stuff on my easy runs. It helps me push when I want to push and keeps me on pace when I don't.

  117. I really really want to win these so I can have official running single earbuds for safety outside! Instead of using my giant bluetooth ear piece and looking like I'm a solid business casual runner vs. a real athlete :) Oh, and they'd probably hold up to sweaty ears, too.

  118. I listen to music on occasion, but usually listen to podcasts while I run. It takes my mind into a new place, keeps me learning for life, and helps me stay relaxed instead of upbeat tunes. I will run often without anything, because I prefer the 1-earbud usage only for safety on the roads.

  119. I'd like to win these because I haven't found a pair of wireless headphones I love yet, and I'd love to give these a try based on your rave review.

  120. And I already follow you on Instagram!

    Funny that you call it Barf Phase -- I call it puke threshold. Like you have to push yourself to the Puke Threshold but not actually cross it. I've never ran so hard I've barfed although I've come close a few times, haha.

  121. I only run with music when I do speedwork and during one 5k where I had a wicked pr! I think it makes me run faster, it definitely distracts me from pain!

  122. I would love to win these because I have an old fashioned i pod shuffle with wire ear buds and before the 5k that I pred in I was making a quick last minute porta potty stop, the shuffle was clipped on my shorts, ear buds tucked in my tank, and when I pulled my shorts down, the headphones whipped out of my shirt and flew right into the urinal!!!! I really wanted to pr so I used A LOTTTTT of sanitizer!

  123. I want to win these because I’m tired of trying to untangle headphone wires, and I want to hear my music with good quality earbuds!

  124. I used to only be able to run with music. But, now I hold off as long as I can and use music to keep me going when the going gets tough. I also like to listen to audiobooks on my easy runs.

  125. I'd love to win these because I am so tired of dealing with the ear bud cord. It gets in the way and I always manage to halfway choke myself with it.

  126. I would absolutely love to win a pair of these so I can ditch my old ones with the pesky wires. I have a tendency to get tangled up and look like I'm fighting with myself.

  127. I've been a faithful follower on IG for awhile now.

  128. I love to listen to music when I run (the one exception being if it's a race). It's great for daydreaming, and forces my awareness away from all the aches and pains that come with running.

  129. I always listen to music or podcasts when I run - always! Usually a podcast the first half, then I switch over to music when I need an energy boost!

  130. I would love to win these because I've been desperately searching for wireless headphones that I like! I've tried two pairs and neither has been great - of course, they were seriously cheap and I imagine you get what you pay for!

  131. 1 100% thought I already followed you in Instagram, and I didn't - but now I do!

  132. I don't listen to music anymore since I discovered podcasts...I often run longer than I would have, so I can finish an episode--really motivating!

  133. I listen to music at the halfway point of my races to get me through the tough part. It absolutely helps me run faster. I would love these, because I'm poor and would never spend that kind of money on headphones. It's making me anxious to imagine. Lol

    Already follow on Instagram!

  134. I would love to try these--haven't found a pair of earbuds that holds up to running yet, especially in summer. Also, I wonder if these would be comfortable enough for sleeping?

  135. I want to win these because I too have weird ear holes and regular headphones just don't cut it.

  136. I really thought I followed you on Instagram already. I am now!

  137. Sometimes music (when I want to be faster) and sometimes podcasts or audiobooks for long runs. I run super early in the morning, so sometimes go without because l feel safer when I can hear! However, if wearing headphones- totally wireless would be awesome!

  138. Already follow you on Insta--always a bright spot!

  139. I only run with music when I run alone but I do this weird thing and count how many songs per mile (then I say to myself, this mile must almost be over since I'm on song number ...) Totally gives me a false since of hope that I'm running fast.

    I also run with my phone and my old corded headphones. I've recently been trying out different arm bands and such, and struggling... Maybe the wireless head phones would be better and then find somewhere else for my phone.

  140. I listen to music on the dreadmill but rarely when I'm on the roads because people drive like idiots here in the Boston area so I like to be able to hear what's coming. Being able to leave one earbud out without it flopping around would be sweet!

  141. I listen to music on my longer runs. I currently do the "one earbud" method, so these sound like they will be perfect. I am also hard to fit, so I like that they fit you so well! :-)

  142. I listen to music while I run, or just in general, because it makes running/life feel like a perpetual dance party. For what it's worth, my husband claims my moves are something akin to jazzercise, but I'm a-okay with that. A few kicks here and there never hurt anyone...unless you're too close to me when I really get into it.

  143. I'd like to win these because I'm currently rocking a one-functional-ear situation with a pair of headphones that are about to poop out on me, but also I've heard great things about Jaybird and have been wanting to try them.

  144. I listen to music because it allows me to really zone in. It lets me focus on myself, and getting a little more "zen" instead of distracted by all that's going on around me. Plus I'm a little ADD, so it distracts just enough of my brain to let me stay in the moment, it seems like.

  145. Lastly, I already follow you on Instagram (kickupastorm), and am partial to good animal fight videos. :-)

  146. I run with music to distract myself from the pain!

  147. I love to run and would love to do so without wires

  148. I would love to win these because I like to run where I still need to be aware of my surroundings. Being truly wireless and able to wear only one at a time is perfect!!

  149. I listen to music because it gets me moving

  150. Sometimes I listen to music - tuning out of my head chatter and into music really helps the miles pass. Sometimes I don't listen to music - tuning into the outside space, birds, wind, the giant truck tires humming as they barrel down the road oh so close...

  151. Thanks for the giveaway and I now follow you on Instagram.

  152. I'd really love a pair of the RUN by Jaybird to help me add running to my fitness routine. I've tried many times, and failed at this before. BUT this time, my goal is to train to secretly surprise my girlfriend with a trip to run a half marathon together. She LOVES to run, and I've just never been able to join her consistently. It would be an amazing thing to bond with her over, and I need all of the help I can get to start running more consistently! Thank you for the giveaway!

  153. I'm also now following you on instagram!

  154. I’d love to win a pair of RUN by Jaybird, so I’d own a pair that stays put in my ears!

  155. And I love to win these because I would never spend that much money and headphones!

  156. Finally! I’m about 98% sure I follow you on Instagram however I gave it up for Lent so I can’t check.

  157. my pup is @zucchinithegreat and she is now following you

  158. I like listening to music so I don't get too stuck in my own thoughts out there!

  159. I am famous for sweating every pair of headphones to death. I'd love to win these because they look like they're up for the job of surviving ear sweat.

  160. i like music during races. definitely makes me feel faster. podcasts during long runs though.

  161. I want the Jaybirds because I love the idea of a single earbud!

  162. i would love to win these cause i'd never spend that much on headphones and they seem cool.

  163. i love following you on instagram!

  164. I don't listen to music on my runs, but I do listen to Podcasts (I like the quiet in between the words). I like the idea of being able to use a single ear bud! That's why I would want to win :)

  165. Now following you on Instagram.. I dont' listen to music when I am out there walking ( not a runner anymore) - BUT would love to try these.. I might even listen to a podcast( or two or three) with them... learning and walking.. I do think music and the like would be beneficial when "out there" alone for hours. Thanks for offering this.

    1. I almost did that race- I was at the store but didn't know about the race until too late.. You are right. Weather was nasty...

  166. I want the Jaybirds because they seem awesome!

  167. I do listen to music because it helps me with my pace and just gives me that upbeat feeling while I'm running.

  168. I would like to win these because I haven't found a pair of earbuds that I'm completely satisfied with and I can't afford a pair like this.

  169. I already follow you on Instagram as kari.howell2

  170. I would like to win because my current Bluetooth buds are always falling out!

  171. I only use music on race day.

  172. I've been following you on Instagram for years! I'm kburie

  173. I would love to win a pair because my earbuds are from another decade and I need to look current and modern - ie: no wire!

  174. You are one of the very few people I follow on Instagram, lucky you.

  175. I like listening to podcasts when I run because it’s totally distracting from various running discomforts. Also, they make me laugh! Nothing like running with a smile. Or literally laughing and making people think I’m crazy. I follow you on insta!

  176. I only just started listening to music as a treat the last 30-60 min of a very long run and it helps tremendously. I was a purist before now (listen to your body, etc.) and I don't know why I didn't do this sooner!

  177. I would love to win a pair because mine are crap!

  178. I don't listen to music because I enjoy listening to the outdoors. Even if it's quiet. Anything from a leaf rustle to traffic nearby, I know where my surroundings are based upon hearing.

    The other issue why I don't listen to music is I don't feel I would be able to find headphones that would fit on me. I have a small head. Just small enough that it's smaller than a small size but just bigger than a kids size. So nothing fits right overall. Do I know if these headphones would fit on me? I don't know. I am intrigued though.

    So perhaps this comment doesn't work well with your prize offering. However I just felt the need to at least answer a question you asked!

    I hope you are having a good day.

  179. I love listening to music because it helps take my mind off the suffering I'm enduring. And I agree that it does make me run a bit faster than if I am not listening to music.

  180. I want to win these because I have some Jaybird Bluebuds X that I use now and I LOVE but I would really like to get some completely wireless ones!

    And I already follow you on ig. :)

  181. I listen to music when I run by myself during my weekly runs or on my long run. It helps motivate me because I use the music I like from my iPhone. I don't listen to music when I run a marathon because I'm not running particularly fast, and I think there is a lot to distract me, but I do for racing any other distance.
